
关于基因的作文 介绍基因作文

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【 – 小学作文】


The world's first commercial production of Genetically modified food (GMF) is delay the maturity of Genetically modified tomato,which was put into the United States market in 1994. There is no denying the fact that the number of GMF is steadily increasing in the 21st century. So,what is the so-called GMF?

GMF is a kind of food that is embedded foreign gene in the genome of the species by genetic engineering technology to meet human needs,including transgenic plant food,transgenic animal food and transgenic microorganism food. There has been a controversy that whether the GMF should be banned.

On one side are the GMF supporters,who suggestion GMF has been no sign of major health or environmental problems. This kind of food has many advantages:increase crop yields, reduce production costs,enhance the ability of anti-virus and so on. GMF is usually cheaper and easier to plant than traditional food,in this way,we can get more people to eat and live. On the other are the opponents,who believe that GMF is harmful to our health because it's potential threat,such as some species may be affected by the drift of genes,GMF may cause allergic reactions. So,we should not promote and eat GMF.

In my point of view,GMF is a double-edged sword. Mature GMF can benefit mankind and reduce hunger,but we should take a cautious attitude to the immature GMF.


Recently, a debate about genetically modified foods between Fang Zhouzi and Cui Yongyuan has attracted many people’s eyes.

Fang appealed to people to come and enjoy genetically modified foods at micro-blogging which he thought is no harm towards human. Of course, this is not only his idea. It represents part of human who have great confidence and determination to make GM food become popular. Meanwhile, Cui’s question represents the worry and anxiety of the general public on GM, because no one can guarantee what will happen if people eat genetically modified foods for a long time. Such debate has both been in China and international. This time, the two celebrities put this issue in front of people again , I think we have to get more knowledge about it.

Firstly, genetically modified (gm) refers to the artificial separation (人工分离) and modified genes (修饰过的基因) imported into the purpose of the genome of the organism, so as to achieve the purpose of the modified organisms. Genetically modified (gm) is generally done by sexual reproduction. People often say "genetic engineering", "genetic engineering"(基因工程), "genetic transformation"(遗传转化) are synonymous with genetically modified (gm). And then the genetically modified foods are produced in such way.

Then let’s look back to the history. In the early 1990s , the first genetically modified foods was produced in the United States that was a fresh tomato. Since then genetically modified foods become more and more popular. In March 2000, the cloned pigs were born. Followed, whether to eat genetically modified food becomes a debate both in Europe and America. According to the statistics , the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (食品和药物管理局) has identified 43 kinds of genetically modified varieties which makes The United States the largest country in genetically modified foods. In America, 60% of the processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients, including 90% of soybean, 50% of corn, and wheat are transgenic. There is not much difference between genetically modified foods and ordinary food, but genetically modified plants and animals have a distinct advantage, such like high-yield(高产) , insect resistance(抗虫), anti-viral(抗病毒) and anti- herbicide(抗除草剂). What I have to say is that with the application of transgenic technology the food shortage problem has been solved to some extent, the use of pesticide has been reduced, and the environmental pollution can also be avoided.

From the above, we may think the U.S. seems to advocate eating genetically modified foods. But it is undeniable that even in the United States, the debate around the genetically modified food has not been eliminated. Japan has even promoted organic foods vigorously to try to reduce genetically modified food. Europe has also adopted a strict market access system. Even in the United States where extremely reassure for genetically modified food, there are no direct transgenic technology for human staple food.{关于基因的作文}.

Although genetically modified foods have many advantages, there are also many studies showing that genetically modified foods have many flaws. In December 22, 2009, the Supreme Council of the French biotechnology (法国生物技术最高委员会) declared that cultivation of genetically modified maize is " more harm than good ."In the end of 2009, the U.S. Department of Health(美国卫生部)made a science paper that genetically modified foods can cause damage to internal organs. In May 2009, American Institute of Environmental Medicine (美国环境医学学会) issued a statement strongly to recommend

people not to eat genetically modified and educate the communities to avoid eating genetically modified foods.


人教版八年级下册三单元作文:基因密码破译之后…… 自从老夫我听到人类破译了人的基因密码之后,就开始操心这脆弱得如一个西瓜的星球。已经有六十亿人口的人类社会,最可怕的问题莫过于资源的供应少于人口的享用,我一方面为人类科学的进步而自豪,可我又生怕人类因破译了基因密码而遭受毁灭。






第四篇:《英语作文-转基因食品-Should Genetically-modified Food be Stopped》

班级:A17班 姓名: 学号:

Should Genetically-modified Food be Stopped?

Nowadays, the number of genetically-modified food is steadily increasing. There is an argument that whether this kind of food should be stopped . As far as I am concerned , genetically-modified food should not be stopped.

Firstly, there is necessity for genetically-modified food to exist. Genetically-modified food belongs to food. The world is lack of resources. Every day, millions of people around the world eat only the bare minimum of food to keep themselves alive. They will be very grateful for having this kind of food to survive.{关于基因的作文}.

Secondly, it is easier for us to plant genetically-modified food. At the same time, the production cost is also greatly reduced. As a result ,food prices will increasingly low. There is no doubt that it is good news for consumers.

Thirdly, It will reduce the use of pesticides and then avoid the pollution of the environment.

In addition, genetically-modified food can bring us many other benefits, for example, increasing food nutrition, increasing the types of food and so on.


However,although genetically-modified food have so many advantages, some people still insist that they should never eat

genetically-modified food. They are afraid of potential threat that this kind of food will be harm to their health. In fact ,genetically-modified food has passed the the strict test of international organizations. It is safe. There has been no evidence to prove that genetically-modified food is harm to humans so far. To some extent, we can consider this kind of food to be perfectly safe. As you know, at present there is a lot of genetically-modified food in the market, such us genetically-modified soybean ,Transgenic papaya and so on. Many people have eaten this kind of food for some years, but we have not exactly confirmed that some one falls ill after eating genetically-modified food.So there is no need to worry much about the safety problem. We can eat them as we like.

All in all, we should not stop genetically-modified food. But, this kind of food may cause some people’s allergic reactions. So in the process of producing genetically-modified food, we should eliminate the genes which can cause allergic reactions and do the digestion experiment in order to avoid the harm to human body.


More and more farmers and food manufacturers are genetically modifying their crops to reduce susceptibility to disease, improve flavor, and reduce costs. Do you think genetically modifying foods is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Sample 6 Score{关于基因的作文}.

A few decades ago, manipulating genes in people, plants, and animals was just

science fiction. Today, it’s a reality, and genetic modification may have many

positive applications in the future, including the eradication of many hereditary

diseases. But like most scientific and technological advances, the genetic

modification of organisms for our food supply can be as dangerous as it is

beneficial. Because of the potential dangers of this technology, I think genetically{关于基因的作文}.

altering plants and animals in the food supply is a practice that should

be very tightly controlled and carefully studied before it is an accepted and

common practice. Unfortunately, it may already be too late for that.

Many people don’t even realize that many of their foods are genetically

modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are already prevalent in supermarkets

and grocery stores across the country, but manufacturers are not

required to label foods as having been made from GMOs. As a result, millions

of Americans purchase and eat GMOs every day without even knowing

it. Yet we don’t even know if GMOs are harmful to our health. We

don’t really know how GMOs may affect our bodies or our ecosystem.

When we mess with DNA, we may be making changes that have all sorts

of dangerous repercussions, including some that we may not even realize

for several generations.

One of the main concerns about GMOs is the unpredictability of the

behavior of altered genes and of the bacteria, plants, and animals that interact

with the altered organism. For example, a crop of corn genetically modified

to be less susceptible to a particular insect may take on other unwanted

characteristics due to the change. It may, for example, become more susceptible

to another disease, or it could develop a tougher skin on its kernels,

or it could decrease the crop’s ability to produce vitamin E.

More frightening is the domino effect of genetically modifying foods.


Any change in an organism’s DNA has the potential to affect not only the

organism but also anything that feeds off of it, including us. How do we

know how GMOs might affect us on a microscopic, genetic level? We don’t

know, and can’t know, without years of studies that track all sorts of potential

outcomes over several generations.

Another fear is that transferred genes may escape from one organism into{关于基因的作文}.

another. For example, imagine that Strain A of sweet peas was altered by

adding a gene that would increase its sugar production. Through cross-pollination,

this altered genetic code could enter other strains and slowly (or

quickly) infect the entire sub-species. If the alteration was beneficial, this

could be a good thing. But the altered gene might not act the same way in{关于基因的作文}.

all varieties, and the change may not be a good thing in the first place,

and/or it may have unintended consequences.

Genetically modifying foods is a practice that has been driven by the desire to make more food available more quickly and more cheaply than

ever before. This attitude puts profit first and consumers and the environment last, and that is simply dangerous. The agribusiness needs to slow down and stop selling us GMOs until their safety is certain.






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