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中国梦 英语作文

It is our president Xi Jinping who first came up with the view“Chinese dream”。 What he said at that time still remains in my brain“To realize the great Renaissance of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times”Reviewed the passed 100years,realizing the chinese dream is a constant pursuit。Fortunately,we never give up and we keep going. As the word “the Chinese dream”is put forward by president Xi,it has become more and more popular among us and often appear on different media.Inspired by President Xi quantities of chinese think about the deep meanings of chinese dream and have their own understanding.

From my perspective of view,the Chinese dream is all the people‘s common dream.Such as there will be less poor,more and more children are able to get excellent education and grow up healthily and happily,there will be no war in the world ,and nobody will be homeless any more So much and so on 。

As for me .my chinese dream is simple from the very bottom of my heart .I hope my family and my beloved friends will live with happiness and joy.,and under no circumstances will we be separated。

篇二:《英语作文中国梦 CHINA DREAM》

China Dream

Good morning/afternoon/evening:

Ladies and gentlemen! I’m L from School of History. Here, I am going to share my opinion on China dream with all of you. At first, I would like to ask you a question. Suppose there are some items before you: beauty, money, health, good reputation, family, and you are required to choose the most important one for you. Then, which one would you choose? That’s one psychological test once I have participated in last year. While most people chose money, health and other items, I made “good reputation” my choice. Surprisingly, They all laughed at me: “Good reputation!”

“How ridiculous in this flashy economic society!”

Nevertheless, I stick to my choice because good reputation to human-beings is what beautiful voices to birds. It is the soul of a person. To be a person with good reputation is my dream and what I’ve been pursing for my whole life. It urges me to study and work hard, improve myself constantly and also in line with the great China dream.

First, to be a good-reputed person, I make efforts to work and study conscientiously. Higher education provides me with access to in-depth knowledge, proper value system, and basic ethics, making me own the capabilities to tell goodness from evilness. As an employee, I go to work early and back home late, taking all my responsibility as a teacher. As a result, I am affirmed by my students and awarded by my leaders for many times.

Second, being a good-reputed person urges me to improve myself continuously. Was there anything I did improperly? Is there something I could do better? Everyday, I do self-introspection and try to find solutions to cope with problems around me. To improve myself better, Last year, I challenged myself to prepare for the entrance examination for doctor degree and finally made it after perseverant hard work. With the dream of being a man with good reputation, I am willing to improve myself despite efforts and pains.

Moreover, the dream of being a good-reputed person coincides with the great

China dream. Known to all, China dream pointed by President Xi generally goes like this: China dream is to make the country strong, nation prosperous and people satisfied. It may sounds difficult to achieve, however, it is not so hard as what we have imagined.{中国梦作文英文300字}.

China dream is just like a long and wide river which made up of streams of individual dreams. My dream, your dream, is in fact part of China dream. If everyone in China has the willing to be a good-reputed and dignified man, then vulgar and uncivilized phenomena would hardly appear. If everyone in China has the conscience to make China a more advanced modern country starting from being good-reputed, then a society of truth, beauty and kindness wouldn’t be far from us, and China dream of making country strong, nation prosperous and people satisfied wouldn’t be far from us!

篇三:《My Chinese Dream我的中国梦英文作文》

My Chinese Dream

“American Dream” is well known all of the world, which is stand for freedom, independence, hardworking, success and miracle. So lots of Chinese young people take this spirit and look forward to be one of American.But if someone asks me what Chinese Dream is, actually Icannot find the answer.

China is the country with long history and full of culture. The first Chineseempire can be recalled to 5000 years ago, from that time Chinese people began to build up their own culture and valuation thinking system. Till now Generation after generation of Chinese are still influenced by the philosophic thinking of Confucius and Mencius. As time pass by, amount of western new thoughts attached the Chinese young people, most of them give up the traditionalChinese brain. What is the result? Some the essences of the Chinese traditional culture are disappearing day by day. Due to the fast development of China and Chinese Economic, much more Chinese young people dream of success, but the meaning of success is narrowly understood to Much Money! So, a competition of “earning money in short time” quietly starts. Everyone is looking for shortcut to make money, so the whole societybecoming more frivolous.

On the other hand, China's influence is rising steadily around the world.More and more foreigners start to learn philosophic thinkingof Confucius and Mencius. What’s more, they love Chinese Traditional Art, such as cross talk, Calligraphy, Beijing opera and so on. This fertilization of culture can show a real and charming China to the whole world.

As one of the youth in China, my Chinese dream is to be proud of “Chinese Dream”, one day “Chinese Dream” can be stand for deep-rooted cultural, kind-hearted, comprehensive, and full of Enterprise. Ibelieve the day is coming soon.

篇四:《Chinese dream中国梦英语作文》

Recently,we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream . Everyone talked about their understanding of Chinese dream on the meeting.I also talked about my own dream.

Now I am a high school student.I want to be an excellent obstetrician in the future like Lin Qiaozhi who devoted herself entirely to serve the people throughout her life.As an obstetrician, I can ease the birth of more mommies` babies and assure more mommies` rest so that their families can trust us.

I think,I should study harder from now on to be admitted to some medical university.And that will make me more closer to the realization of my goal,my Chinese Dream.




五年二班 邹金亭










China Voice: "Chinese dream" attainable through down-to-earth work

12-01-2012 15:32 BJT

Text:A A A

Members of the seven-seat Political Bureau of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee earlier this week visited an exhibition on the ups and downs of China on the road of national revival since 1840.

As a major group activity for the new CPC helmsmen outside of the Great Hall of the People since they were elected about half a month ago, the symbolic visit sent the message that the ruling Party will keep in mind its mission and responsibility.

The CPC has the resolve and confidence in uniting and leading people of all ethnic groups in China to realize the Chinese dream. And the Party has every confidence in its path, theories and system. Over the past 10 years, China has risen from the world's sixth to second-largest economy. And the country has undergone historic changes as its economic strength, people's living standards, overall national strength and international competitiveness have been enhanced substantially. China has never been so close to realizing the goal of the nation's great renewal.

History has taught a lesson that it was through the ceaseless struggle and arduous work of one generation after the other that the Chinese nation has finally been able to embrace the twilight of revival.

It is an unprecedented mission in the history of the mankind to build a developing country with 1.3 billion population into a modern country and at the same time realize the nation's rejuvenation. China faces many severe challenges and difficulties at present from vexations at its peaceful rise, pressure from economic and social adjustment, and the country's overall development. Under the new conditions, the ruling CPC also endures risks and pressing problems within the Party that need to be resolved, especially those concerning corruption, being divorced from the people, going through formalities and bureaucracy caused by some Party officials.

All these problems entail the ruling Party to carry on the past and forge ahead into the future and individuals to be realistic and pragmatic and toil in their daily work.

It is the people who have created history, and the people are the source of China's strength. When all the people are united as one, an awesome power will be created and all difficulties will be overcome.

The Chinese are the architect of their own fate and they will create a better life with their own efforts.

Empty talks lead a country astray, while hard work sees nations prosper.

As long as the Party and the Chinese people stick to the path of socialism with Chinese

characteristics and keep doing practical jobs, the nation's great renewal, which will no longer be an{中国梦作文英文300字}.

unattainable dream, will surely become reality.


'Chinese dream' is Xi's vision Updated: 2013-03-18 02:53

By Zhao Yinan ( China Daily)

Xi Jinping started his presidency promising to deliver a "Chinese dream" of national rejuvenation.

The vision will be the guiding philosophy of the new leadership over the next five years, experts said.

In his first speech as president, Xi said on Sunday that people should strive to realize the Chinese dream.

The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "is a dream of the whole nation, as well as of every individual", he said.

"The Chinese dream, after all, is the dream of the people.

"We must realize it by closely depending on the people, and we must incessantly bring benefits to the people," Xi told about 3,000 national lawmakers at the close of the National People's Congress, which elected him president on Thursday.

In the 25-minute address, he called on the 1.37 billion Chinese people to "bear in mind the mission, unite as one, and gather into an invincible force with wisdom and power". "All Chinese people deserve equal opportunities to enjoy a prosperous life, see their dreams come true and benefit together from the country's development."

To realize the dream, China must take the Chinese way, Xi said. He has also called for a fostering of the "Chinese spirit," with patriotism playing a major role and the unity of the people strengthening the nation.

Xi vowed to honestly fulfill his duties as defined by the Constitution, saying his election means a "glorious mission" and "profound responsibilities".

"I will always be loyal to our Motherland, be loyal to the people and dedicate all my time and to my duties and responsibilities to serve the people," Xi said.

"I will never let you down and will live up to the trust and expectations of people of all ethnicities. We cannot show the slightest complacency, or display any slackness at work," he said.

Sunday's address was a further elaboration of the Chinese dream, a concept that Xi addred in December, shortly after he was elected chief of the Communist Party of China.{中国梦作文英文300字}.

"Nowadays, everyone is talking about the Chinese dream. In my view, realizing the great renewal of the Chinese nation is the Chinese nation's greatest dream in modern history," he said in December.

Experts said Xi's call for a Chinese dream is to build a broad consensus among the people.

Xu Xin, a law professor at Institute of Technology, said Sunday's address could be considered Xi's inaugural speech and the new leadership's governing ideology in the following years.{中国梦作文英文300字}.{中国梦作文英文300字}.

"Everybody has a dream," Xu said.

Xi's call for a Chinese dream combines individual success with the fate of the country, he said.

Xu said he expects more concrete steps, such as greater anti-graft efforts, to be taken to fulfill the dream.

NPC close

Zhang Dejiang, the newly elected top legislator, called for the rule of law, at the end of the national legislature's annual session.

He quoted the late leader Deng Xiaoping to elaborate the point.

"Democracy should be safeguarded by the rule of law. And democracy should be

institutionalized and legalized. We need to make sure that the system and law will not change due to a leadership switch, nor due to variations of personal opinions and focus of the leadership," said Zhang, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, the top legislative body.

The statement is part of a speech delivered by Deng in late 1978, at a Party meeting that paved the way for opening-up and reform policies.

An Baijie, Jin Zhu and Xinhua contributed to this story.{中国梦作文英文300字}.


Beautiful ‘China Dream’ requires hard work


08:02, December 04, 2012

China's new top leadership visited “The Road toward Renewal” exhibition in the National Museum of China on Nov. 29. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission (CMC), delivered an important speech during the visit.

"Making empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical jobs can help it thrive. We, this generation of Communists, must take what has been left to us by our predecessors as a departure for forging ahead into the future,” Xi said.

Rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest Chinese dream in modern times since the Opium Wars. “After more than 170 years of hard struggle since the Opium War, the Chinese nation has bright prospects, is closer than ever to reaching its goal of great renewal, and is more confident and capable of reaching the goal than ever. “ Xi’s words are quite thought-provoking.

From founding a New China to building a New China, it is Chinese people that begin the modernization process of the state with their experiences of revolutionary and construction. China has become the world’s second largest economy, with remarkable economic success, improving living standard, growing comprehensive national strength and international influence. Generations of Chinese people’s hard work has lightened the future of “Chinese Dream.”

It is the second decade of the 21st century and China is still in an important period of strategic opportunities and faced with unprecedented challenges and

opportunities. The 18th CPC National Congress has painted a beautiful blueprint for China’s future. However, there is a long way to go before the blueprint comes true. This requires long-term efforts.

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