
开车打电话 开车打电话的危害

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手机依赖症越来越普及,吃饭、逛街、坐车、甚至聚会都离不开手机。边开车边打电话更是一个老生常谈的话题了,我国的交通法规中也明确规定了 " 驾驶车辆时有接、打电话的行为一次罚 100 元并扣 2 分 " 的相关法规,但现实生活中还是能看到在开车时,很多司机打电话或者低头玩手机。








另外,绿灯亮起时前面的车还不走,后车驾驶员就会会跟着着急,这加剧了司机路怒的可能性。“有时会出现奇怪的现象,红灯变为绿灯亮时,一列汽车都没有反应,没有人启动也没有人按喇叭,这就更可怕了。这说明这些司机都在玩手机,而且都没意识到已经跳灯了。” 等红灯的时候看手机引起的车辆启动缓慢,会导致启动车辆时的慌乱,更增加追尾的可能性。






司机 张先生:有过

记者: 那您觉得这样危险吗

司机 张先生:知道,有时候特别着急的情况下特殊








【同期】平安交警大队 教导员 郭廷昭: 在此我们呼吁广大



















1、 Maybe,not likely. I’m not sure whether it is dangerous or not.What I can surely say is that we

won’t stop eating fish just because of the possibility of dying of the fishbone, and that we won’t stop swimming just because of the likelihoodof dying of a drowning accident.

2、 People always overstate the influence of talking on a cell phone while driving, and there are

so many factors involved when an accident happened, such as the road situation, wet or dry; the weather, sunny or rainy; even the car-driver’s personal skills. We just cannot simply attribute any accidents to the telephone while driving.

3、 Due to the development of communication technology, a more convenient and more advanced

technology called ‘hand-free phone’ has become part of people’s life especially those people who frequently drove. It needs you to do nothing except telling a name when you call on somebody. It’s like talking to others in your car, and people always talk to others while driving.Will talk to others while driving increase the likelihood of accidents? Do we need to make a law to stop talking while driving? Of course not,we just accept it as a way of life.

4、 I don’t think the problem is with the cell phones themselves. People can be distracted while

driving by so many things: phones, food, drinking, putting on make-up, changing the radio-CDS, even talking to someone beside you. Do you really think it is possible that when you need doing something like those behaviors while driving,you would stop driving and then accomplish it?

5、 Researches by scientists show that different person has different reaction time about the road

situation, and that drivers are slower in their reactions when a phone conversation just has started, but the effect reduces over time. What I mean is that when you need talking on a cell phone, it’s OK after paying more attentions to the road situation and making sure no pedestrians and cars in your eyes or the rearview mirror.

6、 How many coutries in the world ? 226 including 199 countries and 27 areas.

which coutries have laws related to cellphone use while driving ?

40 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Botswana, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe. Just 18 percent of all countries in the world. Furthermore, most countries just prohibit the use of hand-held phones while driving, not including the hand-free phones.


People always exaggerate the influence of talking on the cellphone while driving. Actually,with the invention of Bluetooth, drivers needn’t to use one hand to hold cellphone and just use another hand to drive. Now,they can just pay a little attention to the talking and keep to enjoy their driving.{开车打电话}.


Talking on the cellphone while driving have many benifit to drivers.Firstly,it can help drivers to keep attention. For example:when a driver is fatigue,his father or mother give a call to remind him of attention,the driver will be more careful and energetic during the following few hours. Secondly, Talking on the cellphone makes driving more safety. Because drivers tend to reduce the speed when talking on the cellphone.As is know to everyone,the faster speed,the biger danger.So,Talking on the cellphone makes driving more safety.Thirdly, Talking on the cellphone while driving allow people to make full use of time.Maybe you want to tell your boss what have done today,a minutes talking is enough;Maybe you want to tell the girl that i love you,a minutes talking is enough;and maybe you want to tell your mother that i will be home,a minutes talking is also enough;Finally,Talking on the cellphone Improve the work efficiency.Because by cellphone talking, taxi drivers,ambulance drivers and policemen could communicate with colleagues to kown which routes has a small traffic flow,then,make the best choice and improve the work efficiency. In conclusion,Talking on the cellphone while driving have so many advantages,of course,It’s Ok!{开车打电话}.


If your cellphone is ringing while driving,will you anser the phone,yes or no?

(对方说no以后)I am pity that your choice is so bad. Because during the following few hours,your attention will be absorbed in the missed call.You will think many questions such as who is calling me? What happened and why he calls me? Wow,I wonder that how can you concentrate on your driving in this situation?So,in order to ensure a safety driving,please use your bluetooth to answer the call,don't hesitate any more! Remember,for the cellphone ringing while driving,neglect is more dangerous than answer.


Generally speaking,your method is usually not practical.On one hand,there are no parking districts on the midway of road in many situations,especially in the highway.As a result,it is likely to cause illegal parking problems.On the other hand,your method will lower traffic efficiency and increase traffic pressures,even cause a traffic jam.So,why don’t you talking on cellphone while driving? An accident is not because of your cellphone talking but your unnecessary worry.Don’t think too much,every drivers can do well with confidence.It is ok to Talking on the cellphone while driving


Do you agree drivers listening car radio?yes or no?

如果对面说YES:Thanks for your approvements.But what i want to tell you is that cellphone talking by bluetooth while driving have little difference with listening car radio. Because both of them can make a distraction from driving.But,this small distraction is affordable.So,if a driver can listen car radio while driving,why he can not to talking on the cellphone?

如果对面说NO:If a driver cannot listening car radio while driving,why radio device exist in every car?why our country did’t forbid listening car radio when forbiding talking on the cellphone? Let me tell you the reason,because listening car radio and talking on the cellphone,both of them have a little influence on the driving.


Do you think drivers should not Talking on the cellphone while driving in anytime? 如果对方说YES:OK,let me show you a picture.It is a sunny day,because of a traffic jam,a great many of cars are blocking in the road.But drivers feel happiness and not anxious at all. Because they are talking on the cellphone with friends or relatives.Don’t worry anything,a short-time cellphone talking during the long-time waiting is absolutely safety. So,Talking on the cellphone while driving is Ok !

如果对方说NO:That is to say,talking on the cellphone while driving is ok,Thanks for your agreement.

攻击对方论点的部分(攻辩在于攻击对方论点,使之以后不能使用,便于我方反击) Likely 和possible

Q: Define “likely”.

A: Which means “has a good chance of being the case or of coming about”, namely “probable”. (如果对方不回答或故意回答错,就加个“let me tell u”,自己回答)

Q: How mang chance do you think talking on a cellphone while driving will cause accident? A:( 对方的答案应该只有千分之几或万分之几)

Q:So the chance is pretty small. Then it’s not likely, it’s possible,right?

Q:So your opinion should be “Talking on a cellphone while driving is possible to cause accidents” (这一点如果回答的是YES,攻辩完成,以后反击句就是,U just admit “Talking on a cellphone while driving is possible to cause accidents”, not likely.)


Q:We are talking about whether Talking on a cellphone while driving is likely to cause accidents; Not how mang chance it will increase accidents. So instead of a relative number, please give me a absolute number.

A: (如果还在纠缠)

Q: Let me put it this way. If there are 1000 people Talking on a cellphone while driving, how many do u think will die?(然后回到绝对量)

A:( 如果对方还说可能性很大)

Q:Likely means“at least more than a half”(偷换感念), are u saying If there are 1000 people Talking on a cellphone, more than 500 will get into an accident?(应该没人会说YES了,就说是possible ,not likely)

Cause accidents or not

Q:Will u be more careful if u know the things u are doing might be dangerous?

A:(没人会SAY No吧,除非是傻子。他要抓着dangerous的话,我们就说”I said maybe, possibly. Please answer my question”)

Q:Are there going to be more accidents when u are driving more careful?


Q:So if a man know Talking on a cellphone while driving might be dangerous, he will be more careful, and according to your opinion,there will be no more accidents. (辩论里面最好先问一些看似无关却密切相关的问题,然后让他们自相矛盾)


Q: Then our job should be letting them no rather than forbid Talking on a cellphone while driving. (这个攻辩如果完成,以后他们在说会引起事故,我们就说。Maybe not if u aware of it. 他们要是说,But they don ‘t know. 我们就说,Then tell them instead of banning cellphone in a car, which will do us a lot of good.)


Q:Is Nuclear leakage dangerous or not ?


Q: Why would we build nuclear power station if it is dangerous?(可以让对方回答也可自答)Because it will do good to us. So if a thing will do us a lot of good and bring us a lot of convenience , Even if it is dangerous, we should do it ,it’s OK.















it is ok to talk on the cell phone when driving,开车打电话是Ok的。

我们并没有否定或者肯定打电话的危险性,我们只是说:开车打电话是Ok的。 所以一开始我们应尽快把话题引到到底开车时应不应该打电话上。











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