
手机的弊作文1000 手机的利于弊作文

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第 1 页 共 1 页 手机的利与弊






20 × 20 = 400




My Opinion on Cell Phones

Cell phones do play an important role in people’s daily life, but every coin has its two sides.

To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, it’s convenient for the user at any time to contact others. Secondly, it’s a helpful companion. With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily surf the net, downloading what he needs.

However, the cell phone has many disadvantages. For one thing, the machine itself is very expensive and its local service is very costly, not to mention its global service. For another, the radiation transmitted from the mobile phones might do harm to the user’s health.

In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply, its development will have a brighter future. Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.


Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT, cell phones play a more and more important role in people’s life. But, like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.

First ,it’s useful. As a wireless mobile telephone ,it’s easy and handy to carry it wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates people’s life. Second, it’s convenient. Whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately. Most important of all, it’s a very helpful companion. With a multifunction cell phone in hand, one can

easily get on the net, browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce and doing whatever one can do via Internet.

However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many

disadvantages,. To begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills, esp. that of global service. To make matter worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Worst of all, it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it’s alleged the micro-waves in it might do harm to people’s health.

In my opinion, with its expenses greatly reduced after China’s entry into the WTO,. Someday most of them will be developed into new Internet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. And I believe its advantages will not only offset its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.


There are alarms that mobile-phone use is 'killing' children, although ‘very slowly’. The question is that, if cell phones are not safe to use, then why adults should be allowed to use them and why kids should be otherwise? Now that an increasing number of medical experts are pointing their fingers at the effects of radiation, parents have to weigh the obvious benefits against the potential health risks regarding their kids carrying handsets.

Many parents think that children should be allowed to use mobile phones as well, if only when absolutely necessary. So, dismissed are claims that mobile phones are entirely harmful. To begin with, harmful or not, it is not difficult to recognize several advantages. On the one hand, working or travelling parents could find it easier to keep in touch with their children. On the other hand, children could communicate with their families, especially in emergencies. Besides, a smart phone has actually become a popular toy featuring a variety of fun ranging from MP3 to camera to the Internet. In addition, these days a mobile phone is not expensive to buy while calling plans have become more affordable.

Nevertheless, warnings about the effects of radiation are getting ever louder. Critics begin to argue that possible unknown health risks related to the phone consumption could appear in much later life among children. According to recent reports, such radiation is likely to cause DNA damage because young children are supposed to be less defensive. For that matter, it is probable that radiation could penetrate children's thinner and softer skulls with more facility. Specifically, constant exposure could affect mental function and increase chances of brain cancer and ear tumor. In short, believe it or not, young children now being addicted to this modern communication device might fall victims to dangerous diseases in 30 years or less.

Eventually, the debate seems to focus on the importance of parental control regarding to what extent young children should be allowed to use mobile phones for their own benefits and at their own risks. At this point, everybody might know that mobile phones could be 'killing slowly' and causing death in the long run, and so what? It seems, however, that nobody is in such a hurry to that fate.


As is shown in the cartoon given above, though sitting together for dinner, people do not chat with each other but use their mobile phones to do various kinds of things, such as calling, texting, taking pictures and playing games. It seems that people depend on their mobile phones so much that their facetoface communication with each other is getting less and less, which has become a problem that should not be ignored.

Every coin has two sides. While we affirm and enjoy the convenience and amusement that mobile phones bring us, we cannot deny that dependence on them also result in some inconvenience. On one hand, depending on mobiles makes people more indifferent. On the other hand, if we become too reliant on cell phones, our facetoface communicative skills may decline. Moreover, cell phone dependence harbors other disadvantages. For example, the radiation phones emit is hazardous to our health if we use them too much.

To solve the problem, I wont suggest that we discard mobile phones as giving up eating for fear of choking. Nevertheless, we should keep a certain distance form mobiles lest we should suffer from mobile phone dependence, and exchange words face to face with our relatives and friends as possible as we can. Only in this way, can we not be driven by material things but maintain our physical and mental health as well as our independence.


Different people have different views on opportunity. Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe opportunities are everywhere around us. No person will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has his day.” For another, since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves. Just think ofNewton, who discovered the Law of Gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of him.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our society. Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”



With the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone. Every cion has two sides. When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones have brought us ,we are now faced many problems.

To start with , mobiles phones have brought us many conveniences. With a using of a phone ,we can surfing on the Internet whenever we like without opening a computer.What's more, we are imformed of everything important when we carry our cell phone all the time. Futermore, it can also help us with some learning,beacuse we can look up the word in the digital dictionary.

Secondly, our cell phones still causes many serious problems. On one hand,the most problem is electric wave radiation ,which is bad for our health. On the other hand, it will affect our learning and working. For example,When we are at an important meeting with an important partner ,if your cell phone rings, it will interrupt the whole environment and the partner will think you don't respcet him. Another example is when you are having a boring class or meeting,then you will take out your phone reading novels,surfing on the Internet ,playing games ,all thest will distract you from good working.


Nowadays,with the rapid development of IT and information industry, cell phones play a dominant role in towns people's life. But, like everything else, they have both favorable and mffavorahle aspects.

First, it's useful. As a wireless mobile telephone, it's easy and handy to early to wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates people's life. Second, it's convenient. Whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can nmke a call immediately. Most important of all, it's a very helpful companion. With a multirfunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the Net, browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce and doing whatever one can do via Internet.

However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many

disadvantages. To begin with, it's expensive to buy and costly to pay the hills, esp. that of global service. To make matters worse, it's also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Worst of all,it's not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it's alleged the microwaves in it might do harm to people's health.

In my opinion,with its expenses greatly reduced after China's entry into the WTO, it will face an ever brighter future in its development. Someday most of them will be developed into new Intemet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful



你真冷漠。有人对我说。 是的,我承认,但这并不是我的错,我也不想这样。 我说:我的真心不会给予任何人。 那人思索了一会儿。 你有朋友吗? 朋友?我感到可笑。我没有回答,而是反问。 你有吗? 当然了,你没有吗?那人又问道。 没有。我回答的干脆。 什么?怎么会没有朋友呢? 那人似乎特别的惊讶,可她却不知道我的心在隐隐作痛。 我答:我一直都这样。 你,难道不会孤独吗? 孤独吗?我不知道。 孤独?我问。 是的,孤独。一个没有朋友的人是孤独的,一个把所有痛苦都压在心底的人是孤独的,一个成熟的人是孤独的,一个懂得伪装的人是孤独的。那人停顿了一会儿,又道,而你,恰恰属于这几种人。 我沉默了,我无言以对,那是事实。可我也不想没有朋友,也不想把所有痛苦都压在心底,也不想成熟,更不想伪装啊&& 你知道什么是朋友吗? 不知道,和自己玩的好的人?那人似乎在试探我的心思。 我笑了起来,按照我的理念,这顶多算是认识的人而已。 我说:玩的好的人?不,让我来告诉你,朋友是可以为你上刀山又下火海的人,或许你仍不能明白&&那么,我想问你一个问题,不知是否失礼。 那人摇头。 我便问:若在将来的某一天,你和你的一位朋友遇到了危险,你可以选择救她,但是代价却是自己,你会救吗? 那人毫不犹豫的说,会。 我点了点头:那好,我们换一个角度来想想,你会牺牲自己,可你的朋友也会吗? 那人低着头,犹豫着,她不知道。 我早已知道了答案,略带伤感的问:即使这样,你依然会与你的朋友交往吗? 那人还在犹豫&& 我又对那人说:如果她真的是你的朋友,那么你就必须信任她,那又为何在犹豫呢?请你记住,无论如何都不要奉献出自己的真心,这样至少能在朋友背叛你时,给自己留条后路,躲在某个角落里,独自舔舐着伤口&&好好想想吧,现在自己到底有没有朋友。 等那人走后,我哭了,我没有朋友,可我却在寻找,我找啊找,找了几年,可是却没有找到,因为我知道,我把你们当成了朋友,处处关心、呵护着你们,可你们却从未把我当成朋友&&我的付出终究得不到你们的回报&&初一:银殇







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优秀例文选读 放眼当下,手机走进社会的每个角落,在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。在大街上、地铁中、商场里,随处可见戴着耳麦,拿着手机的低头族。他们完全沉溺在虚拟的网络世界,对周围的一切视而不见、充耳不闻,把自己与周围的世界割裂开来。

我们已经习惯了手机带来的种种便利。但是,凡事有利必有弊。在手机大行其道的今天,我们的生活方式和价值观念正在被不断地侵蚀、改变。对手机的过度依赖,让我们自身的一些功能逐渐被异化。 过分依赖手机,会让我们的健康受损。现在一些人特别是青少年自制能力差,常常通宵达旦地玩弄手机,长期地低头对着屏幕,戴着耳机,敲打键盘,不仅影响人的视力,听力,还会造成身体免疫力的下降,思维神经的混乱。




科技是把双刃剑 莎士比亚没有黑莓,亚里士多德没有iphone,他们过得也很好;基督教在没有博客的年代传向全球,耶稣在山上训诫时没有用ppt作展示。“所有的科技对快乐生活来说,完全没有必要”,英国《卫报》曾对科技如此评价,引人深思。


出门便知天下事”,鼠标轻轻一点,到手指轻轻一触,科技给我们带来更多的是便捷。我们也曾一次次看到,无数网友通过微博参与爱心传递,帮助许许多多需要帮助的人。贵州民族学院大三学生杨艾菁,通过微博接力,用一对价值200元的戒指,为贵州山区的孩子换来了一栋教学楼。现在这所名为“梦想小学”的教学楼已在贵州开工。你看,科技的发展给我们带来爱的洪流。 所以,亲友相聚时,请放下手机,看看久别重逢的亲人、朋友,敞开心扉,面对面地谈谈。看看他们的面容,胖了,瘦了,憔悴了,容光焕发了?听听他们讲讲自己的境遇,给他们一个温暖的拥抱,进行心


请抬头看看我们生活的世界,不要死死盯着手机屏幕,这样你会发现我们周围有着许多可感可触的幸福。 科技是把双刃剑,请善加利用,切莫为其所伤。

低头族,请抬头 低头族是一个过度使用电子产品的结果。当然,这并不能怪他们,电子产品就像一个黑洞,它会对你产生强大的吸引力,让你无法自拔,最终使你沉湎在自己和手机的小世界里,失去独立思考的能力,淡漠了人与人的关系。我曾经在公交车上观察过乘客,大多都是人手一部手机,一副统一的表情。其实我们在车上可以做的不仅仅是低头玩手机。在等待之余,欣赏一下窗外的风景未尝不可呢?












篇三:人情冷暖 人情冷暖,要好自为之。有些人在你最好时接近你,在你最坏时离开你,这是人心的凉薄。有些人在有好处时爱你,没有好处时不爱你,这是人心的势利。其实这些都是最正常不过的事情,大部分人对你的好,都是要求回报的。我们这一生,就是在大多数人的冷漠里,找到极少几个人,对你不同寻常的好。善待自己,不被别人左右,也不去左右别人,自信、优雅。如果做一粒尘埃,就用飞舞诠释生命的内涵;如果是一滴雨,就倾尽温柔滋润大地。人生多磨难,要为自己鼓掌,别让犹豫阻滞了脚步,别让忧伤苍白了心灵。


现在越来越多的中学生拥有了自己的手机。中学生使用手机有利有弊。优点 给我们提供了很多方便,可以很容易找到朋友,可以给朋友发短信,发短信很流行

缺点 带来不少麻烦,有些同学在课上打电话,发短信在考试中用短信作弊 有些同学炫耀自己的新手机

Dear Editor,

Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school.

As we know, the 21st century is a mod…

Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. Some think it is good for students to bring a mobile phone. But some people do not think so. They think it is bad for students to bring a mobile phone. Because the students will use mobile phones to play games, sent text messages, watch movies, etc which will do harm to their study. And if a mobile phone ring in the class, the teacher and students would be disturbed. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school.

As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there’s a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There’re also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we’re tired of our studies. In my opinion, it’s not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way and do not disturbed others.





1. 认为用手机发短信、玩游戏浪费时间、浪费金钱。

2. 使用手机会响学习,有些同学在课上打电话,发短信

3. 有些学生在考试中用手机作弊


if students have the necessary to have a cell phone is the main topic of our class meeting. there are 70% of the whole take pro and the left 30% give con. as i see this problem, my opinion is i agree with the most. i think students

should have a cell phone. the next three reasons do help me support my view. the first one it's very convenient for us to connect with one another, especially the dangerous time. the second one it's the trend of the world. people know the things and information both them on cell phones. this tool helps us know anything as quick as possible. and speed means everything! the last one we have cell phones and we can choose if we use it. this point is much better than we even don't have it.

that's all the proof our team stick to. and we are willing to listen to different sound. are you ready for that?


Smartphone Addiction

As the development of modern technology, Smartphone has become quite popular all over the world with its outstanding functions. People can use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal micro blog, and upload their latest pictures at any place, anytime. It seems that smart phones have already become an indispensable part in people’s daily lives. However, some people are indulging in smart phones, which already have side-effect on their normal life.


Some people, especially teenagers, are easily fall for Smartphone for these reasons. First of all, nowadays, people are under great pressure, while cell phone provides a platform for people to relax themselves. By playing mini-games, vocal chatting with friends, watching movies and listening to music, people can easily forget their problems temporary. Second, there are always something new on the phone. It is can be interesting, mysterious and various. So people are eager to turn on their phones, want to know what is happening around them. When people spend too much time on the phones, they don’t have enough chance to communicate with their friends or parents. Their attentions have been drawn away by the virtual world. Lack of good self-control, they are fragile to the smart phone addiction, while they supposed to focus on their study and work.


I think people should take smart phone addiction seriously. Quitting addiction needs time and patience. People should turn off their phones, go outside and communicate with others face to face. Do more exercise and form optimistic attitude towards life! 我认为人们应重视把智能手机成瘾症。戒掉它需要时间和耐心。人们应该关掉手机,走出家门与他人面对面的沟通交流。多做运动,培养乐观积极的心态!

相关范文:Nowadays more and more students played their cell phone during the class . and i think there are several key reasons for this occasion occurs. the first is that they think the teachers class are boring and this is a beautiful accuse . the second is that there is not a strict rule .the third one is that the students don’t have a goal of their life .And we all know that not only the phone has radioactive but also ruined the morale in studying .you just want to kill the time during the

class…we should take an action to incase its deteriorate .first we teachers should be vividly and humorous and know some basic skills of teaching students instead of reading the books for students in the class..the second

we need to make a strict rule about phone and the punishment will be needed too. the third students should be enlightened about making their plan of their future . we all know that if we don’t have plan we cant make a difference ..we should be fast , accurate, and without mercy the situation will be changed and everything will fine.



Directions:Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) analyze the graph, and

2) give your comments on the trend.


In recent years there has been a dramatic rise in the cell phones, which are now essential to millions of people as a convenient form of communication. In 2004 the number reached 315,000,000, with an average annual increase at 57,500,000. Some people can now no longer imagine life without their cell phones. The fact that they are so popular proves that they are useful and convenient. Cell phones enable people to easily and quickly communicate with one another; wherever you are, you can instantly reach somebody. Cell phones eliminate the trouble of not being able to meet someone in person, and therefore increase business's efficiency. Mobile phones necessarily also harbor disadvantages. The radiation such phones emit is hazardous to one's health. Furthermore, if people become too reliant on the use of cell phones, our face to face skills may decline. Any new invention has its drawbacks, and such negative aspects cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones. People won't stop eating just because of the risk ofchoking. In addition, the swift development of science and technology will likely eliminate the hazards cell phones may cause. One can safely predict, therefore, that with the introduction of new techniques, mobile phones will have more applications and become even more appealing to customers.





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