【 – 节日作文】
甚至我认为主人公保罗的“恋母”情结也算不得值得拿来大讲特讲的卖点,这不是一本讲母子之间乱伦感情的书,因为这里没有什么太不正常的感情,在这样的时代这样的家庭成长起来的孩子能拥有怎样“正常”的感情呢?苛求保罗和他的母亲表现得更像一对“正常”的母子,这在我看来未免过于“高尚”。所以撇开这些虽然时髦但是不相干的话题吧,《儿子和情人》讲的只是一个悲剧,令人有切肤之痛的悲剧故事。 《儿子与情人》是劳伦斯带有自传性质的一部小说,写得尤为动人。出生相对优越受到良好教育的莫太太爱上了一贫如洗文化水平低下却英俊潇洒的矿工莫莱尔,于是义无反顾地嫁给他。短暂的蜜月迅速消磨掉了两人之间的浓情蜜意,生活的艰辛和文化的差异以及生活习惯的不同,使得夫妻之间爆发了激烈的冲突。当孩子陆续出生之后,莫太太把所有的爱都转移到自己的孩子身上,希望他们能成长为出类拔萃的人才,摆脱掉他们父亲身为矿工的命运。她深爱自己的大儿子威廉,对他寄托了尤其深的感情。威廉不负厚望,成功挤入伦敦的上流社会,却因为追求不属于自己阶层的女子而辛苦奔波赚钱以图完婚,最终病死他乡。威廉的死使莫太太一蹶不振,而二儿子的重病使她从死者的悲痛中醒来,重新面对生者的世界,因为小儿子亚瑟调皮捣蛋不听教导,莫太太干脆把自己所有的注意力和期望转移到保罗身上。而保罗的恋情和婚姻大事也成为母亲最为关注的问题。《儿子与情人》的情节主线就是威廉的成长恋爱与死亡、保罗和他的前后两个情人米雪儿和克拉拉,还有莫太太的生命之路。
Paul seems to be in contradiction of himself and is always trying to find some excuse, or perhaps he does not yet know what he truly wants. But he is constantly going back and forth between first proclaiming his wish to be married, and then doing a complete 360 and{妈妈与儿子乱伦小说}.
suddenly railing about how he could never be wed and does not wish to be tied down to one woman, and will never marry. He has used this against both Mariam and Clara. First when he was with Mariam he would try and tell her that they could not continue on together because he wished to marry, but they could not marry if they could not be physical with each other. So when Maraim submitted to him and they grew closer, he drew away from her and began to say suddenly he could not be with her because he felt to tied down with her and could not marry and would never marry. So he ended up with Clara because she was safe, because she is already married but separated from her husband, but then as they began to grow closer together, he begins turning the tables around again, and tells her that he wants to marry, but she does not want to marry him because she refuses to divorce from her husband. It seems that he is stuck between both his fear of commitment, as well as his not wanting to be truly alone. Whenever he begins to get close to a woman, or when things begin to become serious, he suddenly tries to find some excuse and gets restless and upset within the relationship and draws away, but at the same time, he can never bring himself to just completely break it off. So he tries to keep it going as long as he can while still keeping at bay from him.
Sons and Lovers was the first modern portrayal of a phenomenon that later, thanks to Freud, became easily recognizable as the Oedipus complex. Never was a son more indentured to his mother's love and full of hatred for his father than Paul Morel, D.H. Lawrence's young
protagonist. Never, that is, except perhaps Lawrence himself. In his 1913 novel he grappled with the discordant loves that haunted him all his life–for his spiritual childhood sweetheart, here called Miriam, and for his mother, whom he transformed into Mrs. Morel. It is, by
Lawrence's own account, a book aimed at depicting this woman's grasp: "as her sons grow up she selects them as lovers–first the eldest, then the second. These sons are urged into life by their reciprocal love of their mother–urged on and on. But when they come to manhood, they can't love, because their mother is the strongest power in their lives."
Of course, Mrs. Morel takes neither of her two elder sons (the first of whom dies early, which further intensifies her grip on Paul) as a literal lover, but nonetheless her psychological snare is immense. She loathes Paul's Miriam from the start, understanding that the girl's deep love of her son will oust her: "She's not like an ordinary woman, who can leave me my share in him. She wants to absorb him." Meanwhile, Paul plays his part with equal fervor, incapable of committing himself in either direction: "Why did his mother sit at home and suffer?… And why did he hate Miriam, and feel so cruel towards her, at the thought of his mother. If Miriam caused his mother suffering, then he hated her–and he easily hated her." Soon thereafter he even confesses to his mother: "I really don't love her. I talk to her, but I want to come home to you."
The result of all this is that Paul throws Miriam over for a married suffragette, Clara Dawes, who fulfills the sexual component of his ascent to manhood but leaves him, as ever, without a complete relationship to challenge his love for his mother. As Paul voyages from the working-class mining world to the spheres of commerce and art (he has fair success as a
painter), he accepts that his own achievements must be equally his mother's. "There was so much to come out of him. Life for her was rich with promise. She was to see herself fulfilled… All his work was hers."
The cycles of Paul's relationships with these three women are terrifying at times, and Lawrence does nothing to dim their intensity. Nor does he shirk in his vivid, sensuous{妈妈与儿子乱伦小说}.
descriptions of the landscape that offers up its blossoms and beasts and "shimmeriness" to Paul's sensitive spirit. Sons and Lovers lays fully bare the souls of men and earth. Few books tell such whole, complicated truths about the permutations of love as resolutely without resolution. It's nothing short of searing to be brushed by humanity in this manner. Sons and Lovers
Plot introduction
The third published novel of D.H. Lawrence, taken by many to be his earliest masterpiece tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man and a budding artist. This autobiographical novel is a brilliant evocation of life in a working class mining community. The original 1913 edition was heavily edited by Edward Garnett who removed eighty passages, roughly a tenth of the text. Despite this the novel is dedicated to Garnett. It was not until the 1992 Cambridge University Press edition that the missing text was restored.{妈妈与儿子乱伦小说}.
[edit] Explanation of the novel's title
Lawrence rewrote the work four times until he was happy with it. Although before publication the work was usually called Paul Morel, Lawrence finally settled on Sons and Lovers. Just as this changed title makes the work less focused on a central character, many of the latter additions broadened the scope of the work thereby making the work less autobiographical. While some of the edits by Garnett were on the grounds of propriety or style, others would once more narrow the emphasis back upon Paul.
[edit] Plot summary
Part I:
The refined daughter of a "good old burgher family," Gertrude Coppard meets a rough-hewn miner at a Christmas dance and falls into a whirlwind romance. But soon after her marriage to Walter Morel, she realizes the difficulties of living off his meager salary in a rented house. The couple fight and drift apart and Walter retreats to the pub after work each day. Gradually, Mrs. Morel's affections shift to her sons, beginning with the oldest, William.
As a boy, William is so attached to his mother that he doesn't enjoy the fair without her. As he grows older, he defends her against his father's occasional violence. Eventually, he leaves home for a job in London, where he begins to rise up into the middle class. He is engaged, but he detests the girl's superficiality. He dies, and Mrs. Morel is heartbroken, but when Paul catches pneumonia, she rediscovers her love for her second son.
Part II:
Both repulsed by and drawn to his mother, Paul is afraid to leave her but wants to go out on his own, and needs to experience love. Gradually, he falls into a relationship with Miriam, a farm girl who attends his church. The two take long walks and have intellectual conversations about books, but Paul resists, in part because his mother looks down on her. At work, Paul meets Clara Dawes, who has separated from her husband, Baxter.
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