
a,supermarket作文 supermarket的音标

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【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《作文Surermarket shopping》

I like supermarket shopping because it is not difficult. Supermarket shopping has several advantages. First , you can choose the things on your shopping list. You can go out with your friends and enjoy the fun of supermarket

shopping with your supermarket. Second you can see the products and try clothes on. After you buy it ,you can use it at once. Third, paying in the supermarket is safe. But shopping market also has several disadvantages. First , the prices of the product are more expensive than online shopping.

Second , supermarket shopping always takes a lot of time. But I like shopping at a supermarket because I think it is relaxing and it can bring me a lot of fun, too.

篇二:《Shopping online or shopping in a supermarket》

Shopping online or shopping in a supermarket?

With the increase standard of living,more and more people are having pleasure in shopping. Most of them like to shop online as it is said ( the phrase could be taken out) I think the advantages of shopping in a supermarket far outweigh of shopping online.

Admittedly, shopping online can bring great convenience. You don’t have to spend time in traffic. Besides, you don’t need to wait in a long line, nor carry heavy stuff. But, in this way, you may have a chance to go shopping with your family on weekend (???). Think it carefully, isn’t it a good way to have family reunions thus strengthen your relationships? What’s more, shopping in a supermarket is a kind of exercise for those office workers who find it’s hard to make time available to do sports. In a word, it’s best of both worlds.

It’s true that sometimes the prize is lower by shopping online than in a supermarket. But, as a result, we have no idea about the quality. On the contrary, if we shop in a supermarket we will get a good knowledge of the quality of the goods especially when it comes to clothes, shoes and digital products. Moreover,the superiority of shopping

in a supermarket lies on the instant gratification of having product immediately. If you need something in a hurry, shopping online is not a (the word may not proper here).

To buy some goods is to meet your needs therefore quality is of essence. Just as an old saying goes: seeing is believing. For this reason, I prefer shopping in a supermarket.


文章流畅而且很细腻,有很多shopping in a supermarket的细节优点,短语丰富多样,但有些词组我觉得应该修改一下。


Activity 5 Writing

Let’s talk about supermarket shopping.

Activity 6 Promotion

Now work in pairs, join your passage into a whole one (use First, Second, Then)

Begin like this: Supermarket shopping is not difficult. First, you choose the things on your shopping list…

Second, Third, ….

Supermarket shopping has several advantages. First,

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ But shopping in the supermarket also has some _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________In my opinion, shopping at a supermarket is fun.


高中新课标英语写作讲座— 必修(3)

Unit 1 叙事性记叙文



2、参考词汇:脚缠着绷带 with one’s leg wrapped in bandages

Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were all worried about her. A boy carried her on the back, with the help of some others, to the clinic immediately. The doctor said her right leg was broken and that she had to saty in hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with flowers and fruit. When we saw her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped that she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned to class on a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deeply moved and proud of having such a good teacher.




2、词数:120~150。参考词汇:一次性筷子 disposable chopsticks


The students in our class organized an activity of “Experiencing a Low-carbon Day” during the summer vacation. In the morning, we went to parks by bus instead of going by car. At noon, when we dined out in a restaurant, we refused to use the disposable chopsticks served there. Instead, we each took with us a lunch box in which there was a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. In the afternoon, we went shopping at a supermarket. To avoid the damage the free plastic bags caused for the environment, we put what we had bought into cloth bags. It was hot at night. We didn’t turn on the air conditioners. We used electric fans to cool ourselves down.

Although the activity lasted only one day, we have learned a lot from it. We realize that we should take action for our earth from small things around us. In this way, we are sure to live in a better world.

Unit 2 英文广告写作

如今,“绿色生活”的理念已经深入人心,越来越多的城里人喜欢到郊区过周末。位于重庆市西部的西山农场(The West Hill Park)就是一个绿色农场。在这里,人们可以享受大自然带来的乐趣。请根据下面的表格提示,写一篇英语短文宣传介绍一下西山农场。



can go there by bus. There are about 200 people who are working on the farm. It has an area of about 53 hm2 and it is the second largest farm in Chongqing. On the farm many different animals are kept, such as pigs, cattle, sheep and so on. Besides, there are more than 20 kinds of fruit of high quality like apples, pears and oranges here. You are sure to find yourfavourite fruit from the farm and you’re allowed to pick them up. Visitors also have the chance to go fishing, have a picnic and learn how to keep animals here.

If you want to come to the farm, please call 023-65734618.



1、 地址:在泰山路和青岛路交汇处;

2、 该餐馆菜肴种类丰富,色香味俱佳,而且每天推出一样特价菜;{a,supermarket作文}.

3、 服务质量上乘,欢迎惠顾。



Welcome to Nan Restaurant

A Nan Restaurant will be opened for business.

A Nan Restaurant lies at the crossing of Taishan Road and Qingdao Road. We offer different kinds of dishes, which can satisfy different people’s tastes. So, no matter what dishes you like, you can find what you like here. To express our thanks for your coming, we’ll offer a special kind of dish ever day, which is really very cheap. The most important thing is that our dishes look nice, smell wonderful and taste delicious! In addition, if you have a meal here, you will save your time, because we can serve your dishes in a very short time. Come here once, and you will want to come here more times.

Welcome to A Nan Restaurant! We are looking forward to your coming!

Unit4 解决问题类说明文


How to solve the problem of heavy traffic

Almost every city has a big traffic problem.

To start with, a vast population leads to heavy traffic. The second reason is the increasing number of vehicles, especially private cars. The last but not least reason that some people are not aware of the importance of obeying

traffic regulations.

To deal with this, some people suggest that more roads should be built in order to speed up the flow of the traffic, and others insist that more pubilc bus routes are required in order to limit the number of private cars. But building more roads takes up too much land, and limiting the number of private cars is inconvenient for some people.

So, I think the best way is to walk if you can. And as for pedestrians, we should also have a sense of safety. Don’t cross the road at a red light.


水是生命之源,而在现实生活中, 浪费水的现象屡见不鲜。请你以“How to save water”为题,写一篇120词左右的英语短文,提出解决办法。内容包括:

1、 说明节约用水的重要性;

2、 提出节约用水的具体方法;

3、 发出号召。


How to Save Water

Many of us know the importance of saving water. But we are now wasting a large amount of water in our daily life.

It’s estimated that about 70% of the water used in a family every day can be saved if we follow the tips below.

First, use cycled water. For example, you can use the water to wash rice first, and then use it to wash vegetables. Finally, the water can be used to wash the toilet.

Second, when you are taking a bath, turn down the tap a little bit. Remember to shut it off in time if you are not using it.

Third, when you are washing dishes, use some paper to clean them first, and then use the water to wash them, which will save much water.

Only when everyone takes an active part can we really save our limited water resource.{a,supermarket作文}.

Unit 5 描写文写作—旅游报告



气候:热带气候;气温范围23oC~39 oC;植物种类繁多并终年常绿。森林覆盖率达51%。

旅游:景色优美;空气新鲜;是著名的旅游胜地;年游客量200多万人;著名景点—天涯海角。 要求:1、不要逐条翻译,可适当整合并增减细节;


参考词汇:明珠pearl 典型的热带气候typical tropical climate 天涯海角Ends of the Earth

Hainan Island, a pearl lying in the south of China, and it is the second largset island in China with an

area of 35,000 square kilometers.

People on Hainan Island can enjoy typical tropical climate, which is quite pleasant and makes various

plants on the island stay green all the year round. The average temperature ranges between 23oC and 39 oC and 51% of the island is covered with forests.

The climate is so nice and the weather is so clear every year, more than two million tourists come here

to enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air and famous places of interest, among which Ends of the Earth is the most popular.



1、 英国第十大城市,威尔士的首府和最大的城市;

2、 夏天晴朗、暖和,平均最高气温在19oC~22 oC;冬天比较潮湿,温度在零度以上;

3、 重要的旅游中心,每年接待1830万游客,主要景点有:千禧球场(Millennim Stadium)、卡

迪夫城堡(Cardiff Castle)、威尔士国家博物馆(Welsh National Museum);

4、 由于多次举办国际体育赛事,2009年被授予“欧洲体育之城”的称号。

参考词汇:最高的 maximum


Cardiff is the capital, largest city of Wales and the 10th largest city in the United Kingdom. Summer in Cardiff tends to be warm and sunny, with average maximum temperature between 19oC and 22 oC. Winter tends to be fairly wet, and the temperature usually stays above zero. As a significant touism center, Cardiff receives 18.3 million visitors every year. The famous tourist attractions in Cardiff include the Millennium Stadium, the Cardiff Castle and the Welsh National Stadium. It was awarded as the European City of Sport in 2009 due to its role in hosting major international sporting events.

高中新课标英语写作讲座— 必修(4)

Unit 1 描写人物

《英语双语报》有一栏目为“Star Student”,请你根据下表信息,以Yang Hongde—A Star Student为题为该栏目短文,介绍你校品学兼优的高三毕业生杨弘德同学。

1、 文章须包括表中信息,可适当增加细节,使文章连贯。

2、 参考词汇:奖学金scholarship; 挑起······的重担 take the burden of…

3、 词数:100~120。

Yang Hongde— A Star Student

In this year’s college entrance examination of Shandong, Yang Hongde, a senior 3 student from our school, got high mark and was admitted to Hong Kong Chinese University, with a scholarship of HK $500,000.

But three years ago when Yang, aged 16, just began his senior 1 school life, his father was killed in a traffic accident. His mother became seriously ill in bed because of his father’s death, losing the basic ability to support herself.

Thus Yang had to take the burden of supporting the family and nursing his sick mother. He overcame every unthinkable difficulty that he faced. Meanwhile he studied even harder and did pretty well in all his subjects. Moreover, he is always ready to help others.

Yang Hongde set us a fine example both in daily life and study. We should learn from him.


根据以下信息写一篇关于美国前任国务卿(Secretary of State)赖斯(Rice)的短文。

1、 赖斯1954年11约14日出生于美国阿拉巴马州(Alabama);

2、 她3岁开始学钢琴,4岁开始登台表演,15岁时便成为丹佛大学(University Of Denver)的学生;

3、 1981年,赖斯成为斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的教师;

4、 2005年1月出任美国国务卿,赖斯是有史以来美国政府中职位最高的黑人妇女;

5、 赖斯博学勤奋,能讲流利的俄语。她还学过9年的法语,并能弹一手好钢琴。喜欢看体育比赛。



Rice was born in Alabama, USA on November 4, 1954. She started playing the piano at the age of 3 and

gave her first performance at 4. When she was 15, she was admitted into the University of Denver. In 1981, 26-year-old Rice worked as a teacher in the Stanford University.

In January 2005, Rice held the position as Secretary of State, which is the highest post for a black woman in the government in American history. Rice works hard and has a wise mind. She can speak fluent Russian and has ever learned French for 9 years. Also she plays the piano quite well.

Rice likes watching sports game. She is a great woman we should learn from.

Unit 4 关注信



Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to reflect the traffic situation of our city.

As everyone knows, the traffic problem in our city is becoming more and more serious, especially during the rush hours. Many cars are running on the roads every day, some of which are in bad condition and it is difficult for the drivers to go across. It’s high time that the city government took some effective measures to solve the problem.

Firstly, many roads need to be widened and repaired. Secondly, we need to build overpasses, so as to cut down traffic jams. Thirdly, the number of private cars must be strictly controlled.

As long as we take the above measures, I’m sure the traffic problem will be solved and the traffic accidents will be controlled. And I do hope our government will accept my suggestion.


Li Hua

Unit 5 景点介绍类说明文


提示:1、故宫(the Palace Museum)旧称紫禁城,始建于1406年,20万人花了14年时间,于1420年建成;



4、珍藏着中国历史上5000多年的文化珍宝(cultural pleasure),最好是亲眼来看看。

Dear Tom,

It is nice to receive your e-mail. Now I’d like to tell you something about the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum was called the Forbidden City in the past. It took 200,000 workers more than 14 years to build it, which was finished in 1420. As one of the largest museums in the world, the Palace Museum holds the cultural treasures from the past 5,000 years of Chinese history. The City’s palaces have 9,999 rooms altogether. Chinese people traditionally have thought of “9” as a lucky number. Students from all over China can now visit it in groups free of charge every Tuesday. And every year, millions of foreigners from all over the world come to visit it.

I hope you can come to China and take a look at this museum with your own eyes.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

篇五:《Times Supermarket》

Times Supermarket


There is a supermarket called Times Supermarket near my school. It's a big supermarket. There are

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