
我的叔叔英语作文100字 写我的叔叔的作文100

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关于我最喜欢的学科的英语作文 1.写清最喜欢的学科 2.为什么你最喜欢这个学科?我最喜欢的课程(My favourite lesson) 我的名字叫 Sally,今年12岁。我再新动小学就读。 My name is Sally. Im twelve year old. Im study in XinDong primary school. In all subject. I like English best. Englishi is more impotant of live. Lean English well can help you. I have a good idea to lean English well: 1、Read and take exercise of English every day. 2、Watch the English chanel.{我的叔叔英语作文100字}.

3、Listen to radio of English. 4、Have English lesson will seriouly.


2011年4月5日 星期二 晴 我的姐姐玲玲,她是我叔叔的女儿,姐姐今年上二年级,我们每天都一起上学,她对我很好,我也很喜欢她。 姐姐天生就喜欢画画,她从来没有学过画画,但是她画的画很好,她的理想是长大当一名画家,画出世界上最好的画。 我也要跟姐姐学习画画,画出漂亮的画。 山西省太原市建筑北巷小学一年级:牛子昂


Reading log


Marx and Engels once said "The bourgeoisie had torn covers in family relations on the sentimental veil; this becomes a purely pecuniary relation. It makes people and in addition to the naked interests between people, in addition to cold cash transaction, you will no longer have other contact. ”

Since I read Guy de Maupassant write the 《My uncle Jules》, I deeply appreciate the remark of Marx and Engels

In this article, "my uncle" is the money, our family are all looking forward to his return as soon as possible, can give "we" bring happiness, extravagant life.{我的叔叔英语作文100字}.{我的叔叔英语作文100字}.

Nevertheless, this trip, when "we" saw him on the ship, he did not send any money, but old and poor selling oysters just as a sailor. "Father" and "mother" is like meet misery, tried to avoid him. What was the cause? Because he had no money.

From a different perspective,Jules really did not recognize his own nephew. Really, did not recognize his oysters are buying his brother? The answer is no, he must be recognized. Because he knew that, he committed many wrong before, and embarrassed to make know.

Then think again, why Jules did not back to his home? Answers can{我的叔叔英语作文100字}.

from Captain mouth that:” It seems that he has some relatives in Havre, but that he doesn’t wish to return to them because he owes them money.” As is say, Jules has from a scamp became a "sold Oyster of elderly" who now know money hard through thick, he most at least also know has to self-reliance. However, Clarisse just knew that he has no money now, afraid of him coming back to eat them. This shows the "my mother" is the town of worship the golden calf woman. "My father" Philip just as the mother as "cynical", they decided that "my uncle" without anything in this life. If I was Clarisse, I would made known with brother because commit error is inevitable, if they can turn over a new leaf is also a valuable asset, we should forgive him, if I were Philip, regardless of my brother and then poor rogue, I also made known to him, close family ties, after all, is never forgotten this life.

In fact, this novel is easy to understand but it makes us ponder it oven. One is the temptation of money, anther is the warmth family feeling which you will choose. Do you put the money on the first place but ignore the family relationships? Do you just need money but not sentiment to live? Do you also want to be the person who would cry in the BMW rather than smile on the bicycle? I think, relationships are more valuable than money. Money cannot buy a loving mother and a severe father; cannot buy a considerate sister{我的叔叔英语作文100字}.


or brother.

See poor Uncle Jules’s experience, I feel sympathy, but at the same time, we also feel sad. Because, in the world it is perhaps that the money really soon ruled the people, while the family was left out. I would like to, we have no hope in the near future the world will become cold.。

日语班 孙彩云


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