
家乡的龙门石窟 家乡的龙门石窟450字

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My hometown—— Changchun

① Changchun, my hometown, sits in the hinterland of the Songliao plain of Northeast China. It is the capital city of Jilin Province. Here is the most fertile soil in China. When you are walking on this modern and civilized city, you cannot fail to feel the vitality and prosperity of this city.

我的家乡长春是吉林省的省会,位于中国东北松辽平原的腹地, 是一个肥沃而富饶的地方,当你漫步在这所现代化的文明都市中,你一定能感受到她的活力和繁荣。 (地理位置,总括)

②The First Automobile Works is the cradle of automobile industry in China, Changchun is called the city on wheels. Changchun is still famous for her tourism. Changchun Century Movie City is located in Tourism Economic Developent Zone of Changchun Jingyue Pool. It is the world-class movie amusement park in China.

第一汽车制造厂是中国汽车工业的摇篮,这就是为什么长春也会被称为是“车轮上的城市”。长春依然以她的电影业而著称。长春世纪电影城位于净月旅游经济开发区,是世界级别的电影娱乐园。 (从工业方面讲长春)

③ It still enjoys great reputation for culture. There are not only rich varieties of modern entertainment facilities, but also some special entertainment items only for Changchun, such as Yangge Dance and Errenzhuan, which is a song-and-dance duet(二重奏)in the Northeast of China. If you have the opportunity of doing some sightseeing in Changchun, I recommend you to taste my hometown’s specialties. There are two kinds of famous dishes in Northeast China: Stewed young chicken with mushroom and Stewed Pork with Vermicelli. (从文化方面讲长春)

长春也是一座文化名城,她不但拥有丰富的现代化娱乐设施,还拥有许多具有地方特色的娱乐项目,比如东北大秧歌和东北二人转。如果你有机会来我的家乡长春旅游的话,我愿意向你推荐我的两道家乡名菜:小鸡炖蘑菇和猪肉炖粉条。 重难点词汇:

hinterland ['hntlnd] n. 内地;穷乡僻壤;靠港口供应的内地贸易区

plain [plen] n. 平原

fertile ['ftal] adj. 富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的

soil [sl] n. 土地;土壤

civilized ['sv'lazd] adj. 文明的;有礼貌的

vitality [va'tlt] n. 活力,生气;生命力,生动性{家乡的龙门石窟}.

prosperity [pr'spert] n. 繁荣,成功

The First Automobile Works 第一汽车制造厂

cradle ['kred()l] n. 摇篮;发源地;

zone [zn] n. 地带;地区;联防

同义词:district area region

amusement ['mjuzm()nt] n. 消遣,娱乐;乐趣

amusement park 游乐园{家乡的龙门石窟}.

variety [v'rat] n. 多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化

entertainment [ent'tenm()nt] n. 娱乐;消遣;款待

specialty ['spe()lt] n. 专业,专长;特产;特性;招牌菜

stewed [stjud] adj. 焦虑不安的;烂醉的;炖煮的

vermicelli [,vm'tel] n. 意式细面;粉条

My hometown——Luoyang

I am from Luoyang, a beautiful city in Henan province. It is famous as the "capital of nine dynasties " and enjoy the honour that Luoyang peony is the best in the world. (区域划分,独特之处)

Luoyang played a very important role in Chinese history. So it has a profound cultural background and many great heritage sites have been well reserved. Such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china and the white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chinese buddhism. (历史方面)

Luoyang peony is world-famous. Every year, many tourists travel to Luoyang to see the beauty of peony .The people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world. (洛阳牡丹)

I like my hometown very much. (表达对家乡的喜爱之情) 重难点词汇:

peony ['pin] n. 牡丹;芍药

profound [pr'fand] adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的

heritage ['hertd] n. 遗产;传统;继承物;继承权

heritage site 遗址

reserve [r'zv] vt. 储备;保留;预约 n. 储备,储存;自然保护区

reserved adj. 保留的,预订的

longmen grotto ['grt] 龙门石窟

the white horse temple 白马寺

buddhism ['bdz()m] n. 佛教

My hometown—— Daqing

As everyone knows that China is one of the most beautiful countries all over the world. It is really famous for its long history and civilizations. As a Chinese girl, I’m so proud of my country. And of course, I love it deeply in my heart, not just because it’s my hometown. (从中国引出家乡大庆)

Daqing is beautiful and modern. The scenery here is so attractive. Everyone will love it at the fist sight. (总括)

When you come to Daqing, you will see museums, parks and shopping centers here and there. Wherever you go, you can see green trees, grass and beautiful flowers. What’s more,there are many places of historic interest in Daqing. Such as Iron Man Memorial Museum, Children's Park, and Times square. I am sure that the beautiful scenery will attract more people to come here. (美丽景色)

Daqing is also famous for its oil. It provides oil for our country. Thus it is an important city in China. I am proud of it. (大庆石油)

I also love the spirit of Daqing-the Iron Man Wang Jinxi Spirit.Wang Jinxi is a hero of Daqing. I learn a lot from him. Work hard! Persevere! And never give up!{家乡的龙门石窟}.


That is my hometown Daqing. I love it very much! I hope you love it as I do.



Thank you everyone!


places of historic interest名胜古迹

Iron Man Memorial Museum 铁人纪念馆

persevere [ps'v] vi. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中)

My hometown—— Beijing

I am from Beijing.Beijing is the capital of China with a long history.

There are lots of places of interest, such as the Great Wall(长城), the Palace Museum(故宫,) and the Summer Palace(颐和园)and so on.

Since it lies in the north of China, the winter here is long and it snows sometimes. Autumn is the best season in Beijing, for it is neither too cold nor too hot.

One of the most famous traditional foods is Peking Duck. It is honoured as

"China's Tastiest Dish"(天下美味).

The 2008 Olympic Games has been held in Beijing. By hosting the Olympics,more and more people around the world know more about China and Beijing. So, come to Beijing and you”ll enjoy it.


My hometown——Shijiazhuang

I’m happy to share my opinion about my hometown,Shijiazhuang. Today,S hijiazhuang is quite different from ten years ago.{家乡的龙门石窟}.

In the past, there was few road in the city, and the road was very narrow. As there is the capital city of Hebei Province, the traffic was very heavy.But there have built a lot of roads in these years, and all of these are broad.

There were only 3 parks in the city at ten years ago,and the air pollution was very serious.However,a great many of new parks have been built.People often go to the nearest park do morning excise,and children also enjoy there.Of course,the air also improves a lot.

Today’s Shijiazhuang is a beautiful and modern city .Welcome to my hometown with your family.


My home village

My home village is a small one. It’s in Yuxian county of Shanxi Province. Small as it is,it’s very beautiful.

There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring,we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills. The kites fly very high. In summer,the trees are green and the grass is green too. It is green everywhere on the hills. There are so many wild apple trees on the hills. The wild apples are nice to eat. In autumn,the corns under and around the hills are ripe. So we eat them almost every day. In winter,when it snows,all the ground is covered with snow. We can play with snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar. In my hometown the sky is blue,the air is clean,the water is sweet and the people are very friendly. I love my hometown! (家乡四季的美丽景色)



My hometown—— Yancheng

Yancheng is my hometown. It is a small city, but it's beautiful.

Like every city, there are many roads, but the widest and busiest one is the road

where my school is situated. It is the main road. All kinds of trades are carrying on there. The asphalt pavements are very clean. Cars run to and fro, and hawkers hawk along them all day long.

The town has some banks, a post office, a police station and other government buildings. There are also several cinema halls, some amusement parks and a seaside resort.

People houses are as a rule built of bricks, neat and strong. Most of them are either two-storeyed or three-storeyed buildings. New buildings are under construction. The town is growing steadily.

My hometown is geting more and more beautiful. I like my hometown. In future,We will have more beautiful buildings with the effort of ours.




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