
吸烟有害健康作文300 吸烟有害健康英语作文

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(100-120字) 4月7日是世界戒烟日,可大街上仍然有许多人在吸烟,足见大家对吸烟有害身体健康的严重性认识不足。请写篇短文陈述其害,并相信世界戒烟日的确立会有助于戒烟。

April 7th is Non-smoking Day to people all over the world. However it’s common to see people still walking and smoking in the streets. I wonder why these people can’t get rid of smoking.{吸烟有害健康作文300}.

As we all know that smoking is badly harmful for our health. A large number of smokers died of lung cancer every year. Also, the air thick with cigarette smoke has a negative effect on non-smokers too, especially on pregnants, which might lead to the risk of deformed infants. Besides, it’s a pity to spend so much money in smoking, which has to cost thousands of yuan each year.{吸烟有害健康作文300}.

Therefore, I’m sure that Non-smoking Day will help people to be aware of the dangers of smoking. And I believe that more and more people will give up smoking in the future.{吸烟有害健康作文300}.


Which place do you prefer to live in, city or the countryside?{吸烟有害健康作文300}.

As the development of the city, more and more people from countryside pour into cities. As a result, cities are more crowded and crowded. The pollution is getting worse too. Also, the housing price is terrifying high and plenty of people become mortage slaves in cities. For these reasons, more and more people think that country life is better than city life. And I{吸烟有害健康作文300}.

agree with it. Country life is not as convenient as the life in city. But the air is fresh. The water is clean. The sky is blue. The people are friendly. Just imagine how nice it is to enjoy the natural life. Far from noise. The birds twitter happily in the trees. The fishes swim freely in the sea, The bees dance beautifully among the flowers! I would like to say. I prefer the life in countryside!





我的爸爸,什么都好就是有爱抽烟的坏毛病。他的经典名言是:抽着烟,像神仙。这不,世界戒烟日来了,我可以理真气壮地向爸爸发起攻击了。 我制定了我的作战计划。第一步:向爸爸灌输抽烟的坏处。一天,吃完晚饭,爸爸正在沙发上悠闲地抽着烟。我看了,又气又恨。看来要发起猛攻了。我生气地对爸爸说:喂,老爸,你知不知道香烟里的有害成份?我正准备开始我的长篇大论时,爸爸竟随意地说了一句:不就是尼古丁啦,有什么呀!爸爸这话可让我恼火了。我马上回到房间。过了一会儿,我平静下来,不过更加深了让爸爸戒烟的决心了。





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