
英语学习辅导报答案 英语学习辅导报答案网

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Section A

1-5 BAADB 6-10 DBCCA

Section B

11-15 CDABD 16-20 BCBCA

21-25 DADBD

Section C

26-30 CBDAC


Section A

1. B。考查情景交际。句意:–我被马里兰大学录取了。–真的吗?(really)恭喜你。that’s OK没有关系; go ahead去吧;I don’t believe it我不相信。

2. A。考查冠词。句意:汤姆学校的一名老师表扬了他,这令他极其高兴。“学校中的某位老师”表示泛指,用a;on top of the world固定词组,用the。

3. A。考查词组。句意:以前,我在用护发素之前,会把头发中多余的水分挤掉(squeeze out)。wash out洗掉,洗去;drive out驱逐;shut out把""排斥在外。

4. D。考查动词-ing形式作主语。句意:梳头发对你的头发有害处,这是导致头发分叉和断裂的主要原因。动名词短语在句中作主语。

5. B。考查动词辨析。句意:在意大利北部发生了一场强地震,这场地震使六人丧生,几十人受伤,很多建筑物受到了破坏(damage)。harm损害,危害;hurt弄伤,伤感情;wound(使)受伤。

6. D。考查短语。句意:当清理道路时,大象的长牙用来移动树木和枝干,另外(in addition),它们也被用来在树上做标记用来建立大象的地盘。except除了;other than不同于,除了;instead反而,却。

7. B。考查连接词。句意:请尽可能多地向我们提供信息以便于(so that)我们可以更好地帮助你满足你的需要。now that既然;even though即使;as though好像。


8. C。考查动词辨析。句意:如果你选择的工作不适合(suit)你的性格,那么你就会变得迷茫和难过。accept接受;satisfy满意;meet满足。

9. C。考查动词-ing形式作宾语。句意:玛丽正在考虑回去全职上班而不是在家做兼职。consider后接动词-ing形式,作宾语;rather than所接动词形式跟前面保持一致。

10. A。考查形容词辨析。句意:一个健康的、平衡的(balanced)饮食有两个重要的方面:食用适量且种类丰富的食物。same同样的;equal等同的;stable稳定的。

Section B


11. C。通过上文“three full German Shepherds, were quick to train him”可知,菲尼克斯是“学会了”哪些是它做了不会受罚的事而哪些是它做了会受到惩罚的事情。

12. D。当菲尼克斯还是一只小狗的时候,他就能够捡球或者捡其他你能够扔(throw)的任何东西。ability表示“有能力”。

13. A。“我”对此感到很奇怪,因为从没(never)有人教过菲尼克斯这件事。

14. B。而且其他的狗对捡东西(fetching)毫无兴趣,由上文提到的“Phoenix had the 12 to fetch balls”可推知此空填fetching。

15. D。根据上文可知菲尼克斯捡球成瘾,所以每次只要它参与进来,“我们”就不能安安静静(in peace)玩球。

16. B。如果“我们”给他一个网球,那么直到(until)我们开始扔球以前,它都表现得很乖。但开始扔球后它就想和“我们”一起玩(play)。play with sb. 表示“和""一起玩”。

17. C。解析见上题。

18. B。“我们”一次要和它玩上几个小时,而且它从来不去喝水(water),即使盛水的碗只有(only)几步远。根据后文we had to put the __ 19___ in the water to get him to drink. 可知,此空填water。

19. C。所以“我们”不得不将球(ball)放到水里让它喝水。

20. A。菲尼克斯感到他也有必要玩一下。feel the need to do sth. 表示“感到有必要做某事”。

21. D。但是由于足球太大(big),它用嘴根本捡不起来。

22. A。我们想菲尼克斯最后一定会放弃(give up)的 — 但是它没有,它一遍又一遍地尝试(try)着,它甚至踢起了球。

23. D。一天,这个足球没有充好气,这次菲尼克斯用牙(teeth)咬到这个球,它终于成功了。

24. B。虽然“我们”对于它把球弄坏感到很苦恼(upset),但是看到它脸上自豪(pride)的神情,我们就忘记了不开心,开始笑了起来。由although可知,前后为转折关系。

25. D。解析见上题。

Section C

【语篇导读】Laurel Daniels和Shannon是多年好友,她们曾经在同一家美发沙龙工作。最近她们合开了一家名为“Harbor Hair Company”的公司。目前公司员工只有她们两个人,她们希望随着公司的不断发展,能够增加更多员工并且为顾客提供更多、更好的服务。{英语学习辅导报答案}.

26. C。细节理解题。根据第四段“"was a smooth process thanks to everyone from the Town Hall and other merchants within the building.”可知,找到店址的过程很顺利。

27. B。猜测词义题。根据第八段“People have been popping in and checking us out.”可知人们不时地光顾她们的美发店,故“pop in”的意思应该是“visit”。

28. D。推理判断题。根据“We’ve had really good feedback…”可知人们对美发店的服务是满意的。

29. A。细节理解题。根据第十段的内容“…might provide an unexpected and fun update to a look.” 可知我们可以使用不同的染发剂。

30. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段的内


Units 1-3 综合测试参考答案


1-5 ACBDC 6-10 ABDAC

11-15 BDCBD

II. 16-20 DBABA 21-25 DBBDA


26-30 BDCDC 31-35 CACDB

36-40 CADDC

41 . They make food taste delicious .

42. In the 1950s.

43. They can keep food fresh for a long


44. To tell people many foods we love

most are the least healthy.

45. They make the brain think we are not

full yet, so we want to eat more.

Iv. .


A) 46 corner 47 convenient

48 warn 49 attention

50 speed

B) 51. warmth 52. repeating

53. admire . 54. politely

55. ability .

C) 56. is interested in

57. because of

58. is similar to

59. is good at –

60. is taking notes


61. dessert 62. same

63. tradition 64. spend

65. Garden 66. relaxing

67. flowers 68. time

69. complete

70. clear.{英语学习辅导报答案}.

Ⅵ.71-75 BDCGA

Ⅶ.One possible version:

Dear Linda,{英语学习辅导报答案}.

Now I'd like to tell you something about the English corner in our school.

Every Thursday afternoon,we have the English corner in the meeting room of our

school.Not only students but also some

teachers who teach English take part in it.

We read some English books and practice

Spoken English.The teachers also teach us

Some interesting English songs.

My spoken English has improved since

I took part in it.Now I’m able to speak

English with confidence in public.And I

find it not so difficult to learn English as{英语学习辅导报答案}.


Wang Peng


A篇:1-3 CCA B篇:1-3 DCA

C篇:1-3 BCC


1. protect 2.prevent 3.instead

4. throw 5.harmful 6.wise

7.better 8.plastic 9.waste



1. relative 2.discovered{英语学习辅导报答案}.

3. warns 4.aloud

5.connects 6.dead

7.at 8.for

9.because of 10.because

11.so that 12.so; that

13.He doesn’t know where they are going.

14.My cousin asked me if / whether I liked chocolate. 第21期“练练吧”参考答案


I.1.aloud 2.presents


3.polite 4.review{英语学习辅导报答案}.

II.1.conversation 2.discovered

3.relatives 4.lay

5.postcard 6.correct /right III.1.stole 2.secret

3.dessert 4.east

5.repeat 6.suggested IV.1.speaker 2.to go

3.pronunciation 4.courses

5.dead 6.increased


I.1.put on 2.Go along

3.found out 4.passed by

5.In common

II.1.is good at 2.fell in love with

3.is similar to 4.so that

5.take notes

III.1.worry about 2.lay out

3.How often


5.are looking forward to


I.1.working 2.playing 3.to go

4.to sing 5.to visit 6.setting II.1.to know 2.what to say

3.to bother 4.not to go III. 1-5 BDBCC


1.where the post office is

2.if / whether these mooncakes are delicious

3.what I did yesterday afternoon

4.if / whether he will come tomorrow

5.where he lives now


1.becoming 2.teaches 3.using

4.to study 5.classes 6.don’t

7.ourselves 8.quickly

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