
与众不同的星期天800 与众不同的星期天作文

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福楼拜家的星期天五.整体感悟课文后回答。1.本文在叙述和描写中插入了一些抒情和议论,有什么作用? 2.本文作者是怎样组织材料,安排结构的? 【体验·探究】六.课内语段阅读接着来的是左拉。他爬了六层楼的楼梯累得呼呼直喘。一进来就歪在一把沙发上,并开始用眼光从大家的脸上寻找谈话的气氛和观察每人的精神状态。他很少讲话,总是歪坐着,压着一条腿,用手抓着自己的脚踝,很细心地听大家讲。当一种文学热潮或一种艺术的陶醉使谈话者激动了起来,并把他们卷入一些富于想像的人所喜爱的却又是极端荒谬、忘乎所以的学说中时,他就变得忧虑起来,晃动一下大腿,不时发出几声:“可是可是”然而总是被别人的大笑声所淹没。过了一会儿,当福楼拜的激情冲动过去之后,他就不慌不忙地开始说话,声音总是很平静,句子也很温和。左拉中等身材,微微发胖,有一副朴实但是很固执的面庞。他的头像古代意大利版画中人物的头颅一样,虽然不漂亮,却表现出他的聪慧和坚强的性格。在他那发达的脑门上竖立着很短的头发,直挺挺的鼻子像是被人突然地在那长满浓密胡子的嘴上一刀切断了。这张肥胖但很坚毅的脸的下半部覆盖着修得很短的胡须,黑色的眼睛虽然近视,但透着十分尖锐的探求的目光。他的微笑总使人感到有点嘲讽,他那很特别的唇沟使上唇高高地翘起,又显得十分滑稽可笑。1.这段文字刻画了谁的形象?抓住他什么特点来写? 2.这段文字用了哪些方法来刻画左拉的形象?从中看出他有着怎样的性格特点? 3.结合全文看,对左拉是详写还是略写?为什么会有这种安排? 4.“他就变得忧虑起来。”说说他为什么而忧虑呢? 5.作者在描写人物外貌时带有怎样的感情? 七.福楼拜是莫泊桑文学创作的启蒙老师,他曾对莫泊桑说:“所有要说的事物,都只有一个词来表达,只有一个动词来表示它的行动,只有一个形容词来形容它。因此就应该去寻找,直到发现这个词,这个动词和这个形容词,而决不应该满足于‘差不多’”试从课文中找出人物描写的准确而生动的词语或句子,以验证福楼拜对莫泊桑创作的影响。 【实践·拓展】八.从你所熟悉的人群中选出几位有特色的人物,学习课文的写法,抓住人物外貌,动作,语言等特征进行描写,从而展示其性格,气质等。题目自拟。参考答案:五.1.有助于揭示人物的性格特征,使读者更深刻地认识这四位作家。 2.全文好像一出舞台剧。时间:星期天。地点:福楼拜家,六层楼的一个单身宿舍。人物:以福楼拜为核心人物,屠格涅夫、都德、左拉逐个登场。主要内容:每个人物的肖像、语言、动作、人物之间的交流。全文结构好像是舞台剧的结构。六.1.左拉抓住他体质差,不善言谈的特点。 2.肖像、语言、动作 温和少言、坚毅、聪慧。

3.详写。因为左拉是四个人中最与众不同的一个、形象特别、个性鲜明、有详写的必要。 4.他担心亲爱的文学朋友误入荒谬的学说中,也担心文学创作的正确道路被埋没。 5.客观真实地描绘人物的外貌,对人物表现出的性格特点给予由衷的欣赏和赞扬。


Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. Langlang is a great pianist. He _______ great interest in piano when he was very young. A. shared B. hated C. showed D. played ( )2. Wang Yanbo’s mother is fond of _______. A. cook B. cooker C. cooking D. cooked ( )3. Why _______ go out for a walk after supper? A. don’t B. didn’t C. not D. doesn’t

( )4. Hobbies can _______ us happiness, friendship and knowledge, so we should have


A. get B. take C. took D. bring ( )5. —What’s your hobby?

—I _______ listen to music, but now I enjoy dancing.

A. am used to B. used to C. am used D. use to ( )6. I _______ draw, but now I am fond of it. A. wasn’t use to B. didn’t use to C. am not use to D. don’t use to ( )7. —Would you mind _______? —Not at all. A. provide help for us B. provide us with help C. providing help for us D. providing us for help ( )8. His mother taught him _______ and read. A. write B. writing C. to write D. writes ( )9. —What’s your hobby, please? —I _______ dancing. A. am fond of B. enjoy C. prefer D. A, B and C ( )10. —_______ Li Lei _______ play computer games? —No, he _______. A. Did; use to; didn’t B. Did; used to; didn’t C. Does; use to; doesn’t D. Does; used to; doesn’t Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)

从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。 (Some students are talking about hobbies.) —Hi, Jack! 11. __________

—My hobby is playing football. It can make me strong. —12. _________

—No, I used to run. 13. _________

—Oh, I used to swim, fly kites, collect stamps. But now I’m fond of planting flowers. It can make my heart quiet. —14. _________

—It’s normal (正常的). We can’t imagine (想象) what our life will be like without hobbies.

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

Planting flowers is my favorite hobby because I can learn something new from it.

I bought a flower pot (盆) and some flower seeds (种子) last week. Then I some seeds in the pot. After a few days, happened. But I didn’t give up watering. Another ten days later, I saw the young plants because I could grow something.

Just like growing flowers, we can also plant happiness. Our life is an empty (空的) pot. We have lots of things to do, but we do them. That means we lose many things. What are the things? Yes, they’re the seeds of

What should we plant in life? If we plant negative thoughts (消极思想) inside our , we will feel sad in the future days; If we plant seeds of hope, we will get ( )16. A. planted B. put C. bought D. water ( )17. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything ( )18. A. died B. come out C. left D. went ( )19. A. sad B. bored C. interested D. excited ( )20. A. like B. in C. without D. for ( )21. A. always B. seldom (很少) C. never D. often ( )22. A. lose B. losing C. lost D. loses ( )23. A. fun B. pleasure C. hope D. health ( )24. A. pots B. yards C. houses D. hearts ( )25. A. illness B. happiness C. sadness D. flowers Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)


I’m Sam. My hobby is playing chess(棋)—one of the greatest games in the world. My mom taught me how to play when I was 7. She beat (打败) me every time for the first year. But then on my eighth birthday, I won for the first time. I nearly always beat her from then on.

It takes about a day to learn the rules (规则). But if you want to be good, you have to practice for years. You don’t need much to play chess—just a chess set (棋具) and someone to play with.

Chess sets can be quite cheap, or very expensive. Some people collect chess sets as a hobby, but some prefers playing.

There is a chess club in our school, and we meet every week to play with each other. I’m the best player in the club, and the captain of the school chess team. This year we won the All English Schools’

Championship (锦标赛), and I had to go up on stage (台子) in front of the whole school to accept the trophy (奖品).

I’m saving up my money to buy a chess computer. It’s very expensive, but very good for practice. In that way, I’ll always have someone to play with. One day I will be the world chess champion (冠军). 根据短文内容,判断正 (T)误 (F)。

( )26. Sam’s mom never beats him at chess.

( )27. You have to spend a lot of money on a chess set. ( )28. Sam doesn’t collect chess sets.

( )29. Sam’s school has a very good chess team. ( )30. Sam has got a chess computer.


Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help other people in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer (志愿者).

We are a non-profit organization (非盈利性组织). We have volunteer jobs for people of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their 80s, can become a volunteer.

You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children when their parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children when their parents see a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.

“As a volunteer, I don’t want to get anything. Seeing the children’s happy faces, I am happy, too.”says Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62.

If everyone helps a bit, we’ll have a better world to live in.

Interested in?Call us on 1-800-555-5756, or visit our website:activol. com. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

( )31. What kind of people can become volunteers?{与众不同的星期天800}.

A. Only children. B. From 12-year-old people to people in their 80s. C. Only old people. D. Only students and teachers.

( )32. _______ need help.

A. Animals B. Nobody C. Volunteers D. Many people

( )33. Volunteers want to get _______ when they help others.

A. everything B. money C. nothing D. computers

( )34. Carlos Domingo works as a volunteer to help _______.

A. dogs B. cats C. old people D. children

( )35. This passage is _______.

A. a story B. a play C. a film D. an ad


Ching-He Huang (黄静亿), a young and beautiful cook, comes from Taiwan, China. She lived with her grandparents when she was very very young. Her grandparents was good at cooking. 很感兴趣。{与众不同的星期天800}.

Her family moved to South Africa when she was five years old. Her cooking skills made her classmates surprised. Six years later, her family left for London. She had to cook meals herself because her parents were very busy. Her skills got better and getter. Later, she started her own food company (公司). She was often on TV for food shows and also published (出版) books about Chinese food cooking. She is famous all over the world now.

② Now Ching-He Huang is trying her best to show the world that Chinese cooking can be easy, 根据短文内容,完成任务。 任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。

( )36. Her parents taught her to cook when she was young. ( )37. She has her own company now. 任务二:将①处画线句子翻译成英文。

38. 任务三:将②处画线句子翻译成中文。


任务四:回答问题。 40. Who cooked meals for her when she came to London? Ⅰ. 词汇。(10分)


1. Your shoes are so d_______. Why not brush them?

2. The man is l_______. He doesn’t do anything every day. 3. He c_______ his finger when he was using a knife.

4. Give me a piece of p_______, I will write down my telephone number on it. 5. —What’s your hobby?

—I like c_______ coins very much. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。

6. I will never forget the _______ (友谊) between us.

7. This passage is about the _______ (介绍) to the famous singer. 8. I think pigs are really very _______ (愚蠢的).

9. His face looks very black and _______ (丑陋的), but his heart is very kind and beautiful. 10. Hobbies help people relax after their _______ (日常的) work. Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5分)

(对画线部分提问) _______ is your _______ hobby?{与众不同的星期天800}.

(同上) _______ _______ you like playing computer games? 13. He doesn’t like pop music. (同义句转换) He _______ pop music.

14. He used to swim. (改为否定句) He _______ _______ _______ swim.

15. Cao Tiantian often paints pictures or collects things after school. (改为选择疑问句) ________________________________________________________________________


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关于烦恼的作文800字 人的一生是从呱呱落地到懵懵懂懂,又从懵懵懂懂到朝气蓬勃的青少年,那之后就是长大了。而之中的转折点就是青少年时期。在这个时候,每个人就会有不同的烦恼。正如国外的音乐家所作的曲一样:小小少年很少烦恼但愿

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