
我心中的爱fq作文 爱在我心中作文

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篇一:《Fqivli英语六级作文范例Reference model》


I. Views on Cloning

1. 有人认为克隆技术的应用利大于弊,


2. 也有人认为弊大于利,······

3. 我的看法。


1)Almost everyone would agree that … 2) But this agreement ceases to exist just when it comes

to…(议论的主题) (Para. I)

3) Many / Some people contend / believe / argue that… (一方观点) 4) They base their contention / belief / argument on the grounds that… (理由I) 5)(理由II) 6)Yet others react to the issue / matter the other way 另一方观点) 7) From their angle of view, … (理由I) 8) And even worse, as they claim, … (理由II) (Para. II)

I that anything new,

including…, can 我的看法, … (理由I) 11) But on the other, … (理由II) 12) In short, the key / solution to the problem is always (结论句)

Reference model:

Views on Cloning

Almost everyone would agree that the birth of Dolly, as the first clone of an adult animal, has opened a new way of seeing the creation of life for the world. But this

agreement ceases to exist just when it comes to whether cloning will bring fortunes or misfortunes to human society.

Many contend that the merits of cloning will outrun its demerits. They base their

contention on the grounds that cloning is the most effective method of saving the rare wild lives from dying out. Besides, as they also point out, cloning can help provide better ways to treat some serious or deadly sicknesses, such as diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease. Yet others react to the issue the other way around and hold that the oppositeis just reasonable. From their angle of view, cloning will threaten the ecological balance by destroying the natural reproduction through the enjoyment of sexual love between the male and the female. And even worse, as they reveal, cloning will bring greater disasters to human society if it is used in creation of individuals with extreme genetic qualities, like terrorists, desperate scoundrels, and war manias

I stick to the opinion that anything new, including cloning, can bring human

society fortunes or misfortunes, all depending on how it is exploited. On the one

hand, it will be an inestimable blessing to the human world if it is applied to

reproduction of best dairy cows or other choice domestic poultries. But on the

other hand, it will form a big threat to human society once it is abused in copying

those hostile toward humanity. In short, the solution to the problem is always

within man’s reach.

II. How to Prevent a Terrible Marriage

1. 为了避免婚姻的潜在危机,一些人选择婚前协议的方式而另一些人仍通过


2. 就这两种方式,你的选择倾向是······ (通过对比说明你的选择理由)


1) With a of/in … 2) …while others however, …for one, such as…, but, …(理由I) 6) By contrast, …, … 7) , …, …

(理由II) 8) In contrast to that, …, … 9) And the most striking

difference between both lies in … (理由III) 10) … while/whereas …(对比说明)

will …so as to …

Reference Model:

How to Prevent a Terrible Marriage

With a sharp growth in the divorce rate, people become more and more

concerned about how to avoid the potential risks of their marriages. To make it,

some prefer to make premarital agreements before their wedding ceremonies while

others still choose to maintain their marriages through their mutual trust. If I were

asked to make a choice between the two, however, I would like to attach more weight to the latter than to the former.

It is true that the marriage with a prenup (premarital agreement) does ensure a lot of benefits for the family, such as the protection of children from going hungry or the reasonable distribution of financial assets, once divorce is inevitable, but, compared

with the marriage based on the mutual trust, it seems less attractive to me. To begin

with, the marriage bound up with a prenup throws itself, from the very outset, into an ocean of family worries, thereby leaving little room for the spouses’ enjoyment of

happiness their unity brings about. By contrast, the marriage built on the mutual trust always nurtures itself in truth, romance and harmony, thus placing no limit on the

spouses’ enjoyment of happiness derived from their intimate exchanges. Besides, the prenup-based marriage lays bare, in writing or in cold fact, the spouses’ desire or even

greed for money, in which context there is no soil in their marriage for warmth to

grow on. In contrast to that, the trust-based marriage always reminds the spouses of

the truth that there is something more valuable than money in their marriage, in

which case both the husband and the wife would tend to bring forth more love and

attraction for each other. And the most striking difference between both lies in their

emphases on the post-marriage life. The former couple will focus their life on the

material or physical interests whereas the latter couple will center their life around the spiritual or ethical refinements.

From the comparisons and contrasts above, anyone can conclude that my way of coping with the prospective problems of a marriage is more reasonable and acceptable Therefore, I will refine my taste for marriage from today on so as to search the seas of people for the one who is resolved to share with me the affection and thought, comfort and hardship, joy and grief for life.

III. What Causes a Boom in Celebrating Foreign Festivals

1. 近几年大学校园出现了一股过洋节热。

2. 阐明导致该现象的原因。

3. 分析该现象的社会影响


1)in…/a 2) According to…, people, especially , are showing more and more interest in … 3) To get 5) …, for which…(原因原因原因III) 8) The effects of this change on 分析I) 分析II)

12) , it will certainly … / is bound to…in the time to come.

Reference Model:

What Causes a Boom in Celebrating Foreign Festivals

Believe it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in celebrating foreign

festivals on the Chinese campus. According to an official report/survey, young people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in such festivals as Valentine’s Day, April Fools’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. To get a better sense of the boom, it is necessary for us to find out its causes.

A closer analysis of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well

worth our concern. In the first place, it is the product of students’ seeking after individuality and novelty, for which the college campus offers an ideal climate. In the second, it is seen, among the students, as an ideal way of freeing themselves from stress for the time being, since most college students, single child of each family, are subjected to the unprecedented pressures from all sides although they enjoy the abundance of material wealth. And above all, it is an inevitable result of more and more exchanges between Western and Eastern cultures. While the Chinese watch their children thirst for the joy derived from foreign festivals, in fact, the Americans are discussing whether or not to list the Chinese Spring Festival among their official holidays.The effects of this change on our college life are positive. On the one hand, it has created more chances for students to gain a better insight into other cultures. (分On the other, it has enriched the college life, thus making the campus a more pleasant place to live on.

With more and more health and color added to the trend, I firmly believe, it will

certainly bring more benefits to our campus life in the time to come.

IV. What Enlightenment Can Be Gained from the World’s Mysteries

1) 人类社会面临着世界之谜的挑战。




1) While we watch / puzzles/problems as … (议论的主题) 2) The mystery of …, for example, has cast much doubt on what we have long been proud of or firmly convinced of . 3) With a constant emergence of … in the future, in fact, man will have to more and more of such

4) If taken however, these can shed new light

on … , they can help …, as it is the nature of man to…(分析I) 6)(分析分析进一步阐述)

9) So is how to 10) On the one hand, in my opinion, man must 建议… (建议II) 12) As long as man therefore, they will …(结论句)

Reference Model:

What Enlightenment Can Be Gained from the World’s Mysteries

While we watch man’s ability to tame the nature increase with each passing day,

the human world is often at a loss what to do in the face of such challenges as the

world’s mysteries. The mystery of black holes, for example, has cast much doubt on what we have long been proud of or firmly convinced of. With a constant emergence of the unknown in the future, in fact, man will have to be faced with more and more of such challenges.

If taken seriously, however, these challenges can shed new light on our ways of seeing and changing the world. For one thing, they can help build up man’s curiosity for the world around him, as it is the nature of man to seek for the better explanation of something foreign to him. For another, they can remind man of his ignorance about the objective world, thus making him aware of the fact that man is still far from

perfect in knowledge acquisition. And best of all, they can prove man to be a part of the nature rather than the master of the nature. In this light, man has every reason to take account of all the important factors concerning the nature in the course of his struggle for a better survival and attach to each its due weight.

So most important for us now is how to respond to the challenges with positive action. On the one hand, in my opinion, we must give full play to their strong{我心中的爱fq作文}.

incentive for our further exploration of the unknown world. But on the other, we must prevent them from becoming the breeding ground for pseudo-science or superstition. As long as we see them in perspective, therefore, they will serve as an ever-increasing force behind the human progress.













X-2x^2-3 老梧桐2x^2-4




门前的梧桐树碗口粗,树影不大,刚好遮住我和奶奶。,小时候,奶奶总是抱着我,醉在那棵梧桐树下,奶奶没上过学不识字,童谣确实唱的极好,她总是唱各种各样的童谣给我听。奶奶总想教我写字,奶奶的手上满满的都是伤痕和老茧,那双大手握着我的小手,一笔一划的写着我的名字。写名字很枯燥,但每次还不等我不耐烦,奶奶就自己笑了“你看这个,我写的对不对啊,好像不对哈,我见你爷爷就这么写啊""”最后,我俩都笑了。每每这时,奶奶总会对我说:“等你长大了,教奶奶写字好不好?以后,上个好大学""”不等奶奶说完,我就狠狠的点点头。想:以后我一定要好好学习,教奶奶写字,教奶奶背古诗。 门前的梧桐树慢慢长大了,茂密的叶子一层又一层的,就像一朵绿色的云。长大的我总有写不完的作业,上不完的网,逛不完的街。陪奶奶的时间越来越少,陪着奶奶的只有大梧桐。一次,爸妈不在家,我便一个人坐车去奶奶家。想给奶奶一个惊喜,我便悄悄地推开门,轻轻地走了进去。只看见奶奶坐在院子拿着拐杖,一个人喃喃自语“浩然,以前最喜欢我做的鸡蛋饼了”又突然指着窜来窜去的鸡吼着“是不是你们下的蛋不好吃了,浩然都不回来看我了""”我鼻子一酸,上小学那年,奶奶卖了她那只能下双黄鸡蛋的鸡,给我买了一个新书包。我想走过去,却不想奶奶又走到她种的花前,看了好久,自言自语道“这花这么好看,要是浩然来了,准又摘了。不过,能摘也好,现在这花也没人看""”“奶奶。”我忍不住喊了出来,奶奶怔住了,又慢慢的转过身,我看到奶奶笑了,笑的很好看,就像奶奶种的花。那天,我们俩坐在树下,我为奶奶引上针,奶奶为我缝制着小棉袄,一针一针的把阳光和爱缝进我的小棉袄。奶奶说:“你就要张大了,奶奶知道你忙,但你来多陪陪奶奶好不好?以后,多回来看看""”不等奶奶说完,我就狠狠的点点头。想:以后我一定要多陪陪奶奶,做奶奶的拐杖,给奶奶引针。










题目:Some people think that the increase of cheap air travel has brought about many benefits while others argue that this development has nothing good but its drawbacks to the world’s environment and resources。

Discuss these two points of view and give your opinion。

首段:The merits and drawbacks of the cheap air travel is a frequent topic of discussion when people are submerged by the attractive and beckoning information relating to the discounted air tickets online。





在这种体型上往往大家的作文思路宏观把握,也就是所谓的“谋篇”出现了问题。 我们一起来分析一下这篇文章。首先咱们一起来看看题目的问题方式:Discuss these two views and give your opinion。然后思考一下两个问题:

1. 讨论的两者观点是哪两者观点,存在在哪呢?

2. 要谁来讨论呢?


1. 这两者观点当然就是题目中所说的两个观点啦。

2. 当然是要求“烤鸭”本人来讨论这两个观点啰。


当然,既然要“我”来讨论这两者观点,肯定“我”是一定带着自己主观色彩来评析这两者观点的。就像两个人吵架,吵得不可开交,天旋地转,但是谁也说服不了谁,于是两人相约找“我”评理。这就是传说中的(You)Discuss the two views的来源。



首段:The merits and drawbacks of the cheap air travel is a frequent topic of discussion when people are submerged by the attractive and beckoning information relating to the discounted air tickets online。(这句话写得还挺不错的)

中间段1:便宜机票能带来很多的好处(topic sentence)+一方面给出行者带来了好处,节省了钱财……另一方面给相关的产业经济也带来了好处,比如说……



请同学们注意,根据上面的分析我们可以得出这样的结论: 要“我”对题目两个观点A, B加以讨论,那么自己对此事的态度决定着讨论题目两者观点的方式!!如果自己觉得观点A正确,就把它加以立论的写作;而往往与之相矛盾的B观点,就只能采用驳论的方式加以论证。反之亦然。当然在某些情况下(题目中两者观点不互相矛盾),


Test 1 的大作文。




北京市海淀区 中关村三小五年级二班 刘洪杉











1、 谢谢大家听得这么专心。

2、 大家对这些内容这么感兴趣,真让我高兴。

3、 你们专注听讲的表情,使我快乐,给我鼓励。

4、 我从你们的姿态上感觉到,你们听明白了。

5、 我不知道我这样说是否合适。

6、 不知我说清了没有,说明白了没有。

7、 我的解释不知是否令你们满意,课后让我们大家再去找有关的书来读读。

8、 你们的眼神告诉我,你们还是没有明白,想不想让我再讲一遍?

9、 会“听”也是会学习的表现。我希望大家认真听好我下面要说的一段话。

10、 从听课的情况反映出,我们是一个素质良好的集体。

1、 谢谢你,你说的很正确,很清楚。

2、 虽然你说的不完全正确,但我还是要感谢你的勇气。

3、 你很有创见 ,这非常可贵。请再响亮地说一遍。

4、 ××说得还不完全,请哪一位再补充。

5、 老师知道你心里已经明白,但是嘴上说不出,我把你的意思转述出来 ,然后再请你学说一遍。

6、 说,是用嘴来写,无论是一句话,还是一段话,首先要说清楚,想好了再说,把自己要说的话在心里整理一下就能说清楚。

7、 对!说得很好,我很高兴你有这样的认识,很高兴你能说得这么好!8、 我们今天的讨论很热烈,参与的人数也多,说得很有质量,我为你们感到骄傲。

9、 说话,是把自己心里的想法表达出来,与别人交流。说时要想想,别人听得明白吗?{我心中的爱fq作文}.

10、 说话,是与别人交流,所以要注意仪态,身要正,不扭动,眼要正视对方。对!就是这样!人在小时候容易纠正不良习惯,经常注意哦。






















1、 同学们养成了良好的学习习惯,作业本很干净,书写也端正。我很高兴,感谢大家。

2、 请同学们看(用手扬起一大叠本子)我今天要表扬这么多同学,让我来介绍他们的名字。这些同学的作业字迹端正,行款整齐很少有错别字,文句通顺,进步很大。

3、 同学们写下了自己的所见、所闻、所思,我也写了一点,现在我念给大家听,希望大家能喜欢。

4、 写文章的目的是与别人交流,将自己的感情和思想用文字表达出来,让别人了解。我们的作文也应该有读者,有读者群。我建议大家互相交流。看完后将自己的体会,用一两句话写下来,目的是互相鼓励。

5、 优秀的作文是全班的财富,应该让大家来共享,请大家出出主意,如何使这些财富充分地发挥作用,让每一位同学得益,特别请这些财富的创造者出出主意。

6、 用自己的笔写自己心里的话,这一点很重要。我们班×同学做得比较好,他的作文虽然也有缺点,却给人一种真诚的感受。


8、 ××同学从生活中找写作材料的本领很大,即使一件不起眼的小事,他也能留心观察,作为原始材料积累起来,他的写作材料总是那么新鲜、独到。

9、 刚刚过了××节,同学们一定还有深刻的印象,就“××节”为题,写一遍作文,好吗?



1、 你非常聪明,我很喜欢你!

2、 请你帮我一个忙,可以吗?

3、 你提的问题很有思考价值,我们共同研究一下。

4、 你的表现很出色,我很欣赏你!

5、 你的思维很独特!能说说你的想法吗?

6、 我真为你取得的成绩而自豪!

7、 你真了不起!我很佩服你!

8、 你敢于向教材(老师)提出个人见解,非常了不起!

9、 你很有发展潜力!

10、 你是一个懂事的孩子,愿你能发挥更大作用!

11、 别着急,再想一想。

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