
作文阿甘 赞扬阿甘的作文

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阿甘和母亲 人物分析


母亲更是阿甘心灵上第一个也是最牢固的依靠,阿甘在离开美国去越南与母亲告别的时候,母子俩坐在房子外边的石头上,轻轻的依偎在一起,最终阿甘还是忍不住在母亲的怀里流下伤心的泪水。 后来当阿甘在"珍尼一号"上得知母亲病危,竟无措的跳河。



阿甘正传 这部电影的主角是“阿甘”,他小时候因为得了小儿麻痹症,所以脚上有一个支架,阿甘的智商是75,所以第一次上校车就受到了小朋友的欺负,只有一个叫珍妮的小女孩愿意跟他做朋友,在学校里小朋友用石头砸他,珍妮就说:“快跑起来”于是他一摇一晃跑起来,小伙伴骑着自行车追阿甘,阿甘在跑的时候他腿上的支架破掉了,之后他像风似得跑起来,长大以后小伙伴再用石头砸他,珍妮又说:“快跑起来”他飞快的跑起来,小伙伴坐上汽车来追他,还是没有抓到他。







该书以智商仅75的阿甘来观看世界,透过他单纯的思想以及善良的个性,描绘出美国50年代至90年代的历史,虽然40年间,美国历史有巨大的变化,但是弱智的阿甘突破智能的限制,以一贯的诚实以及天生的直觉行动,反倒开辟了一片天地,正如“天生我才必有用”。阿甘虽然是一个弱智,但他几乎代表了这个社会所缺少的所有的美德:诚实守信,做事认真,勇敢无畏,重情轻财。影片主人公阿甘,二次大战结束后不久出生在美国南方阿拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇。阿甘先天弱智,但上帝又赐予他一双疾步如飞的飞毛腿和一副单纯正直.不存半点邪念的头脑。小镇上的人都对阿甘另眼相待,只有两位女性关心、爱护着他。母亲给予他伟大的母爱,青梅竹马的玩伴珍妮则以纯真的少女情怀暖着他的心。在她们的爱护下,阿甘长大了。带着对珍妮至死不渝的爱恋,踏上了极不平凡的人生旅程。阿甘经历了整整三十几年间美国几乎所有重大事件,参与谱写了五十年代至七十年代美国历史上的一些重要篇章。他与当时几位叱咤风云的著名政治人物会过面,其中包括三位美国总统:肯尼迪、约翰逊、尼克松。还教“猫王”学跳舞。他既是一位越战英雄,又是一位反战英雄。在风起云涌的民权运动中,他瓦解了一场一触即发的大规模种族冲突,他甚至在无意中逼使潜入水门大厦的窃贼落入法网,最终导致尼克松垮台。作为乒乓外交的使者,他还到中国参加过乒乓比赛。透过Forrest Gump的眼里看到的是另一个世界,人生有如巧克力盒子,你永远不知道你将会得到什么。


1. 约瑟夫纳托里曾经写道:“给观众展现一个阿甘这样的角色是一种讽刺世俗的行为。”请举例证明这一观点.

2. 你是否认同隐藏在阿甘行为下的哲学思想?你的人生哲学是?

3. 有人认为这部电影是对美国历史进行欺骗性的改写,你的看法是?

1.For example in the film, the leading actor GUMP’s IQ is only 75 .in the beginning of t

he film , the leader of school didn’t accept GUMP as a student. So his mother was willing to accept the potential rule . At school , the GUMP always was teased by other students .But the protagonist dbecame very Rich and succeedful.Because of his naivety , persistence and empressement .

2. I agree.Life is like a box of chocolate.you never know what you’regonna get.GUMP i

s Positive and optimistic . those all were taught by his mother . when he was child,his mum always told he that You ’re the same as everybody else , You are no different Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you . so he was more positive .my philosophy of life is that we should insistour empressement and goodness , and don’t be changed by the negative aspects of the society . Be daring to keep ourselves.

3.I don’t agree with this view . I think that movie is an art .so it must need exaggerati

on .

It maybe exist many false things .but the author wants to make audiences to get more education by those .so that this behaviours can be more lively to act . Just so , it made us break the thought of the routine to known more deep . so we shouldn’t believe the truth of the story .but to think of the meaning of thestory .

We should live like Forrest GUMP

“Life is like a box of chocolate.you never know what you’regonna get .” Difficulty is in

everywhere . when we encounter it , we often is in mess and don’t know how to solve . the mass people often select to give up . but while watching the 《Forrest GUMP》. I know what we must to do .in the film , the leading role GUMP is running in everywhere. It make me know that the life needs to run , we should not stop running for our life , for our ideality .

I watched the film is not only to complete my homework .the most reason is that it’s

worth a film . the spirit of the film teach me many positive things . I known that we shuoldlive like Forrest GUMP .

In my view , the GUMP is very successful in his whole life . althoughhis I

Q only is 75 . at the beginning , the leader of school didn’t accept GUMP as a student. All people don’t think he is a normal person and more don’t believe that he will be successfull in the future. I think that the success of forrestgump because his pure and simple, and his never changed beliefs. Although Most people in the real life are not genius ,And they are all clever than GUMP .but how many people in us can be harder than him and insist his lifestyle . actuallygump does not have any special skills , in addition to running , or running . hisw

hole life is constntly running .running made him get his own perfect life . as a matter of fact , in my mind , I have thought GUMP is very silly . but he is very clear what he want , and know what you pay for what you desire ,so his whole life on the run and has been running . Many people will laughat him , and think his success is coincidence .


Although this is a film, an imaginary story. In my real life, complicated life c

an also become more simple, because my life relies on step on foot.

In this world, there is no any success within necessity. Because we also rely on my luck

y. So I think GUMP is a lucky man that he has a great mother. When I watch the film, I was moved by his mother. His mum didn’t give up his son, inversely his mother was willing to accept the potential rule, only to make his son can get a fair chance to achieve education. She don’t want to let others look down on him, to support him and fell great for him as her son. The influence of GUMP’s life can be said that all come from of his mother.his mum always told him that You ’re the same as everybody else and You are no different, Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you. Just so his life only has optimism and refuses the negativity. So he does not know what is thesurrender. I envy him very much.If Forrest Gump doesn’t have such smart and loving mother, he would never to be such successful. Itperhaps on the Forrest Gump of life from his mother taught him the first word of it began. In my life, the one I have to mention is my father. He pays a lot of me. My father is always strict with me. I was very afraid to my father when I was child . But now I am very thanks to my father, because without he gives much thought to my growth , I think there would be on me today .

In the film , we should better to learn many spirits of GUMP. Learn his fi

delity .During the Vietnam war , at that time that he was alone out of danger , but he still ran back to the jungle to find his comrades . Learn his keeping faith .he agreed to his comrade BUBBA to buy a shirmpboat together . But BUBB

A was dead , but he realized his promise . And won the huge wealth forhimself. Learn his friendly. In the war, his lieutenant that lost his legs replace dying in the battlefield felt ashamed . It was GUMP that cheered him up .I like the film very much.One hand the film tells several stories clearly in limited time.The content is affluent and the tie of charactors is complex but clear.ou must treat youself correctly.If you take your weakness seriously,it will be exaggerated and effect you in bad factors.In fact sometimes your weakness is just your luck.Second, when you intend to try something,do your best.If only you put your heart into it and don\'t mind anything else,you will success.Third,be an honest and genuine man.You offer you kindness to others and in return you will get more.Last,we should treasure what we own now,and express your life freely.he whole life of Forrest Gump emerge lots of miracles which results from his brave and unafraid.We should learn the truth of life from him and use it to make our life wonderful.

Life always has many things to bring you down. But what can really bring you do

wn is your attitude and mentality. So when we are facing all kinds of difficulties,

we should have earnest attitude and common mind like Forrest Gump, and making great efforts and keeping our resolve. Furthermore, in our daily, we should learn more by ourselves and enhance our possessiveness. Don’t be easily caught your attention and insist on your goal till the end. And try your best to do everything. If we can do these, we will get the things what we want and will be succeed in the future .

Let us live like Forrest GUMP!!!!


因为不够智慧,阿甘是没有恐惧的,当妈妈患病在床临死说着“Death is just a part of

life .Something we are all destined to do”的字句,甘只是傻傻的,默默的听着,死亡,在他看来,是那样正常,不仅仅是因为这是妈妈嘴里说出来的,也是生活的种种告诉他的,那个要和他合伙做虾船的captain buford就死在他身旁,他有为布巴伤心,可是在我看来,他的伤心不是因为死亡,却是因为没有实现自己的愿望,因为不情愿来到战场却死于意外,谁知道呢?如果布巴临死的时候不说我要回家而是说着,看,我要死了。或许甘也会理所当然的接受吧。所以甘是接受者,接受上天的一切。所以,恐惧根本不是恐惧,什么都是一样的。对他来说,给与什么,自己都是一个选择,run,run,run……*Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re going to get.


1、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

2、Stupid is as stupid does.


3、Miracles happen every day.


4、it made me look like a duck in water.


5、I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.


6、Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.


7、You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on. 放下包袱,继续前进。

8、Shit happens!


9、It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou. There was a million sparkles on the river.


10、If there is anything you need, I will not be far away.


11、I am a man of my word.


12、There is one small step for a man,a giant leap for mankind.


13、Nothing just happens,it's all part of a plan.


14、A little of stinging rain,and big old fat rain.


15、That is the outstanding answer I've ever heard.


16、You are no different than anybody else is.


17、There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. 通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西。

18、I'm not a smart man ,but I know what love is.{作文阿甘}.


19、I want to go home.


20、I was messed up for a long time.


21、Jenny and I were like peas and carrots.


22、Have you given any thought to your future?


23、You just stay away from me please.


24、If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。



26、t's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could.




Which statement do you prefer: Some people think that a university professor should focus time on doing research; while others think that the main role of the professor is to educate student in a university.

Perhaps there is no issue in the world is as significant to the future of a country or society as education. Despite all the possible responses to the topic concerning the issue debating whether educating students or doing research a professor should focus time on, I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that educating student is the main role of a professor, as I witnessed the consequence of the ignorance about educating and the importance of the education from the professors.

Common sense informs me that if all the professors focus on research, the quality of the education in the college cannot be guaranteed, which is one of the many convincing reasons I want to stress.

A good case in point is my brother's experience in college. He once complained about that professors of most his classes just prefer to do research or teaching graduate student who may help with research or project leading a considerable amount of money. As a result, almost the classes are given by the teaching assistances all the semester. However, the teaching assistances are not able enough to handle the challenging courses in the college so that when my brother had some questions to ask, he found no one to consult. It is not surprising that my brother got a bad grade in the final exams and he decided to transfer to another college because of the disappointment of the ignorance from professors.{作文阿甘}.

The consequence of the ignorance of education is but one of the many aspects we mainly consider, another equally important effect is the importance of the education from the professors.

As I have mentioned above, the courses in college are so challenging that only the professors are capable of teaching them well totally. And it is undeniable that the whole society will earn more from the education given by the professors than form the results of research purely. For example, if a professor owns the skill of planting an apple tree but does not teach every one else, maybe one tree can be grown due to a professor's single work. However, supposed that the professor teaches this planting skill to ten students, ten more apple trees will be grown because of professor's selfless instruction. More trees, more gains, and more benefits, here is a simple story demonstrate the importance of the education from professors.{作文阿甘}.

Although, there are many advantages for professors' focusing on teaching I have discussed above, some of my friends still believe that professor in college should focus more on doing research. However, they only focus on the benefit from the results of the research in a short view without consider the consequence of the ignorance about education. If all the professors just focus on research, students will not be willing to go to the college and many colleges will collapse.

Admittedly, there is no absolutely right or wrong in the world. However, with most aspects carefully considered, it is wiser to believe that professor in college should focus on educating students in order to guarantee the quality of education in college and benefit more to the society.



阿甘正传已经出来了很长时间了, 1995年的第六十七届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片的角逐中,影片《阿甘正传》一举获得了最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑和最佳视觉效果等六项大奖。影片通过对一个存在智力障碍者生活的描述反映了美国生活的方方面面,从一个独特的角度对美国几十年来社会政治生活中的重要事件作了展现。影片改编自温斯顿·格鲁姆的同名小说。只不过原著是一本充满了讽刺意味的荒诞小说,而影片则对故事进行了修饰和美化。摒弃了原著的荒诞和揭露讽刺意味,为影片增添了一种温情。这无疑使影片更合观众和评委的口味,但却牺牲了原著的叛逆斗争精神,使影片成为了一种理想化道德的象征。但这些都不是重要的,重要的是其中阿甘的奋斗精神,不服输以及信守诺言的故事。{作文阿甘}.





马云说,小企业是非常难做,十三四年以前,他那时候刚看一个电影《阿甘正传》。 马云说《阿甘正传》电影告诉他,没有人通过鲨鱼鲸鱼赚出钱来,结果从虾米肉里面挖出钱来,每个人身上拿出一点点,如果这个聚集起来一定可以的,但是你想从每个人身上拿一点点的话,你就必须为每个单个创造独特的价值,是别的技术公司做不到的,所以十五年以

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