
介绍景点作文 三年级介绍景点作文

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Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of

visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have

made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International Garden City."

Another magnet comes from its theme parks, with a great variety of features ranging from folk culture to a retired aircraft carrier. Distinctive sceneries,

fabulous shows and stunning experiences: the parks' charms never seem to fade. And don't forget this is a modern metropolitan, where high-rise buildings

and green space intermingle perfectly. It is a financial center, a

transportation hub, and home to many first-rate hotels and restaurants. Here


you will never fail to find a cuisine that arouses your appetite and curiosity, For tourists, this is a city of convenience, leisure and endless fun.

Theme Parks in the Overseas Chinese Town A magnet for tour groups, the Overseas Chinese Town (Hua Qiao Cheng) in Nanshan District features four distinctive theme parks sitting side by side. A monorail commutes around

the parks in the area{介绍景点作文}.

Chinese Folk Culture Villages

Right next to Splendid China, the folk culture park dazzles with the histories and mysteries of the country's ethnic groups. Scattering around the

180,000-sqm park are 24 villages built in 1:1 ratio, inhabited by real ethnic people who present their traditional arts, customs, languages and cuisines.

Traditional culture performances are held there every day. Like Splendid

China, the park is also heavily forested.

Happy Valley

This is a place for kids and families. Usually packed on weekends by

families, the fun park offers more than 100 attractions ranging from the

thrilling Space Shot to the lovely cartoon-themed

events. It also holds daily performances of various themes.{介绍景点作文}.

Window of the World

Like Splendid China, this 480,000-sqm park features more than 130{介绍景点作文}.

miniature replicas of scenic and cultural wonders. The difference is that

these are landmarks from all over the world. Here you can find the Golden

Gate Bridge and the Niagara Waterfall of the United States, the Kremlin of Russia, Italy's Pisa Tower, Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal of India and

an Eiffel Tower built in 1:3 ratio.

Although these replicas would probably not attract Western visitors much,

the park's daily dance performance and regular carnival-like events are of

great fun. Beautifully illuminated at night, it is also an impressive city scene


Gulangyu — A fairyland in the world

Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there, which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.

Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen, and when standing at its foot, you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.

Gulangyu produces bananas, coconuts, sugar cane and so on. The people here, warm, simple and hardworking, are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.

Such is Gulangyu, a beautiful and inviting island, where a warm welcome awaits. 介绍景点的语段

1. The Great wall

The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD. The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.

2. The Palace Museum

The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there.

3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man

Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, during Paleolithic times. Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.

4. Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terra-cotta Army

Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province. Construction ofthe mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700,000 workers. Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed. In 1980, two bronze painted horse-drawn chariots were unearthed. They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far. In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about 1.5 kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion. The largest of the three vaults contains 6,000 life-size terra-cotta warriors and horses. The collection of warriors is often dubbed the“eighthwonder of the world”.





1. 杭州西湖位于浙江省杭州市西部,其南、北、西三面环山,面积约为6.39平方千米;

2. 湖中被孤山、白堤、苏堤、杨公堤分隔为外西湖、西里湖、北里湖、小南湖及岳湖等五片水面;

3. 2011年6月24日被列入世界遗产名录,成为中国唯一的世界文化遗产类的湖泊。


1. 词数120左右;

2. 参考词汇:堤causeway;天堂paradise{介绍景点作文}.



旅游景点介绍通常按照以下步骤展开:首先,整体介绍旅游景点,如其基本的地理信息或人文环境等;其次,具体介绍其具有代表性的历史价值或突出的人文特色等(注意详略得当,突出重点);最后,总结陈述以吸引读者前去旅游。 注意:介绍旅游景点时,应采用合理的说明方法,这样才能让读者一目了然,有身临其境之感。


It lies in / is located in …

Surrounded by …, it covers an area of …

It has a long history of …

There are many places of interest, such as …

You can enjoy …, which has a high reputation both at home and abroad.

With …, … is / are attracting more and more tourists.

… is well worth visiting.


Dear Tim,

I am glad to receive your letter and I’m writing to tell you something about the West Lake.

The West Lake is located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, it covers an area of 6.39 square kilometers. It is divided by the Su, Bai, and Yanggong causeways into five areas, which are the Outer West Lake, the West Inner Lake, the North Inner Lake, the Little South Lake and the Yue Lake.{介绍景点作文}.

The West Lake was added to the World Cultural Heritage List on June 24, 2011, and it is the only China’s world cultural heritage in the class of lakes.

I do believe it is well worth visiting.


Li Hua


介绍名胜古迹的作文(一) 整治放假期间父母带我游览了坐落在广饶的唯一名胜古迹:孙武祠。看后令我感慨万千,从内到外装饰一新。看上去第一感觉不是古老建筑,而是刚刚新建的一处建筑。你说它是名胜古迹,恐怕没有人会相信的。 那里从内到外装饰一新,外面用油漆重新粉刷了一便。里面铺了新地毯,墙上的油漆刚刚干,屋内还有一股浓浓的油漆味。看上去并不像什么名胜古迹,而像刚刚装修的新楼房,其内摆设豪华端庄。电视上的广告作的挺好的。可是,与实际相差太远了。可以说是一个天上一个地上呀!我们在里面整整转了一圈可是就碰上了几个人,其中里面还包括一个看大门的。里面根本没有名胜古迹的神圣,因为他的本质已经被改变了,走进去让人浑身不自在。 你可以试想一下:一个人在一个全是古老建筑的屋里,而里面却有电灯、监控器、电脑。这会是一个怎样的场景,是否会令你不自在。 是的现在得人们往往会这样,为了转钱不惜把祖宗留下来的文化给改变掉。我认为这些人不配做一个中国人因为他们只认识钱。他们为了钱什么都肯做。我想如果不是人们刻意的修饰孙武祠的话这座古老的建筑会更神圣的。 介绍名胜古迹的作文(二) 我爱我们的祖国――中华人民共和国。因为我们的祖国有56个民族,犹如56位兄弟姐妹团结一心;我们的祖国地大物博、物产丰富;有着许多的悠久的历史。 我们的祖国有许多名胜古迹,如:我们首都北京有一座万里长城、颐和园、故宫、等。现在我来讲一下秦兵马俑这个名胜古迹。 秦兵马俑在我国的西安,它举世无双,是享誉世界的珍贵历史文物。()兵马俑不仅规模宏大,而且类型众多,个性鲜明。那些兵马俑的雕塑在古今中外是绝无仅有的,它体现了中华民族的强大力量和古代劳动人民的智慧。 我们的祖国不仅历史悠久,还有许多旅游景点,如武当山、黄山、泰山、华山、衡山、恒山、嵩山、桂林的山水、西湖的美景,都有着浓厚的民族文化和美丽传说。 近在我们眼前的20**年的“神舟六号”成功发射,实现了全国人民的梦想。我们也可以飞入那神秘的宇宙,去探索那无穷的秘密。 祖国的悠久历史和名胜古迹还有许多,在这里我就不一一介绍了,我热爱我们的祖国。现在我要好好学习,长大以后把我们的祖国创建的更加美好。 介绍名胜古迹的作文(三) 我的家乡在辽宁省朝阳市,座落在美丽的凤凰山脚下,她是个文化悠久的历史名城。 这里不但有许多名胜古迹,而且还有红山文化;这里是中国文明发祥地之一,中生代古生物化石丰富、多样,朝阳迄今为止已发现了最早的鸟类和开花类植物的化石,被誉为“第一只鸟飞起的地方,第一朵花绽放的地方”。 下面让我来介绍一下,名胜古迹,有三燕古都遗址、朝阳古生物化石地质公园、南北双塔、凤凰山、牛河梁文化遗址、朝阳燕秦长城等;朝阳物产丰富:有板栗、大枣、沙棘、苹果、梨、葡萄、李子、杏、桃、山楂等;朝阳还有许多古老的民俗文化,如古筝、二人转、东北大秧歌、泥塑、石刻、木雕、刺绣等等。 我最喜欢看古生物化石,在朝阳市有许多展示这些化石的店,一有时间爸爸就带我去看,有鸟、鱼、虫、还有植物的化石。 我的家乡有山有水,最有名的要数凤凰山了,凤凰山就是传说中有凤凰居住的地方,那里山峰陡峭,怪石林立,树木茂盛;在山峰的顶端还有巍峨的古塔,它已经有300多年的历史了,但依然耸立。在酷暑的季节,山上凉爽宜人,山底下还有一个很大的防空洞,很多人都到这里赏景避暑。有名的河流叫大凌河,它的源头是辽宁省建昌县,清清的河水横贯朝阳市,是朝阳的母亲河,是朝阳文化的发源地。这条河一年四季川流不息。碧水衬着蓝天,加上高山美景。


写旅游景点的作文 梦幻冰仙洞 从西坪往泉涧公路方向一公里左拐,沿着一条蜿蜒的小路过一座桥,再行一公里,就到了厂上村一巨大石山下,被称为西坪“神仙洞府”如梦如幻的冰仙洞就在石山半山腰。山坡怪石嶙峋,草木稀少。洞口在一人家屋后十多米处,只有一人多高,倾斜而下,约有十来米宽。越往下越深,空间越来越大,光线越来越暗,景色却越来越奇。洞内有许多支洞,多因太深太陡或有水阻断或太窄而“养在深闺人不识”。据说有好事者曾多次在洞内沿不同方向寻找通道,爬到最高处似曾隐约见天光,然不得直出;后出洞沿山搜寻,终无结果,至今也无人觅得山顶的出口。 冰仙洞和西坪镇境内的洪水大洞有很多不同之处。洪水大洞的洞口在千仞绝壁之上悬空而开,冰仙洞口则“得来全不费功夫”;前者入洞后必须乘竹筏方能览胜,后者可穿鞋随意而行;前者越走越窄,给人惊险神奇实实在在之感,后者越走越宽,所到之处让人感觉像仙境,如梦似幻。 冰仙洞的奇异景色分为三个层次,即“动物”世界、“植物”世界、彩色世界。洞内的各处景观不仅能给人带来视觉和听觉的美感,还给人以想象和联想的空间。 每到一处,游人在看到涌现在眼前的林立的石头柱子、顶天的钟乳石笋、盘卧的光滑圆石、倒垂的“珍珠项链”、堆聚的“石桌石凳”和“昂首”的龟蛇形怪石等,不由得生出许多联想,甚至耳畔仿佛响起动物的叫声、人的说话声和大自然的风雨声。眼前的东西,你看它像什么,想它像什么,它就愈发像什么:盘着的像龟,昂首的像蛇,站立的像马,跑着的像虎,睡着的像狮,靠着的像佳人凭栏远眺,坐着的像神仙品茗对弈,蹲着的像罗汉闭目养神,吊着的像猴群追逐嬉戏,横躺的像醉汉酒醉无语,散开的像观音坐莲微笑,聚拢的像儿童三五捉鱼,歪斜的像蒸笼笼盖揭开,合拢的像海豚腾空接吻,挂着的像门帘严实遮蔽,点缀的像鸽儿飞翔蓝天""俨然一个动物世界,一个海底龙宫,一处神仙洞府,一隅农家村落。 那些长得又细又小又高的石笋,像高粱、小麦在风中摇曳;那些随处而生的一簇簇石笋,像朵朵荷花盛开在石壁;那些依壁而斜上的石坡,像一片片翠绿的青草地。太多的石笋、石钟乳像叫不出名字的树,像生长在不同季节的竹。置身于洞中,仿佛穿行在原始森林,又仿佛踏青在小河原野""随处可见栩栩如生的“生物群落”、生机盎然的“植物景观”。 由于还没有拉上电灯,越往里走,光线显得越暗。

(范文 )

但是,冰仙洞有一个特别显著的特点,就是石壁、石缝和所有的“动植物”身上都闪着星星点点的光,时隐时现,让人浮想联翩:是磷粉还是其它矿物粉在辐射?是隐藏其中的水晶还是游者的心电感应?抑或是神仙悄悄安放的盏盏细小的“彩灯”?总之,灰白、淡黄、暗红、紫铜、赤黑、青绿各色兼备,在手机朦胧荧光或电筒光、蜡烛光、柴草光的照耀和反射下,洞内显得更加色彩斑斓、诡谲莫测了。此时,善于幻想的人会说,梦幻时刻到了;胆小的人会说,我到了地府吗;诗人画家会说,好一个福地,好一处洞天""这难道不是一个少有的梦幻世界吗? 冰仙洞被西坪人甚至远方来参观过的人说成是神仙洞府,绝非夸大其词。“耳听为虚,眼见为实”,抽空去看看吧。





柳树上的柳条随风飘动,婀娜多姿,就如维吾尔族姑娘的小辫儿。 湖里的水变化无穷,刚刚湖水还是深绿色的,有些轻轻的波纹,转眼间又变成了亮亮的,散发出皎洁的光芒。


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