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生产企业,生产的原料明明是合格的,因为客户不按规定操作, EPS








第一,点燃的蜡烛、蚊香应放在专用的架台上,不能靠近窗帘、蚊帐等可燃物品。 第二,到床底、阁楼处找东西时,不要用油灯、蜡烛、打火机等明火照明。




开门窗,不可触动电器开关和使用明火。 第六,阳台上、楼道内不能烧纸片,燃放烟花爆竹。








Resent years have witnessed quite a lot of cases of fire as well as many disasters caused by that。As we can see from the picture, there are three main causes: smoking、defective insulation and children playing with matches.

Among the three causes, smoking is the major one. There are totally 500 fires caused by that, larger than the total number of fires caused by the other two. The second is defective insulation. It led to nearly 220 fires, about a half of the fires resulted from smoking. The third one is children playing with matches, less than 100 fires caused by that.

In my perspective, many fires can be avoided if more precaution can be taken. First, smoking should be banned in public places, especially where fire can be easily triggered. And when you are smoking at home or other private places, please don’t litter about matches or cigarettes that are remaining live. Second, don’t use defective insulation which will risk your life and properties. Third make sure that the matches or other lighters were put where children can not reach.





1. 火灾带来的危害和防火的重要性。

2. 你的建议( 学习必要的防火知识;制定班级防火



fire safety regulations 防火安全条例

fire extinguisher 灭火器


As winter is approaching, it’s getting cold

and dry and fires are more likely to break out ,so it’s of great importance to be aware of the potential danger.

On Nov 15,2010,dozens of people were killed

or injured in a fire in Shanghai,which has been the most severe accident concerning public security in our city in recent yeares,Fires occur frequently every year in our country and cause

huge casudties (伤亡) and dramatic losses,As a result,fire has been listed one of the top killers in China.As heavily populated public areas,schools are more mlnerable to fires so it’s especially vital for everyone, teacher or student, to improve your auaveness of fire prevention in case all of us are threatened with flames.

On account of the severe fact ,we appeal to every class to make fire satety regulations,which will be an important factor in routime class examination. The student’s union is going to organize drills for excuvation in the near future . Officers from the fire department are due to come to our school next week to teach necessary knowledge and skills. In fire prevention,induding manipulating fire extinguishers. We urge every student not to play with fire and be sure to take care when you are working with fire.

The current situation calls for the efforts made by each individual.For the sake of yourself

and others,please bear all the things avove in mind and remember that this is not a joke as it involves the safety and interests of all the people.If you have any problem,please contact the student’s Union.


It is reported that several tragedies of

disasters in the year of 2010., which has aroused the public awareness of the fire prevention .

It is commonly believed that fire accident does great damage to people’s lives and property. For instance , a serious fire broke out in Shanghai last year resulting from a faulty use of electric appliances.To our grief , quite a few people lost their precious lives and a great many people got injured in the accident .for these reasons , we have come to realize how dangerous the fire accident is and how important it is to arouse our consciousness of preventing fire.

The students’ Union has made some suggestions to prevent fire and the tips are listed as follows :

Firstly , it is essential to obey the safety regulations in case of fire, for example , you can’t play with fire. As studetns , we should take responsility for not only ourselves but also our school. Secondly , Preventative measures should be taken so as to avoid the disastrous result. We can take some trainings of how to use the fire extinguishers and how to escape from the fire as quickly as possible. Last but not least , we each should learn some knowledge of fire prevention , which is very useful when you meet with fire accident .

Everyone should bear in mind that fire

accident is the difference between life and death.we appeal to every student to improve your awareness of fire prevention.


13) Problem of …… is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world.


The problem of global warming is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world.


The problem of intellectual copyright is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world.


More and more nations have been faced

with the problem of …


Many nations have been faced with the problems of air pollution / the worsening air quality. 由工业化引起的各种污染

More and more nations have been faced with the problem of various pollution caused by industrialization


第一段引入话题 建议写4—5行,安排一句which 从句。

With winter appoaching , ……fire accidents break out frequently , which does great damage to

people’s lives and preperty. Problem of …… is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world.

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