【 – 字数作文】
泉港二中 刘刚强
“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”,2010年4月,秀香阿姨的公公因车祸导致全身瘫痪,给这个原本不幸的家庭雪上加霜。为了生计,秀香阿姨的丈夫只好长年在外打工。从此,她既要下地干活,又要照顾小叔、小姑,还要伺候公公吃喝拉撒。每天天刚蒙蒙亮,她就安顿好公公,再独自一人下田干活。为了按时给公公服药、喂饭,她一天得来回好几趟穿梭于田头和家里。有时,老人因长期病痛的困扰,性子很急,经常发脾气。为了能让老人减轻病痛、舒缓心情,秀香阿姨照料得更加细心、勤快了。每天除了给老人喂饭、翻身,坚持为他按摩半小时外,还定时帮老人洗澡、换洗衣服。“工夫不负有心人”,秀香阿姨用实际行动感动着公公,缓解了老人的心里负担,病况日渐好转。她的一片孝心也赢得了邻里、乡亲的尊重。 有人说偶像是虚无的;有人说偶像只会让人着迷,失去理智;我说偶像是实在的,是我心中尊老爱幼的楷模,是我们学习的好榜样——林秀香阿姨。
2014届高三 作文 话题分类 话题:尊老爱幼
1. 2010年高考
假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,利用上周末的时间帮助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,叙述你从准备到送行的全过程。 注意:1.周记的开头已为你写好。
1) 范文
Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe. On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beidaihe, and some hotel information. In the afternoon, I went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there was a long queue. After dinner, I packed into the suitcase the things my grandparents need, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, and a map. The next morning, I went to the station to see them off. Waving goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happy for them and wished them a safe journey.
We firstly searched the Internet for some useful information on the location of the hotel and the weather condition there. With Baidu’s help, we checked the train schedule together and I offered to buy the tickets for them. some time, I managed to get two tickets. Wearing a smile and holding the tickets in hands tightly, I was satisfied that I contributed to preparing for my grandparents’ trip.
I began to help my grandma with her luggage. In the suitcase there were already some clothes and my grandma was going to pack an umbrella. It suddenly occurred to me that the map and a pair of sunglasses were also dispensable. My grandma thought it a wonderful suggestion and we quickly got them prepared. wished them a safe and pleasant trip from the bottom of my heart. I was pleased about what I had done for them in return for their care and love in my life.
(注意: On Saturday morning/afternoon, the next/following morning, the next/following day,
2) 语言素材
在网上查找信息:(information是不可数名词) the information about sth. some relevant information about sth. on the Internet to find some information about/on….
排队等候买票: for a long time/
There were many people /Three were many people
到车站送行, 告别: my grandparents at the train station/ them the train station / them
表祝愿可以用:wish sb.sth/wish sb. +adj./wish sb. to do) (注意:不说I wished that they would have a good trip. 因为wish宾语从句只表达虚拟语气。可以说I hoped that they could/would have a good trip. (hope 可以接that 从句,但不能用hope sb. to do的结构)
3) 审题注意事项
(1) 审题:人称:I, they 时态:过去时 体裁:周记
(2) 时间线索:上周末 (周末两天的活动)
(3) 要点和可添加的细节::
图1. 上网查找信息( 细节:查天气情况,预定旅馆、车票)
图2. 去火车站购票( 细节:排队,心情)
图3. 准备行装(细节:箱中的衣物、(奶奶)雨伞、 (我)地图)
图4. 去车站送行(挥手告别, 心情)
(4) 注意事项:本文是以周记形式叙述利用上周末的时间帮助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行从准备到送行的全过程。四幅图中,前三幅图都是准备的过程,如何做的准备是需详写的,第四幅图是到车站送行,简写即可。四幅图的衔接,可以以周六、周日两天时间为线索,也可关注图之间的逻辑:1先提前先了解情况—2去购票—3临行前准备—4车站送行。本文是一篇周记,主题是自己为家人做事,可以贯穿全文的暗线一是出于对家人的关心和爱,二是自己能够独立安排了这次旅行,所加的情感细节应该着重于为爷爷奶奶开心,希望他们过得愉快,为自己能为家人做事感到欣慰。
2. 2013年高考:
注意: 1. 周记的开头已经为你写好。2. 词数不少于 60.
Last Monday,…
1) 范文{尊老爱幼的作文高中}.
Last Monday, my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip. He would be away for three days. Just the next morning, I found my mother wasn’t feeling well. She had a cold. I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her, with my special care. My mother recovered quickly. When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened he praised me for what I had done. I feel very happy that I have done something for my mother.
Last Monday, my father would be on a business trip for a few days. Before he left, my mother and I waved goodbye to him and wished his a safe journey.
I thought everything would go well, but unfortunately, my mother caught a cold and had a fever the next morning. Seeing her lying in bed with a pale face, I was very worried. However, I told myself to calm down and look after my mum, as I promised to my dad. I got her some medicine and cooked some noodles for her to eat. Soon she recovered. I felt quite relieved.
When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened when he was away. Both my father and mother praised me for what I had done. Hearing their praise and seeing bright smiles on their faces, I really felt happy that I managed to take good care of my mother by myself when she was ill.
2) 语言素材
跟某人道别:say goodbye to sb./ 挥手道别wave goodbye to sb.
出差 be (away) on business / go on a business trip
我发现妈妈身体不舒服。 I found (that) my mother wasn’t feeling well.
感冒 catch a cold/flu 发烧have/suffer from a (high) fever
看到妈妈躺在床上脸色苍白,我感到很担心。Seeing my mother lying in bed with a pale face, I felt really worried/concerned/anxious.
让自己冷静下来 tell myself to calm down
照顾我妈妈 take care of/look after/attend to/care for my mother
给她拿来药 get her some medicine 让她吃药 ask her to take some medicine
为她做面条吃 prepare/cook noodles for her to eat
妈妈很快痊愈了。My mother recovered quickly. / 很快妈妈好了起来。Soon my mother got better.
爸爸妈妈竖起大拇指为我所做的事情表扬了我。My father and mother praised me for what I had done with their thumbs up.
自己独立照顾了妈妈 manage to take good care of my mother on my own/by myself
3) 审题注意事项
(1) 审题:人称:I, my mother, my father 时态:过去时 体裁:周记
(2) 要点和可添加的细节
本文要求写爸爸出差期间照顾妈妈的过程,四幅图中,图1图4应该略,图2图3应该详写。 图1:爸爸出差,道别
图4:爸爸回来,我受表扬 (心情)
(3) 注意:细节要为要点服务,一定避免机械描图,否则就会造成添加多余细节。如没必要去描写爸爸提着旅行箱打车离开。结尾的感受应侧重于说自己能够独立照顾妈妈感到很开心,扣关心照顾家人的主题,不宜大肆渲染突出自己做了值得骄傲的事。
3. 2012石景山一模
March 23, Friday Sunny Today is Dad's birthday and I wanted to buy him a gift. …
1) 范文
March 23, Friday Sunny
Today is Dad’s birthday and I wanted to buy him a gift. So after school I hurried to a bakery and bought a big birthday cake. Imagining the delighted look on his face when Dad saw the cake, I couldn’t wait to go back home.
When I got on a bus, I was pleased to find a vacant seat, so I sat down with the cake on my legs. When the bus got to the next stop, an old lady got on, carrying many bags. Without hesitation, I offered my seat to her and I was standing until arriving at the destination. I got off the bus and was about to cross the road when I saw a blind man waiting by the crosswalk. I walked over quickly and led him across the road safely.
Arriving home, I gave the cake to Dad as well as my best wishes. And then, I told Mum and Dad what I had done on my way home. Hearing my story, Dad smiled and told me it was not the cake but my deeds of helping others that was the most valuable gift for him. I was very happy that I lent a hand to those people in need of help.
2) 语言素材
去面包店买生日蛋糕 go to the bakery to but a birthday cake
等不及回家把这个礼物送给爸爸 can’t wait to go back home to present Dad with this gift 上车 get on the bus 下车 get off the bus
找到一个空座位 find a vacant seat
把座位让给一位上了年纪的老奶奶 offer my seat to an old lady
到达目的地 arrive at/get to/reach the destination
过马路cross the road 一位盲人在人行横道旁等候 a blind man waiting by the crosswalk 带领他安全过马路 lead him across the road safely
为爸爸庆祝生日 celebrate my father’s birthday
爸爸告诉我最珍贵的生日礼物不是这个蛋糕而是我帮助他人的行为。Dad told me it was not
0121 2028
3.子孝父心宽 。——陈元靓{尊老爱幼的作文高中}.
4. 无情未必真豪杰,怜子如何不丈夫。——鲁迅
枣庄薛城区人,他不仅是一名好父亲,更是一名好儿子。2004年3月26日,田世国接完弟弟打来的电话后,顿时脸色大变。在妻子的追问下,他才声音颤抖地说:“妈被确诊为尿毒症,已经到了晚期!”当天晚上,田世国就往枣庄赶。下车后,他直奔 医院,田世国从透析室出来后,立即奔向医生办公室。他决定把自己的肾献给母亲,给母亲进行肾移植。9月30日,上海 复旦大学附属中山医院给这对母子做了一个非常特殊的手术:医生先从年仅38岁的儿子身上摘取一个鲜活的肾脏,然后移植到身患绝症、年过花甲的母亲体内。38岁的他毅然为身患尿毒症晚期的母亲捐肾,延续母亲的生命,演绎了一段当代孝子的佳话。{尊老爱幼的作文高中}.