
school rules schoolrules英语小报

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【 – 小学作文】

school rules(一)

school rules(二)

school rules(三)

school rules(四)

school rules(五)

school rules(六)

Lesson 2 School rules

嘉一联中 郑玉瑾

一、 课文分析(Lesson Analysis)

(一)课文地位(Lesson Position)

1. 小学已对用can、 may 表示请求允许及can表示能力有所了解。本课重点学习用情态动词表达义务、职责或阻止。建议学习期间可对can, may已学的功能做些复习。 2. 本课学习情态动词can、may、must时重点掌握他们的疑问句及肯定、否定回答。 3. 本课教学重点应围绕can、may、must 来进行,其他情态动词如should, ought to或同义词 have to, be able to 等不必现在就向学生讲解,在六下 Unit 4 Lesson One, 七下 Unit 4 Lesson One中会重点学习。另外need 的用法也不必讲得很深,只要学会用做must 的否定回答即可,其他用法在七上Unit 1 Lesson Two中会重点学习。

4.本课教授maybe一词表猜测时不必再扩展到情态动词may be表猜测的用法,今后学习中会经常出现,到时再归纳。

5.本课中出现了“Yes, I will.”一般将来时将在六下 Unit 4 Lesson Three中正式出现,此处只要求掌握整个句意,了解可作为劝告和建议的应答,不必作过多的解释和要求。 6.本课要学会使用I’m sorry 和That’s all right来表示道歉及其应答。其他应答方式,可不必过多要求,七下 Unit 2 Lesson One及八上 Unit 1 Lesson Two还会重点学习。 (二)课文目标(Lesson Target)

1.学会使用情态动词can、may、must来谈论和描述学校的图书馆,食堂或班级的规章制度。 2.学会使用用情态动词can, may 来表示请求和允许。 3.学会使用情态动词 must, needn’t 来表示义务、职责。 4.学会使用I’m sorry 和That’s all right来表示道歉及其应答。 5.学会用I don’t think so 来表示不同意。

6.复习音标// 和//。归纳字母u在开音节和闭音节中的读音规律。 (三)课文重点(Lesson Focus) 1.关键词汇

1)下列词汇为本课学生必须掌握词汇:need, rule, leave, keep,keep quiet, on time, be late for, turn off the lights, hand in, ask for leave, here and there, put up

2)下列词汇要求学生会拼写,在行文中能认识即可,其用法留待以后重点讲解:will, tell sb. not

to do sth., meal, return, bowl, near, I’m afraid not, out of.

3)下列词汇要求学生会读,在行文中能认识即可,考纲中不作要求:empty 2. 语言功能

1)请求允许: A: May I leave school at three?

B: No, you can’t. School is over at four. A: Can I use your computer? B: Yes, you can. /No, you can’t.

2)义务: A: Must I hand in my homework now?

B: No, you needn’t. But you must hand it in tomorrow.

3) 道歉: A: I’m sorry I’m late, Mrs. Green.

B: That’s all right.

4)不同意: A: Is he ill?

B: I don’t think so. Maybe he is late.

3. 语法要点:

情态动词can、may、must、need 的用法。 1)You must observe school rules. 2)Students mustn’t eat or drink in class.

3)We can’t talk with each other in the reading room. 4) A: Must I hand in my homework now?

B: No, you needn’t. But you must hand it in tomorrow. 5) A: May I leave school at three?

B: No, you can’t. School is over at four.

school rules(七)

5B Unit 4 School rules 教学设计


5B 《 U4 School rules》



a、能听、说、认读单词:bang the door , close the door quietly, jump down the stairs, put rubbish in the bin, push , line up, fight,shout,并能在日常生活中使用。

b、 掌握并运用句型: We must…./ We mustn’t…





1. 能听、说、认读单词:bang the door , close the door quietly, jump down the stairs, put rubbish in the bin, push , line up, fight,shout并能在日常生活中使用。

2. 能理解并能准确运用we mustn’t/ we must句型表述禁止做某事和必须做某事情






Step 1 Warm-up

Greeting :Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. I’m very happy today. Are you happy? Let’s sing a song 《If you are happy》

Step 2 Presentation:


T: Zou Meng , Don’t run in the classroom . You must walk in the classroom . Do you understand ?

Zou Meng : Yes .

T: Don’t run in the classroom .

We also can say: We mustn’t run in the classroom .We must walk in the classroom .

Now , Zou Meng :,what do you want to say now ?(现在你想说什么?) Zou Meng:” We mustn’t run in the classroom .We must walk in the

classroom .”

T: Great !

( Learn the word: mustn’t run \ must walk and drill it ).

2、T: We mustn’t play in the classroom . We must study in the classroom. Anything else ?

S: 不能大声叫喊,必须小声说话。

T:We mustn’t shout. We must speak quietly.

S: 不能用力关门,必须轻轻关门。

T: We mustn’t bang the door.

We must close the door, quietly.

(Learn the words: shout ,bang the door, speak quietly and drill it )

3、 T: What must we do on the playground?

What mustn’t we do on the playground?

S: 不能打架。

T: Good. we can say: We mustn’t fight.


T:Yes , we musn’t leave rubbish .

We must put rubbish in the bin .

(Learn the words : fight , leave rubbish , put rubbish in the bin and drill it)

4. T: What mustn’t we do in the corridor?

S: We mustn’t run. We must walk.

S: 不能从楼梯向下跳。

T: Yes, we mustn’t jump down the stairs.

(Learn the word: jump down the stairs and drill it)

5. T: This is our dining-hall. What mustn’t we do in the dining-hall? And what must we do in the dinging-hall?

S: 不能推挤别人,要排队

T: Yes. We must line up . We mustn’t push.

( Learn the words: line up, push and drill them)

6、T: Now , who can tell me what mustn’t we do and what must we do at school ? S:We mustn’t run in the classroom .

We must walk in the classroom .

We mustn’t shout. We must speak quietly.

We mustn’t bang the door.

We must close the door, quietly.

We mustn’t fight.

We musn’t leave rubbish .

We must put rubbish in the bin .

We must line up . We mustn’t push.

T:Yes , they are

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