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1 Businessman 面临着挑战

Consider businessmen. They are constantly confronted with various chellages ,for instance, competition,decline in market share,drops in profits,fluctuations of stock prices. In each situation ,a successful businessman must keep his hopes high and do the best. Lee lacocca ,against almost impossible odds,convinced the federal government to guarantee a loan ,which saved the struggling Chrysler company.

2 学习music and art 有助于academic performance

First ,the study of music and art can improve students' academic performances.It is because music and art have a soothing effect on students' minds,helping them to concentrate better,and improving their learning efficiency.A study can back up this point . The study ,conducted by the USA Today,after following thousands of high school students,found a causal relationship between playing volin or piano and significantly better GPAs of those respondents.

3 outdoor activities 有助于 physical health

First , outdoor activities improve physical health. By going outdoors people can have fresh air and more physical exercise. There is nothing more refreshing and energizing than a walk in the morning. In contrast ,indoor activities involve less physical exercise and are relatively sedentary. A few hours' working before a computer causes pains in the back and neck .As a result , it is more likely for people to develop various diseases.


Consider students. It is abvious that the ability to write and the ability speak are equally important. Students should achieve a well-rounded growth,which includes well-developed abilities to write and to speak.In schools, students are required to attend various classes and complete different tasks which require both the ability to write and the ability to speak. For instance, in an English writing class,students are required to write an English essay.But if they run for the positions in a student organization, they have to make public speeches to get support from the voters,which requires a strong speaking ability. 5 对于政治家,说更重要

Consider politations. The ability to speak plays a bigger role.It is because modern political life makes it necessary for politicians to have a strong ability to make public speeches and debate to get the support from the voters.Barrack Obama won the presidency because he has a superior ability to debate than his ravals ,McCain. But politicians seldom need to write their own speeches because their staffs usually prepare all the stuff for them.

6 祖父母与我们在entertainment方面的差异

Consider entertainments. Our grandparents had to watch television which had fixed schedules and could not be stored and watched again. In contrast , we can visit youtube.com where we can have access to millions of videos and store them in our computers legally. When it comes to music ,our grandparents had to buy CDs.In contrast,we can buy songs for 99 cents from at iTuners shop and play them in our i-Pods .

7学生在colleges or universities 可以学习生活技能

In colleges or universities,students can learn various life skills.It is because colleges or universities offer students a wider range of extracurricular activities,which teach students communication skills,organizing and planning skills,leadship.For instance,if a student run for the presitent of the student union,he will get a taste of what political life is like:talk to others,understand their needs,build mutural trust,eventually get their votes.In the process,all essential qualities and skills needed for a successful political career can be developed and honed.

8 college education 与other factors Compared with college education,other factors play a no less or even greater role in person's success.Many men and women ,for instance,Marie Curie,Abraham Lincoln ,had not attend colleges.Many others dropped out of colleges or universities,for instance,Bill Gates,Steve Jobs.Those great people's successes demostrate that other factors,like independence ,hard work can be more powerful than a college diploma. 9增加老师的工资have undesirable consequences

Admittedly,increasing teachers' salaries has undesirable consequences .For instance,it will make education more expensive because schools might raise tuions in order to pay their teachers.Suppose an elementary school raises the salaries of the faculty by 50percent.It will be hard pressed to strike a balanced budget without increasing tuions .As a result, It is possible that many students from underprivileged families will have to drop out of schools because they can't afford it.However, schools can obtain more government subsidies and public donations and increase teachers' salaries without increasing the costs of education.

10 digital books 比paper books 更方便

Digital books are more convenient to use than paper books.For one thing,digital books are more easier to carry than clumsy paper books.The school bags of Korean and Chinese students usually weight more than 10 kilograms,taking a heavy toll on students' physical health.But if all those paper books are converted into digital version,all they have to carry is a laptop.For

another thing,digital books are faster to search for information than paper books.We all have the unpleasant experience of trying desperately to find or remember a quotation or fact in a big, heavy book.With a digital book,all we need to do is to type in a key word ,then the result will come up instantly. 11 paper books 将消失

To say that all paper books will disappear from our future lives is an overstatement because some books have to exist in printed form.First,many religious books,like Bible,play a unique role in billions of believers' lives and they will not be replaced by digital books.Can you imagine presidents put their hands on a digital Bible,to take oaths in their inauguration or priests ,holding a digital Bible ,declare a couple man and wife.Second,antique books have to be in the original paper form because that's where their value lies.Last,books for very young children will not be supplanted by digital ones because children are to young to properly use computers or digital readers. 12 有其它更好的options 能源保护与节约

Many other options play a no less or even bigger role in energy conservation.First,government can intensify efforts to develop renewable energy or unclear power.Government can invest more to build dams to generate hydro power or nuclear power stations to utilize nuclear energy.For instance,the famous Three Gorges Dam of China generate tremendous power and reduce the consuption of fossil fuels.Government can also improve public transportation ,e.g.lowing charge and making public transportation ways more comfortable .If the public transportation is improved ,a large number of city residents will ride buses or subway to work instead of driving cars. 13 为了使animals obey orders

In order to make animals obey orders or perform tasks,trainers must give them proper rewards and punishments.If a dophin does what it is asked to do,for instance,to jump through a hoop,the trainer will give it fish as a reward.If it fails,the trainer will give it some sort of punishment.By this way,dophlin quickly learn.This is the case in human society.A company rewards its employees who pull the quato by giving them bonuses and promotions.It punishes employees who do not complete their tasks by cutting their salaries or even firing the them.

14 ads for medicines

Consider ads for medicines. Advertisements for weigh-lost drugs claim that after taking the drugs people will lose weight without having physical exercise and dieting .In China ,consumers are bombarded by various medicine ads claiming that the medicine can cure cancer or AIDS. In fact, they have little real effects.

15 公共交通免费的坏处

Making public transportation free may have negative effects.For instance,it will reduce the income of bus or subway companies drastically,which will be hard pressed to buy fuels,pay their employees and maintain public transportation.As a result,it is possible that many public transportation companies will have to go into bankruptcy.However,as long as government gives those companies more subsidies ,the problems will be solved.

16 advertisements 的好处

Advertisements provide a great duel of useful information about services and products to consumers.By advertisements,we know that when we get hurt,we can use Band-aids to prevent infection and accelerate the healing of wounds.By advertisements,men know that Gillette razors can be a safer and more comfortable way of shaving.By advertisements,we know that we can use Rejoice shampoo to prevent dandruff.

17 人们将会越来越不做饭

With the pressure intensifying and pace of life quickening,it is foreseeable that twenty years from now people will allot less time to the preparation of meals.In stead,take-outs and fast-food will play a bigger role.In metropolitans like New York or Tokyo people will be increasingly grab a bite at Burgerking or Subway and get back to work. Or they will order more take-outs from Chinese or Japanese resaunts.

18 在特殊情况,人们还是会做饭

On special occasions,people will still take time to cook a meal for personal,religious,or cultural reasons.A wife will still spend a whole day on cooking a delicious four-course dinner for her husband who is away on business trip.Westers cook turkey on Thanksgiving. The Chinese have Nianyefan ,the Chinese family reunion dinner.One of the stables of Nianyefan is Jiaozi,Chinese dumplings,which are extremely time-consuming to make.To celebrate the Great Enlightenment of Buda,the Chinese buddhists cook Labazhou.

20 组团旅游更经济

Traveling with a group of people can be more economical .It is because a group of travelers can gain considerable discounts at airlines,hotels,restaurants,even tourist attractions. Take The Summer Palace for example. The palace,the royal residence of emperors of the Qing dynasty,is among the "must-sees" of Beijing.The full ticket price can be as much as 50 yuan,the equivalent of 8 dollars a person. However the discounted price can be 50 percent lower.As a result , travelers can save a considerable sum of money and the saved money can be used to buy more souvenirs for family and friends. In contrast ,If you travel alone,you have to pay the full prices.

21 导游的好处

Last but not least, a tour guide can give more useful information.By hiring a professional guide,a traveler can gain useful and interesting information about the trip as much as possible.For instance,by traveling with a tour guide, a traveler can gain more interesting information about the tourist attraction. An American traveler to China's Great Wall will hear from a tour guide various stories and legends about this great building.The story of Lady Mengjiang,a tragic love story about a girl who died for her husband ,is among them. 22 强制穿校服的好处

Making school uniforms mandatory can improve students' academic performances.Otherwise, they will be distracted by matters like "what do I wear to school?"and "which pear of shoes go with that dress".A recent study can back up this point .The study ,conducted by Secondary Education Research Facility,after following thousands of high school female students,has found that most respondents claimed that they usually spend an average half an hour on choosing clothes before going to schools.

23 entertaining movies的好处 Compared with serious movies, entertaining moives provide audiences with plenty of useful information about history,culture,and science in an interesting way.Many sci-fi movies have scientific backgrounds and thus are an effective source of scientific facts and theories. Time travel,fodder for many a successful movie ,is based on Einstein's general Theory of relativity.The invisible man,deals with plenty of facts and theories about optics.Even Kongfu Panda,a comedy based on a over-weighed Chinese panda,teaches children about Chinese culture,the martial art and food. And the day after tomorrow raises public awareness of the dire consequences of global warming.

24 对于商人,Good ideas

Consider businessmen. To make huge profits, good ideas about products ,services and promotion campaigns are definitely more important.Consumers are crazy about i-pod because of its sleek design and powerful functions,not because Steve Jobs looks exactly like Brad Pit. Windows estiblished a monopoly of operation system market because of its friendly user interface and powerful applications which are the results of the ideas of software developers not because of Bill Gates' look.

25 不健康饮食习惯的原因

Unhealthy eating habitats have many contributory causes.First,the root cause for the popularity of fast-food is the fast-paced modern life.People don't have mood or time to wait half an hour for their meals.Second,high-fat food ,like





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