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重庆大学2013 硕士生英语B班期末考试复习大纲
考试时间:第19周星期六(2013年1月12日)上午9:00—-11:00 考试地点:?
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Part I. Reading Comprehension (40%) 水平考试
(见Reading 10; 雅思阅读及各单元补充试题) Topic paragraph & sentences; supporting paragraphs & sentences; conclusion; transitional words or phrases
Part II. Translation from English into Chinese (20%) (见参考译文) Part III. Translation from Chinese into English (20%) 水平考试 (见以下补充练习)
汉译英提示 1:主语确定原则
由于英语是主语显著语(subject-prominent language), 构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)上,主语决定了句法结构;汉语为语义性语言,其中主语的重要性相对较低,无主语的现象比比皆是。因此在汉英转化中最重要的就是确定主语,主语选择成功了,句子越翻越顺;选择失败,考生越翻越累。主语的确定归根结底有三种方法:使用原主语;重新确定主语;增补主语。重庆大学
1. (使用原主语)你看到的是半杯水还是杯中空的一半呢?你关注的是炸面包圈(doughnut)还是其中的空洞呢?当科研人员研究积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调(clichés)徒然间都是科学问题了。研究证明,乐观能使人更快乐,健康和成功。相反,悲观则导致绝望,生病和失败。如果你转变思想—从悲观主义变为乐观主义—你就能改变你的人生。
Do you see the glass as half full rather than half empty? Do you keep your eyes upon the doughnut, not upon the hole? Suddenly these clichés are scientific questions, as researchers study the power of positive thinking. Research is proving that optimism can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast, to hopelessness, sickness and failure. If you change your mind—from pessimism to optimism—you can change your life.
2. 感恩是一项重要的人生哲学,是生活的大智慧。(增补)人生在世,任何人都不可能时时幸运成功。从此沮丧气馁呢?(增补)还是对生活满怀感恩之心,跌倒后再爬起来呢? 如果对生活感恩,你的生命将充满灿烂的阳光;如果(增补)一味怨恨,(增补)终将一无所获。
Being grateful is an important philosophy of life and a great wisdom. It is impossible for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time so long as he lives in the world. We should learn
how to face failure or misfortune bravely and generously and to try to deal with it. If so, should we complain about our life and become frustrated and disappointed ever since then or should we be grateful for our life, rise again after a fall? If you are grateful to life, it will bring you shining sunlight. If you always complain about everything, you may own nothing in the end.
3. 们必须减速。他们相信社会正在接近某种发展极限。这其中包括固定不变的自然资源供应以及工业对自然环境可能造成的消极影响。然而那些想要更多更快发展经济的人则主张,即使按目前的发展速度仍然还有许多穷人。他们坚持认为只有持续的发展才能创造提高生活质量所必需的资本,才能提供保护自然环境不受工业化破坏所需的财力资源。
There is much discussion today about whether fast economic growth is desirable. Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed (unchanging 固定不变的) supply of natural resources, and the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment. People who want more and faster economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rate, there are still many poor people. They maintain that only continued growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life and provide the financial resources required to protect our natural surroundings from industrialization.
4. 在另一方面也(增补)导致了一些严重问题,诸如各种污染,温室效应,原子弹及其它对我们生存的威胁。因此,我们不得不学会在仔细规划和控制的条件下应用高技术。
The debate regarding the effects of applied science and advanced technology has gained wide attention. It is no doubt that modern science and technology have offered great convenience to human beings. But on the other hand they have also resulted in some serious problems such as all kinds of pollution, greenhouse effect, nuclear bombs and other threats to our very existence. Therefore, we have to learn to use high-tech under careful planning and control.
汉译英提示2: 谓语最小化原则
在汉译英中,动词的考察是必然的。其中动词和其他成分的转换也是重中之重。如果考生把所有的动词都翻译成动词的话,只能说明其还属于“入门”境界。我们在翻译中一定要注意动词和其他词性的转换,常见减少谓语的方法有: a) 把动词变成名词; b) 使用介词短语; c) 使用分词短语; d) 多使用to表示目的的状语; e) 把并列谓语中最后一个谓语处理成“,which”的非限制性定语从句。
1. 对企业来说,在线培训也许效果更好。例如,福特的员工现在就可以下载系列课程,其中一课有关“倾听并处理棘手情况”。按其设计,所有课程均能使学员在10至15分钟内消化某课程的一个单元。公司声称,在过去半年里,培训费用已削减了200万美元,因为几乎没有人为了去某个培训班学习而离开他们的办公桌。
For businesses, training may work better online. For example, Ford employees can now download a range of courses, including one on “Listening and Handling Tough Situations”, all designed for digestion of a unit in a particular course in 10 or 15 minutes. The company claims to have cut training costs by $2 million during the past six months, as few people leave their desks to learn in a certain training class.
2. 承认我们深受偏见的影响没有什么不光彩的。这正是我们需要教育的原因。教育恰好可以(动词变成名词)不断发现隐藏在我们头脑里的如同电脑病毒一样的无知和偏见。除非我们保持警惕,不断检查电脑并清
It is no disgrace to admit that we are all heavily influenced by prejudices. And this is precisely the reason why we all need education. Education is just the progressive discovery of our ignorance and prejudices which are hidden in our mind like computer virus in a computer. And unless we stay alert and check our computer constantly and wipe out all the viruses, we will be in serious trouble some day. We will not know when and where they will hit us with serious consequences.
汉译英提示 3: 汉译英的合并译法 汉译英时,往往必须先找出主谓框架树起主干,然后将各种关系词、短语(介词短语、名词短语)、附加成分(同位语、插入语)、分词结构、从句(定语从句、状语从句、同位语从句)等添加到主干,使树木枝繁叶茂。翻译汉语的多个分句时,注意分析各个分句之间的逻辑关系,确定好主从关系,采用恰当的方式进行连接。
1. 我们必须抓住新的机遇,迎接新的挑战,采取更加有力的措施,以更为积极地姿态扩大对外开放,力争对外贸易和吸收外资有新的增长。
We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges. We must open ourselves wider to the outside world more actively, and take more effective measures to expand foreign trade and absorb more foreign funds.
当然,这两个部分之间还存在着总和分的关系,前两句说得比较笼统,后三句说明了具体的措施和做法,英语句子体现具体信息的部分往往可以利用分词结构表达,所以本句还有一种译法:We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges,opening ourselves wider to the outside world more actively, and taking more effective measures to expand foreign trade and absorb more foreign funds.
2. 企业间更密切的合作是当今企业发展的一大趋势。中国将进一步发展经济,扩大对外开放,为海外企业提供更多商机。改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业已积极有力地开展了经济技术合作,并取得了巨大成就。海外企业在帮助中国企业发展的同时也在合作中获得了利益,因此是互利共赢的。中国政府愿意继续提供便利设施和必要条件,以促使中国企业与海外企业更密切合作。
Closer cooperation between enterprises is a major trend in enterprise development today. China will develop its economy further and open itself still wider to the outside world, which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since China’s reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises have vigorously undertaken economic and technical cooperation with overseas enterprises and scored (achieved; make) tremendous achievements. While helping Chinese enterprises develop, overseas enterprises have also benefited from the cooperation, hence mutual benefit and win-win. The Chinese Government stands (is) ready to continue to offer facilities and necessary conditions for closer cooperation between Chinese enterprises and their overseas counterparts.重庆大学
3. 人们决定学习外语也许是出于多种原因。他们(增补)也许是为了某种最近的目的—满足某个公共考试的要求,或从国外度假中获得更大乐趣和享受。商人们也许不得不直接或间接处理外国信函;研究者也许认识到,不用等待翻译人员,就能阅读外国报刊杂志刚刚发表的有关学科最新进展的报告是何等重要。
People may decide to study foreign languages for various reasons. They may do so for the immediate purpose of satisfying the requirements of some public examination or of getting greater fun and enjoyment out of a holiday abroad. Men of business may have to deal directly or indirectly with foreign correspondence and researchers may realize the importance of being able to read the latest accounts of advances made in their subject as soon as they are published in foreign journals, without waiting for a translator. Learning a new language implies approaching a new world, and it inevitably leads to a widening of intellectual experience.重庆大学
Part IV. Practical Writing (20%) 水平考试 (见以下范文)
写作提示 How to use transitional words or phrases correctly
In order to organize a good paragraph or composition, you should learn to use transitions(转换词)properly. When a runner in a relay race passes his wand(接力棒)to another team member, his team keeps moving ahead. When a writer uses transitions, he keeps his ideas moving ahead.
Transitions are words or phrases that join one idea to another. They add coherence(连贯性)to writing by joining ideas together. You can write good paragraphs by using transitions correctly.
Transitions placed in sentences within a paragraph make it easier for a reader to follow the movement of an idea from one sentence to the next.
1. 次序:First and foremost, First, Firstly, Second, Secondly, third, thirdly,
then=next=after that=afterwards.
例: Then you come to a traffic light and turn right.
2. 强调:Certainly=Surely=really=truly=indeed, above all=most important
As a matter of fact=in reality=to tell the truth.
例: Above all, do not build an open fire in a forest.
Indeed a dessert is always enjoyable.
I am going there tomorrow, as a matter of fact.
3. 说明:For example, for instance, such, so=thus=in this / that way=like this,
in fact=in truth=really
例: Thus the trip finally began.
Such an earthquake happened last year in China.重庆大学
So it was that he had his first sight of snow.
For eight years she was in fact spying for the enemy.
4. 对照:whereas=but in contrast=while, On the contrary, instead of, on the other hand.
instead=as an alternative
例: The husband wanted a boy, whereas the wife wanted a girl.
We’ve no coffee. Would you like tea instead?
Let’s play cards instead of watching TV.
5. 比较:like, unlike, as…as, Similarly, Equally important, In the same way,
At the same time=Meanwhile, Compared with…
例: Equally important the car drives thirty miles on a gallon of gas.
I went to college. Meanwhile, all my friends got well-paid jobs.
6. 并列/补充:Besides, Furthermore, Moreover, also, On top of…=In addition=Additionally,
too, as well, What is more, both…and, not only…but also.
例: I did not like the house; moreover, it was too high-priced.
7. 转折(make a statement less general or extreme):As a matter of fact, However=though,
Nevertheless(fml)=in spite of this=still, Unfortunately, Conversely, Yet, but.
例: We hope, though, that she could change her mind.
Yet there was still a chance that he would win.
8. 让步:although= though, after all, Nevertheless(fml)=in spite of this=still
例: After all, you learn to cook many foods in this job.
Though very intelligent, she is nevertheless rather modest.
Still, a winter vacation can be pleasant / fun.
9. 结果/后果:Hence=for this reason, as a result=Therefore=For that reason=Consequently,
Thus=As a result of this=Accordingly, so…that, otherwise, then=in that case=therefore 例: Consequently, we opened an account at the bank.
Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead.
10. 目的:to, in order to (fml)= so as to, so that=in order that
例︰He left early in order that he should/would/might arrive on time.
She works hard so that her husband suspects nothing.
11. 结论/总结: As you can see, As I have said, Obviously, Apparently, To sum / end up,
To conclude, In brief / short / summary / conclusion / a word, By and large=All in all 例: In summary, recreation is big business.
By and large, the company’s been pretty good to me.
1. 询问信 2. .邀请信 3. 建议信 (文字要求:150字左右。)
I. Asking for information
Sample 1
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am a senior at the Department of Computer Science, Southeast University,expecting to graduate in July this year. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of being enrolled in your university as a graduate student as of September, 2012.
In the past three years,I have majored in Computer Science. Presently, I am doing my graduation project. Enclosed is the transcript of all the subjects which I have so far completed at my university.I received an excellent score in the College English Test Band-Six(CET-6) sponsored by the Educational Commission of China and therefore my knowledge of English is adequate for me to continue my studies in the U.S.A.
中国著名大学风景高清图 重庆大学
注:第一学期2014年8月30日报到注册,9月1日正式行课。9月9日本科新生开学典礼,9月11日研究生新生开学典礼。9月8日中秋节,2015年1月19日放寒假,2月19日春节(本学期教学周次20周,寒假6周)。 重庆大学2014-2015学年校历
式行课,4月5日清明节,4月17-18日开春季运动会,6月20日端午节,6月28日毕业典礼,7月13日放暑假(本学期教学周次 19周,暑假7周)。
4、从虎溪花园始发到老校区班次从虎溪花园北站发车,经停虎溪校区车站,6:58, 7:28班次周日及节假日不开。
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