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回答采纳率:14.7% 2009-02-08 21:01
《小行星撞地球》2071年,在中国紫金山天文台的科学家们观测到一个小行星以极快的速度从宇宙向地球飞来。 经过世界上当时最快的计算机模拟了以后,计算到还有不到1个月的时间就要撞向地球。消息一发布,就震惊了全世界。联合国决定先发射微型卫星进行观察。第二天上午,在中国西昌卫星发射中心发射了微型卫星。在一分钟以后到达了小行星所在的位置,马上开始了观测并把小行星的成分发送回了地球。下午,联合国开会决定使用无人飞船上发射激光来切割小行星使它在大气层燃烧完。 第二天,由联合国组织由各个国家发射无人飞船用激光切割小行星的行动开始了。一周以后,使用无人飞船上发射激光来切割小行星的行动失败了。因为大气层被人类所破坏的太严重了,所以行动失败了。虽然失败了但是大部分小行星碎片落到了大海深处,还有一部分落到了人烟稀少的沙漠地带,没有人员伤亡的情况。 因为这次的失败使地球上的人正在保护环境和修复大气层……
A giant asteroid called 1999 RQ36 may crash into Earth on September 24 2182, scientists believe.
A team of experts, including some working for NASA, believes the
612-yards-wide object has a one-in-a-thousand chance of an impact 172 years from now.
The odds of a crash are considerably shorter than those given for the asteroid Apophis, which has a 1 in 250,000 chance of striking Earth in 2036.
A report in the solar system journal, Icarus, said the odds of an earlier impact were more remote but increased by 2080 when its orbit will bring it swinging back towards Earth.
Maria Eugenia Sansaturio from the Universidad de Valladolid in Spain, who co-led the research, told Universe Today that knowledge of the risk posed by the asteroid "may help design in advance mechanisms aimed at deviating the asteroid's path."
It was first discovered in 1999 and is more than twice the size of Apophis. If it were to hit it is likely to cause widespread devastation and possible mass extinction.
Sansaturio added: "The consequence … is not just the likelihood of a comparatively large impact, but also that a realistic deflection
procedure, or path deviation could only be made before the impact in 2080, and more easily, before 2060.2
Previous asteroid impacts are thought to have created massive craters and tsunamis and have even been blamed for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
A giant asteroid called 1999 RQ36 may crash into Earth on September 24 2182, scientists believe.
A team of experts, including some working for NASA, believes the
612-yards-wide object has a one-in-a-thousand chance of an impact 172 years from now.
The odds of a crash are considerably shorter than those given for the asteroid Apophis, which has a 1 in 250,000 chance of striking Earth in 2036.
A report in the solar system journal, Icarus, said the odds of an earlier impact were more remote but increased by 2080 when its orbit will bring it swinging back towards Earth.
Maria Eugenia Sansaturio from the Universidad de Valladolid in Spain, who co-led the research, told Universe Today that knowledge of the risk posed by the asteroid "may help design in advance mechanisms aimed at deviating the asteroid's path."
It was first discovered in 1999 and is more than twice the size of Apophis. If it were to hit it is likely to cause widespread devastation and possible mass extinction.
Sansaturio added: "The consequence … is not just the likelihood of a comparatively large impact, but also that a realistic deflection
procedure, or path deviation could only be made before the impact in 2080, and more easily, before 2060.2
Previous asteroid impacts are thought to have created massive craters and tsunamis and have even been blamed for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
A giant asteroid called 1999 RQ36 may crash into Earth on September 24 2182, scientists believe.
A team of experts, including some working for NASA, believes the
612-yards-wide object has a one-in-a-thousand chance of an impact 172 years from now.
The odds of a crash are considerably shorter than those given for the asteroid Apophis, which has a 1 in 250,000 chance of striking Earth in 2036.
A report in the solar system journal, Icarus, said the odds of an earlier impact were more remote but increased by 2080 when its orbit will bring it swinging back towards Earth.
Maria Eugenia Sansaturio from the Universidad de Valladolid in Spain, who co-led the research, told Universe Today that knowledge of the risk posed by the asteroid "may help design in advance mechanisms aimed at deviating the asteroid's path."
It was first discovered in 1999 and is more than twice the size of Apophis. If it were to hit it is likely to cause widespread devastation and possible mass extinction.
Sansaturio added: "The consequence … is not just the likelihood of a comparatively large impact, but also that a realistic deflection
procedure, or path deviation could only be made before the impact in 2080, and more easily, before 2060.2
Previous asteroid impacts are thought to have created massive craters and tsunamis and have even been blamed for the extinction of the dinosaurs.