
happiness100词作文 导游词作文100字

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My Views on Happiness

Almost everyone desires happiness, but the definition of happiness varies from person to person. For those who are busy all day, having adequate time for entertainment may be happiness. But for those who are fooling around every day, enjoying a wonderful concert is likely to be their happiness. Workaholics consider earning money to be happiness, while patients argue that health is above wealth. Scientists who yearn for new discoveries in science field regard intelligence and wisdom as happiness while some athletes think that only sports can bring them happiness.

In my eyes, happiness is a freedom song, but it is not freedom. Happiness is just a feeling. I remember, once I listened to soft music, I felt extremely relaxed from the bottom of my heart, even though I was up to my ears in study at that moment. I remember, once I ran into an exquisite handcraft article, I could not help wondering how much time it took a man to finish it, meanwhile, I felt heartily respectful for the man, but did not notice the environment around was so terrible. I remember, once I experienced a heated discussion, I felt fully enlightened when it came to a conclusion and found myself on top of the world, even though the discussion lasted longer than enough. Those were all my happiness. So no matter where I am and what I am busily doing, I will be happy if I have no mental burden.happiness100词作文

Personally speaking, happiness is simple. As to me, everything can be happiness. And if it is a care you would cast off, that care has been chosen by you rather than imposed upon you. And if it is a fear you would dispel, the seat of that fear is in your heart and not in the hand of the feared. Therefore, happy or not, it all depends upon ourselves, I think.

第二篇:《高中英语 PursuingHappiness-追求快乐作文素材》happiness100词作文

Pursuing Happiness-追求快乐 Abraham Lincoln once said, ‘Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.’ These few words express what some of us take years or even a lifetime to learn, while some of us never realize our own happiness lies within ourselves. Most people are so busy driven to pursue success, power and wealth that they mistake these materialistic values for happiness. Did you ever watch small children at play and think how happy they are?

第三篇:《高二英语作文 happiness范文+重点》



1. When it comes to happiness, memories of experiences come flooding in. One thing leaves an ever-lasting influence on me among them.

2. There is no doubt that happiness is what everyone is eager for. It always makes people smile widely.

Once, it was a special kiss that brought me the feeling of happiness.

3. When it comes to happiness, everyone is bound to show a strong desire for it. As for me, I find myself always surrounded by happiness now and then.happiness100词作文

What impressed me most was …

4. It is widely acknowledged that everyone is eager for happiness. As for me, overcoming setbacks is the happiest thing I have experienced

5. It is beyond doubt that everyone has a thirst for happiness.

6. The definition of happiness varies from person to person.


Time flashes back to ten years ago. (Memories flashed back to the day when…) It was a time when I was in grade two. I hurt my leg due to the my carelessness. Worried about me, my teacher sent me to hospital without delay. On the way to hospital, she encouraged me constantly. Arriving at the hospital, she did all the things. It was her care and love that help me go through the tough time.

Everybody has a strong desire for happiness. Happiness didn’t mean how much money you have. Happiness is love and care. Only when we live with gratitude can we find our life full of happiness.

It was a rainy day. Without an umbrella to shelter me from the heavy rain, I had to stand still and wait for my father. After seemingly long hours’ waiting, my father finally arrived. I was about to rush home when I found that my teacher was also waiting for the rain to stop. Without hesitation, I went to her and gave my umbrella to her. Surprised but happy, she accepted it. Seeing her walking in the rain with my umbrella, I felt a sense of happiness sprung up in my hear.

… happiness lies in/originates from what you can share with others.


姓名:李萌; 性别:女; 年龄:18; 学校:浙江省义乌中学; 其他:爱好音乐、摄影;善于与人交流,乐于助人;热爱自然,热爱和平; 参加夏令营的目的:结交朋友,了解外国文化

①My name is Li Meng. I’m an 18-year-old girl from Yiwu High School.

My hobbies vary, ranging from listening to music, taking photos and so on. And my good communicating skill and enthusiasm in helping others can be of some help in making friends in the summer camp. I intend to know more about foreign cultures as well. But fundamentally, it’s my great passion for nature and peace that drive me to take part in the meaningful activity.

I do hope I can play a role in advocating peace around the world. And I’m willing to form friendship with peace lovers.

students freely, helping me fit in with new environment more easily. Also, I’m willing to offer help to others. Furthermore, I have a burning desire for peace and friendship. Fortunately, opportunities can be found in this meaningful activity.

If given the chance, I’m sure to make it a more colorful one.

②I’m an 18-year-old girl from Yiwu High School, named LiMeng. Aiming at developing new friendship along with broadening my horizons, I’d like to participate in this summer camp.

As an 18-year-old youngster, my interest lies in all sides. For instance, music is my favorite, which can be a topic during the camp. Not only am I a classical music lover, but also I excel at taking photos. On the other hand, my fluent English equips me with the ability to communicate with other

1. What I hope to do most is giving a hand to whoever is in trouble.

2. I long to participate in the Summer Camp, with the aim of making friends and learning more about foreign culture.

3. Outgoing and easy to get along with, I have good interpersonal skill.

4. When it comes to hobby, I have a strong taste for music and photogragh.

5. I am well equipped with interpersonal skills ,which makes me enjoy a popularity in the school.

6. hold an ardent love for

7. be in harmony with

8. I have a variety of hobbies ranging from…to …happiness100词作文

9. It is nature which is an admirable gift for us that I cherish all the time.

10. I am always ready to show my sympathy to those who are in trouble.



















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