
last,summer作文30字 last summer

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【 – 小学作文】



一. 写人

1. 毕业时刻即将到来,你校英文校刊向初三年级学生征文,题为“My Best Friend”, 以此作为对初中生活的纪念。请你写一篇征文,介绍你初中阶段的好友。内容包括他/她的学习情况、性格特点及爱好。

提示词语:hard-working, be good at, friendly, get on well with, dance, draw, win prizes

范文: My Best Friend

Mary is my best friend. She is hard-working and interested in all the subjects we learn at school. She is really good at Chinese and English. Mary is very friendly. She is always ready to help others. So she gets on well with her classmates and friends. What’s more, she is outgoing. She enjoys taking part in all kinds of school activities. She enjoys dancing, and she also draws well. She often joins in competitions and has won many prizes. I feel proud of her as her best friend.

After this summer vocation, we may go to different schools for further study, but I’m sure that we’ll be good friends forever.

2.初中生活即将结束,新的生活即将要开始。某国际学校的论坛正在在征集毕业留言,假设你叫Tony,请为你最要好的同学李文写一段留言:描述他/她给你留下的印象, 你们在一起度过的快乐时光, 以及你对他/她的美好祝愿。

提示词语:friend, helpful, smile, remember, dream, forever.

Dear Li Wen,

You are not only the friendliest but also the most helpful friend I have ever met.

I will always remember the sweet smile you gave to me on the first day. You are the one who offered to help me out when I was in trouble and the one who cheered me up when I was down. Do you still remember my 15th birthday? We really had a great time in the park, didn’t we?

Finally, I hope your dream will come true and our friendship will last forever.



3.亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束!在离别之际,请你以 “A/an Person。。。 in My School Life”为题,介绍一位老师或同学,描述一件发生在你们之间的、令你印象深刻的事情并谈谈你的感受。

A Helpful Person in My School Life

I have met a lot of people in my school life. One of them is my good friend Emma. She is the best friend I’ve made in the class, who is always there for me when I am in need of help.

Recently, I found myself getting upset easily. I often complained about the stress and even couldn’t concentrate on studies. Emma noticed my problem and spent two hours with me one day, talking about her own stress and how she was dealing with difficulties. From her, I learnt that the only way to beat difficulties is keeping trying instead of complaining. And I felt much more confident to fight against them together with Emma.

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”. A good friend is who makes you happy when you are crying and strong when you are giving in, and that is Emma to me.

A Special Person in My Life

“A Friend is the best gift that God sends to you in the world.” It’s definitely right for me, for I am fortunate enough to meet a warm-hearted girl and start a special and unforgettable friendship between us in my school life. She is Linda, a slim girl with a pair of glasses.

Once I failed in the mid-term exam last summer. At that moment, I wasn’t as strong as every one thought and I couldn’t find the right place to relieve all of my pressure and depression until Linda appeared. She held me in her arms

while my tears were streaming down my face. It was Linda who helped me to collect the college to face and get through the difficulties. She even spent the whole afternoon working out the problems with me together. With the courage from her, I totally put my heart into improving my weaknesses. Finally, I calmed down and found the direction of my life.

In fact, a lot of people can accompany us to laugh, but just a few people can accompany us to come out of being upset in our life. There’s no doubt that Linda is the person who can stay with me and help me when I am in sorrow.

二. 写事


提示词语:school life, happy, sad, exciting, embarrassing, go, do , think, hope

Dear Lucy,

How time flies! I will graduate from middle school in a month. I’m eager to share my happiness and sadness with you. Thinking back, I always remembered the moving moment. One day, when I stepped into the classroom, my classmate told me that Mr. Sun, our math teacher, couldn’t come to school because of a terrible traffic accident. I was so worried about him that I went to the hospital to visit him. Although he got badly hurt, he smiled to me as usual. Such a beautiful smile made me warm and moved.

Mr. Sun is the teacher who not only gives me knowledge but also encourages me to be positive all the time. I will never forget his smiles.

Would you like to tell me some of your unforgettable experience?


Li Fang

三. 写物

从小到大,你一定收到过一些礼物吧?在你收到的礼物中,那一件是你最喜欢的?请以“My Favorite Gift”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,简单介绍这件礼物,并说说你喜欢他的理由。

下列词语供选用:show, love/friendship, special, memory

My Favorite Gift

People often give gifts to show their love and friendship. Among all the gifts I have got, the most special one is a hand-made calendar.


It was made by my best friend Jane. On each page of the calendar, there is a picture of Jane and me with some words written by Jane. She either tells me how she feels about our friendship or encourages me to try my best and live a happy life.

Whenever I look at the calendar, I am touched by something warm, and my heart is filled with love. It is memory of the wonderful time which I spent with my best friend in junior high school. I will keep this special gift forever.

四. 生活感悟

1.在日常生活和学习中, 肯定和赞美的力量是巨大的。请描述一件你经历的类似的事情, 并谈谈你的感受或看法。

The Power of Praise


Praise is like sunlight to our spirit. It gives us confidence and hope. However, this heavenly gift usually shows up unexpectedly.

In junior high, it seemed fashion was never my cup of tea, for I had neither a lovely face nor an attractive figure. I found it boring and even heart-breaking to go shopping.

The time came when we had to dress up for the prom. Unwillingly, I joined my friends on the trip to Macy’s. Unsurely, I tried on a bright violet flowered dress and stepped out of the dressing room. A good-looking lady was standing there. She glanced at me, smiled and said, “I love your dress.” She had no idea how much her praise meant to me. These magic words touched my heart and I started to love my imperfect appearance.

I appreciated that stranger’s words of praise, which are not often heard. Now I keep reminding myself of the power of praise, even strangers, because we never know where it might lead.


“Never underestimate the power of praise. You have no idea what it can really do.” That’s what I learnt from my beloved teacher, Mrs. K.

I used to have problems in reading English. I could understand it pretty well but just couldn’t read it out. The normal practicing methods were not working properly for me until Mrs. K came to help. She read the words with me, then the sentences and the paragraphs. But what I really couldn’t forget was the encouragement and the praise. She praised me whenever I made progress, no matter how little it was. With her praise, I felt warmth and motivation. With its power, I finally made it and improved.

The power of praise is without measure. Through my own experience I have felt its power, and have seen the wonders it can do. Never hesitate to praise someone else. You really can’t image the difference it can make.

2. 某英文报纸就他/她的微笑(His/ Her Smile)话题征文,请你投稿。


提示词语:show, encourage, difficult, brave, learn to do, feel good, cheer up, try one’s best

Smiles are beautiful and important. A smile given to the right person at the right time can brighten that person’s day. I was once moved by a smile from my friend. Three years ago, when I made a speech on my first day of class, I was so nervous that I couldn’t say a word. Tony, one of my classmates, sitting in the front row, smiled at me and spoke in a low voice, “Yes, you can.” I was greatly encouraged by his smile. His smile was important because it gave me self-confidence.

I will never forget my friend’s smile because I’ve learned that something so simple can make a big difference.

3.父母为我们付出了很多,你又做过哪些事情来表达自己的感恩之情呢?某英文报纸就“感恩”主题进 行征文,请你投稿。描述你为父母做过的一件事,并谈谈你的感受。

提示词语:grow up, show’ one’s gratitude (表示感激), something special


There’s no doubt that parents have given me a lot since I was born. With their care, I grow up happily. So I think it is necessary to do something special for them to show my gratitude.

Both of my parents love music. So it would be a great idea to buy a wonderful CD for them. Last Sunday, I went to a bookstore and chose one among the top 10. While we were having dinner together, I played the CD. It was beautiful. With great joy, they gave me a warm hug and a big smile. I felt very sweet.

I was really proud that I did something for my parents. Their smiles were the best encouragement for me. I made up my mind to do things like this more often.

4. 生活中会有很多经历令我们感动, 它们源于亲人、源于老师、源于同学、源于陌生人"",

它们冲刷着我们的心灵,激励我们向上。现在,某英文报纸就“感动”话题征文,请你投稿。发表你的观 点,叙述一次让你感动的经历, 并谈谈你的体会。

提示词语:moving experiences;in our daily life;help;remember;be deeply moved;learn from

We often have moving experiences in our daily life. They help us walk along the right road.

I still remember that day. I was taking the final exam when I found I didn’t have my eraser with me. I was so worried that I almost cried. Just then, Mike, a boy next to me, understood what was happening. He quickly cut his eraser in half and handed me one part. With tears in my eyes, I finished the exam.

I’m deeply moved by what Mike did. He is a real friend. He cares others a lot. I want to learn from him to be the person in need.

5. 生活中我们每天都在与人交往,也许你曾经遇到过这样的困境:你想在聚会上穿的衣服

脏了让妈妈帮你洗,然而妈妈因为工作太忙没有时间洗;与同学共同完成墙报(a wall


题的同学很执着;"" 你是怎样做的?

现在,请你就与人交往(communicating with others)的话题向《21世纪英语报》投稿。 描


提示词语:experience; get on well; help; talk; by oneself; understand; respect; share; enjoy

In our life, we communicate with others every day. It’s important to get on well with each other. However, it’s not an easy thing.

Once, two of my classmates and I were working on a wall

newspaper. I thought I had a great idea but they didn’t use it. I was sad and decided never to talk to them. But after giving it a second thought, I talked to them, telling them about my feelings and how I wished they could use my idea. They apologized to me sincerely and explained to me the reason. We got to understand each other and came up with a better idea which made the wall newspaper eye-catching.

From the experience, I know how important it is to have a

heart-to-heart talk, especially when having problems. If we try to understand each other more, we will enjoy a better relationship and more happiness.

6. 生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的体验,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法。。。。。现在,某英文报纸就分享话题征文, 请你投稿。描述一次你与他人分享的经历,并谈谈你的感受。

提示词语:share…with…, experience, interest, learn, change, encourage, enjoy, happiness, confident


I had an experience of sharing. When my family moved, I had to go to a new school and study in a new class. The first test made me so nervous that I failed. I got worried and felt helpless until one of my new classmates came up to me and asked softly I f I was OK. After I told him about my problem, he gave me some advice. From then on, we got to know each other and shared our ideas, problems, and happiness. We became good friends. Sharing with friends helped me bring back my confidence and fit in with others.

五. 环保

昨天你高兴地看到许多同学在校园里自觉地做了一些事去保护环境。请你以 “ Learn from Them” 为题给你 校英语周刊投稿。内容包括同学们在校园里的具体做法,你的感受,以及你要向他们学习什么。

提示词语:pick up the trash, plant, reuse, save{last,summer作文30字}.

Learn from Them

Nowadays more and more people have done a lot to protect the environment. Yesterday, I was glad to see many students volunteer their time to make our school environment better. Some students picked up the trash on the playground, some students planted the trees, and other students made posters calling on people to lead a low-carbon life.

I was moved by what they did. The environmental protection is not only the business of the

government, but also the responsibility of each of us. Even a small effort can make a great difference so I made up my mind to learn from them.

I will turn off the lights when I leave the room, and I won’t keep the water running when I am not using it. Besides, reusing some old things I plan to throw away will be my choice. What’s more, I will remind people around me to take part in such activities.

Action speaks louder than words. Let’s work together!

六. 地点

上学期间,学校的某些场所一定给你留下了美好的记忆,如教室、阅览室、操场等。某英文报纸正以“My Favourite Place at School”为题征文,请你投稿。描述一个你最喜欢的地方,并请说明原因。

提示词语:classroom, reading-room, playground, bright, quiet, large, help, improve

My favorite place at school is the reading-room. It’s very big and bright. There are many kinds of books, newspapers and magazines.{last,summer作文30字}.

I like reading newspapers and books there because they not only provide me with much knowledge, but also help me learn a lot about what is happening around the world. Sometimes, I even feel I can have a talk with the people in the books.

I can also relax myself in the peaceful environment there. When I feel tired of unhappy, the reading-room is the best place to go to. Reading helps me forget all my troubles.

For me, the reading-room is the place I like best.


试卷作文 抄写到作文本上

A Happy Trip

Last summer holiday after i finished my homework, I decided to go to Mount Tai with my friends. We took the bus to the beautiful place. It took us about two hours to get there.Then we began to climb the mountain.There were many trees and flowers on it.And there were a lot of visitors.At noon we sat under the tree and had our picnic lunch. All the food was delicious. We took many photos during the trip. We were tired but very happy.


Dear Jenny,

How is it going? I had a busy Sunday. In the morning, I did my homework.After that I began to clean my room. My parents were not at home. So I cooked tomato noodles for lunch. I had a large bowl of tomato noodles. In the afternoon , I went to visit my grandfather and I helped her wash her clothes. At night, I watched TV with her. I was a little tired.

What about you? How was your day off? Write to me soon.

Yours, Susan




2. 本册书的主要话题(按照语法来分类)


过去时:会用过去时描述你过去的或作文题目指定人物的过去的生活。或者用过去时介绍历史名人的一生。也要学会用过去时描述你最近的生活情况。 祈使句:能够以中国人的身份向外国人介绍中国人的见面礼或者中国一些肢体语言的涵义。

3. 初一作文的基本要求:文章通顺完整,字迹工整,无乱写乱画的行为,字数一般在60-80词。若作文题目给出提示,一定要根据提示内容写作,一般情况下,每个提示就是一个得分点。在此基础上,可以根据提示内容,适当的增加一些内容。


失物招领:请参照英语周报32期考试作文。范文见33期第四版。 问路范文:请参照英语周报43期考试作文。范文见44期第四版。

范文一:请你根据下面表格中的提示,以“Tony’Present Days”为题,用英语写一篇短文,叙述他近期的生活情况。

范文: Tony’s Present Days

A few days ago, my friend Tony was very busy. He is getting ready for the exams. He hopes to have a good mark/score. In a few days he will have a good rest. He is going to

范文二:快乐的暑假就要开始了。请以My summer holiday为题,写一篇英语短文。提示:1. 去年暑假难忘的经历;2.今年暑假的打算;3.你理想的暑假生活是什么样子?


My Summer Holiday

I am looking forward to the summer holiday every year. Last summer I went to Hangzhou. I enjoyed having a walk along the West Lake and visiting the city of

Hangzhou. I pan to go to Dalian for my summer holiday this year. My dream summer holiday is travelling all over the world. So I can meet different people and visit different places.


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