
nothing for nothing. thanksfornothing

话题作文 zuowen 3浏览

【 – 话题作文】

nothing for nothing.(一)

AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.千万记住:度量生命的不是呼吸的次数,而是那些最最难忘的时刻。Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。Don’t take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.别踏上犯罪的道路。你可以去逛街,可以到邻县去,可以出国旅行,但就是别踏上犯罪的道路。Enjoy the simple things.享受简单事物的乐趣。I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。I will greet this day with love in my heart.我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. And the devil’s name is Alzheimer’s."学无止境。多学学电脑、手艺、园艺等等。不要让你的大脑闲置下来。无所事事是魔鬼的加工厂。魔鬼的名字叫“痴呆症”。Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.结交快乐的朋友。整日愁眉不展只能让你雪上加霜。Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.多笑,开怀大笑。上气不接下气地笑。Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!Nothing for nothing.不费力气,一无所得。Nothing is impossible!没有什么不可能!Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.把你的爱告诉你所爱着的人们,把握住每一个表达机会。The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.有泪就流。在忍耐和伤心过后,要继续前行。陪伴我们度过此生的只有一人–那就是我们自己。让生命鲜活起来。The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭。

nothing for nothing.(二)

Something anything nothing 的区别

一、 something



She thinks she’s something since she won the beauty contest.( 有些地位的人)

. 用于一些动词短语中:

have something on 拿着某人的把柄。



二、 Anything

1. 用于成语中

be anything but (= definitely not) 表程度,意为“绝对不 / 根本不是 / 一点也不”。 I don’t mean he’s lazy—anything but!


be anything but 根本不是,一点也不 be (as)…as anything [口语]…不得了 if anything 如果有什么不同的话 like anything 拼命地 or anything 或是其他别的事


be nothing to come to nothing

for nothing go for nohave nothing on 不比…强 thing 白费 have nothing to do 和…没关系

make nothing of mean nothing to

nothing but 只有,只不过 nothing doing 不行

nothing for it 没有别的办法 nothing if not 非常,极其

nothing much 不多,没什么 nothing of the kind 哪里,没有的事,不行 nothing to do with 和…没关系. think nothing of 觉得…不怎么样,不在乎 Think nothing of it. 不用谢,没关系 to say nothing of 还不说,除了

nothing for nothing.(三)


1. = not anything; no single thing


There’s nothing really interesting in the newspaper. 报纸上没什么真的有趣的新闻。 I’ve had nothing to eat since lunchtime. 从午饭时间到现在我什么都没吃。

There’s nothing you can do to help. 你帮不上忙。

He’s five foot nothing. = He’s exactly five feet tall. 他整整五英尺高。

It used to cost nothing to visit a museu. 过去参观博物馆是不收分文的。

—What’s the matter? 怎么了?

—Nothing serious, I hope. 我希望没什么大不了的事。

There is nothing as refreshing as lemon tea. 什么都不如柠檬茶那样提神。

I had nothing stronger than orange juice to drink. 我只喝了橙汁,没喝酒。

2. be nothing to sb. 对某人来说无所谓的人

—What is she to you? 她在你心目中如何?

—She’s nothing to me. 她对我来说无所谓。

3. have nothing on 一丝无挂

4. for nothing 免费;徒劳



5. have nothing to do with sb. / sth. 与某人 / 某事无关;避开某人/某事

He’s a thief and a liar; I’d have nothing to do with him, if I were you. 他又偷东西又说谎;我要是你的话,就不跟他来往。

6. nothing but = only = nothing more than 仅仅;只不过

Nothing but a miracle can save her now. 现在只有出现奇迹她才能得救。

It was nothing but a shower. 只不过下了场阵雨。

7. nothing less than = completely; totally 完全

His carelessness was nothing less than criminal. 他的粗心大意无异于犯罪。

8. nothing much 非大量;不重要

There’s nothing much in the post. 邮件中没什么要紧的东西。

I got up late and did nothing much all day. 我起晚了,一整天也没做什么事。

9. There was nothing else for it but to resign. 除了辞职别无他法。


1. notices of births / deaths / marriages in the newspapers 报上登的出生喜报/讣告/结婚启事

2. receive to months’ notice to leave a house / a job 收到两个月后搬家 / 解雇的通知 leave at ten days’ notice 提前十天通知离去

You must give notice of changes in the arrangements. 你要改变计划必须事先通知大家。

3. He handed in his notice last week. 他上星期递了辞呈。 是苏珊提醒我们注意那个问题的。 我察觉到了你经常偷窃。 别理会他的话!

7. Did you nitoce him coming in / come in? 你看见他进来了吗?

8. Sorry, I didn't notice you. 对不起,我没看见你。

nothing for nothing.(四)

nothing for nothing.(五)

nothing if not,never too…to,not…for nothing等否定形式表达肯定含义之英



1. can / could not…too表示“无论怎样也不过分”。例如:

You cannot be too careful when crossing the street. 穿越马路时,


You can never be too careful in performing an experiment. 做实验


2. can / could not…enough意为“无论怎么都不够”,表示强烈的肯定。例如:

I cannot thank you enough. 我对你感激不尽。 You can’t be careful enough. 你越小心越好。

3. too…not to表示“太""不会不""”,具有肯定意义。例如:

He is too careful not to have noticed it. 他那么小心,一定会注意到


4. never too…to是对too…to的再否定,表示肯定。例如: It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

5. not…for nothing中,not用来否定for nothing,从而加强了谓语的肯定意义。例如:

He didn’t study law for nothing. 他学法律并没有白费。

Believe me, he did not fly into such a rage for nothing. 请相信我,


6. nothing if not表示“极其”,含强烈的肯定意义。例如:

He was nothing if not clever. 他很聪明。

The story was nothing if not interesting. 故事极其有趣。

7. nothing less than表示“完全是”,有肯定的含义。例如:

What he said was nothing less than a lie. 他说的纯属谎言。 His negligence was nothing less than criminal. 他的粗心大意无异于


8. nothing but表示“只有,只不过”,含肯定意义。例如:

We could see nothing but water. 我们只看见一大片水。

She does nothing but listen to records. 她除了听唱片什么也不做。

9. no的否定意义很强,和具有否定意义的名词连用,来表示强烈的肯定。例如:

She is no fool. (She is very clever.) 她绝不是傻瓜。

There is no question that Mr. Smith is the boss. 毫无疑问,史密斯



Nobody had nothing to eat. =Everyone has something to eat. 每个人


11. not…until / till表示“直到""才”,具有肯定的意义。not " until " 直到""才";在这个句型中, until 可作介词,也可作连词。作介词时,后接名词、代词或短语;作连词时,后接句子。 not 后面接非延续性动词。例如:

She didn‘t stop working until 12 o‘clock last night. 昨晚12点以前,


The bus didn't leave until all the seats were taken. 直到车上坐满了乘


not " until " 也可用于强调句型和倒装句式中。例如:

It was not until this morning that he finished the work. 直到今天上午,他才完成那项工作。

12. “否定词 + so + adj. / adv. + as”结构,从反面表示“最”,是一种强烈的肯定。例如:

It wasn’t so bad as last time! 这次不像上次那么糟!

None is so blind as those who won’t see. 没有比视而不见的人更瞎眼的了。


He would go as soon as not. 他非常乐意去。

As often as not the buses are late on foggy days. 遇多雾天气时,公共汽车经常晚点。


Isn’t this film interesting? 这部电影难道没趣吗?

Who doesn’t enjoy reading The Dream of the Red Mansion? 谁不喜

欢看《红楼梦》呢?(人人都喜欢看《红楼梦》。) 15. 以Why don’t you…和Why not … 开头的疑问句往往表示邀请、建议、指导等,具有肯定意义。例如:

Why don’t you introduce her to your parents? 你为什么不把她介绍给你

父母呢? Why not come and see me tomorrow? 明天来看我怎么样?

16. nothing (或 no + 名词) but "只有;仅仅;Nothing (或 no + 名词) but "等于 only ,表示肯定意义,后接名词、代词、不定式等。例如:

No one but him in our class can swim across the river. 在我们班上,


She could do nothing but wait here. 她只好在这时等,别无他法。

17. not " without " 没有""就没有;在这个句型中,使用两个否定,用来加强语气,表示肯定意义。例如:

One cannot live even a few minutes without air. 没有空气,人们甚


They couldn't have completed their task on time without your help.


注意: too " not to "和 never (not) too " to "这类双重否定的句型,也表示肯定意义。例如:

The boy is too clever not to work out this maths problem. 这个男


18. 1)hardly / scarcely " when " 一(刚)""就"";在这个句型中, when 是并列连词,其前面的句子要用过去完成时,其后的句子用一般过去时。例如:

He had hardly/scarcely arrived when it began to rain. 他一到天就开始


19.no sooner " than " 一(刚)""就"";在这个结构中, no sooner 位于主句中,主句用过去完成时, than 引导状语从句,从句用一般过去时。例如:

No sooner had they got to the theatre than the concert began. 他们刚跨进剧院,音乐会就开始了。

20. can + not + be + 形容词 + enough/can not + 动词原形 + too much ( highly ) 越""越好;无论怎样也不过分;在这个句型中, not 可用 never 来替代。例如:

He is a hero. We can not praise him too much (highly)。他是英雄,


21. have never + 过去分词 + 比较级 最"";再没有比""更";该句型从反面表示“最""”的概念。例如:

We have never seen a more interesting film than this one = This is

the most interesting film that I have ever seen. 这部电影是我们看过


22. can't (help) but " 只好;不得不;必然;在这个结构中, help 可省略, but 后面接不带 to 的不定式。例如:

He can't (help) but admit that he was wrong. 他只好承认自己是错


23. can't help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事

Hearing the joke, we couldn't help laughing. 听了这个笑话,我情


24. not + 含否定意义的词缀的词(不时不)。例如:

It is not uncommon for a great scholar to be ignorant in everyday

affairs. 一个伟大的学者,对日常事务无知,这种情况并不罕见。

25. 用表示赞叹的否定疑问句来表示肯定意义。例如:

Isn't the film wonderful? 多么好的一部影片啊!


nothing for nothing.(六)

高考英语词语辨析none, nothing, no one

none这个词的用法极易与nothing, no one等混淆,以下是本人参考搜集的一些资料加以整理的:

一、 none 与nothing的用法比较:


I want some coffee, but there is _______ in the pot.

A. no one B. something C. none D. nothing


1) none = not any, not one 一点也没有;一个也没有,即数量概念。既可指人,也可指物,代指上文提到的事物,含特指概念。如:

He wants me to lend him some money, but I have none at hand.


They asked for nine books, but there is / are none in the library at

present. 他们需要九本书,但目前图书馆一本都没有。

2) nothing = not anything, 意为"没有任何东西;什么也没有",强调内容,只能指物,泛指。如:

He felt hungry, but he could find nothing to eat in the kitchen.


Nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it.



Most of us would rather ride bicycles as bike-riding has_______ of the trouble of taking buses. (96上海)

A. nothing B. none C. some D. neither

二、 none与no one 的用法比较:

1) none作代词时,可以指人,是"一个人也没有"的意思。如:

The war broke out. All the people felt frightened but none had left there. 战争爆发后,人们很惶恐但是没有一个人人离开那儿。

另外,none后常接of短语,of后可接复数可数名词或代词,作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数形式皆可;of后也可接不可数名词,这时谓语动词必须用单数形式。如: Sorry, but none of us speaks/ speak English. 抱歉!我们没有一个人讲英语。 None of the money on the desk is mine. 桌上的那些钱都不是我的。


There are many apples in the basket, but none of them are fresh.


There are two apples on the plate, but neither of them is fresh.


2) no one= nobody 只指人,“没有人”,不能指物,语气比none强,后面不能接of构成的短语。no one作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数。如:

No one / No

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