

小学作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 小学作文】


旁白:Once upon a time, in a faraway land there lived an emperor who was very boasting. all he cared

about in the world were his fine clothes, and all he thought about was how to get finer ones.

皇帝: now, what’s this called again?

大臣: a zoot suit, your majesty.

皇帝 there, how does it look?

大臣: perfect, your majesty.

旁白although the emperor always wore lunurious clothes,he was never satisfied with anything.

大臣: your jacket has arrived, your majesty.

皇帝:Great, help me on with it. (穿衣服)well, what do you think of you?

大臣(拿镜子照): it looks good, your majesty.

旁白one day two strangers pre

sented themselves at the palace.

大臣:Mr. snip and stitch, your majesty. master tailors.


骗子A:push me, push (撞在一起,醒来)

骗子A: snip

骗子A: we are the best tailors in the world, your majesty, so, of course, we wanted to make perfect clothes for the emperor.

骗子B: and stitch at your service, your majesty.

皇帝:that's great.

骗子B: we would like to create a suit of clothes the world has never seen for your majesty. a suit made from a special fabric that we alone know how to make.

骗子A: this cloth is made of diamonds–

骗子B: and gold—

骗子A: rubies, pearls—

骗子B: and gold—

骗子A :emeralds, amethysts, opals—

骗子B: and gold—

骗子A: and, of course, gold.

骗子B: of course.

皇帝:oh, of course.

骗子A: but the most unusual thing of this cloth is that it cannot be seen by fools or people who are

unfit for the office they hold.

皇帝:oh, really? That’s great! i must have this suit. you must make it for me. money is no


大臣:sure, your majesty.

骗子A(量三围):1000 1000 1000

骗子B:Oh,too thin!

骗子B: inseam: 10

骗子A:that’s too high!

皇帝:Can you begin?

骗子A骗子B:Oh, ok!

旁白:the tailors took over a room in the palace and began to work at once.


大臣(偷听,打开门):I want to see the new clothes.

骗子A骗子B(害怕,商量):…Oh, a good idea!

骗子A骗子B(做拖衣服装):Look, it’s so wonderful, it couldn’t be better.

大臣(面向观众):Oh! I can’t see anything, I’m foolish? No, I’m so smart!

(面向骗子)Oh! Great!

骗子A骗子B:but the money…..

大臣:money is no problem.

骗子A骗子B(握手):thank you! thank you!


皇帝:Did you finish it?

骗子A骗子B(做拖衣服装):yes,look, it’s so beautiful!


皇帝:I can’t see it, no ,oh! So great! help me on with it!

皇帝:how do i look?

大臣:very handsome, your majesty.

骗子AB:oh! It’s really good.

皇帝:let’s go out


皇帝:Oh, today I’m so happy, I want to sing a song, special love to special you…(群众做呕装)

小孩:look, mom, the emperor has no clothes on!

妈妈:oh! No!what did you say?the clothes is so good, so beautiful…

皇帝:(紧张的大叫) guards! away with that girl!

警卫:Yes, your majesty! Oh, what a bad girl! go away!(推下台)

皇帝:hmmm. seems a little cold.

大臣: cold. yes, your majesty. very cold(完)


骗子甲 骗子乙 皇帝 大臣 观众 小孩 旁白 7人

推荐旁白:Long ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes. He just changed his clothes from time to time. News of the Emperor spread to distant kingdoms and finally came to the ears of two very shady characters.


骗子甲:Could we ? Could we fool the Emperor who loves new clothes ? (they asked themselves.)

骗子乙:Let's try,

旁 白:They left their homes and travelled to the Emperor's city and applied to meet the Emperor.

骗子甲:dear chancellor .We have something very special to show the Emperor。

大 臣:That's what everyone says。.

骗子乙:Ah, but this is magical。We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.


皇帝:Something magical? (在镜子前试衣服)Oh, I love new things, Show the two weavers in.

大臣出屋:Come on in.

皇帝:so why you say your cloth are magical?

骗子甲:oh your majesty.It is gold,silver and rainbow coloured, all at the same time,

骗子乙:It feels like silk, but is as warm as wool,

骗子甲: It is as light as air, a most wonderful fabric.

皇帝:There is a grand parade in the city in two weeks time, I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time? 骗子甲:Oh yes, your Majesty。But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.

皇帝:No matter, (挥挥手)Money is no objest. I must have an outfit. Just see the Chamberlain and he'll sort it out. Make it here in the palace.



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