

话题作文 zuowen 2浏览


第一篇:《My School Life》

My School Life

I love school.I think school is really cool.Let me tell you about my school life. I go to school five days a week.I'm there eight hours each day.School is a big part of my life. My school day is long.My schedule is so full.There is always something going on.

My teachers are excellent.They help me to improve.They are very patient and kind. My classmates are good friends.We often study together.We always help each other out. We are like a team.We play games and enjoy activities.We laugh and have fun when we can.

My schoolwork keeps me busy.I have homework every day.I have quizzes and tests all the time. I like learning new things.I know knowledge is

power.I'm preparing for the future. My school is like a family.It's like a home away from home.I hope you feel the same way about your school.

My family

have a wonderful family.I'm lucky to be a part of it.Let me tell you about them. My family name is Lee.My family history is long and proud.There are five people in my family now. My parents love me very much.They do a lot for me.When I need help, they are always there.

My dad is a strong guy.He's honest and hardworking.He's like a superhero to me. My mom is a smart woman.She can do almost anything.I just can't praise her enough. I have two siblings.They are my older brother and younger sister.Sometimes we argue,but we mainly get along.

My family likes being together.We like eating out and going to the

movies.We also enjoy hiking and having picnics. My family isn't perfect.We have our ups and downs.But we always forgive and make up. Our motto is “United together forever.” I'll always cherish my family.I hope your family is lovely,too.


I have many hobbies.I like to do many things.Let me share a few. I like video games.Computer games are cool,too.I could play them all day. I like collecting cards.I play games with them.I trade them with my friends. Also,I like sports.I like being outdoors.I love fresh air and sunshine. Bike riding is fun.Rollerblading is neat.Swimming is my favorite. In

addition,I like to draw pictures.I like to read comics.But please don't tell my parents.

Furthermore, I like music.I like to sing songs.I'm learning to play an instrument. Of course, I enjoy learning English.I like speaking with foreigners.I love watching Disney cartoons. There is more I like to do.There is more I can say.I'll save it for another day.


I have a favorite teacher.

Her name is Miss Lee.

She is so wonderful to me.

She has a sweet personality.

She's very patient and kind.

She never gets angry or yells.

She encourages me.

She compliments my efforts.

She makes me feel special all the time.

Her class is interesting.


We do many different things.

We never feel tired or bored.

She's charming and bright.

She's an expert for sure.

She answers every question we ask.

She demands a lot.

She gives lots of homework.{myschoollife}.

But we always work hard to please her.

The little things make her great.

Her smile warms my heart.

Her simple praise is music to my ears.

She's a good listener.

She's very understanding.

She's fair to everyone.

She brightens up my day.

I'll never forget her.

I'll remember her forever


llo! My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng.

I'm ten.

I study in WZ children arts school.

I'm in Class one Grade four .

Welcome to Our Classroom.

This is my classroom.

There is a sign on the door.

It says: Welcome to Our Classroom!

There are many desks.

This is my desk.

My name is on it.

This is my teacher's desk.

There are many interesting things.

There is a fish bowl on the cabinet.{myschoollife}.

His name is Goldy.

Her name is Swimmy.


There is a large blackboard on the front wall.

My teacher writes our homework on it.

There is a birthday chart on the back wall.

My teacher puts our names and birthdays on it.

There is a round clock above the door.

It tells us what time it is.

There are our drawings on the side wall.

This is mine.This is Jenny's.

There is a reading couch in the corner.

This is my favorite place.

The Rabbit and The Wolf’

One day a rabbit was walking near the hill. He heard someone

crying,‘Help! Help!’It was a wolf. A big stone was on the wolfs back. He cried, "Mr. Rabbit, take this big stone from my back, or I will die." The Rabbit moved the stone from the wolfs back. Then the wolf jumped and caught the rabbit.

“If you kill me, I will never help you again.” Cried the rabbit . “Ha,ha!You will not live, because I will kill you." said the wolf. ‘I helped you. How can you kill me? It’s unfair. You ask Mrs. Duck. She will say that you are wrong." said the rabbit. “I will ask her,” said the wolf.

So they went to ask Mrs. Duck. The duck listened to their story and said,” What stone? I must see it. Then I can know who is right. “So the wolf and the rabbit and the duck went to see the stone.

"Now, put the stone back," said Mrs. Duck. So they put the stone back. Now the big stone is on the wolf’s back again.

That’s all for my story. Thanks for listening.


一天,兔子先生正在山坡附近遛哒,他听到有人在呼救:“救命呀!救命呀!”他这边瞧瞧,那边望望,他发现了可怜的狼先生,一块大石头掉下来压在狼先生的背上,他起不来了。他喊道:“兔先生,把这块大石头从我背上搬开,要不然我会死的。”兔子好不容易把大石头从狼背上搬开,这时,狼跳起来,把兔子叼在嘴里。“如果你吃了我,”兔子叫喊着,“只要我还活着,我再也不帮你的忙了。” “你不会活了,”狼说,“因为我要吃了你了。” “好人是不会杀救过他命的恩人的,”兔子说,“这很不公平,你去问鸭子夫人,她很胖,她样样事情都通晓,她一定会说没有一个好人会干出这种事情来。” “我去问她”,于是,狼和兔子到了鸭子家。狼说:“当兔子先生在山坡附近坐下时,我抓住了他,因此,我要吃掉他。现在你来谈谈你是怎样想的吧。” “我从他的背上搬开好大的一块石头,”兔子说,“因此,我说他不应该吃掉我,因为我救了他。现在你说说你的看法吧。” “什么石头?”鸭子夫人问。“山附近一块石头,”兔子说。“我必须去看看,”鸭子说,“如果我连那块石头也没有看见,那我怎么说得出我的看法?”于是,狼、兔子和鸭子一起去看那块石头。现在你知道结果是什么了。

第二篇:《学生演讲稿my school life》

My school life

Good evening! Teachers!

I’m very glad to make a speech here. My topic is about my school life. My school life is very common. As a student it's important for me to study, so learning all kinds of experience knowledge is a part of my school life. At free time I often go to play-ground to take a walk, because it's good for my health and reducing study pressure.

School life which I like best is that I can learn many subjects, learn lots of knowledge to open my eyes and classmates can express their ideas one another. Not only classmates can extend their knowledge one another, but also our friendship becomes more profound. Surely study will become interesting.

And I like taking a walk with friends at free time in the school .We usually discuss about study questions together while walking. Sometimes we can talk about something interesting in our lives. As such I could forget something unhappy and reduce stress easily.

I like my school life. Though my school life is common, I could gain friendship and experience knowledge. I feel very happy because it is important for me to have an interesting high school life. And that is a lovely memory for me when I grow up.


My school life

I am a student who studies in a school which is located in Harbin. I was admitted into this beautiful school. I still remember the day when I first went to school. In my eyes, everything was pretty. I get on well with my classmates and teachers. Since I went to this school, I think of my teachers as my best friends like leaves and flowers. I never look upon them as others. It is reason why I often question my teachers on some problems is that I love them. When I am trouble and lose heart, they always help me settle these problems. Of course, I am also satisfied with their education. I have a lot of friends who can make me try to form them good study habits. Because of that, I often get up early and try my best to study well. I also like you that I have favorite subject, also have dislike subject. I prefer learning English to learning others. It is easily of me to learn this lesson, I often get an "A" in the exam. In my In my opinion,In the future work, the English study also play an important role. I do not like Chinese because it is so boring that I can't stand sleeping. In order to make progress, I have to try my best to learn it well. I also want to lay a good foundation in all subjects. I believe, in the near future, I am learning will be successful.

I think we should enjoy a change from our busy life in our school.

So we must have an outing at some interesting places, Such as The Himalayas, the west lake and the great wall. In this way, we will have a rest in our busy life, If it is in beautiful places that you will enjoy yourselves. During that time, you will not only see the sights od views, but you also can go through an interesting life. That can enlarge your views. Physical recreations and intellectual activities are the two major ways of spending our leisure time. While some people have interests in both of them, most of us also have preferable way to spend our time off. I prefer a balance of these kinds of activities to provide both the physical conditioning and mental stimulation I need to face in the daily grind. For me, physical recreation is necessary for good health but intellectual pursuits such as reading stories provide the most pleasure.

I really enjoy my school life. School life should be interesting and colorful, just as the saying goes, "The school life is everyone young men, the source of happiness."{myschoollife}.

My School life

My name is _______. I'm ____ years old, and I study in ________ Middle School of Harbin. My school is very big and beautiful. I'm very happy in the school.

I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. At 6:40, I have my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dining room. After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates.

We have six classes every day. The first class begins at 7:50 am. I like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My favorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there. It's very interesting and exciting. I think it's helpful for me to learn English well. After class, I always play games with my friends. We play soccer ball, basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. They are very relaxing.

I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn't it?

第四篇:《My School Life》

My School Life stOn September 1, I go to my new middle school. Now I tell you my school life.

Every day we have Chinese, math and English. Why? Because Chinese, math and English are major subjects.

We have activity on Tuesday and Thursday. I am swimming at that time. So I good at swimming.

Information technology is fun. We must make a placard about global warming.

We get up early. At 6:40, we do morning exercises. We always are running.

We have eight classes every day. At night, we do homework.

On Fridays, we go home by school bus.

What about your school?

第五篇:《希望之星英语My school life》

Hi,I am a student in Class 1 Grade 6. My name is .I study in Guanshanhu foreign language primary school. my school life is very interesting. Classes begin at 8:00.I have seven classes every day. I study English , Chinese , math and some other subject. I like English very much, I also like music. But I don't like P.E at all. Because it's too boring. Do you think so? After school, I often listen to music ; some times I watch TV at home; some times, I draw pictures with my friends; some times, I play table tennis with my brother. On Friday, I read books in the school library. Do you think my school life is very interesting? My teachers are very friendly to me, and I like my school life very much. Can you tell me something about your school life?

Hello, My name is .I study in Guanshanhu foreign language primary school. My school life is very colorful, I have many lovely classmates and teachers. My friend XX is always with me. We study and play together. We are happy every day. After class my classmates always ask questions each other. And I`d like to ask question to my classmates and teachers, they are very helpful. I like my English teacher, she is funny and kindful. She always simles, which makes me very comfortable. I like PE class very much. In P.E. class, we can play so many balls together. That`s my school life, my happy and wonderful school life

My mane is and I'm a pupil at Guanshanhu foreign language primary school in Guiyang .My school is very big and beautiful. I'm very happy in the school.

I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. After that, I often read English with my classmates.

We have seven classes every day. The first class begins at 8:35 am. I like all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My favorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there. It's very interesting and exciting. I think it's helpful for me to learn English well. After class, I always play games with my friends. We play basketball, football, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. They are very relaxing.{myschoollife}.

I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn't it?

My mane is and I'm a pupil at Guanshanhu foreign language primary school in Guiyang .I go to school at 7 every morning on foot. My home is 1kilometres away from my school. I am in grade 6. I have 4 lessons in the morning and 3 lessons in the afternoon. The school is over at about 4:15. This term, we have Chinese, Maths, English and Art. There are many activities in our school, Such as Sports Meeting, Science Week and Art Week and so on. We all take an active part in it .my favourite teacher is my Art teacher. because he always plays with us. and of course my favourite subject is also Art.

Hello, My name is .I study in Guanshanhu foreign language primary school. I was very excited and curious about my school life, When I got to my school for the first time, the scene on campus gives me a surprise and leaves me a deep impression. The better environment and atmosphere, the bigger playground, the more knowledgeable teachers and and well-lighted reading room, which are attractive for me. so I feel very happy and satisfied

第六篇:《project1 my school life 教案》

Project 1 (period 1)课 时 教 学 设 计{myschoollife}.

Project 1(period 2)课 时 教 学 设 计{myschoollife}.




Good morning,everyone.It’s my pleasure to share my experience about my school life.

I was afraid of going to school when I was a child,because at school meant less chance to play with my friends in my opinion.

But now,studying at school plays a different role in my heart.Because in school I can learn new knowledge,make new friends who can me to At first,let me tell you something about my school life before I attend university.At that time,when it came to sktudying,I were the same with you that I had favorite subjects, also have dislike subjects.For example,I like physics ,chemistry and organisms,but I us aren’t they?

After class,fooball and table tennis are my friends and I best love.We play not only in PE Class but also we hold contests No let us pay close attention to the life at present. The life in university is of great difference from that in

high school. We don’t have to spend all our energy on study.Now,we have more freedom and more time to do the things we enjoy.We can learn competitions,attend clubs and associations to seek joys from activities.To myself,I prefer to reading books and taking part in club activities.As far as I concerned,although we are free from parents,we shouldn’t waste academic.So I still pay much of my energy to study professional knowledge,and I cant’t make make a difference between my subjects like previous.What’s more,the university life may the last part in my school life.Nowadays,it has just began, in the later days, I will make it more colourful!

That’s all what I want to say,thank you for listening to !

第八篇:《英语作文my school life》

My school life

I’ve been a high school student since last month. Now I’m studying in Feicheng No.1 High School, which is beautiful with a lot of trees and flowers in and around it. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. Our school life is rich and colorful. I have made a lot of new friends and we are getting along well with each other. We are concerned about one another and help each other when (we are )in trouble.

Every day we go to school at 6:40. We have 4 lessons in the morning and 3 lessons in the afternoon.

The school is over at 22:15. My favourite teacher is our English teacher and of course my favourite subject is also English, because he is funny and is always making his classes lively and interesting. He is strict and serious with us and take care of us as well. He is more our friend than a common teacher.

My physics is poor. I could't understand what the teacher was talking about and could’t solve many problems. To be honest, I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, with the help of our teacher, I have made great progress in physics ever since I came here.

In class, we pay much attention to what the teacher said and take notes. If we have problems, we will put up our hands. When the teacher asks us some questions, we will think carefully and try to answer actively. Anyway we cannot waste a little time in class, otherwise we will not learn anything or pass the exam.

At noon, some of us have lunch at

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