
介绍吸血鬼的作文 写吸血鬼的作文

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Hello,everyone. Now please allow me to do an introduction. My name is Li Lei. I’m 14 year old. My birthday is on October 11th. My favourite book is twilight. I really love to read the books about vampires. My hobby is singing. Some people say I’m a good

singer.My favourite singer is Justin Biber.I think he is a great singer. I love to sing his songs. Besides singing, I love shopping very much. If I have time, I will go shopping with my friends.I’m really good at English, if you have any questions, you can ask me, I will do my best to help you. We can be the best friends forever. Thank you.



Roderick Usher, A cadaverousness of complexion ; an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison ; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful curve ; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in similar formations ; a finely moulded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy; hair of a more than web-like softness and tenuity ; these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily to be forgotten.

History of the Vampire

Vampire myths and legends go back hundreds, and thousands of years. They occur in almost every culture. The different types are many, although the vampires we are familiar with today, are mainly based on Eastern European myths.

The modern concept of a vampire retains many of the original traits from the East European stories. Traits such as drinking blood, preying on humans, only coming out at night, rising from the dead. Other aspects of the Vampire, such as Goth type clothing, cloaks, turning in to bats etc are much newer innovations.

Other features of some of the old myths are now all but gone, such as sprinkling salt, or seeds over the Vampire in order to keep them counting all night, rather than preying on human blood.{介绍吸血鬼的作文}.

There are lots of different types of Eastern European Vampires here is a little information about the various ones:










Slavic Vampires

This includes most East Europeans, from Bulgaria right through to Russia, Serbia through to Poland. They have some of the most detailed, traditional and richest Vampire folklore, tales, myths and legends in the world. Almost as soon as the Slavics arrived in there present homelands.

The Slavic Vampire tales originated during the 9th century as a result of conflict between pagans and Christians. Christianity won out, with the pagan beliefs of Vampires surviving in mythology. 斯拉夫的吸血鬼



Romanian Vampire Mythology

This place is in the center of many Slavic countries, and there mythology, stories, and legends are similar to the Slavic Vampire. There are several different types of Romanian Vampire, and several different ways to become one….

There were witches, they turned in to Vampires after there death. Reanimated corpses that suck the blood of livestock, and humans. Anyone born out of

wedlock, died an unnatural death, or died before being baptised was destined to become a Vampire. The Seventh sone of a seventh son, or seventh daughter of a seventh daughter would be a Vampire, as would naturally, being bitten by a Vampire.

The presence of a Vampire was usually noticed when a human, or some livestock were attacked. They were thought to be most active on the Eve of ST Georges Day (4th May). 罗马尼亚吸血鬼神话




In order to check for Vampirism, graves were often opened three, five and seven years after a persons death. The ways of destroying a Vampire were similar to those of the Slovacs. These included staking t hrough the body and decapitation. Dismembering the body and burning.

Bats and Vampires

Bats are currently very popular in Vampire legend and culture, but this was not always the case. There are many myths about bats themselves, most likely

because they come out and hunt at night, and some of them do feast on the blood of livestock. This puts them alongside Vampires in feeding habits, so it isn't very difficult to see how the two became intertwined. Stoker was the one that eventually cemented the link between bats and Vampires in the mind of the general population.

The Vampire in England

In the modern world most people are familiar with the Vampire. However, in Britain, very little of Vampire mythology was known prior to the 18th century. During the 18th century there was a massive Vampire scare in Eastern Europe. This was a major thing at the time, with massive Vampire hunts taking place, with even government officials taking part in the hunts. 为了检查吸血,坟墓往往是三,五和七年后,一人死亡。如何摧毁一个吸血鬼相似的slovacs。这包括将通过身体和斩首。肢解的尸体和燃烧。{介绍吸血鬼的作文}.



It was in this time period that educated people started to consider the existence of Vampires for the first time, rather than accepting they were myths and legends. There were also a couple of well documented Vampire attacks at this time, and a large part of the population was obsessed by Vampires and protecting

themselves from them. The controversy raged for years and years, with an

epidemic of people digging up graves not really helping matters. Many Scholars argued that Vampires simply didn't exist, and there were rational explanations for all of the things that were going on. Eventually physicians declared that

Vampires didn't exist, and the opening of graves and desecration of bodies was made illegal. This was pretty much the end of the Vampire epidemics, but it also ensured that the Vampire lived on in the pages of books, and the minds of the general population.{介绍吸血鬼的作文}.

Vampire beliefs in the world today

There are many places in the world where people still believe in Vampires to this day. Many of the modern day believers have been greatly influenced by the

depiction of Vampires in film and fiction. The was a Vampire scare in London as recently as 1970 where Vampire hunters flocked to see what they could do.

During 2002 and 2003 there were a number of alleged Vampire attacks carried out in Malawi. This created mass hysteria in the population and several people were killed while looking for the Vampire. In Romania in 2004 several people believed that one of there relatives had turned in to a vampire. They dug up his body, ripped out the heart, burned it, mixed it with water and drank it.





Bram Stoker's Dracula

Drawing on the sources readily available in the last decade of the nineteenth century, including information provided by Arminius Vabery, a researcher for the

British Museum, Abram Stoker (1847–1912) filled out the details of the

nightmares that tortured his sleep and rendered the masterpiece Dracula in 1897. Written in the epistolary style peculiar to his time period, it has never been equalled for instilling horror in the reader.{介绍吸血鬼的作文}.

The appearance of Dracula at the turn of the century was taken as an{介绍吸血鬼的作文}.

announcement of the true nature of the vampire. Few changes have been

wrought on its image since then, although recently attempts have been made to soften the vicious core of its image into a more palatable fare.

With the coming of motion pictures, the vampire found a new audience. From the genius of Murnau's Nosferatu (1922) and Browning's Dracula (1931) to the latest efforts by such diverse talents as Rice, Coppola, and King, the vampire leaps at us from the printed page, art, and motion picture. It has become a fixture in the imagination of modern civilisation, the symbol of the darkness that resides within all of us. 斯托克的吸血鬼




Famous Vampire Places Transylvania

Every childhood lover of vampire movies will remember the chilling line, "I come from… Transylvania!" No other place is so easily identified with vampires as

Transylvania. Bram Stoker made this area famous by making it the homeland of his fictional character Dracula. Vlad Tepes, a historical figure upon whom Dracula was loosely based, was from Transylvania.

Transylvania is territory in central Romania; in fact, it's the largest territory in the country. It's surrounded on three sides by the mountains.

Although Transylvania is a integral part of Dracula, Bram Stoker never actually travelled there. He did, however, do extensive research before he chose it to be



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关键词:吸血 传说 卟啉症

在西方的故事里,吸血 鬼的祖先是该隐。亚当和妻子夏娃,生下该隐和亚伯。亚伯是个牧人,该隐是个耕田人。到了想上帝供奉的日子,该隐贡献土地产品,亚当则现出一些精选的乳羊。上帝看中了亚当的贡品,没看中该隐的贡品。该隐很生气。就邀弟弟到野外去。当他们到了那里,该隐就把亚伯杀死。后来,上帝知道了这个事情,很是愤怒。上帝惩罚他终生流浪,只能以吸血为生,该隐担心因为自己罪过太重,别人见到 他必会杀死他,于是上帝给了他一个记号免得人们一见到他 就会置他于了死地。该隐的后代就成了现在的吸血鬼家族。







而数千年后的今日,吸血鬼的血脉已经到达第13至第15代了。 在中世纪以前,吸血鬼成员由于拥有特殊异能和不死之躯,通常可以成为一方霸主,甚至互相争权。直到十四世纪左右,天主教廷宗教审判所确知吸血鬼的存在,随即大肆进行补杀。虽然吸血鬼拥有异能,但是任何一名吸血鬼都无法同时阻挡千百名凡人的合作威胁。于是吸血鬼的生存陷入空前危机。

传说 吸血鬼有着冰冷苍白的皮肤,没有温度,没有心跳,不用呼吸。有极快的速度,并具有不可思议的力量。以坟墓和棺材作为栖息场所,在白昼吸血鬼往往在棺或坟墓里休息,以尸体的方式存在。除了致命弱点 不怕任何攻击,拥有不死之身。有着很高的智慧。他们长着尖利的犬牙,通过牙齿切入被害人脖子来吸取鲜血,传说她们不能他们身上有着太阳的诅咒,所以他们不能像人类那样自由的在阳光下行走,如果在阳光下行走身上就会发出一种金色的卦光,也有影视作品说他们带上一种特殊的戒指就能自由的在阳光下像人类一样行走。

吸血鬼并不称呼自己为vampires,而通常自称为 bloodline(血族)。一个凡人要成为血族的一员,首先要经过“初拥”(The Embrace)的历程。也就是说,他必须先被一名血族成员吸尽身上的血,然后马上接受该血族反喂食身上的血,并不是仅仅只是吸血后对方就可以变成吸血鬼,交换血液后才可变成为新生的血族。初拥往往带来非常强烈的感受,夹杂著惊惧与狂喜的情绪,这经过会使该血族永难忘怀。



西方有很多关于吸血鬼的小说和影视作品,大部分都把吸血鬼描写的很残忍,作为一种邪恶的象征。特别是小说。我觉得这个东西不能说的太死,就像中国清朝蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》里的妖狐们也不都是坏的,有的他们也有一颗善良的心,其实吸血鬼也有他们自己的痛苦,他们无法摆脱鲜血的诱惑。他们要整天纠结的活着。他们在自己的生命中要不停的更换居住地,因为他们不会变老,为了不引起人类的怀疑所以他们要不断的更换居住地,这样让他们很没有归属感。其实他们也跟人类一样向往着美好的东西,对一些未知的东西充满了好奇。他们也会像人类一样渴望着亲情和爱情,其实我觉得他们的一切感情倒比我们人类要简单的多,因为他们不像人类有那么强的功力心,他们之间 的感情应该是很纯粹的很单纯的。



的现实基础。 皮下毒素让人变得黑面獠牙 ,科

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