
volunteer的作文100 volunteer英语作文

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Nowadays, an increasing number of people join in the activities of volunteering. It is well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with no money in return. However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this trend. It’s very meaningful. As far as I can see, we can gain a lot from the activity. First of all, we can put into practice what we have learnt before, for instance, when we were asked by a foreigner about something, we could practice our oral foreign language.It is definitely a good opportunity to express ourselves in a foreign language correctly and clearly. Moreover, we could make a lot of new friends while we are volunteering. As a proverb says, “At home one relies on one’s parents and outside on one’s friends”.So it is never a bad thing to have lots of friends. In addition, helping others is a good way to make you feel happy and when you help others solve a problem successful, you will feel fulfillment. On the whole, we can benefit a lot by engaging ourselves in the voluntary work. Therefore, I suggest those that have abundant spare time registering as volunteers for the welfare for the public.



The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people. Now,college students volunteer are inspired to be volunteers so as to help more people who need help. I was very dlighted to be a volunteer when I just attended university.

Running Trible launched an campaign—“Running Trible 100 TGR 50km The International Great Marathon” in October 30, 2015.When l got this news,I immediately applied to the teather to become a volunteer.We had a training session before wo went to the destination.

Although it was a weekend,we must got up very early.For two hours, we arrived at the destination.The math started at 12am.we volunteer Group went to help players to pitch tents.The resting place is near road.The thing we would to do is that we were going to walk to everyone around us and said to them “What can l do for you?” We would offer some help if they had any demand.

As the game got under way,we had new task.We had gotwater and bananas for players in midway,because running a marathon requires a lot of physcial strength.When some players passed us,we would cheered loudly for them.To our surprise,some old men and children actually participated in the marathon.

After the math,according to the result,we help the sponsor awerded

prize for players.Of course,as a volunteer, every one of us got a volunteer certificate.

This experience is beneficial to myself.I learned how to help people , how to work well in a team and made many friends.As a college student,I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work.It is not only good to our society ,but also a chance for us to grow and to learn.


Last Sunday, the volunteer group which lily has been a member took part in a volunteer activity. First of all, they cleaned up the streets which are kind of dirty as hard as possible, so that we could keep the city both clean and beautiful. Wha’s more, they tried their best to visit the sick children. For they wanted to cheer up the kids, they took beautiful flowers to the kids and read interesting stories to make the kids believe that the world is full of miracles. As for the old, they went to the old people’s home to visit the old people, they sang songs and danced. It was so sincere that most of the old people were touched a lot. Finally, they set up a volunteer project and attempted to influence others being a volunteer.

In my opinion. It’s necessary for us to be a volunteer because helping others is helping ourselves. I do believe that if I become a volunteer, not only will I be proud of myself, but I will get a meaningful experience.

第四篇:《I Want to Volunteer我是青年志愿者》

题目:标题:I Want to Volunteer我是青年志愿者

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay by explaining the

importance of voluntary activities and then say what you will do to practice this spirit. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


习作: Depicted by this cartoon is an positive scenario, that people raise their hands actively, to participate in volunteer activities, which reflects vividly a social reality that, with the advancement of civilization construction, a

increasingly number of people devote themselves to the volunteer activities on their own.

Surely we all know, people would suffer a lot when facing the poverty, disease, natural disasters and so on, which may never be solved thoroughly by authorities concerned, and at this point, volunteers is indispensable. And recent decade has witnessed the phenomenon that more and more people tend to contribute themselves to be a volunteer, which mirrors that the nicer social ethos is developing, making for the establishment of harmonious society.

As a college student, doing volunteer is imperative, not only it helps others, but, the experience of volunteering would be a big fortune of our life.Morever, Volunteering also can enrich our life, making life more meaningful. So, in conclusion, we should leave no stone unturned to enter to the volunteering.

第五篇:《关于五一劳动节英语作文:一次公益活动A Volunteer Labour》

关于五一劳动节英语作文:一次公益活动A Volunteer Labour 关于五一劳动节英语作文:一次公益活动A Volunteer Labour On April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school where we took part in a volunteer labor.{volunteer的作文100}.

We got there at nine o'clock. After divided into three groups, we began to work.

Each group had their own tasks. Group one planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two picked up litter left by tourists and cleaned the benches. My group wiped all the equipment in Children's Playground. Each of us worked hard.{volunteer的作文100}.

At about half past eleven, we finished working. Though we were tired,we were happy. It was a meaningful day for us because we had done a good deed.

第六篇:《关于五一劳动节英语作文:一次公益活动A Volunteer Labour》

关于五一劳动节英语作文:一次公益活动A Volunteer Labour 关于五一劳动节英语作文:一次公益活动A Volunteer Labour On April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school where we took part in a volunteer labor.

We got there at nine o'clock. After divided into three groups, we began to work.

Each group had their own tasks. Group one planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two picked up litter left by tourists and cleaned the benches. My group wiped all the equipment in Children's Playground. Each of us worked hard.

At about half past eleven, we finished working. Though we were tired,we were happy. It was a meaningful day for us because we had done a good deed.


一、 你觉得你的校园生活安全吗?请你写一篇题为“How to keep safe in school’’ 的短文,谈谈你的看法。


1. 描述一件发生在你身上或你看到的发生在校园的意外事件(经过与结果)。

2. 提出解决这种校园意外事件的建议(至少两条)。

3. 呼吁每个学生要注意校园安全。

4. 词数100左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。{volunteer的作文100}.

How to keep safe in school


Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example,{volunteer的作文100}.

二、本周你们班的主题班会的话题是“控制自己的情绪,让生活充满快乐和幸福”。请以“Learn to control your feelings”为题,写一篇短文。 注意:1.短文应包括表格提示的所有内容,可适当发挥;

三、初中阶段的学习生活即将结束,在离校之前,同学们讨论怎样做一件有意义的事。请根据表中信息,以“How to do a meaningful thing?”为题,写一篇英语短文。



How to do a meaningful thing?

We’ll leave school soon. Now my classmates are discussing

四、近日,多家饭店启动“光盘行动,从我做起”活动,鼓励顾客“减少舌尖上的浪费”。同时,餐后晒空盘在网络上也悄然流行,不少人以身为“光盘族”骄傲。作为一名中学生,请你以“How to build an economized society”为题向《2l世纪报》投稿,号召大家在日常生活中勤俭节约,共同建设“节约型社会”。要点包括:






参考词汇:光盘行动 “clear your plate” campaign


优点: 1快速获得大量的信息



缺点: 1经常玩游戏, 聊天浪费时间和金钱并且不利于学习 2可能上当受骗

100词左右 cheat vt.欺骗

Today many students are interested in going online But it has advantages and disadvantages.

六、最近,你班同学就“父母是不是最好的老师”这一话题展开了讨论。有些人认为父母是最好的老师,有些人认为也不尽然。请根据下表提示,写一篇短文介绍讨论结果以及你的个人观点。 提示:

1 教会如何生活,过分溺爱

2 指出缺点,指明方向,强加兴趣、价值观

3 教会富有爱心,希望值过高





Recently, we have had a discussion in our class about whether parents are our best teachers. Some students……




九、近视(near-sightedness)是目前我国年轻人中的一个严重的问题,约有2∕3的年轻人近视。请根据下面的信息,写一篇评论。 产生近视的原因:

1. 过多强调(emphasis)升学考试和长时间的家庭作业;

2. 看电视和玩电脑的时间过长;


1. 家长应限制看电视和玩电脑的时间;

2. 读书、看电视、玩电脑都要保持适当的距离,不能再太强或太弱的光线下看书;

3. 注意适当的休息;

4. 定期检查(checkup)。



请根据以上要求,写一篇题为:To Be a Volunteer的短文,词数在100字左右。

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