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To think positively and deeply is the key way to be outstanding as a postgraduate

As a postgraduate , do you want to be outstanding in your university?In fact, everybdy extremely wants to be outstanding. However, you may wonder how to be outstanding. You may say that the outstanding postgraduates usually have all the classes they want to have , read various useful books,ask for others’ help,take an active part in many activities,do some part-time jobs and so on.In my opion,your answers are partly right.Obsevering the outstanding postgraduates,I find the key way to be outstanding is to think positively and deeply. Now my reasons are listed in the following parts.

To begin with,we can gain a strong power by thinking positively and deeply.When we are a member of postgraduate ,we should think about these basic questions and get rid of negative ideas.We must make it clear that who we are,what we really want ,what our responsibilities are,what we own ,what our disadvantages and advantages are,what we can do and achieve and so forth. Once we make sure the road to think, we can eliminate such confusion.By thinking in a positive and deep way ,we can analyse and know ourselves well.We can also become more mature and confident. Without question,we

can gain a strong power that can benefit us a great deal.We can sense that we can be a master of our own life rather than a slave.We can also get some helpful wisdom and inspiration in our life by thinking .

In the second plance,we can develop plan by positive and deep thinking . a clear plan is half done. Of course ,the plan should be realistic. having a realistic plan is very imprtant for all of us in the university.We do not feel confused unless we have a plan and know to do next.

Thirdly, thinking positively and deeply,we can consistly obtain some helpful lessns and experience that can make us become much smarter and wiser.In this way, we can firmly know the suitable ways to deal with all kinds of different problems in different situations.Then we can save time , avoid detour and improve our overall abilies in a very short time.

On the contrary,I really think that it is far from enough to have all the classes we want to have, read various useful books,ask for others’ help,take an active in activities and do some part-time jobs without thinking positively and deeply. Even if we can get some experience, we can not update our knowledge and experience. We can not develop our own ablilies well. Just doing without thinking is blind. It makes no


difference,because the experience we gain by doing above things without careful conclusion is superficial and useless. To improve ourselves,we not only need to do something important,but also to think positively and deeply before and after doing something.The latter is much more significant than the former. It can not be neglected by us. Now we know it is quite a crucial part for us.

On the other hand,we should not be afraid to use our brain to think positively and deeply.In some sense,it is rather difficult for us to think for a while.when we think about something,we feel so tired and perplexed.It is the normal feeling that I we have.Please do not refuse this kind of feeling. However,if we make up our mind to think and persist in thinking in positive and deep way,one day we will find some efficient ways to be outstanding and lead a better life in our campus life.We can grow to maturity as quickly as possible.For this reason,we should not hesitate to think.To think positively and deeply brings us so many advantages.

Finally,as I have mentioned above,I strongly hold that to think positively and deeply is the key way to be outstanding as a postgraduate.Thinking does do good to postgraduates.Without thinking,we will fall behind and can not

succeed. To be outstanding postgraduates, it is high time that we thought positively and deeply. It is obvious that think positively and deeply is the key way to be outstanding as a postgraduate.


Attention to the moral environment of computering{关于怎样学习英语的文章600字、}.

I .Stakeholders One day,Mr Zhang saw a flash courseware when he was browsing the site, it happend to be the teaching content that Mr Zhang needed to prepare.Thus,he put the flash download.At the class,clever use of flash,the classroom effect was very good.Later,Mr Zhang modified the flash slighty and participated in an award event,then he got a reward.But soon,Mr Zhang received a call of Mr Li from another city,who asked him why he theft of the fruits of their own labor.The flash that Mr Zhang had download was original Mr Li did it. II.Act-utilitarianism Then what we can see from the above case is that with the rapid development of information technology, the human society is gradually moving to the information society.But it also brings many political, ethical and social issues meanwhile.Just as the apprance of the Act Utilitarianism.

We can collect information online in order to achieve the sharing of resources,liking the Mr Zhang could use the flash to teach.But what he shouldn’t do is take the labor of others to participate in the competition for personal gain.Especially when he did those without seeking the consent ot Mr Li. Fortunately,however,the network ethics are transformed to legalization constantly. Many countries have established legal norms, and strive to normative groups and individuals in the online behavior and relationships.For example, "Lustration" law passed in the United States, the President of the Anti-Terrorism Act and the Privacy Act. "In order to promote the healthy development of the Internet, promulgated in 1996 by the People's Republic of China Computer Information Network and Internet Interim Provisions ", and in March ,1997 by the new Penal Code also increases the penalties for computer crime provisions.

Then we need to explore the development of computer network moral complexity mainly.

III .Deontological Ethics

Now the network world like a rattan wilderness of bushes students. Here, there is no government agency was born. All of them are their own leadership and master, because all of them have a part of the network. And then the network has Impact on the formation, its binding weakened the traditional code of ethics.Ethics, this particular social phenomenon, the material productive forces of human society, social relations and the level of awareness and ability developed to a certain degree, the morality of human society from start to finish without losing the existing form of the social groups social groups the main social ethics, human society entered the stage of civilization, especially the integration of the global development stage, the survival and development of mankind is facing many conflicts arising from the development process, the contradiction build in the process of development, science and technology the progress sparked activity toward the internal evolution of the human moral thought all humans should pay attention to the study and understanding of the social and moral, which is the survival and development of human society needs to reveal to us.

As a teacher, Mr Zhang was supposed to set a good example and respect for intellectual property rights.But he did not,when he enjoy the fruits of labor of others in unconditional at the same time,he also made immoral things, this should make us learn a lesson.

IV. Conclusion

In a word, Mr Zhang’s actions are wrong according to act-utilitarianism and deontological ethics.His actions are analogous to a thief stealing other people’s privacy.

In my opinion,Internet directly involved in the field of "communicative", created a unique online space for humanity, provides a new place for human interaction.Of course, the development of network ethics impossible formed overnight, so we have both a forward-thinking and also to have a realistic attitude required in the evaluation of its impact. We should seriously think about what it may have been brought about

by any moral complexity, consider the use of the network necessary to guide public opinion, shape the thinking of the new environment, in order to develop effective preventive measures, by means of laws, policies and moral education to constrain people's behavior to ensure the healthy development of China's network construction.


篇一:写我的作文600字 哲学家说过:人是世界的灵魂,自己是人的生命的体现者。 文学家说过:人是阑珊的灯火,自己是人的梦想的实现者。 大千世界,人充斥着它的角角落落。我是多么的渺小啊!然而,在渺小中我窥视到了我的伟大。我是一支小小的火柴,可以照亮心灵的天空;我是一片嫩绿的新叶,可以倾倒多情的季节;我是一朵洁白的浪花,可以飞测博大的海洋。我还是我,我无法去申审视自己。我不知道如何摆正自己的位置? 我总是在犹豫中徘徊。然而却由此想到一些事情,譬如某种襟怀和精神。于是,我重翻“人生历程”,如吹皱春池,涟漪四起。 在《橡胶树下》我读懂了舒亭甘愿做橡胶树下的木棉的执著。在《蜀道难》中我读懂了李白“安能催眉折腰事权贵”的愤世疾俗。在《交响曲》中我读懂了贝多芬琴架上飘出的铿锵有力的人生激情。 合上厚厚的书本,仰望苍穹,星光穿越数万年的距离投射进弥望者的视野,心潮起伏中, 我似乎感觉到在先人们一次次演绎人生境界中透露出的精神积淀亦越过茫茫历史长空,汇聚在夜幕之上照耀着我们。 我重新走向现实生活。用微笑温暖世界,因为李素丽在这样做着,因为希望工程在提倡着啊!世界,我需要拥抱你。 而如今,年代被历史的潮水淹没了,史料覆盖上青苔。走进复杂的社会。人生发生了扭曲——或慑于权势,或媚于孔方,或囿于圈子,或限于眼光,于是,美丽的心灵陷入泥潭,不能自拔。但,阅尽古今,真理告诉我们,这只是少数迷途羔羊。多数还是踏实的迈向远方。有“见”之才多乎亦哉。他们的可贵之处就是钱潮拍岸,我自笑傲人生想到这些,我心田由一些舒缓。因为世界是美丽,人生境界是高尚的。我怎摸不笑队人生。 “海到无边天作岸,山登绝顶我为峰”此为吾座佑铭,我仰望珠穆拉玛峰的雄伟壮丽,恍惚中, 我看到峰巅金光闪闪。那是我人生最高境界啊! 身披一袭灿烂,心系一份执著,趁着青春的梦想,让我心飞扬。 在下一个清晨来临,燕生呢喃之前,打开天窗,你可听到松涛中蝉儿鸣叫的声响。那便是我,一夜长大的鸣叫。 篇二:写我的作文600字 雄鹰之所以能翱翔于蓝天,是因为它有不断进取的信心;浪花之所以能拍击礁石,是因为它有战胜恐惧的勇气;成功者之所以能成功,是因为他有克服困难的毅力。 自信是成功的第一秘诀。 回忆往昔,我性格内向,不善于和同学、朋友交流。做事总是缺乏自信心,每每遇到一些比较难完成的事情的时候,我就会认为自己不可能完成。我的父母也因此而担心,在我不知情的情况下联系我的老师,请求她教导一下我。老师曾经开导过我,在一些情况下暗示过我,但我的自信心还是没有被唤起。一次周五放学,老师找到我,微笑着对我说:“单耀辉啊,下周是我们班值周了,我决定让你上台演讲。来,这是演讲稿。”说着,她就把演讲稿塞到我的手中。她接着说:“回家后把这个读熟,要有信心。不要怀疑,你可以的,老师会为你加油的。”听完这些,我猛地一惊。我不明白老师为什么会找到我,我的朗诵能力又不是很好,这万一出洋相给班级丢脸可怎么办啊?这是连拒绝的勇气都没有了。 回到家中,面对着这张演讲稿,除了紧张,还是紧张。想到下周一我将站在演讲台上,面对近千名的学生,我便不寒而栗。这时,我心底冒出一个声音:“我能行吗?我真的能像老师说的那样可以顺利的完成吗?”我找到父母,把这个问题给他们讲了。他们异口同声地说:“行!一定行!” “你就想象自己在家里读书就行了,要有信心”,“不就是上台读篇文章嘛,有什么好紧张的。”他们纷纷地说。不过也没有其他办法了,总不能打电话跟老师说不干了吧。于是我开始一遍又一遍大声朗读起来。读熟后,自己试了一遍,感觉还不错。我想不就是上台读一篇文章嘛,也没多大难事。本悬着的心终于可以放下了。 终于到了周一,旗仪式开始了,老师鼓励我说:“轻松点,大声朗读,抬头挺胸。”我的心仿佛被锤子敲击着,自己都能听到。我深呼吸了两下,想起父母的那句:“行!一定行! ”想起老师的那句:“老师相信你。”我便渐渐地放松下来。走上演讲台,开始了我的演讲。我流畅的朗读着。当我读完,下面近千名同学同时鼓掌,雷鸣般的掌声响了起来。我心里有一种说不清的激动。我成功了! 在别人眼里也许这不算什么,但对于我来说这是不小的一步。从此,我渐渐开朗了起来,也变得有自信,结识了更多的朋友。


会败退到我的身后。再往后的高中生活里,要问我能否战胜困难,我的回答亦是:我能! 篇三:写我的作文600字 我没有倪萍那迷人的笑容;没有宋丹丹的幽默机智;没有邓亚萍健康的体魄;没有骄人的成绩;没有惊天动地的业绩,我只是芸芸众生中的一员——一名普通高中生。 我知道,人活着,可以没有高大的身躯,但不能没有宽大的胸怀;可以没有富贵高官,但不可没有远大的志向;可以没有超人的智慧,但不可没有勤奋的毅力;可以没有娇人的容颜,但不可没有火热的情怀 因此,在这段求学生涯中,我把自己藏身于书山题海之中,约a、b、c作伴,同x、y、z共游。渴望汲取丰富的营养,来填充我那干瘪的知识口囊。我常对自己说,也许袭击不可能永远超越别人,但要不断的超越 自己。 我可以不羡慕他人,因为人要活出点风格,我不敢说我不重要,那样会使我心酸。父母的期望,自己的信誓旦旦,老师的用心良苦,都使我感受到自己担负着责任——成长的责任,追求的责任,进取的责任,实现宏大抱负的责任。于是,我可以没有云霞的多姿,但我可以做那洁白的云;我可以没有百花的明艳,但我可以做一棵荒原上的小草。总之我就是一道风景,不管它的内容如何,但毕竟是出于天成,是自然而然不矫饰的。 小溪不必仰慕大海的壮阔;野草不必与牡丹斗艳;白杨不必迷恋青松的挺拔;腊梅不必欣赏翩飞的雪花,因为你就是一道风景。人更应如此,只要不断的升华自己,超越自己,发掘自己,一定会使自己的人生与众不同。ll 我深知在自己的目标挺进的同时,不应该贪恋路边的风景。因为自己本身就是一道风景,有着热情、理想、憧憬、追求,这已经够了,人不能奢望得到太多,因为那样会失去得太多。 于是,我将把握好自己的人生,走好自己脚下的路,用奋斗的汗水挥洒自我,给所有爱我的人和我爱的人一个满意的答复,让心灵无憾无悔。 自豪地说一声:我就是一道风景。 点评:没有人甘愿平庸,没有谁不愿灿烂。但是名人都是一步步地成长起来的,而且伟人毕竟是少数,那么,我们如何正确看待 自己,如何好好把握今天呢?这篇文章以自己的经历和切身感受回答了这一问题。读罢此文 ,我们不禁颔首击节,为敏捷的文思,为不俗的见解,为明快的语言,也为作者的自信。 篇四:写我的作文600字 母亲,一个温暖 的象征;母亲,一个操劳的象征;母亲,一个憔悴的背影。这就是母亲,一个在日常生活 中见得平凡 的人。 ——题记 她是一个生活在几千亿人当中的平凡人,却要担着许多人不曾担任的重任,就因为,她是一个母亲;她是一个生活在几千亿人当中的平凡人,却要将一颗心分成上百份,为这个家庭 在社会 中扎稳脚,就因为她是母亲。 是她给了上万人的生命 ,让一个美丽 的地球变得繁华 。唐代的王建曾这样说过“人见生男生女好,不知男女催人老。


In most cases, some people think that environmental protection carries more weight than economic development (1你反对的观点) out of various reasons and factors in situations,while others do not think so, which sound reasonable but ironical based on the fickle situations in society and history.As for me, despite the adventure of being entitled as “absolutist”, I will consistently support that{关于怎样学习英语的文章600字、}.

developing the economy is of greater significance compared with protecting the environment (2你支持的观点).

Maybe a lot of people stress the suspect of the authenticity of my point of view (2), but what I want to demonstrate is, this idea has been certified by our predecessor hundreds of years ago. I would like to cite Abraham Lincoln as an example.It is

known to us all that Lincoln is a great man respected by all of the American people, not merely because of his remarkable feat of leading the Union in Civil War and of emancipating the slaves in the South but because of the records and the anecdotes popular in politicians and socialists, telling the story of his childhood, education background and policies he made to seek his dream.And the reason why he can achieve such a howling success, at least accepted by most specific groups and

individuals, is closely related to the opinion I am holding now. However, despite the seeming irrelevance of the example, try to imagine, if this idea is not accepted doubtlessly, that means Lincoln didn’t believe the fact that only when specific situations are considered could we make rational decisions (3连接元:你支持的另外一种表达).Consecutively, Lincoln would, in no ways be supported by his senators{关于怎样学习英语的文章600字、}.

and his people, as a result of which ,he would never have had the chance to

become a president, let alone the fact that he can lead all the northern people to win such a historical battle.

Admittedly there are still some people who probably think that the time and space makes Lincoln a rare example, which cannot be cited as a ground support to the idea mentioned above. In a comparatively higher level or in a more philosophical view, another example, the experience of my friend Jane can help to substantiate what I have held.Jane is an ordinary woman who always wants to get a success in a scientific field. However, even in senior high school, she never got an A in scientific subjects such as math, physics, and chemistry. The factor leading to this is that she failed to insist that specific situations should be taken into account before we are able to make a reasonable decision (3连接元) , which is contrary to the inference derived from the point that developing the economy is of greater significance compared with protecting the environment. 你支持的观点Although we cannot

attribute the unpromising end to the assumption she takes granted, it is a fact that she never thought about other’s opinion and just go straight in her own way. So the influence originated, developed and stimulated by the insane hypothesis should be considered a critical element.

There also exists the fact that some other people still think that the statement than environmental protection carries more weight than economic development (1你反

对的观点) is more likely to be true, but it is obvious that it just helps in just helps in some specific situations, which pales in comparison to its opposite claim (2) to such a huge extent that it is unnecessary to approve or disprove it.

So, judging from the reasoning and examples as well as the sub points I presented as above, we can easily draw the conclusion that developing the economy is of greater significance compared with protecting the environment (2你支持的观点) which is a more probable result compared to the other way around (1) even

considering a wide range of factors, whether supportive or undermining ones. Just as everybody knows, coins has their sides, but this fact can not weaken the

argument that two sides does not mean they occupy the same position, can not weaken the argument that there is always a side can be considered more by some people, and can not weaken the argument that economic development plays a more essential role in the successful development of a country (2你支持的观点).


[进入初三作文600字] 这个暑假刚过去,我就要进入繁忙而又艰苦的初三,进入初三作文600字。这个学期我在初三(7)班。听到许多闲言,有人说初三的老师很严格,有得人说初三是个魔鬼地狱,有的人说初三是决定你后三年的一个重要阶段,还有的人说初一到初三至为了考好中考。各种各样的说法都有,听到这样的说法让我想起了一篇小学的作文(小马过河),你没尝试过你怎么治到它深不深。

我上初三已有一个月了,的确就像他们说的老师严格,和以前初一,初二的不同,很多老师和我们见面都会说不要把你们以前的不良的习惯带进初三,你不想学习老师们都会逼你学没有让你偷懒的几会,当天的作业要当天完成,不然就翻倍,做得你手都麻,初中三年级作文《进入初三作文600字》。 ◆分享好文◆他们都是那种久经沙场。老谋深算,有经念的严师,不是说严师出高徒吗?{关于怎样学习英语的文章600字、}.




篇六:《关于刘翔的英语作文 600字》

The Asian Games is held in Guangzhou these days, star athlete Liu Xiang appears again in people's line of sight. Since he had won the 110-meters hurdles in 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the star achieves lots of cheers and becomes a sports star in Chinese' heart. But things turned bad when he withdrew from the 110-meters hurdles owing to a foot injury in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Some people started to blame him and questioned if Liu Xiang can really be a real star in Chinese' heart. They sent him a title:liupaopao. This is ridiculous and unfair to Liu Xiang because he has won the Chinese first gold metal in track and field, he represents Chinese speed, what's more, he also represents a kind of personality,stands for the Chinese new century' young man.

The first, the reason why we can't blame him is that he got a gold metal for China in the 110-meters hurdles in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Track and field is one of the China's weakest sports, not to mention the men's team.

Liu Xiang won the gold medal and broke the world record when he first took part in the Olympic Games in the year of 21, this influential gold metal is enough to be pride of and it is a huge breakthrough for Chinese sports. It is the pride of China and it means that Asian people can also make some achievements in track and field, what's more, it also stimulate the Chinese people for fresh efforts. We can't blame Liu Xiang because he has won a gold metal for China in track and field in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.{关于怎样学习英语的文章600字、}.

Another reason that we can't blame him is that he represents the Chinese speed. All along ,the hoopman Yao Ming was regarded as the Chinese height, similarly, since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang was regarded as the Chinese flier. Liu Xiang deserves this title for on one hand, his gold metal represents the development of Chinese sports, another progress was achieved in China's weak sports part . On the other hand, the gold metal is meaningful and Liu Xiang is never stopping struggling no matter he


comes across physical or social matters. The time 12.88 seconds shows us both the running speed and the advancing speed. We can't blame Liu Xiang because he shows us the Chinese speed.

The last reason that we can't blame him is that he has real personality and represents the Chinese young man in the new century. He has handsome face and his sportsmanship sets us a good example of the human spirit of transcending oneself . As a sportsman, he never gives up no matter what kind of trouble he comes across. He has a foot injury, but he overcame that by suffering much pain without giving up. He was called by some people "liupaopao", but he wins the gold metal in the 2010 Asian Games and proves to some people that he can be the champion. He is unsatisfied with the 12.88 seconds and he has made 12.86 seconds progress in the training, he is improving. We can't blame Liu Xiang because of his sportsmanship and he can be a represent of Chinese young man.

Every man has his advantages and

disadvantages, so Liu Xiang has. However, since he has won China the first gold metal in track and field in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games , since he represents the Chinese speed and the Chinese young man, why not encourage him and learn from him but not just blame him?


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