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【 – 小学作文】


九年级上目标句子: Module 1 Unit 1


1. 我将给汤姆出一些关于怎样取得好成绩的主意。

I’ll give Tom some ideas .

2. 听说玲玲明天要采访校长。

I hear Lingling __________________________________ with our headmaster tomorrow.

3. 我们为什么不跟学生去参观博物馆呢?

the museum with the students?

4. 昨天有别人和你一起去颐和园了吗?

to the Summer Palace with you yesterday?

5. 我已经记下一些关于创办杂志的好主意了。 __________________________________ some good ideas about starting the magazine. 6. 我知道现在他们都在盼望着去埃及的参观。 I know __________________________________ their visit to Egypt now.

Unit 2


1. 那个男孩每天穿过森林去上学。

That boy to go to school every day.

2. 约翰太矮,够不到树顶上的苹果。

John the apples on the top of the tree.

3. ——你知道这条峡谷有多长吗? ——大约3千米长。

— Do you know how long the canyon is? — long.

4. 当我站在峡谷边时,我想: “它一定在那儿。” I thought, “ It must be there .” while the canyon.

Module 1 综合训练


1. 我跟他说我太累了,爬不到山顶了。 I told him climb up the top of the mountain. 2. 他昨天没来,因为他害怕丢面子。 He didn’t come yesterday because 3. 这座城市中的最高建筑是280米高。

The highest building in this city .

4. 在我看来,九寨沟风景区是世界奇观。

In my opinion, Jiuzhai Scenic Area

5. 周庄离这里大约400千米,我们乘火车去吧。

Zhouzhuang Village from here. Let’s go there by train.

6. 从今以后,我要用尽可能多的时间学英语。

learning English from now on.

Module 2 Unit 1


1. 你为什么不写一篇关于“名著欣赏”的文章呢?

_________________________________________________ an article on “ Great Books”?

2. 据我所知,孩子们经常读这本书。

______________________________________, this book is often read by the children.

3. 姚明作为一名出色的篮球运动员而闻名。

Yao Ming a great basketball player.

4. 今天,我们仍然受孔子思想的影响。

Today we Confucius’ thoughts.

5. 我很开心看到现在教师受到别人的尊敬。

I’m very pleased to see that others now.

Unit 2


1. 乔是故事里的坏人,每个人都怕他。

Joe is the bad man of the story and everyone _______________________________________.

2. 恐怕你的英语老师不能来参加你的生日晚会了。

____________________________ your English teacher can’t come to your birthday party.

3. 那本书被数百万人认为是巨著之一。

The book _____________________________one of the greatest books by millions of people.

4. 王老师决定谈论他是如何在美国南部州长大的。

Mr. Wang decided _________________________________in the southern state of America.

Module 2 综合训练


1. 张勇决定将来不当海员,因为他想待在北京。

Zhang Yong a sailor because he wanted to stay in Beijing.

2. 每年有数百万人看莎士比亚的戏剧。

Shakespeare's plays 3. 今天, 罗密欧与朱丽叶仍然被全世界的人所喜爱。

Today, Romeo and Juliet all over the world.

4. 在我小时候,我非常害怕一个人在家。

at home alone when I was young.

Module 3 Unit 1


1. 郭晶晶太出名了,她经常被邀请出现在广告中。

Guo Jingjing is so famous that to appear in ads.

2. 她累得一句话也说不出来了。

she couldn’t say a word.

3. 我们队输了,我们被另外那个队打败了。

Our team lost! by the other team.

4. 今天太热了,别让它影响你。这个测验很重要。

It’s too hot today. _________________________ get to you. The test is very important.

5. 汤姆没被允许去网吧,因为他太小了。

to the Internet bar because he was too young.

6. 学生总是受到鼓励尽可能多地说英语。

Students to speak English as much as possible.

Unit 2



Liu Xiang as a high jumper at first.

2. 我在比赛中获得第一名,所以我将被邀请去参加聚会。

I took the first place in the competition, so the party.

3. 那位医生如此兴奋以致无法入睡。

The doctor _________________________________ he couldn’t fall asleep.

4. 刘翔平了男子110米跨栏世界纪录并获冠军,所以他通常与世界顶级体育明星比。

Liu Xiang equaled the men’s 110-metre hurdles world record and won the championship, so he the world’s best sports stars.

5. 他在第十四届亚运会中受伤,医生建议他好好休息。

He was hurt in the 14th Asian Games, and he _____________________to have a good rest.

6. 据说,运动会将在我们学校开。

It is said that the sports meeting ___________________________________.

Module 3 综合训练


1. 我们踢得太好了,因而将被邀请参加明年的球赛。

We play football so well to take part in the next year’s match.

2. 一会儿将开会讨论这个问题。 A meeting this problem in a minute.

3. 选手们将由世界上最好的教练训练。

The competitors by the best coaches in the world.

4. 尽管这将是一场艰苦的比赛,但我们不能被打败。

Although it will be a tough match, we Module 4 Unit 1


1. 看那些漂亮的花!我想照几张相。

Look at those beautiful flowers! 2. 你看起来脸色不好,你怎么了?

You don’you?

3. 姚明在比赛中表现很好,他父母为他自豪。

Yao Ming did well in the match and his parents ________________________________.

4. 为了引起小朋友的兴趣,老电影已经被替换成动画片。

In order to draw children’s interest, old films _________________________ by cartoons.

5. 奶奶找不到眼镜了,她可能把它落在卧室了。

My grandma can’t find her glasses. Maybe ______________________ in the bedroom.

6. 我不清楚林峰是怎样让那个小孩不哭的。

I don’t know how Lin Feng ___________________________________________.

Unit 2


1. 这种机器用了好多年了。

This kind of machine _________________________________ for many years.

2. 这种纸一直是由木材制成的。

This kind of paper ________________________________________ wood.

3. 别着急!所有事能在下月初准备就绪。

Don’t worry. Everything ____________________________________ next month.

4. 大火迅速蔓延,我们用了两个小时才扑灭。

The fire spread so quickly _________________________________ to put it out.

5. 可以把信息保存在手机里,这样好携带。

Information _____________________ in your cell phone so that it can be carried easily.

Module 4 综合训练



Do you think books by computers?


Useful information on the Internet.


Music CD-ROMs.{目标的句子}.


over there at the beginning of this year.


My homework at home, so I have to make a phone call.

Module 5 Unit 1


1. 我们不能在这里拍照,这是违规的。

here. It’s against the rules.

2. 你们千万不要上去,我们下楼吧。

You mustn’t go up there. _____________________________________downstairs!

3. 我们为什么不跟学生去参观博物馆呢?

the museum with the students?

4. 你昨天怎么没来上学?怎么了?

Why didn’t you come to school yesterday? with you?

5. 老师经常让我注意我的书写。 The teacher often ____________________________________________ my handwriting. 6. 你千万别碰博物馆内的油画。 You _________________________________________ in the museum.

Unit 2


1. 在多数博物馆里不允许触摸展品。

You the exhibits in most museum.

2. 从互联网上获取信息是个极好的途径。

to get information from the Internet.

3. 汤姆和我跑得一样快,最后都被大明抓住了。

Tom _________________________________ and at last we were both caught by Daming. 4. 在那里,你可以和动物比速度。 You can there.

Module 5 综合训练


1. 请相信我,我会尽快还你这本书。

Please believe me. I will return the book to you{目标的句子}.

2. 在麦当劳,你可以享受美味的咖啡,而且想呆多久就呆多久。 In McDonald’.

3. 最重要的是,你可以在这里学会如何集中注意力于学校功课上。

Above all, you can learn your schoolwork here.

4. 把你的答案和汤姆的比较一下,你就知道你错在哪里了。

5. 房间里挤满了人,我们进不去。

The room ’t enter it.

6. 我们不允许在英语课上讲汉语。

We in English class.

Module 6 Unit 1


1. 坐公交出行既有乐趣又环保。

Traveling by bus is environmentally friendly.

2. 扔掉纸杯和金属很浪费,最好是回收利用。

paper glasses and metal. It’s better to recycle them.

3. 我们应该阻止工厂污染河流。

We should the rivers.

4. 别扔掉这些旧书,因为所有的废纸都可以被回收。

Don’t throw away the old books, because .

5. 为了节约电,妈妈总是叫我出去时就关电视。

when going out.

6. 每个人都应该帮忙解决环境问题。

the environmental problems.

7. 我们关上灯吧,以便节约能源。

_______________________________________so that we can save energy.

8. 如果每人都关注环境保护,我们的世界就有希望。

the environmental protection, our world will be hopeful.

Unit 2


1. 关注环境保护对每个人来说都很必要。

to care about environmental protection.

2. 尽管天气热,但是他只是开窗户而不开空调。

Although it is hot, he only turning on air conditioning.

3. 我可以把相机借给你,但请你尽快还给我。


4. 尽量骑车去上学,因为这样可以降低污染。

5. 请保护好这台电脑,以便它能用更长时间。

Please take good care of this computer Module 6 综合训练


1. 别担心,我看见汤姆出去前关上灯了。

Don’t worry. I before he went out.

2. 我父母总是阻止我购买时髦服装。

My parents always fashionable clothes.

3. 如果我们持续到处扔垃圾,就会使环境更糟糕。

第二篇:《形容有强大执行力的句子 相信完成目标的力量会源源不断的产生》






















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