
关于藏族的作文题目 藏族的雪顿节作文

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(4) 。我国一些藏学者将藏语发展阶段划分为哪几个个时期?








2)判断题 (1)藏族主要聚居在西藏自治区( T )


(3) 藏族男女喜戴哈达(F)

(4)藏族的标志性建筑是布达拉宫。( T )



(1) 主要聚居在西藏自治区,其余分布于青海省的玉树、___、黄南、海北、果洛藏族自治州与海西蒙古族藏族自治州。

A 云南 B海南 C新疆 D四川


A佛教 B 伊斯兰教 C 基督教 D 道教


A 10 B 32 C30 D26{关于藏族的作文题目}.

(4) 藏语像其他藏缅语言一样,是以____为中心的语言。 A动词 B名词 C形容词 D副词

(5) 藏汉两种语言之间有着较多的同源词;在语音上,都有以声母、韵母为单位的独特的语音结构。所不同的是,汉语没有藏语那么多的____。 A声母 B韵母 C复辅音声母 D鼻音

The first part

1.The question and answer

1) How many Tibetan population?

In 1990, the fourth census, the Tibetan population for 4.5933 million people, including: live in the Tibet autonomous region for 2.096 million people. They live in Sichuan, Qinghai and Gansu, Yunnan province four of the Tibetan population is 2.1 million people, the scattered in other areas of about 400000 people outside of about 110000 people.

2) What give priority to Tibetan economy?

To plateau animal husbandry and plateau mainly agriculture, livestock and crop mainly has sheep, goats, yaks and barley, wheat, etc.

3) The Tibetan language use and its scope?

The Tibetan language is the main language of Tibetan ethnic group. The use of Tibetan

language in China's Tibet area mainly is in Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai, and Yunnan provinces and regions region. Some in China and neighboring countries on parts of the use of the Tibetan language also.

4)In our country some Tibetan scholars will Tibetan stage of development is divided into which a few a period?

(1) In ancient time (the 6 th century before), namely ancient tribes of spoken Tibetan period.

(2)Accounting for period (in the 7 to 9 th century), and this time the language of instruction for the tubo dynasty spoken English.

(3)The discourse period (the 9 ~ 13 century). The tubo dynasty to the yuan dynasty from collapse consolidates management before 400 years of Tibet, Tibet size tribal fragmented, and not in Chinese.

(4)Modern (in the 13 to 19 century).

(5) The modern period (in the 20 century)

5) In the Tibetan language used in our country, but also those countries?

In addition to our country besides, such as Bhutan, Sikkim kingdom and the kingdom of Nepal and some parts of the country and in the use of the Tibetan language, just what they use the language of instruction with domestic tibetans in language is a considerable distinction. The language of the Tibetan ethnic group with some of the other national language, in its

development and the process of transmission, form the language center areas are often will influence to the surrounding areas, and has the radiation effect

2) To judge questions

(1) Tibetan mainly lived in the Tibet autonomous region (T)

(2) The most intimate friends and herdsmen called "the boat on plateau" is-goats (F)

(3) Tibetan men and women like wearing hadad (F)

(4) The landmark building of Tibetan is potala palace. (T)

(5) The Tibetan language as a Tibetan ethnic group expression thinking activity oral form, mainly including speech and meaning of two parts. (T)

3) Choice questions

(1) Mainly lived in the Tibet autonomous region, the rest distributed in Qinghai province, ___, Yushu Huangnan, HaiBei, go luo Tibetan autonomous prefecture and hercynian Mongolian Tibetan autonomous region.

A.Yunnan B.Hainan C.Xinjiang D.Sichuan

(2) The teaching Tibetan early belief, the Tibetan Buddhism is one of Chinese Buddhism three factions, and indigenous Tibetan religious ___ is combination of a kind of religious form, Chinese commonly known as the "Lamaism".

A.Buddhism B.Islam C.Christian D.Taoism{关于藏族的作文题目}.

(3) the ancient Tibetan have a single initial consonant ___, more than 220 cluster initials would.

A.10 B.32 C.30 D.26

(4) like other hidden Tibetan language simeon, is there are the center of the language.

A.verb B.nouns C.adjectives D.adverbs

(5) Tibetan and Chinese between two languages have more cognate word; In the speech, have initials, finals for the unit to the unique voice structure. What is different, the Chinese did not so much _____ Tibetan language.

A.initials B.finals C.cluster initials would D.nasal



(1) 西藏饮食“四宝”是什么?






(4) 藏族人对茶具有什么讲究?

盛酥油茶的壶,有陶壶、铜壶、铅壶、银壶,甚至金壶,金壶唯有达赖、班禅和世家贵族才能拥有。陶壶则是大众喜欢的器皿,装满一壶酥油茶,搁在碎牛粪火灰上暖着,上盖一块棉片,随时都可以饮用。藏人珍爱茶碗,茶碗有木碗、瓷碗和玉碗等,最为普遍适用的是木碗。 (5)哈达有扮演什么角色?


2)判断题 (1)据史料记载,早在公元一世纪前后西藏就已经开发灌溉农田( T )


(2)酥油和糌粑在西藏食品中占有重要的地位( T)

(3) 酥油拌米饭、人参果、红糖称为“巴孜玛古”( F )

(4)藏族人只吃偶蹄类牲畜,不吃奇蹄类牲畜。( T )

(5)藏袍是藏族服饰中最重要的一种装饰品( F )



A白色 B紫色 C大麦 D玉米


A酥油 B奶茶 C大米 D小麦 (3)藏族人最爱吃的____酥油,色泽金黄,味道芬芳,口感极好。

A青稞 B牦牛 C山羊 D奶牛

(4) 干肉有____种形式.

A两 B三 C一 D零

(5) 藏族服装以___最为常见

A长裙 B短裙 C藏袍 D大衣

The second part ofD1) the question and answer

(1) Diet "treasures" is Tibet?

Tea, ZanBa, ghee and beef and mutton

(2) In Tibet, tea have what way, also have what drinking rules?{关于藏族的作文题目}.

Tibet is brick tea or TuoCha stayed up red yellow color, add salt, lemon and great stir. If a tea added walnuts, raisins, eggs, milk, tea flavor will be more sweet delicious, fragrance pubi, is top grade for guests. Sweet tea is also tibetans favorite drinks, Tibetan said "just Ann mo", with black tea and cook for add milk, sugar is made.

(3) Drinking tea have what tea common?

Pour tea, the teapot gently shake first several times, pot must be below the bottom of the table. The guest drinking tea can't too quickly, also can't send out sound, will slowly blown open

floating oil, points several drink, drink most, a smaller part, master pour added drink again. Tibetan proverb says: "a bowl of into revenge!" So three bowls of tea drink for giovanni cobolli gigli, can not drink a bowl of go.

(4) Tibetans to tea has what pay attention to?

Put the pot of Tibet, pottery, plates, lead pot, silver jug, and even pot of gold, the pot of gold only the dalai and panchen and family the noble can have. Is the public like pottery vessels, filled with a pot of Tibet, put aside in the broken cow dung fire on the warm gray, cover a piece of cotton piece, are ready to drink. Tibetan people cherish ChaWan, ChaWan have wooden bowl, profits and jade bowl, and, most universally applicable is wooden bowl.

(5) Hadad have what role?

Hadad Tibetan adornment is the most important of a kind of adornment, also is Tibet in one of the most common etiquette supplies, the main function is to express respect, friendship and blessing, sincere. The quality of a material of hadad, specifications, color, different length, weaving the type of hadad, more than ever for raw silk or hemp, in recent years with artificial fiber weaving gradually.

2) To judge questions

(1) According to historical records, as early as the first century Tibetan had before and after irrigation field development (T)

(2) Oil and ZanBa food in Tibet occupies the important position (T)

(3) Oil mix rice, ginseng fruits, brown sugar called "and manasseh, followed the ancient" (F)

(4) Tibetans only eat of even-toed hoofed animals, don't eat strange hoof kind of cattle. (T)

(5) ZangPao Tibetan adornment is the most important a decorations (F)

3) Choice questions

(1) There is kind of barley Tibetan plateau's main crops

A. white B.purple C.barley D.corn

(2) The ZanBa good company there is

A . butter B milk tea C.rice D.wheat butter

(3) Tibetans favorite _____ trades, golden in color, flavor fragrance, taste very good.

A naked barley B yak C goats D cows

(4) Dried meat has _____ kind of form.

A.two B.three C.one D.zero

(5) In the most common Tibetan clothing ___

A. dress B.skirt C. ZangPao D.coat



(1) 藏族主要节日有那些?






雪顿节是每年藏历六月底七月初,是西藏传统的节日。在藏语中,“雪”是酸奶子的意思,“顿”是“吃”、“宴”的意思, 雪顿节按藏语解释就是吃酸奶子的意思,因此又叫“酸奶节”。虽然酸奶我们都吃过,但藏族人民却还是把这个加入了民俗的行列中。{关于藏族的作文题目}.






评:文章开头和结尾相互呼应,生动有趣地描写了藏族的雪顿节,热闹的景象刻画得入木三分,略写了藏戏的表演,详略得当。语言极富吸引力,给人有亲身经历的感觉。 《藏族的“雪顿节”作文》



材料的内容和动物有关,大体上是动物有野性,喂养野生动物会让动物失去觅食能力。 要求:










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