
关于2020的疫情作文800字致敬疫情逆行者作文多篇4 向疫情中的逆行者致敬作文

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  窗外滴滴答答的雨声,让人的心情有些压抑,有些喘不过气来。这像极了最近正在爆发的新型冠状病毒的疫情,弄得大家人心惶惶。 …小编为您整理了《疫情的作文800字 致敬疫情逆行者作文优秀优秀范文4》,给您在日常工作学习中借鉴。


  The drip rain outside the window makes people feel depressed and breathless. This is jittery like novel coronavirus outbreak recently.


  A novel coronavirus, a new strain of coronavirus discovered in the human body in 2019, was originated in Wuhan in 2019. Many people also call it “pneumonia in Wuhan”. Because of it, our original travel plan was cancelled; because of it, we can”t go shopping; because of it, we need to wear masks when we go out This sudden epidemic has brought a lot of inconvenience to our life and work.


  Although the epidemic situation is very serious, the form is very severe, but the whole country is actively taking effective measures. As soon as the epidemic broke out, the Party Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it and made timely plans for prevention and control. At present, all relevant departments and localities are doing their best to prevent and control the epidemic scientifically and effectively.


  At the age of 84, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan was ordered to rush to the front line of Wuhan disease area to participate in the work of epidemic prevention and control. Novel coronavirus infection prevention and control emergency team was established in our school, and the prevention and control plan was organized and implemented. The prevention and control efforts were coordinated and implemented.


  Our family also has its own preventive measures, that is to do three words: house, wear, wash. House is to stay at home and try not to go out. Although it”s the Spring Festival, but in a special period, we should not visit relatives and friends. Instead, we can use video to pay a new year”s visit. If you want to go out, you must wear a mask and do a good job of protection. Washing is to wash your hands when you go home. Coat, mobile phone, key, etc. should be disinfected with alcohol.


  The Spring Festival in 2020 is destined to be a different one. This Spring Festival, we did not visit relatives and friends, no dinner reminiscence. Some of them are honest at home, which is the preventive measures for this epidemic. In 2020, China will build a well-off society in an all-round way. Although there is no way to control the epidemic, it will not stop us from realizing a well-off society in an all-round way. Novel coronavirus is not only a comfortable living standard in the material life, but also a sudden outbreak like a new coronavirus. We have enough capacity to deal with it. Facing the epidemic situation, we can formulate corresponding measures as soon as possible and actively resolve it. China, a great country with five thousand years of civilization, is sure to overcome the epidemic. Let”s join hands to overcome the epidemic and step into a well-off society in an all-round way.

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