
14《关山月》翻译(共5篇) 关山月沈佺期翻译

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2、今生弃黔首以资敌国,却宾客以业诸侯。使天下之士退而不敢西向,裹足不人秦,此所谓:“藉寇兵而赍盗 粮”者也。



3、公日:“姜氏欲之,焉避害?”对曰:“姜氏何厌之有?不如早为之所, 无使滋蔓”


4颖考叔,纯孝也。爱其母,施及庄公。《诗》曰:“孝子不匮,永锡尔类。” 其是之谓乎!



5公子吕曰:“国不堪贰,君将 若之何?欲与大叔,臣请事之;若弗

与,则清除之。无生民心。” 国不堪贰:一个国家承受不了两属的情况。


6王无罪岁,斯天下之民至焉。 王无罪岁:大王您不归咎于年成不好。 7谨庠序之教,申之以孝梯之义,颁白者不负载于道路矣。

谨庠序之教:认真地进行学校教育。 《秋水》

8“闻道百,以为莫己若”,我之谓也。以为莫己若:认为没有谁赶得上自己。 9顺流而东行,至于北海,东面而视,不见水端。



10传曰:“其身正,不令而行;其身 不正,虽令不从。”其李将军之谓也。 其身正,不令而行:(为官的人)本身行得正,即使不去命令别人,别人也会遵从。

11汉下广吏,吏当广所失亡多,为虏所生得,当斩,赎为庶人。 吏当广所失亡多:执法官判定李广损失、伤亡军队过多。



而身死国灭,为天下笑:本人死了国家也灭亡了,被天下人耻笑。 《前赤壁赋》




而今安在哉:而如今在哪里呢! 《种树郭橐驼传》

15驼闻之曰:“甚善,名我固当。” 名我固当:这样称呼我本来就合适。 16以子之道,移之官理,可乎? 以子之道,移之官理:把你种树之道,移到为官治民上。14《关山月》翻译。

17他植者,虽窥伺效慕,莫能如也。 他植者,虽窥伺效慕:别的种树匠人虽然暗中观察他、仿效地。 《马伶传》






20当是时,弃城而图存者,不可一二 数;擅强兵而坐观者,相环也。 擅强兵而坐观者:拥有强大的军队却坐而观战的。 《李氏将伐颛臾》

21无乃尔是过与?夫颛臾,昔者先王以为东蒙主,且在邦域之中矣。 无乃尔是过与:大概要责备你吧? 22用则施诸人,舍则传诸其徒,垂诸文而为后世法。

垂诸文而为后世法:把它通过文章传递下去,并为后代人所取法。 23远人不服,则修文德以来之,既来之,则安之。(《季氏将伐颛臾》) 则修文德以来之:便完善德政教化使他们归顺。

24以此长不见悦于长吏,仆则愈益不顾也。(《刘报一丈书》) 以此长不见悦于长吏:因此长久不被长官所喜欢。










27想佳人妆楼颙望,误几回,天际识 归舟。(《八声甘州》)

妆楼颙望:在妆楼抬头凝望。 28但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。(《水 调歌头》)

千里共婵娟:相隔千里共享天上明月。 29梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏,点点滴滴。14《关山月》翻译。












Cultural Exchanges

Man began to make cultural exchanges the day when there existed culture. Generally, human culture is the product of cultural exchanges among all nations and nationalities.

Exchanges promote development. A nation or a nationalities, so long as it has not been in a state of isolation and ignorance owing to some subjective or objective reasons, will benefit more or less from cultural exchanges.

In fact there is no native civilization on earth that does not bear traces of external influences. A noted foreign historian once wrote:" If one subtracted everything from the English Culture that had foreign roots, there will be little left."

History has proven the above statement. The Four Greet Inventions in Ancient Chinese greatly advanced the ancient civilization of the world. The culture of Han and Tang Dynasty exerted deep and far-reaching influences on the development of civilization in Korea, Japan, and other neighboring countries. Likewise the achievements of science in our own times in the west have changed the life of Chinese people and are continuing to do it.


Cultural Exchange

Cultural exchange began with the start of human culture, which, as a whole, is the product of the merging of and exchange between the cultures of all nations and nationalities.

Exchange accelerates development. A nation, or a people, if not in a state of isolation for a long period for reasons either subjective or objective, will benefit from this exchange to a greater or less(er) extent.

In fact, an intrinsic culture absolutely immune to foreign influence is non-existent.

A well-known foreign historian once wrote, “Very little would remain of English culture if all its elements which have a foreign origin or bears some foreign influence were eliminated.”

This is not far from being true (this is very close to being true). The Four Inventions of ancient China greatly pushed forward the ancient world culture and,

more significantly, the Chinese culture of Han and Tang Dynasties exercised a profound and lasting influence on such neighboring countries as Korea and Japan. In the same way, the major scientific achievements of modern and contemporary West have changed and are still changing the Chinese life today.








Liu Zhongdong, having an alternate name as Ya Cheng, was born in Haikang county, Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong province in 1939. He always drew pictures on the back of cattle when he is grazing cattle in childhood. In 1959, he furthered his study in Department of Tradition Chinese Painting in Guangzhou Academy of Painting He studied in the Department of Tradition Chinese Painting in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and has been educated by Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai anf other painters in south of the five ridges. On the basis of the achievements in his firm ability to paint Chinese brush paintings, he made extraordinarily painstaking efforts to explore the true meaning of finger painting arts Although Finger painting is unlike brush that can write and draw freely as one wishes, but has its own uniqueness. Finger snail can draw hard and sharp lines and the finger flesh can draw smooth and thick lines. Using both of them can realize the artistic effect of combining hardness and softness.

In order to improve his skills of “Finger Painting”, Liu visited numerous well-known mountains and rivers. His paintings had been exhibited at home and abroad for many times and received high praise.


The transition from a rustic cowboy to a renowned painter does not satisfy him. He said, people should be decent with genuine and frank pursuit, and pay little attention to gain and loss. Art is the true placation.


Finger Painter Liu Zhongdong

Liu Zhongdong, also named Yachen, was born in 1939 in Haikong County in Leizhou Peninsula of Guangdong Province. He started to draw and paint (daub) on the back of a cow when only a small cow-herd. In 1959, he entered the Department of Chinese Painting in Guangzhou Art Institute for advanced studies and was student to Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai and other local (Lingnan) masters. Having laid a firm foundation for brush painting and recorded considerable achievements14《关山月》翻译。

in this field, he turned to finger-painting, trying unrelentingly to discover the true expressions for this art. Painting with fingers, thought allowing less freedom than brush painting, could achieve certain unique effects. Finger nails could draw (hard and sharp) lines, whereas the fleshy parts of finger tips cold draw lines which are thick, full, and rich in suggestion. Their combination could create a perfect union of strength and grace (balance).

He visited all the great natural wonders so as to enhance his finger-painting art. His paintings have been exhibited many times both at home and abroad and have received extremely high praises. Nor does he take particular pride (feel smug) in (with) the fact that he has turned from a mere country boy into a renowned painter. For, he says, the essence of a man lies in his frankness, and the success of pursuit lies in wholeheartedness. Worldly gains or losses don’t count for much, for art, and art only, is the ultimate comfort..


Shanghai, a metropolis with centuries of history, is a great tourist attraction, with its dazzling show of urban prosperity, its easy access from all over the world, its blend of Chinese and Western cultures, its wealth of cultural resources, its display of diverse artistic forms, its gourmet food of different styles, and its consummate tourist facilities. Here can be seen not only high-rise buildings, which house deluxe hotels of international standards and beautifully decorated stores, but also temples and museums of imposing aspects, in addition to the magnificent Bund, one of the best known tourist resorts.

A delightful contrast is found in the scenery of the suburbs, where the fields dotted by ancient villages and checkered by country roads present an idyllic picture. And it is here that, catering for the desire to flee the hustle and bustle of city life and to get close to Nature, holiday resorts with themes like “nature” or “leisure” have been mushrooming up in recent years, some of the best known of which include Dongping State Forest Park, Sunny Island, and Shanghai Wildlife Zoo. The result is a combination of modern recreational facilities with beautiful natural landscapes, so that tourists are truly able to have a real change, to breathe the fresh air of the country, and to enjoy the immense delight of returning to nature.



如今妈妈先当件大事,告诉众人,倒显得妈妈偏心溺爱,纵容他生事招人,今儿偶然吃了一次亏,妈妈就这样兴师动众,倚着亲戚之势,欺压常人。(薛蟠遭柳湘莲打,宝钗对薛姨妈) 今日寄人篱下,纵有许多照顾,自己无处不要留心. 尤二姐听说,笑道:“依你说,你两个已是情投意合了。竟把你许给了他,岂不好?”


If you make such an issue of it and spread the news, everyone will think you spoil your son and encourage him to make trouble and that once he’s beaten you raise a big rumpus, bullying humble folk on the strength of your powerful relatives. Now, living with another family, although they treat me so well I have to watch my step all the time. “It sounds as if the two of you are always of one mind,” Second Sister chuckled. “How would it be if we were to betroth you to him?” 译文:

If you spread the news and make such an issue of it, everyone will think that you are partial, so much so that while you spoil your son and encourage him to make trouble, once he’s beaten you raise a big rumpus, bullying humble folk on the strength of your powerful relatives. Now, living under another’s roof, I have to watch my step all the time even though they treat me so well. “You sound as if the two of you are already close to each other emotionally,” Second Sister chuckled. “Why, then it would serve you a good turn to betroth you to him, wouldn’t it?”


It is a fact that not once in all my life have I gone out for a walk. I have been taken out for walks; but that is another matter. Even while I trotted prattling by my nurse's side I regretted the good old days when I had, and wasn't, a perambulator. When I grew up it seemed to me that the one advantage of living in London was that nobody ever wanted me to come out for a walk. London's very drawbacks–its endless noise and hustle, its smoky air, the squalor ambushed everywhere in it–assured this one immunity. Whenever I was with friends in the country, I knew that at any moment, unless rain were actually falling, some man might suddenly say "Come out for a walk!" in that sharp imperative tone which he would not dream of using in any other connexion. People seem to think there is something inherently noble and virtuous in the desire to go for a walk. Any one thus desirous feels that he has a right to impose his will on whomever he sees comfortably settled in an arm-chair, reading.


在我的一生里,我从未自己出去散步过,一次也没有。我曾在他人的要求下出去散步过,但那又是另一回事了。甚至当我还是个孩子,在别人的看护下咿呀走路时,我都无比怀念那段坐在婴儿车里的日子。长大后,对我来说住在伦敦有一个好处,那就是没人会叫我出去散步。 伦敦到处是喧嚣和忙乱,雾蒙蒙的天气和肮脏的地方。这一切不利之处确保了外出散步这一运动无法进行。每当我和朋友在乡村时,我知道任何时候都有可能听到一句:“让我们出去散散步吧!”,除非那个时候外面正在下雨。他会用一种尖锐的祈使语气,那样他就不用再想任何的连接词了。人们似乎认为想要出去散步的那种渴望带有天生的高贵和美德。因此,每个人都迫切地感觉到自己有义务把出去散步的意志强加到那些他看到正舒服地躺在扶手椅上看书的人。




Walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it. My objection to it is that it stops the brain. Many a man has professed to me that his brain never works so well as when he is swinging along the high road or over hill and dale.

This boast is not confirmed by my memory of anybody who on a Sunday morning has forced me to partake of his adventure. Experience teaches me that whatever a fellow-guest may have of power to instruct or to amuse when he is sitting on a chair, or standing on a hearth-rug, quickly leaves him when he takes one out for a walk. The ideas that came so thick and fast to him in any room, where are they now? where that encyclopaedic knowledge which he bore so lightly? where the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started? The man's face that was so mobile is set now; gone is the light from his fine eyes. He says that A. (our host) is a thoroughly good fellow






Even if you go to some definite place, for some definite purpose, the brain would rather you took a vehicle; but it does not make a point of this; it will serve you well enough unless you are going out for a walk. It won't, while your legs are vying with each other, do any deep thinking for you, nor even any close thinking; but it will do any number of small odd jobs for you willingly–provided that your legs, also, are

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