
写给母亲的一份信,英语作文 给朋友写一份信作文

节日作文 zuowen 1浏览

【 – 节日作文】



dear mom and dad,

it has been two weeks since i last wrote to you. i am so sorry that i don‘t write you very often.

however, i have been busy with my preparation

for the final exams. as you know, i‘m coming home on jan.14th. but before that, i have to take the final exams for all six classes i‘m taking this semester. recently i have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes. most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final. i think i‘m doing okay studying for the final.

besides reviewing materials, i‘m also planning to host the new year party of my department. you know there are so many talented people in my communications major, but they picked me to host the party! great, isn‘t it?

well gotta go talk to you soon.

love you,

dear mom and dad,

it has been two weeks since i last wrote to you. i am so sorry that i don't write you very often.

however, i have been busy with my preparation

for the final exams. as you know, i'm coming home on jan.14th. but before that, i have to take the final exams for all six classes i'm taking this semester. recently i have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes. most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final. i think i'm doing okay studying for the final.{写给母亲的一份信,英语作文}.{写给母亲的一份信,英语作文}.

besides reviewing materials, i'm also planning to host the new year party of my department. you know there are so many talented people in my communications major, but they picked me to host the party! great, isn't it?

well gotta go talk to you soon.

love you,


dear mom and dad,

i love you.

i love you so much.

thank you a lot for bringing me up.

today i want to tell you something.

i know you work very hard every day.{写给母亲的一份信,英语作文}.

i know you do many things for me.

i know you love me.



My dearest Mother,

The mother's day is coming and I would like to say Happy mother's day in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can't give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don't worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can't be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother's day. Love,

Your son


2015高考英语作文预测之一封写给父母的感谢信(附范文) 来源: 高分网






3、高考之后一定多帮父母做些家务,还要让父母品尝一下自己亲手做的菜。 注意:1、词数120左右;2、可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。


Dear parents,

Now I know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously. I can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since I went to Senior Three. These days I have been studying hard and have made some progress. And everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. I have performed my ability in this exam. I hope you both can set your mind at rest.

After this exam, I intend to help you do some housework which I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person.

My dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest! Best wishes


Dear Dad:


Recently body okay? Long time did not call you, and this is not only due to the more busy learning the reason, and also because usually you're the reason I'm tough, so I do not have much to say to you it seems. But When I think before I failed the exam, you said to me: "can not stand the little wrestling ,in the future in the face of great wrestling will get up again."Always feel that you are right. When I walk in the beautiful campus,And when rich kids and I sat with the spacious classroom learning ,I inevitably sincerely think you work hard all year round . Father's Day coming, here I wish you happy holidays!


Your son: John



A Letter to Myself

Dear Shellva:

How are you recently? I heard that you are in depression for some time. What’s wrong? You are ill or you are confronted with troubles? More or less, you can tell me whatever you are worried about now. I’m always your loyal listener! On daily life, you are universally accepted that you are humorous and facetious, and to your relief, you are dutiful, which means that you perform the role perfectly. When friends play jokes with you, you smile, although you are uncomfortable with the words; When friends laugh at your foolishness, you smile, although you have already been ashamed of your silly act and what you need at that time is comfort. When every time you get the jest from others, what you do and what you usually do is just smiling, smiling, and smiling again! You are on sea. You don’t know how to balance others’ feel and your own feel. You care others’ views too much. You don’t want to be thought as mean girl, so you hide your true feel deeply! You also want to change the situation but in vain. Often you think you are too flabby, you are easy to give in to others. Surely you dislike yourself like this. But what can you do. Maybe except becoming stronger you can do nothing.{写给母亲的一份信,英语作文}.

In fact, everyone around us lives the life wearing masks. Smiling looks wonderful compared with indifference. So, why not? I will continue to be smiling fool and lead this friendly lifestyle!

篇六:《小学英语作文:给奶奶的一封信 A Letter to Grandmother》

小学英语作文:给奶奶的一封信 A Letter to Grandmother Dear grandma,

How have you been? I do not see you for a long time.I miss you very much. I am writing to tell you a good news. I did very well in the final exams.I am the No.1 in my class. I worked very hard to prepare the final exames. And finally I did it. I am very exciting. Mom and dad are happy, too. They are proud of me. Besides, the summer holiday comes. I have much free time now. Therefore, I want to visit to you this Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing you. Love you.

Lovely yours,






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