
帮助盲人过马路 小朋友帮助盲人过马路

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【 – 字数作文】




小刚想:“马路上的车来来往往,川流不息,盲人叔叔一个人过马路该多危险呀!”就对小丽说:“咱们过去帮盲人叔叔过马路吧!”小丽爽快地答应了。 于是,小刚和小丽连忙跑过去一边搀扶盲人叔叔一边亲切地说:“我们来扶您过马路吧。”“谢谢!”




今天阳光明媚, 我站在公车站苦苦等待这公交车的到来。 我正在仰头张望的时候,突然我小腿突然有东西撞了我一下,但力度很轻微。我顺势看低头一看棍子!?再从下往上打量—啊!原来是一个男盲人!



“嗯,我还是带你过马路吧,不然你不方便走,过了马路你直走就可以到阳明小学了。”我决定帮助他先过到阳明东路。“哦哦哦,好哇,真是谢谢你啊!!”他很感激的样子,一边不停的道谢。他的右手拿着棍子,一边探路,左手悬在半空,应该是一种人的自然反应,在你不知道方位的时候,你需要一种安全感,所以渴望得到一样可以搀扶的东西。于是,我用手托着他的左手臂,带着他走。 终于过马路了,我领着盲人站到盲道上:“你可以摸到盲道吗?”他用棍子点了点地面:“可以啊,可以啊。”“嗯,那我就送你到这里了哦。”然后扶着他面向一个正确的方向“你沿着这个盲道一直往前走,就可以走到阳明小学了,你一路上问一下人吧,肯定有人会告诉你的。”“哦哦哦,好的好的,谢谢你啊,祝你好人一生平安。”他一边道谢,一边顺着盲道往前走。

嗯,突然好能体会到雷锋叔叔做好事不留名的那种畅快与内心的愉悦了,今天的太阳特别明媚呀!我要回到车站必须过马路,正好红灯,我很自然的往盲人走去的方向望去,他正好到我家门口。诶呀!那个门口有一个小斜坡,正好阻断了盲道!我清清楚楚的看见那个盲人在脱离的盲道之后,用他们自己的方式一边小步的往前挪动,一边向左右移动,在寻找被阻断的另外一节盲道,天啊,我有多心酸啊,真的见盲人好可怜好可怜,看不到这个世界的色彩已经是很悲惨的一件事了,居然还要受到生活上的种种不便,这是多么让人怜悯的事情啊。 这时候,一个阿姨,看见盲人偏离盲道,就很热心的过去搀扶他走到正确的路上,虽然听不到他们之间的对话,但我又看见盲人朋友向我道谢时候做的动作,大概他在感谢帮助他的那位阿姨吧。




手在空中不停的摸索着,我走近他的跟前,看到他带了一副墨镜,我猜他一定是一个盲人。 我拉着妈妈的手,小心翼翼的过马路。我看到他好像也要过马路的样子,心想:马路上人来人往,汽车川流不息,他要是一个人过马路,那该多危险啊!于是我走过去,对盲人说盲人伯伯,我来带你过马路吧盲人伯伯点了点头,于是, 牵住了盲人伯伯的手,送他到了马路的

别一边 ,他对我说谢谢你小朋友,你为什么要帮助我呢?我回答他不用谢,这是我应该做的, 我们应该互相帮助。他感动得流下了眼泪,我跟他说了一声再见,就回到了妈妈的身边,妈妈说你真是一个有爱心的孩子。









Module 2 Unit 5 Music


Language points{帮助盲人过马路}.

1. dream v. 梦想, 想象 (dreamed-dreamed /dreamt-dreamt) dream of/about (doing) sth. dream that + clause 梦想

e.g. Yao Ming never dreamed of/about becoming a famous NBA player. May you dream a happy dream tonight! 祝你今晚做个好梦!

When she was young, she dreamt/dreamed of being a doctor in the future. 当她小的时候, 她就梦想将来成为一名医生. dream n. 梦想


e.g. I have a dream that I’ve turned into a butterfly. (同位语从句) 我已经实现了我的梦想。 I have realized my dream. =My dream has come true. 2. pretend v. 假装 pretend + n

pretend + that + clause pretend + to do sth. (现在/将来) to be doing sth. (正在做某事) to have done (已经完成) e.g. He pretended sickness. (名词)

Don’t pretend that you know everything. (从句) He pretended to be a poet. (现在/将来)

When I came in, he pretended to be reading. (进行时) Tom pretends to have read the book. (完成时)

3.to be honest 说实在的; 实话说 = to tell the truth; honestly speaking e.g. To be honest, I don’t want to attend the meeting. It’s honest of you ________(tell) us the truth.

It is honest of sb. to do sth. = sb. is honest to do sth. 某人做某事是诚实的 be honest with sb be honest about sth be honest in ( doing ) sth e.g. I shall be honest ____ you.

He is honest __ doing business.

The eyewitness is honest _____ his evidence.

4. attach v. 系上, 附加 attachment n. 附属, 附带

attach to 认为有,附上/系上,连接 e.g. He’ll attach the label to your luggage.

This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. (使依附;使附属) 这个医院附属附近的那所医学院。

How can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi-driver? 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于出租车司机呢?

attach importance to … =attach value /significance/weight to… 看重/重视/认为有重要性/价值 Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的话重要吗?

______________, a lot of people ______ great importance _____ becoming rich and famous. 5. But just how do people form a band? 但是, 人们又是怎样一起组成乐队的? form v. 组成, 制作, 养成, 培养

e.g.在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一支篮球队。 With the help of our PE teacher, we formed a basketball team.

As a result, he forms the habit of climbing mountains on weekends.结果,他养成了周末去爬山的习惯。form the habit of 养成的习惯

The band is formed of one girl and two boys. =The band is made up of one girl and two boys. be formed of 由…组成

form n. 形状, 外形, 形式, 表格 in the form of e.g. Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water. 请填写这张表格。Please fill in the form.

6. Sometimes they may play to __________ in the street or subway _________they can ______ some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. 1) passers-by合成词构成复数是一般在前面加复数: lookers-on旁观者 two sons-in-law两个女婿

※ 但是由man或woman构成的合成词, 复数前后的词都要加复数。

men-doctors women-servants 2) earn vt. 赚得, 使得到{帮助盲人过马路}.

e.g. He earns about 3000 yuan per month.

He earns a little money every month. As a result, he has to live a simple life. 他每个月都赚钱不多, 结果, 他不得不过简朴的生活。

His braveness earned him the reputation. 他的英勇使他获得荣誉。 earn/ make one’s living 谋生 3) extra adj. 额外的, 特别的{帮助盲人过马路}.

e.g. I have extra work to do on Sunday.

The football match went into extra time.

adv. 额外地, 特别地 e.g. I got up extra early this morning.我今天早上起的特别早。 7. Later they may give ____________ in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid __________. 1) performance n. 演出; 演奏; 表演[C]

e.g. The evening performance begins at 8 o'clock. 晚上的演出八点开始。 2) in cash 用现金, 有现钱 pay in cash 给现金; 现金支付

e.g. How are you going to pay, ____ cash or ____ credit card? 您是用现金还是用信用卡支付? by cheque / check 用支票


8. studio n. 画室, 照相室, 工作室(无线电或电视节目的)演播室,{帮助盲人过马路}.

(制作电影的)摄影棚, (电影公司的)摄影场

TV studio 电视中心 A film studio. 摄影棚

Beijing Film Studio 北京电影制片厂 Changchun Film Studio 长春电影制片厂

9. The musicians were to ____________ each other as well as play music, most of which was ________ loosely _______ the Beatles.

1) play jokes/a joke on 开玩笑, 戏弄某人

e.g. 没人喜欢被别人戏弄。No one like to be played jokes on by others. make fun of…/laugh at… play tricks/a trick on…

He is a serious man, don’t play tricks on him. 2) base on 基于, 以为根据 be based on/upon… base sth on/upon…

You should base your judgement on the evidence. 你应该在证据的基础上做出判决。 The story is based on the facts. 这故事是有事实依据的。{帮助盲人过马路}.

10. They put an advertisement in a newspaper ____________ rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough.

looking for rock musicians 现在分词短语,在句中做伴随状语, 表示主动关系。

分词短语(doing/done/to do)在句中做状语的区别: 1)若分词短语与主语之间为主动关系, 用现在分词doing e.g. Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see the whole city. (standing与句子的主语we是主动关系)

2)若分词短语与主语之间为被动关系, 用过去分词done e.g. Seen on the top of the mountain, the whole city is very beautiful. (seen 与句子主语the whole city是被动关系)

3)若分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前, 则分词用完成时having done

e.g. Having finished his homework, he went out to play. (finish发生在go out 之前, 且为主动关系) ______________(receive) any letter from him, I gave him a call. 由于没有收到他的信, 我给他打了电话。

_______________________, the trees could have grown better. If they were given more attention, the trees could have grown better. 假如多给些照顾, 那些树会长得更好。

____________(hear) the news, he jumped with joy. 听到这一消息, 他高兴得手舞足蹈。 _________(arrive) there, they found the boy lying on the ground dead . 刚一到那儿, 他们就发现那男孩躺在地上死了。 11. actor 演员 actress 女演员 act n. 行为, 举动

It is an act of kindness to help blind man across the street.帮助盲人过马路是做好事。 act v. 演出; 当演员 She acts well. 她演得很好。 act as 充当,作为,扮演

12. They had to rely on other musicians to help them. 他们不得不依靠其他音乐家来帮他们。 rely on/upon sb. / sth. 依赖, 依靠

You can’t rely on the weather. 这天气可靠不住。

You may rely on me to help you. 你可以信赖我, 我会帮助你的。 rely on one’s own efforts: 自力更生 13. familiar

1) be/get familiar with sth. 熟悉,与熟悉起来 He is familiar with English. 2) be/get familiar to sb.

= be well known to sb 被某人所知

She looks familiar to me, but I don’t remember her name.

14. However, the band broke up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s. break up 分开, 分散, 拆散

break down (机器等)出故障, 失效 (计划、谈判)失败、破裂

The car broke down halfway.

His plan broke down when it was put into practice(实践).

break into突然闯入, 强行进入 His house was broken into by strangers last week. break out (战争, 灾难)突然爆发

break in 闯入, 打断, 插嘴 break through突破

break one’s word/promise食言 15. attractive adj. attract v.

Eg. The visitors are attracted by the attractive scenery. 游客被迷人的风景吸引住了。 16. fan (1) n. 扇子 an electrical fan 电扇

(2) vt. 扇; 吹向 fan oneself 扇自己; fan a fire扇火

(3) n. 狂热者, 迷 basketball/football fans 篮/足球迷 pop fans 发烧友


(1)_______ the final exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this month. A. Besides B. With C. As for D. Because of (2)I was telling them about my exciting travels when he _______ with a story of his own. A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke in (3) All work and no play makes one’s health ____.

A. break up B. break out C. break down D. break away from (4) In that election, a big strike ____ at Dowdon Colliery.

A. broke out B. set up C. took up D. broke up (5)CoCo and BoBo had quarreled with each other. So their friendship ______. A.broke down B. broke out C. broke in D. broke up

(6) News reports say peace talks between the two countries _______ with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up

(7)When she was a little girl, she dreamed ______ becoming a teacher. A. off B. at C. on D. of (8)You can’t be serious. You must be _____.

A. joked B. joking C. joke D.jokes (9)The song is popular _____ the young and the singer is familiar ______ the young. A. with; to B. to; with C. with; with D. to; to

(10)The guests arrived at ____ the same time and the host had a hard time in receiving them all. A. or so B. hardly C. about D. over

(11)Zhang li had succeeded in the entrance exam and his dream _____ being a university student will ______.

A. about; be true B. of ; come true C. in; become a fact D. from; turn into practice (12)She pretended ____ me when I passed by.

A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen (13)When I came in ,the children pretended ______and no one even raised their eyes. A. to study B. have studied C. to be studying D. to have bee studied (14)If you can ____ the habit of thinking and writing in English, you are sure to learn English well. A. cover B. move C. avoid D. form (15)She found a lot of ____ were ______.

A. passers-by; grown-ups B. passer-bys; growns-up C. passer-bys; grown-ups D. passers-by; growns-up (16)This kindergarten only employs ____.

A. woman teacher B. woman teachers C. women teacher D. women teachers (17)Mark Twain liked to tell funny stories and play jokes _____ his friends. A. with B. to C. on D. for (18)He is familiar ____ these animals, that is to say, these animals are familiar _____ him. A. to; with B. with; to C. to; to D. with; with 19)—-Are you paying _____ cash or by cheque? —-By cheque.{帮助盲人过马路}.

A. In B. with C. by D. for 20)He has to _____some _____ money to support his big family.

A. make; spare B. gain; free C. earn ; extra D. get; small


介词+which/whom引导的定语从句用于正式场合。 在这一结构中,关系代词which/whom做介词的宾语。 1. 当先行词是人时,用介词+whom引导定语从句,

例如:They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame.

2. 当先行词是物时,用介词+which引导定语从句,而且只能加which,不能加that,

例如:They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.

Module 2 Unit 5 Music Reading:The band that wasn't

【First reading】

1.Read the passage quickly and match the general meaning of each paragraph. Para 1 This is how most bands start.

Para 2 Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians.

Para 3 How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band. Para 4 The Monkees started in a different way. 2. Choose

1. In Para.1, which of the following singers or bands are mentioned in the passage? A. Liu Dehua, Coco Li and Beyond B. Beyond, Coco Li and Leon C. Song Zuying,the Beatles and Liu Huan D. Cathy, Liu Huan and the Beatles 2. Many musicians meet and form a band because_______ (para.2) A. they like money

B. they like to write and play their own music C. It is easier to be rich and famous.

A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One

4. The Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band in or so. (Para.4) A. one year B. two years C. three years D. four years.

2. Information about The Monkees. —-Para. 3&4

3. True or False

(1) The band began as a TV show.

(2) The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lovely and who could make good music.

(3) Each week the group that was called “The Monkees” would play a song or two written by themselves.

(4) The band broke up in 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.

(5) In 1999, they produced a new record to celebrate their time as band.

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