【 – 字数作文】
可能是应了“万事开头难”那句话吧,七夕节那天,我和妈妈早早地起床后,就踏着晨露向花卉市场走去。路上,妈妈对我说:“卖花很难啊, 你不能等着别人来买你的花,你要主动去卖花!”妈妈说着,我想着买花的情景:你买一朵,他买一朵,大家都来买一朵。哇哦!我赚大了。然而,事与愿违。在花卉市场转了几圈,都没有批玫瑰花的。刚才嬉皮笑脸的我脸一下子绷了起来。后来,有个工作人员告诉我们花要在郑州批!我不由得撅起了嘴,对妈妈说:“卖不成了。”妈妈笑着说:“我们到花店买些吧。”“好”我又立刻精神了起来。几经波折后,我终于以5元一枝的价格批到了十五枝玫瑰花。{我能做生意了作文}.
第一次做生意 朱州 今天,我和姐姐一起体验了一次愉快的社会实践活动——做生意。我们通过自己的努力和劳动获得了一份收获——赚得了陌生人口 袋里的钱。这可是一件令人兴奋,使我永生难忘的快乐事啊! 我们这次的社会实践活动是买饮料。经过我们的考察,我们把生意目标定在了市政广场,这是桐乡最大的一个广场,来这儿运动健身的人多,附近的零售店少,是一个绝佳的生意场所。 下午我和妈妈借了个篮子和一辆小推车,匆匆忙忙去俞明叔叔家批发了饮料。当我们把饮料装上车篮后,姐姐也匆忙赶到了。于是我们告别妈妈,推上车子向广场出发。 在我们的期盼中,广场终于到了,具有挑战性的生意开始了。我们一进广场便吸引了众人的目光,不少人还在一旁驻足围观呢。我们异常激动,有这么多人前来光顾,定会有不少人掏钱买我们的饮料的。可在众目睽睽下,我和姐姐又不免紧张、害羞起来。 我俩忐忑不安,顾客们议论纷纷。 “你们看,这两个小孩子怎么那么小一点就出来卖饮料了呀?”一位老奶奶不解地嘀咕道。我俩没做解释:走自己的路,让老奶奶去说吧! 一位年轻的妈妈对自己的孩子说:“宝贝,你看,她们和你一样小就出来卖饮料了,多能干啊!”我们听了美滋滋的,这可是对我俩的夸奖啊! 一位老爷爷说道:“这两个小孩厉害的来。”我们听了挺了挺胸,一脸的自豪。 于是,我和姐姐亮开嗓子吆喝起来:“买饮料啦!买饮料啦!”我们的吆喝声迎来了第一位的顾客——一位刚做完运动的叔叔,他客气地问:“小妹妹,饮料怎么卖呀?”姐姐说:“你先选一个,再问价钱吧。”叔叔指了指了冰红茶,姐姐报了略高于批发价的价钱,叔叔爽快地付钱买走了一瓶饮料。在叔叔的带领下,不少人纷纷掏钱买饮料,乐得我和姐姐连声说“谢谢”。 “哈哈,一走出来就有人给我们捧场,真是生意兴隆呀!”我说。于是我们信心十足,推起车子,又吆喝起来:“买饮料啦!买饮料啦!”一群游龙车向我们“游”来,游龙车学习者在我们车旁急速刹车,当他们再次“游”走时,我们篮子里的饮料已剩不多了。 当妈妈来广场看我们时,我们已“断货”了。我和姐姐了清点了钞票,除去本钱,我们赚了一小笔零花钱呢。
篇三:《04 专八作文大学生经商》
2004年 专业八级试题
Part V Writing (60MIN.)
It was reported in the press some time ago that a few second-and third-year students in a provincial university decided to try their hand at business in order to get prepared for the future. They opened six small shops near their university. Their teachers and classmates had different opinions about this phenomenon. Some thought that the students’ time and energy which should otherwise be devoted to their academic study. What do you think? Write a composition of about 300 words on the following topic:{我能做生意了作文}.{我能做生意了作文}.
Should University Students Go in for Business?
In the first part of your writing you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
第一段:交代背景, 引出话题。文章可以相关争论开始;一部分人认为大学生经商能够帮助他们在毕业后更好地适应社会,而另一部分人确认为经商会占用学生太多的时间和精力。 然后,摆出自己的立场, 即反对大学生经商。
第二段: 提出学习期间经商会冲击学业。
第三段: 提出经商固然可以帮助学生早了解社会, 但这一目的同样可以通过其他途径获得, 即反对大学生经商。
Should University Students Go in for Business?
It is an old topic of debate whether college students should take part-time job. Before the issue is settled, a more controversial problem has arisen. In a recent report, some second-and third-year university students opened small shops near their university. This has provoked quite a bit of discussion among their teachers and classmates. Some sided with the student businessmen, while others took the opposite stand. Personally, I disapprove business practice.
To begin with, doing business while studying in university is often at odds with (不一致) the principal goal of receiving higher education. Admittedly, we need university students who are well prepared for their social roles when they enter society upon graduation, but this does not mean they must obtain such preparation at the cost of their academic study. Doing business entails (必须) the investment of a lot of time and energy. As a consequence, there is no guarantee for the students involved to attend to lessons and assignments the way they are supposed to. This had been proved by a considerable amount of complaints from some teachers who are annoyed by frequent absences in their class.
Moreover, doing business is not the sole path to social experience. As we know, the strong argument for business practice is that the university students can have direct contact with society and get to know social needs and expectations so as to improve their social adaptability. To them, the social knowledge they may acquire in the course of business practice, which is not provided by college education, is supposedly most invaluable after they graduate, however, it is by no means of which they can come by (得到) the much-valued social knowledge. For instance, they can take part in some extracurricular programs and social practices in vacations. The majority of students who had such experience are said to benefit a lot from those forms of short-term social contact.
For the above reasons and those not mentioned here, I insist that university students should not go in for business. Primarily, it is not that doing business is wrong or useless, but that it may spoil one’s university education due to its huge demand for time and energy.