
unforgettable,moment 刘德华unforgettable

话题作文 zuowen 3浏览


第一篇:《An unforgettable moment》

An unforgettable moment

1. What’s your unforgettable moment?

2. Why is it unforgettable?


1. 关键词: 1)unforgettable 2) moment

2. 时态:叙述过去时发生的事,一般过去时。感想根据情境可以一般现在时,也可以一般过去时。

3. 注意点题:类似的文章写过很多,学生容易写成“难忘的经历”,“难忘的一件事”。在套用文章的时候注意点题,这是这篇文章的关键。

An unforgettable moment

When it comes to the most unforgettable moment, I will definitely choose the group singing at the school Art Festival, which adds a brilliant touch to my memory.

As the School Art Festival approached, we, four girls decided to sing a song, but trouble came one after another. Mistakes, arguments and conflicts almost separated us. However, strong minds brought us together and made us more determined to reach the peak of the success. Finally, when we stood in the spotlight and sang the song we had practiced for hundreds of times, cheers rose from every corner of the theatre.

my mind. That’s my most unforgettable moment.

An unforgettable moment

The most unforgettable moment in my mind is so beautiful that it encourages me a lot. During the first four months when I studied in Shanghai, I was poor at English and failed in all the tests. I was very worried, but I didn’t give up. In order to catch up with others, I worked very hard. Several weeks later, with the help of my teachers, classmates and my “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

第二篇:《演讲稿 an unforgettable moment》

Good afternoon my dear friends:

I am NO.______. What I want to share with you is ‘an unforgettable moment’.

As we’re growing up, we experience a lot of things . There were countless moments that I would never forget. The moments , not too long ,also not too short. They accompany me ,educate me ,witness my growth.

Since I was very little, I’ve fallen in love with English .Studying English has become an important part of my life . In 2008 ,I took part in the English competition for the 1st time. From then on , I entered for the competition every year. 2012 was my lucky year. I still remember the time when I got the 1st prize in CCTV star of outlook English talent competition in Jiangsu province .When the hostess announced the result , I just couldn’t believe it until I heard my mother’s exciting voice .when I stood on the stage, I didn’t know how to express my feeling .At that moment I felt that all my hard work finally paid off. My heart kept beating like a hammer .I could say nothing but showed my thanks to my parents and my teachers .It was them who made me stand on the podium to enjoy the honour and the applause .

It was the most unforgettable moment to me .The result was also a big encouragement .It made me more confident to face any challenge.

In this competition, I will show the best of myself to all of you and get a better result. To make it another unforgettable moment in my life. That’s all. Thanks for your listening.

盐城市毓龙路实验学校 周子琳

第三篇:《难忘的时刻(An unforgettable moment)》

ü±(An unforgettable moment)


Olympics have come.Everyone is excited to enjoy the big sports party.Each of athletes does his best to win medals,especially Chinese athletes.So their were some wonderful instant during the Olympic competition.

Zhang Xiang xiang,a 62kg class weightlifting gold medal winner.When he won,he was very excited and kneel to thank audience who were refueling for him.Then he took the barbell and kissed it in order to share success with it.Li Xiao peng,a great athlete.He rolled back pain,back again.Although his right arm bleeding injuries,he still completed very well and won the parallel bars gold medal.His spirit worth of each individual learning.

Not only Chinese but foreigners gave us the unforgettable screen.She was a strong person.Her left leg was amputated,but she still took part in Olympics.She only had one leg,but she was brave in competting with healthy people and spent 2 hours to swim 10 kilometers.Her name was Natalie Dutuo Hitt.In the Olympic Games

women's long jump at the award ceremony,Brazil's Maolun Lga Margibi bended over falling on her knees to kiss the stage when she goes upon the stage.Because winning a gold medal for Brazil was not a easy thing.

The Olympics brought us too much.We could learn more about Olympic spirit.

第四篇:《2、The Most Unforgettable Moment》

The Most Unforgettable Moment

Almost everyone has his or hers unforgettable moment, the most exciting moment or the saddest moment, so have I . And the answer can be of a big difference: to a senior student, the answer maybe the moment when receiving the admission notice from the desired college; while to a new couple, it is, however, the day when they step into the civil affair bureau; and to mother-to-be, it is, of course, the moment hearing the first cry of her baby. While to me, it was a sad incident that occurred on August 15th, 2014.

Holding my father’s arm tightly, I entered the doctor’s office, with my heart beating quickly. Maybe you have guessed what we were going to do, and yes, you are right. We were asked to sign our name on the operation agreement of my mother’s lung operation. Silently, we stood in the front of the doctor, waiting for his instruct. The moment he told us that there existed a danger of breath-stopping because of the uncertainty of operation time, I couldn’t control myself and burst into tears. I couldn’t believe what I have just heard just for the reason that my mother was always so healthy that even getting a cold seems so far away from her, let alone such a severe disease. Grabbing my father’s hand, I shaked my head and said:“Don’t sign your name, I couldn’t imagine the days without mom.” “Don’t be afraid and trust me , it’s better to choose to do this

surgery,” my father told me with a firm voice. Concerned and nervous, I saw he sign his name.

Walking out of the doctor’s office, I wiped out the tears and then stepped into the ward, sitting on the edge of the bed, I told my mother it’s nothing serious and to be relaxed. Fortunately, she seemed to believe in me . Then she put on operation suit and was taken into the operation room. The door opened, my mind was filled with the things happened between us, I couldn’t help to asking myself how could I quarrel with her for trivial things, how could I never care about her physical conditions. Until now I still cannot remember how many times I have blame myself on that day, but what comforts me is that the operation is successful and I get on with my mother better now.

第五篇:《The most unforgettable moment in my memory》

The most unforgettable moment in my memory

C1, G9

Maurice tong

As we all know, the “May 12th” earthquake made every one sad, but it also left behind lots of unforgettable memories. During that period, I read newspapers every day. One day a report caught my eye. It said thousands of poor people took out their own money and gave it to the people who needed it most. That report shook my heart. Although the number of the money was not large, it expressed everyone’s best wish. At that time, I felt warm and excited. I think it is the most unforgettable moment in my memory. C1, G9

Joe Zhong{unforgettable,moment}.


The most unforgettable moment in my memory is the time when I got a special gift on the night of my 14th birthday. It was an ordinary night, the same moon and stars up high. But when Dad came into my room with the gift, nothing was ordinary any more. The gift was an album of my favorite singer. The album was not new and there was a little dust on the cover. But I didn’t mind at all. I knew Dad had tried hard to get it because it was really difficult to find the album of an American singer who was not famous in China. I shall forever remember the album, and the love of a father contained in it. C1, G9

Jacky wang

It was raining cats and dogs. The road outside the school gate was crowded with cars and bicycles picking up students. I waited in the classroom and looked outside through the window. I thought my mum should be at home because of her illness and I had to walk back by myself on such a terrible day. Suddenly I found a familiar figure standing in the pouring rain with an umbrella in her hand. That was my mum! I was touched. Mother’s love is a reliable umbrella, protecting me from the “storms” in my life, the same today and forever. That became the most unforgettable moment in my memory. C1, G9

Jeremy Yu

In the latest summer holiday, I worked as a traffic police assistant to keep the traffic safe on Wuning Road. It took me only two hours, but it became the most unforgettable moment in my memory. Before I went there, I thought it would be a hard job because I would always have to prevent people from jaywalking. But it was totally beyond my expectation. The truth is that most people could follow the traffic rules. There is a saying, “Handsome is he who does handsomely.” As a citizen of Shanghai, we need to follow the rules to keep Shanghai tidy and safe. “Better city, better life.” Let’s do our best to make Shanghai more beautiful and civilized. C1, G9{unforgettable,moment}.

Sean Zhang

I like going hiking with my friends. One day, we went to climb a mountain. The trip was nice at the beginning but something unexpected happened halfway. I had a terrible pain in my stomach and couldn’t move any farther. My friends all worried about me. Some of them gave me water. Others made a phone call to look for help, but there was no signal. Luckily, after a rest, I felt much better. I think friendship is important to us. I will never forget the moment when my friends laid their warm hands on my shoulder.


Rita Ren

There are many unforgettable things in my memory. I remember one football match I watched on my birthday last year. It was between China and Japan. I was really sad when Japan won the game. I believed the Chinese players would also be upset. But to my surprise, there were still smiles on their faces. I think it is the most unforgettable moment in my memory because it made me understand something: Don’t be sad even if you failed. You are still a hero as long as you tried your best.{unforgettable,moment}.

C1, G9

Nora li

My parents bring me up, thinking I am the centre of the universe. They shower me with love and attention and give me terrific self-confidence. It was the first time for me to perform playing the Pipa, a kind of traditionally Chinese musical instrument, in front of a large audience. I was eleven at that time. When it was my turn, I was nervous and afraid. My parents encouraged me with smiles. They were fond of my music and delighted to watch my show. It is the most unforgettable moment in my memory, so nice and so sweet.

C1, G9

Eve wu

I fell ill one night several years ago. When my father noticed that, he was very worried about me and put me on his back, hurrying to the hospital. But my home was far away form the hospital. When we reached there, my father was so hot that his T-shirt was completely wet. At that moment, my heart was trembling. Our parents always try to give us all the things they have and never ask us to return anything. All in all, that moment was one of the most unforgettable experiences in my life.

C2, G9

Pete ni

I once played football in a playground in the late afternoon when I was in Grade Six. That afternoon was the most unforgettable moment in my memory. We played football happily, but there was no goal. However, just before the game ended, my friend gave me a wonderful pass and I scored. Perfect! I felt so excited. Finally, our team won the game and I became a hero! From this game, I learned that football was a team sport. We must work together in order that we can be successful. In life, we must also work with many other people so as to reach our goal.

C2, G9

Lucy zhang

When I once watched a TV program, I got to know a boy who was blind. At first, I thought he was unlucky. Then I was surprised to see that he could do many things and knew many things that I didn’t know. It reminds me of an old saying, “God helps those who help themselves.” The boy couldn’t see anything, but he tried his best to do everything. He lost his eyes. God gave him a wise brain. He did better than many other people of his age, including me. Watching that program was the most unforgettable moment in my memory.

第六篇:《An Unforgettable Thing一件难忘的事 中考作文》

An Unforgettable Thing{unforgettable,moment}.

so many wonderful memories make me unforgettable. I will never forget one thing impressed me very much. I ’t found my problem, with a gentle smile, she I English and it. I am so lucky to become one of her students. I’ve

For me, it’s the most unforgettable thing. I always remember

第七篇:《An Unforgettable thing》

An Unforgettable thing

It`s a common morning for many persons, but it`s a most horrible morning or day I ever got through for me.

At 8 clocks, I awoke because I felt the building was swaying. At that time, an idea that this earthquake may occur in my hometown stroke me. Since Wenchuan earthquake happened, I have known my hometown is in an earthquake zone. However, I never had this idea before, I seemed to have the sixth sense which is extremely sharp.

My inward panic was hidden under my calm expression, no tears ,no trembling . I just wanted to behave normally to prove or pretend the earthquake won`t occur in my hometown. At that moment, everyone`s telephone had no service. I had no choice but to turn on television to wait for news. Unfortunately, the earthquake did happen in my hometown. When I saw this news in television, I was having a blonde moment. Then, I resisted thinking the consequence. I tried to behave calmly ,which is different from other girls. I thought if I cried ,it means that I admitted my family had unlucky things. No word can describe my feeling accurately. Then, I prepared to go home for I can`t wait a bit longer. My boyfriend and I arrived Yaan city at 11:30. The whole city was in panic and traffic jam was severe, lots of persons wanted to escape from here except for us. To my surprise, the situation was beyond my expectation. I heard my hometown Baoxing county was an” Isolated island” . No one knew what

happened in it and no rescuer arrived there because mountain collapsed and cut the way .

Afterwards I decided to go to my hometown immediately although lots of persons dissuaded us from risking our life to go to the harder-hit area. I saw lots of ambulances and heard siren of them which I just watch in television on the road . I compelled myself not to think of misfortune. I feared that my mother and father were in great pain but no one helped them.{unforgettable,moment}.

We still kept going forward. The stones were falling all the time and mountains might collapse at any time. It`s really dangerous .The persons on the road is less and less , at last , only I and my boyfriend were on this dangerous road.

Soon, we met rescue team. The road ahead was blocked and they were clearing it. One of them said: they couldn`t go into Baoxing today because they only had one digging machine but the way was blocked heavily. Besides, it was very dangerous here. At this time, a mountain collapsed behind us ,just 20 meters away .The roar frightened me and I almost died at that time if we arrived here a few minutes later. At that time, I firstly realize my life or everyone`s life is fragile. I could die easily but I didn`t prepare for it , it troubled me and frightened me. Finally, we returned with the rescue team. We waited and waited, my hometown was still an Isolated island . We almost didn`t sleep that night.


Fortunately, my father used satellite phone to give me a call on the second day. I don`t how to describe my feeling, I just be Grateful to God.

This earthquake let me realize our life is fragile and life is unpredictable. We don`t` know what will happen in the future .So I just want to pursuit the things of real value although I don`t know what they are till now. And the most important, we should focus on the moment in front of us and realize that it is all that exists.

第八篇:《An Unforgettable Incident》

An Unforgettable Incident

Some people live in the world for body while others for dignity.

I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk, with a Pepsi can in my hand. An old woman in ragged clothes staggered towards me, with a sack on the back another poor woman living on collecting used cans, jars and tins! Walking nearer she looked up at me and then fixed her eyes on my can.At that time, I hadn't finished my cola, so I gave her several coins instead. I was wrong.

She stared at me for a few seconds and handed back the money. Quite confused I asked:"Why not? Isn't that what you want?"{unforgettable,moment}.

"I am not a beggar," she said seriously, word by word.

Instantly, I felt so sorry. I had intended to help her, regarded her as a beggar instead of an ordinary man. Thus I hurt her.What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed her the emptied can. This time, she gave me a smile with some gratification and gratitude in her eyes. The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a man. I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.




An Unforgettable Incident

添加:2010-5-19 10:03:01 作者:

Some people live in the world for body while others for dignity.

I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk, with a Pepsi can in my hand. An old woman in ragged clothes staggered towards me, with a sack on the back another poor woman living on collecting used cans, jars and tins! Walking nearer she looked up at me and then fixed her eyes on my can.At that time, I hadn't finished my cola, so I gave her several coins instead. I was wrong.

She stared at me for a few seconds and handed back the money. Quite confused I asked:"Why not? Isn't that what you want?"

"I am not a beggar," she said seriously, word by word.

Instantly, I felt so sorry. I had intended to help her, regarded her as a beggar instead of an ordinary man. Thus I hurt her.What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed her the emptied can. This time, she gave me a smile with some gratification and gratitude in her eyes. The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a man. I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.






第九篇:《An unforgettable experience》

An Unforgettable Experience

姓名:胡冰 学号:2010124136

Life is a no return one-way traffic, everyone moves on with all of his or her time. There are moments in life impress us so much and we can’t forget it. Those are our unforgettable experiences.

I still remember the day when I was chosen as a representative to participate a speech contest to be held in a hall which can accommodate 300 people in my middle school. And I was also told that the whole grade could watch live TV in their classrooms.

It was not until the day before the contest did the teacher tell me about that and give me a draft written by another student. I did try my best to memorize it because it was my first time to stand in front of such a big crowd to deliver a speech and I wanted to cherish this opportunity. However, on that day, when I entered the hall, I felt nothing but nervous faced with so many people and flashlights. My heart beat so quickly that I couldn’t even normally breathe and sweat came out from my hand. So when the host called my name, I didn’t hear it until the second time. I walked to the podium with an unconvincing smile. I didn’t remember the details but I did can’t forget two facts: one was that my tongue tied when I started and my mind went blank so that I just tried to make up on my own though I didn’t know what I was delivering; the other fact was that as I forgot the draft, I was so embarrassed and the facial expression is really terrible. I didn’t know how I ended it. When I walked down the podium, I felt my face burnt. With a feeling of relief, I went to a washroom and cried alone, I felt shame that I didn’t live up to my teacher’s expectation.

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