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节日作文 zuowen 4浏览

【 – 节日作文】




Olivia Burrell, a 32-year-old Canadian gospel singer, was fed up with living in Lilliputian studio apartments in Tokyo where she could see (and smell) her kitchen from her bed.

32岁的加拿大福音歌手奥莉维亚o波瑞尔(Olivia Burrell)再也无法忍受自己在东京的蜗居,她躺在床上,都能看到自己的厨房并闻到厨房里传来的味道。 Three months ago, she took the plunge and moved in with five Japanese women living in a spacious 6-bedroom apartment in Harajuku, a buzzy neighborhood in the city center.

三个月前,奥莉维亚经过一番考虑,大胆地决定和五个日本女人一起住进原宿(Harajuku)一套有六个卧室的大房子里,那里是位于东京市中心的一个繁华街区。 But, so far, her roommate experience hasn't quite been the Japanese version of 'Friends' she had envisioned. Ms. Burrell walked into the kitchen one evening to find no fewer than eight separate bottles of dishwashing liquid on the kitchen counter, all neatly lined up and labeled with their owners' names.


'My roommates are neat and very courteous,' says Ms. Burrell, who has lived in Japan for seven years and who had lived with roommates in Canada. 'But this whole concept is new here, and people don't naturally want to share things as much.'

“我的室友很爱干净,也非常有礼貌。” 奥莉维亚说道。她已经在日本住了七年,以前在加拿大也跟人一起合租。“但这里的观念跟西方完全不同,人们很自然地都不喜欢共用东西。”

Japan has no real tradition of roommates: People have preferred to live in their own tiny places. Now, fed up with a dearth of desirable,

reasonably priced apartments in desirable Tokyo neighborhoods, a growing number of relatively affluent women in their 20s and 30s have started to create demand for a radical new segment of the Japanese real-estate market: apartments to share.


The timing of the trend coincides with a glut of upscale apartments in Tokyo, which have flooded the market since the collapse of Lehman Brothers last year. Foreign bankers decamped, leaving behind many three- and

four-bedroom apartments, popular with expatriates, which have been vacant for months.

这一趋势正好赶上东京高级公寓的供大于求,2008年雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒闭后,这类住宅大量涌入市场,外国银行家纷纷搬家,留下很多三四个卧室的大房子。这类房源以前深受外派人员的青睐,如今却会空置好几个月。




1. At the press conference, the actress said: "I always get that special feeling no matter what I play."

2. Jimmy would be happy to get gifts on his birthday, no matter what they were.

3. The sister tried her best to help her brother whose brain was damaged, no matter how difficult it was for her.

4. We must get the best players for the football team, no matter where they are from.

5. Just as I feel proud of it today, the university will be proud of me tomorrow.

6. In the film, just as the man changed his wife, his wife changed him.

7. There is nothing remarkable about the plot, which revolves around the classic love triangle.

8. Children have to learn to be on their own so that they will be able to manage things by themselves in the future.

9. After 20 years of living abroad, the sight of his hometown sent his spirits soaring.

10. I don't see why the couple beneath my flat couldn't get through a day without arguing.

11. The old lady gave the signal to the policeman that he was the person to be reckoned with.

12. He never acts on impulse; he always looks before he leaps.

13. Be clear about what you are going to write, or you'll end up getting something you don't want.

14. Here I want to thank particularly my wife who never gave up on me in my most difficult times.

15. As you know, life is full of ups and downs. So you needn't feel so sorry about missing the chance for promotion.

16. Felix had tracked him down through his old address and left a note.

17. It makes my blood boil to think they decided to pick on that innocent young girl.

18. Never mind, I won't tell the manager on you.

19. I would not want to mislead anyone into thinking that the research is easy.

20. Sometimes we just have to learn to let go.


1. As in the middle schools in Shanghai, the quest for truth, integrity, curiosity and knowledge is also widespread in the middle schools in Jiangxi.japanese,version教师

2. As in many other schools, the new teaching program was suspended over the teachers' and students' protest.

3. Once the Character First idea works well at Hyde, it will be a model for other schools to follow.

4. Once the faculty evaluations are conducted by the students, the focus will be on having a fruitful teacher-student relationship.

5. We don't see ourselves as preparing students for entrance to universities but for a way of life.

6. This fall our school is scheduled to begin a preliminary teaching program that aims at a closer relationship between students and teachers.

7. Our school's curriculum is similar to most of the others that provide preparation for college, complete with Chinese, English, math, physics and chemistry.

8. The company operates on the principle that promotion is based on loyalty, integrity, effort and achievement.

9. The program for parents to participate in school activities is still being worked out, though with much difficulty.

10. The attendance of parents at seminars is low in spite of the commitments they made at the outset of the new term when the school interviewed them.

11. The school did their utmost to reform the old, conventional teaching program that overlooked moral values.

12. He is trying hard to spread the controversial Family Education Program to other schools which are willing to get parents involved in their teaching activities.

13. I think your appointment with the doctor today is flexible, and can be delayed in a pinch.

14. The national testing center is now coming to grips with the consequences of the conventional English testing system.

15. Provided parents participate in school teaching activities, education in primary and middle schools will be much easier.

16. The basis of the Character First idea is that every human being has a unique potential that is based on character, not intelligence or wealth.

17. We were warned by the teacher in the first lesson that students got a grade not only for academic achievement but also for attendance and best effort.

18. Once parents agree in writing to accept and demonstrate the school's philosophies and outlook, the students can gain admission.

19. In the Hyde School, greater attention is paid to the establishment of a fruitful relationship with each student while in the traditional high school setting the focus is on the teacher and the material.

20. Jarvis was fired for insulting a customer.


1. All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.

2. She stood motionless at the end of the diving board, tears streaming down her cheeks.

3. One of the police officers was bareheaded, though in uniform.

4. Though with no license at all, he had worked as a taxi driver for three years.

5. In the mid-1950s he began to work on an enormous project called The Liberty of Torch, a monument celebrating the freedoms of the country.

6. The company refashioned the American model into a Japanese version and named it after the engineer who came up with the idea.

7. Now in her late seventies, the actress, who is said to turn down interviews and have acted in 50 films, is active as a director.

8. Inspired by the beautiful scenery of his hometown, he wrote a novel entitled Oh, My Hometown, which immediately captured the attention of the country.

9. She rose to fame a few years ago with her extraordinary first novel.

10. It is totally by chance that both of them have come up with the same solution to their problem.

11. The changes that have been made here go against my principles and I cannot agree with them.

12. He went ahead to marry the girl that his parents had neither met nor approved of.

13. In this respect he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away.

14. These buildings date back to the 1890s and several have been renovated in recent years.

15. The famous actress was reported to say that one of the worst parts of being a film star is to have to pose for


16. In order to have the buffalo on the other side of the nickel, he went to the Central Park Zoo to sketch an aging buffalo which was later killed for a wall decoration.japanese,version教师

17. About 65 percent of paper bags are made from wood, primarily wood waste.

18. It is nothing else but the horse race that captures the attention of the general public.

19. I pretended to read the note a moment longer, giving myself a chance to come up with something that I thought they would approve of.

20. He bought the house with an eye to converting it into a hotel.


1. Not until I returned to my village did I realize the great changes that took place there.

2. Not until the late 1990s did the government begin to pay great attention to environment protection.

3. The sun was shining, yet it was quite cold.

4. The director seems friendly, yet there is something about him I don't like.

5. If you have some one on your mind, let her know. Chances are you are on hers as well.

6. The old man next door died of alcoholism, which should be a warning to those people who drink alcohol too much.

7. When playing basketball, Jack broke his arm, which is now secured with plaster bandages in order to avoid being injured again.

8. Mrs. Clark seems to sense my thoughts and tells me in a weak voice that she sent her family home tonight.

9. There's a swell of emotion within me and I feel very sad for the death of this old lady, who is actually a stranger to me.

10. Having spent his last ounce of strength the wounded soldier could not go on talking, but I understood what he had meant.

11. I think that it comes down to the fact that people do feel very dependent on their cars.

12. None of their plans worked and the young couple decided to let life take its course.

13. As we will soon see, the director's inability to make himself understood is the root of the crisis.

14. She couldn't understand what they were saying in English, and this added to the anxiety which was building in the pit of her stomach.

15. On the one hand, you want to help your kids as much as you can, but on the other hand, you've got to teach them to be on their own.

16. Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly.

17. I reached for the salt, and knocked over a bottle of wine.

18. He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbor intervened.

19. I declined, but she insisted on following me for several hundred meters.

20. The law bars students from being on the streets during school hours.


1. You must tell the pupils what it is you want to do, so that they feel involved.

2. I send my boys to a good public school so that they can meet people who will be useful to them later on.

3. They ran out of drink, which actually didn't bother me because I wasn't drinking.

4. Since we started in September we have raised fifty thousand dollars, which is a pretty good beginning.

5. In addition to the taught courses, third year students may choose to carry out a research project where they can put what they have learned into practice.

6. If you want to know how to prepare for earthquakes, read this book which has lots of illustrations.

7. It is because of the importance they attached to the preparation for the earthquake that great damage of property has been prevented.

8. These precautions can make a great difference in saving lives and preventing property damage.

9. What you say will be noted down, then typed out for you to read and correct if necessary before you sign it.

10. After all, most of the young soldiers had not been at the battle and had only heard of killings at second hand.

11. These are the signs to watch for and predict the possible occurrence of an earthquake: dogs barking, and large

schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water.japanese,version教师

12. I'll ring the hotel to tell them we'll check in tomorrow for the international conference on global environment protection.

13. I mean compared to our university I think they are a decade ahead in the studies of foreign literature.

14. If you question the accuracy of information, you may contact the information office and seek a correction in accordance with the procedures.

15. The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report.

16. She came out of the house accompanied by Mrs. Jones.

17. If you need help at work, your Personnel Manager should be able to help.

18. He stood out in terms of abilities from all his fellows.

19. She took advantage of him even after they were divorced.

20. The price you are paying is out of proportion to the rewards you receive.


1. As to what future Microsoft will have, the writer of the article says nothing.

2. Great doubt exists as to which of these computer firms they are going to cooperate with.

3. He lost his portable computer, which proved fatal to him because it had important data.

4. Gates says he will run Microsoft for another 10 years and then focus intensely on his family, which sounds doubtful to me.

5. A series of books has been written on the subject of personality structure.

6. A panel of computer experts are working on disks which will hold a million words.

7. He greets his old customers by name and asks about their health whenever he sees them.

8. I thought I knew a lot about the dean, but he turned out to be a little different from what I thought.

9. The president called all people, white or black, to work together in the interest of national stability.

10. There now seems to be little doubt that the selection of a new dean will end in farce.

11. Why not set aside one or two hours for the newest supermarket near the school?

12. Financial stress is well established as a chief reason for divorce among young couples.

13. The mass demonstration in Washington, D.C. established King as the most important leader of the civil rights movement.

14. Each dish is identified by a number, and then all the guests vote on which is the most delicious.

15. College students were asked to vote on whether or not they should go to bed before 10:30 pm.

16. He is the man who had stepped over bodies of his rivals to claw his way to his present position.

17. Their marriage ended in divorce in June 2005, five months before their baby was born.

18. He appealed for information from anyone who had witnessed the accident, particularly people who were there at about the same time.

19. We want all our people to share in growing prosperity and to have an interest in the country's future.

20. Offers continued to roll in, some so tempting that I did not see how she could refuse them.


1. What if one of the workmen falls off your roof and hurts himself?

2. What if they don't want to go with you?

3. With the whole meeting in uproar, the chairman had to give up the attempt to take a vote.

4. With democracy itself under threat, we need to unite all people to defend it.

5. Our house is not comparable with yours; ours is small while yours is almost a palace.

6. Word last Friday that a scientist had succeeded in cloning a monkey sent the world into panic.

7. When the Theory of Relativity was brought into the world, it generated a long list of difficult problems for some scientists.

8. As anyone who has some knowledge of cloning can tell you, a clone would not be identical to a master copy even in terms of biology.

9. Although in theory the scientist's method makes it possible to clone humans, he himself is strongly against this.

10. The husband had a genetic defect. With this in mind, the couple decided to have a cloned child.

11. They resumed the building projects they cancelled in the wake of the November 2005 earthquake.

12. We are not strong in this field, and so I think we shouldn't have been in it in the first place.

13. She was still puzzling over the possibility of having a cloned child when the doctor informed her that she was pregnant.

14. Although cloning human beings seems to be within our reach, scientists and spiritual leaders are against it.

15. The police kept him in the customs office because they believed he was traveling under the name of an American.

16. Our organization is committed to the unconditional care of all those who are ill with AIDS regardless of race, religion, lifestyle, or any other factor.japanese,version教师

17. My husband expressed horror at the prospect of a similar traffic accident happening today.

18. While we do not suggest that these measures are applicable to other countries, we believe that they have features that are worthy of consideration elsewhere.

19. They need a different set of computer techniques to make sense of the more detailed data that will be produced.

20. The one who has the responsibility to dispose of it is the one who has created it.


1. The school provides accident insurance to those students who get injured while participating in a school activity.

2. He met his bride-to-be while traveling in France on business in 2005 just before he was promoted to general manager.

3. Under no circumstances will he give up his goal of setting up a business of his own.

4. Never ever should I be on the road driving as fast as that after this accident.

5. Before getting remarried, retired people might insist on a prenuptial contract to shield assets to be passed on to children and grandchildren.

6. As you gain in experience, you are more capable of managing difficult matters like this.

7. As the members' opinions varied from approval to complete opposition, a violent dispute broke out in the committee.

8. I had to scrape along by borrowing from my relatives until my next check arrived.

9. Unwilling to lay bare her private thoughts to a stranger, Mary only gave him an awkward smile.

10. What matters is not whether the engaged couple have faith in each other, but to view the marriage as it is, which has no bearing on romantic love.

11. Make no mistake about it–I am not going to put up with this any more.

12. I think I should be in line for promotion for my hard work and making lots of money for the company.

13. She was frustrated because her car was stolen almost under her nose yesterday while she was having her lunch.

14. Hopefully, this research will shed new light on the nature of premarital agreements.

15. He said he didn't choose to be a teacher but was under pressure from his parents to become a teacher.












1 [Disc 1] キャンバス 國分優香里&ニーコ


2 [Disc 1] オープニング [Instrumental]

3 [Disc 1] 大空の意志 國分優香里

4 [Disc 1] TSUNA LIFE 國分優香里

5 [Disc 1] 守るべきもの 國分優香里

6 [Disc 1] ひとつだけ 國分優香里

7 [Disc 1] リボーンぶる~っス ニーコ

8 [Disc 1] コスプレ パーチー ニーコ

9 [Disc 1] 俺からのメッセージ ニーコ

10 [Disc 1] Destiny ニーコ

11 [Disc 1] かてきょー音頭 ニーコ vs 國分優香里

12 [Disc 1] RIGHT NOW 國分優香里&寺崎裕香

13 [Disc 1] ファミリー~約束の場所~ 沢田綱吉 with ボンゴレファミリー

14 [Disc 1] 未来の大空へ 沢田綱吉 with ボンゴレファミリー

15 [Disc 2] ファミリア 市瀬秀和&井上優&木内秀信

16 [Disc 2] 嵐の爆弾野郎 市瀬秀和

17 [Disc 2] …loop 市瀬秀和

18 [Disc 2] 走れ 市瀬秀和

19 [Disc 2] YELL 市瀬秀和

20 [Disc 2] 雨の継承者 井上優

21 [Disc 2] みんな好きだぜっ 井上優

22 [Disc 2] 明日に向かって 井上優

23 [Disc 2] 雨のメッセージ 井上優

24 [Disc 2] 俺達のJOY! 市瀬秀和 vs 井上優

25 [Disc 2] 俺達の約束 市瀬秀和&井上優

26 [Disc 2] 晴れて極限 木内秀信

27 [Disc 2] 極限ファイター 木内秀信

28 [Disc 2] 晴れた空見上げて 木内秀信

29 [Disc 2] また明日! 木内秀信

30 [Disc 2] Be more KENN

31 [Disc 3] ONE NIGHT STAR 近藤隆&飯田利信

32 [Disc 3] 孤高の浮き雲 近藤隆

33 [Disc 3] ひとりぼっちの運命 近藤隆

34 [Disc 3] 孤高のプライド 近藤隆

35 [Disc 3] Horizon 近藤隆

36 [Disc 3] 証 近藤隆

37 [Disc 3] 霧の憑依 飯田利信

38 [Disc 3] クフフのフ~僕と契約~ 飯田利信

39 [Disc 3] 消えない願い 飯田利信

40 [Disc 3] 記憶の果て 飯田利信

41 [Disc 3] End:Res 飯田利信

42 [Disc 3] Sakura addiction 近藤隆 vs 飯田利信

43 [Disc 3] セツナノキヲク 明坂聡美

44 [Disc 3] 涙の温度 明坂聡美

45 [Disc 3] Burning prayer 鈴木真仁

46 [Disc 3] 並盛中学校歌 並盛中風紀委員会

47 [Disc 4] 夢のマニュアル 稲村優奈&吉田仁美&竹内順子&チャン?リーメイ 48 [Disc 4] 今日、この空 稲村優奈


49 [Disc 4] 北のデンジャラス 吉田仁美

50 [Disc 4] friend 稲村優奈 vs 吉田仁美

51 [Disc 4] Best friend! 稲村優奈&吉田仁美

52 [Disc 4] JUMP!!! 稲村優奈&吉田仁美

53 [Disc 4] ラーメンのびちゃうのうた チャン?リーメイ

54 [Disc 4] 雷はボンバーヘッド 竹内順子

55 [Disc 4] ランボさんの野望 竹内順子

56 [Disc 4] ぎょうざ牛丼セットのうた 竹内順子 vs チャン?リーメイ

57 [Disc 4] おねむうた 竹内順子&チャン?リーメイ

58 [Disc 4] 楽しくなっちゃううた 竹内順子&チャン?リーメイ

59 [Disc 4] それが恋の掟なの 稲村優奈

60 [Disc 4] Tatta Latta 稲村優奈&吉田仁美&竹内順子&チャン?リーメイ&明坂聡美

61 [Disc 5] Funny Sunny Day <Japanese Version> 高橋広樹&藤原祐規&湯澤幸一郎 62 [Disc 5] 鎮魂歌の雨 高橋広樹

63 [Disc 5] BREAK OUT 高橋広樹


64 [Disc 5] 嵐の王子 藤原祐規

65 [Disc 5] bloody prince 藤原祐規

66 [Disc 5] IL SOLE(私は太陽) 湯澤幸一郎

67 [Disc 5] 雷撃のレヴィ 中野裕斗

68 [Disc 5] 破壊の黒雲 [Instrumental] ゴーラ?モスカ

69 [Disc 5] 幻のアルコバレーノ 宍戸留美

70 [Disc 5] Special illusion 國立幸

71 [Disc 5] 誇り高き憤怒 池田政典

72 [Disc 5] FLAMING RAGE 池田政典

73 [Disc 5] vs 未来の大空へ ~from BLUE (Live Version) [Bonus Track]

74 [Disc 6] gr8 story 大山鎬則&豊永利行

75 [Disc 6] パーフェクトワールド 大山鎬則

76 [Disc 6] PARADE 大山鎬則

77 [Disc 6] 狂気の花 加藤和樹

78 [Disc 6] No Control 豊永利行

79 [Disc 6] シミュレーション 豊永利行&津田健次郎

80 [Disc 6] Believe in you 井上和彦

81 [Disc 6] 心の星 南條愛乃

82 [Disc 6] ファミリー?改 ~vs ミルフィオーレ~ [Bonus Track] 沢田綱吉 with ボンゴレファミリー

83 [Disc 6] ファミリー ~中国語 Ver. [Bonus Track] 沢田綱吉 with ボンゴレファミリー

84 [Disc 7] RIGHT NOW

85 [Disc 7] YELL

86 [Disc 7] 雨のメッセージ

87 [Disc 7] Destiny

88 [Disc 7] また明日!

89 [Disc 7] Tatta Latta

90 [Disc 7] Be more

91 [Disc 7] 証

92 [Disc 7] End:Res

93 [Disc 7] それが恋の掟なの

94 [Disc 7] 並盛中学校歌

95 [Disc 7] ファミリー~約束の場所~

96 [Disc 7] ファミリー?改 ~vs ミルフィオーレ~

97 [Disc 7] 未来の大空へ

98 [Disc 8] IL SOLE(私は太陽)

99 [Disc 8] 雷撃のレヴィ

100 [Disc 8] 嵐の王子

101 [Disc 8] 鎮魂歌の雨

102 [Disc 8] 幻のアルコバレーノ

103 [Disc 8] 誇り高き憤怒

104 [Disc 8] FLAMING RAGE

105 [Disc 8] BREAK OUT

106 [Disc 8] bloody prince

107 [Disc 8] Special illusion

108 [Disc 8] PARADE

109 [Disc 8] シミュレーション

110 [Disc 8] 狂気の花

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