
大象帮小熊猫皮球 大象和小熊猫看图写话

小学作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 小学作文】


一天, 小熊猫兴高采烈的带着足球去玩。 小熊猫在小河边的草地上玩着玩着,一不小心把球踢进小河里。眼看着足球越飘越远,它急得躺在草地上哇哇大哭。 不一会儿,大象来了。看到小熊猫在哭,大象问:“你怎么了?”小熊猫说:“我的球踢到河里了。”大象说:“我来帮你捡球。”大象把它的长鼻子伸到小河里,一下子就把足球捡了回来,小熊猫开心极了。连忙谢谢大象。


篇二:《Unit 5 Exercises》

省锡中实验学校 8A Unit 5 Exercises

学科:初二英语 主备:华娟芬 审核:孟佳凤 日期:2013-10-28

8A Unit 5 (A) Class________ Name________

一、词汇: 1. The unlucky boy was crying __________________ among all the boys who lost their way in the forest. (sad)

2. The d_________ taste good. They must be ___________ (美味的). Oh, I can’t wait.

3. There are not many giant __________ (熊猫) in the world, and they only live in China.

4. Most people believe that d____________ are clever animals in the sea.

5. S_______________ live in trees . They like eating pine nuts.

6. B______________ live in the forest. Their paws are very expensive.

7. The building is on fire. He is inside so he is in d_______________.

8. The doctors are trying to save the ____________ old man. (死)

9. Although bears are____________, they themselves are in__________(danger).

10. These words are _______________. Do you know the ________________of them. ( mean)


1. The baby tiger _______ 200 grams at birth. But now it grows into a healthy young tiger. (weigh)

2. A tiger was lost from the zoo. The police___________(hunt) for it now.

3. My father _______ the birthday cake into four pieces, put on his coat and went out quickly. (cut)

4. The poor people in Iraq (伊拉克) almost have no place _______________ (live) and have no food ______________ (eat) because of so many wars(战争).

5. I didn’t leave until it___________(stop) raining.

6. If it _________ (rain) tomorrow, we _________ (have) a school trip to Beijing Amusement Park.

7. The doctors are busy _________(save) the old man. He was hit by a car. He____________(die).

8. We must try our best ____________(save) him or he _________(die).

9. Thank you very much for 10. My parents are always too busy ____________(listen) to my problems.

11. It’s great fun ___________(taste) such delicious food.

12. The Class 1 students ________________(plan) to have a school trip these days.

13. Look, there is a small cat ____________________(lie) under the car.

14. Who ________________(teach) you geography last term?

15. He tried ________________(not worry), but he couldn’t.

16. _______________( save) more money, he takes he takes the underground to work.

17. Now we each _______________ (face) many problems in our daily life.


1. 请你可怜可怜那些穷而无助的人,好吗?__________________________________________

2. 请你不要伤害那些处于危险中的野生动物好吗?___________________________________

3. 你最好不要住在野外了。_______________________________________________________

4. 我最喜欢猴子,因为它们不但聪明而且滑稽。______________________________________

5. 它们随时都有可能成为桌上的菜。 _______________________________________________

6. 没有它们我可能会死的。________________________________________________________

7. 剪出一张张的卡片。____________________________________________________________

8. 用剪刀把那张纸剪成一张张的卡片。______________________________________________

9. 不但我而且他们懂外语。________________________________________________________

10. 你最好不要没有看说明书就开始干活。__________________________________________

11. 把红的苹果,绿的梨,紫色的葡萄和桔子混合在一起使沙拉看起来五彩斑斓得多。_____ 12.

省锡中实验学校 学科:初二英语 主备:华娟芬 审核:孟佳凤 日期:2013-10-29

8A Unit 5 (B) Class________ Name________

一、词汇:1 ___________, (令人伤心的是),the 90-year-old man ________(死)this morning, his family members felt much __________ (伤心)。

2. At the very _______________ (begin) of the meeting, people sang a song together.

3. When a baby panda is born, its _________________ is more than 100 grams. (weigh)

4. The ice is so t______________that we can skate on it.

5. If you want to get enough i________________ for your report, you can search on the Internet.

6. Can you give me an example of what this sentence _______________(意思是)?

7. Can you find it much___________(easy) to find a job there?

8. After eight months, the panda ______________(重) over 35 kiograms.

9. Biology(生物学) is a subject about plants and i__________________ and lots of animals. 11. “ I failed in the English exam again” the boy said ____________(sad)

12. Who knows the ____________(结果) of the two basketball matches yesterday?


1. Jerry, together with with his classmates , ____________ (face) a lot of problems at study now.

2. Do’t keep her ____________(stand) in the sun. It’s too hot.

3. Why is it so difficult for him ______________(find) a job here.

4. We _____________ (not visit) the town if it _____________ (be) rainy tomorrow.

5. There _____________ (not be) wild animals any more if we _____________ (not protect) them.

6. A giant panda _____________(look) like a white mouse when it ____________(be) born.

7. We must do everything we can ________________ (protect) wild animals.

8. If you ______________ (not study) hard, you ______________ (fall) behind others.

9. Don’t stop ____________ (look) when someone is walking past the window and just keep ____________ (do) your hmework.


1. 这个冰箱是空的。 什么也没剩下。______________________________________________.

2. 他们把冰箱里的草莓吃光了,一个也没剩下。_____________________________________.

3. 还有咖啡剩下吗? 没有。______________________________________________________.

4. 在足球决赛开始的时候,他们团队合作。__________________________________________.

5. 起初他还有点害羞。___________________________________________________________.

6. 物价越来越高了。_____________________________________________________________.

7. 他跑得越来越慢了。___________________________________________________________.

8. 蛇主要以食鸟、昆虫和其它小动物为生。 ________________________________________.

9. 尽管没人相信,但实际上他确实考试及格了。

Though ______ ________, _________ ________ he ________ ______ the exam.

10. 那些苹果重多少(2)_________________________________________________________

11. 我再也不会相信你了。(2)______________________________________________________

12. 英语对我们来说很重要。_______________________________________________________

13. 学好英语对我们来说不难。_____________________________________________________ 14. 你能把英语学好真是聪明。____________________________________________________

学科:初二英语 主备:华娟芬 审核:孟佳凤 日期:2013-10-31 8A Unit5 (C) Class________ Name________

一、词汇:1.What’s in your ____________ wallet? (lose)

2. He left the door ____________(关闭)to stop the fire coming inside.

3. The rice of farmers was eaten by lots of _______________. It made them very sad. (mouse)

4. After drinking something sweet, Jim feels even ___________________. (thirsty)

5. Help ________________(you) to some fish, children.

6.They are planning to make new __________(法律) to protect wild animals.

7. The TV power is the same ______________(高) as a hill.


1. In Africa, hunters _______ elephants for theirs tusks to make necklaces(项链) in the past. (hunt)

2. You may know the news because I remember ____________(tell) it to you.

3. I won’t leave before it ____________(stop) raining.

4. Now they may ____________________(plan) to go no a trip to Shanghai.

5. As a doctor Mr. White usually does everything he can ______________ people in danger. (save)

6. Little Tommy isn’t good at his studies. He often sleeps in class instead of _____________ to the teachers carefully. (listen)

7. Mother told me that the moon ________________ around the earth. (travel)

8. Would you please _______________ (wash) your hands before ______________ (have) meals?

9. Would you like _______________ the sharp knife to the little boy? Maybe it will cut him. (pass)

10. The number of the students in our class ____________(be) 50 now.


1. 我十岁时第一次开始存钱。__________________________________________________

2. 所以,熊猫可能会没有地方可住和食物可吃。_______________________________________

3. 对于小熊猫来说,他们小的时候很容易生病和死亡。_________________________________

4. 海豚能算出简单的数学题真聪明。_______________________________________________.

5. 学好英语对我们来说很重要。 ___________________________________________________

6. 一些学生不去看表演是因为下周有考试。

Some students don’t _______________________because ____________________ next week.

7. 蝙蝠能在他们的嘴巴和眼睛的帮助下决定正确的飞行方向。


8. 蜜蜂总是记得从原路返回。____________________________________________________

9. 松鼠总是在冬天来之前开始存储食物。但是有时他们会忘记去哪里找到食物。


10. 他可能怕斑马。(2) ___________________________________________________________

11. 那些猴子一直在上串下跳。 他们可能在相互打闹。(2)_____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

12.那匹马正闭着眼站在那里。 它可能正在睡觉。______________________________________





8A Unit 5 (D) Class________ Name________


1. What do the _____________ kill the animals for? (hunt)

2. Can robots (机器人)be cleverer than h__________________?

3. Be careful, There are some _______________(狼) __________( 居住) in this mountain.

4. The old man collects waste newspapers for a ________________(生计)。

5. In Africa, many elephants lost their __________________(life).

6. If your child shows any signs of _____________(生病), take her to the doctor.

7. Would you please _____________ (接受) my _________________(邀请)to the party.

8. After a__________ ( 一会儿), the boy stopped crying and looked around for his mother.

9. My cousin Lucy has completed the _____________(最少) ___________(paint) of all.

10. The black s______________ on my mother’s dress make her look even slimmer.

11 Good friends should share _______________ (happy) with each other..

12 The sun went down and ______________( dark) fell.

13 No _____________ (hunt) catch wild animals for money in our town now.

14. Teenagers need _________________(protect) from their parents.

15. When his daughter was born, she _____________( 重) about 3.5 kilograms.

16. He looked ______________(sad) at all of us but did not say anything.


1. How _______ the food in the bowl ___________(smell)?

2. Look, How wonderfully Mary is singing! I_____________(not know) she could sing so well.

3. It ___________(get) colder and colder. Shall we start a fire?

4. Jimmy is my best friend and I first __________(know) him at the age of 6.

5. I can’t decide which pair of trousers _________________( choose ).

6. We finished our homework without _______________(stop)

7. Don’t feed the fish too much, or they _______________(die).

8. At the beginning of spring, everything ___________(begin) to grow.

9. I think he _____________(be) back in a week.

10. _______________(not talk) when Jim ______________(do) his homework.

11. ________________ (protect) wild animals is important for us.

12. She made a lot of money by _____________(sell) clothes on the Internet.


1. 我认为如果人们不购买由动物的皮毛制成的衣服的话,那么更多的动物将不会失去生命。 I _______ more animals _________________ if people stop ____________________________.

2. 如果没人买皮草,那么将再也没人杀害野生动物。

If no one ________________, then people __________________________________________.

3. 在我们的日常生活中,人人都应行动起来节约用水。


4. 白天熊喜欢四处慢慢地闲逛,看起来有点懒。

Bears like _________________________________. They look _________________________.

5. 人们杀死狼是因为他们认为狼对人类有危险。_____________________________________

6. 野生动物是我们的朋友。我们不应该因任何理由杀死它们。


7. 由于捕猎,许多野生动物处境危险。_____________________________________________

8. 动物和我们人类一样也有开心和悲伤的感觉。_____________________________________

9. 一些著名的画家都有关动物方面的精彩画作。_____________________________________

10. 我发现英语越来越重要肋______________________________________________________

8A Unit 5 Task Class________ Name________


1. My parents lent me the money, ________________(否则), I couldn’t pay for the trip.

2. We should build more ________________(保护区) to help them live.

3. Many animals’ _________________(live) areas are becoming smaller and smaller.

4. When ____________(面临)trouble, will you be brave and calm?

5. Chinese people ___________( 大部分) have black and hair and black eyes.

6. ___________( 没有一个)of the tools here is useful. We need a new set.

7. Who will look after the lovely cat if its master ____________(死)?

8. The little boy was late for school because of _______________(病).

9. He joined us in the ______________ (discuss) yesterday.

10. Thank you for explaining(解释) the _____________(mean) of the words to me.

11. The young nurse are so nice that they treat the elderly with _____________(kind)

12. How wonderful these _______________(pain) are! Who painted them?

13. Time is up. It’s necessary for us to take ___________(act) at once.

14. He is clever enough to work out the problem ___________(lone) .

15. Look at my stamps. They are beautiful. You’ve got a _________(wonder)__________(collect)


1.His parents often ____________(leave) him alone at home when he was quite young.

2. I ____________(not know) much about pandas before __________(read) the book.

3. This is my first time __________ (see) a baby panda. It’s so cute.

4. Ask him ______________(not make) any noise ,please. Here’s the reading room.

5. Mr Wang says we may ____________(have) a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

6. What action can we take ______________(protect) wild life?

7. The number of tigers in the wild ___________(be) smaller than that of pandas.

8. I saw a big bird __

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