
小学生四年级英语以my,happy,,birthday为题目的作文 my birthday英语作文

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【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《EEC小学英语四年级第二册 Happy birthday to you》

EEC小学英语四年级第二册 Happy birthday to you

2012/5/6 10:58:02本站原创 我要评论(0) 【字体:大 中 小】

《Happy birthday to you!》教学记实


师:Hello, everyone!

生:Hello, teacher.

师:What day is it today?

生:It’s Monday.

Today is Ken’s birthday ,so we can say …

师&生:Happy birthday to you!

师:I have a present for him.


Look!What’s this ?

生:It’s a cake .

师:Yes. It’s a birthday cake! Only a birthday cake? What is on the birthday cake? (PPT出示圈出一根蜡烛)

What’s this?

生:It’s a candle!

师:Can you spell candle?




What are they?

生:They’re candles.


Ok,Let’s read it.



Look, they are having a birthday party.

Listen then answer my questions

生:Listen to the story.

师:Which one is right?(PPT出示问题1 Does Ken like making robots?和图片一个笑脸,一个哭脸)

生:回答 Yes, he does.


(PPT出示问题2 What does Lily say?和图片蛋糕)

生:Blow out the candles.

师:Good,blow out (板书并用动作分别演示blow 和blow out)

(PPT演示Blow out all the candles.)


生:跟读all,并朗读句子Blow out all the candles.

师:(PPT演示圈出其中四根蜡烛) Are they all the candles?


师:(PPT演示圈出其中三根蜡烛) Are they all the candles?


师:(PPT演示圈出全部蜡烛) Are they all the candles?


师:(PPT出示礼物) It’s a present. Let’s guess. What’s in it?

生:It’s a robot.

师:Good!Now let’s listen and repeat it.



师:Now open your books,Let’s listen and read the dialogue.


师:This time,boys are Ken and girls are Lili. S1 is Betty.


师:Look! I have a lot of presents, let’s make a dialogue.


Who wants to be Ken? And who wants to be Jess? Others,you are Lili.


生:Ss:Blow out all the candles.

S1(Betty):This is for you. (点选一个礼物盒)



师:Ok. Now let’s do some exercises. (PPT出示习题一)

生:Read the sentence and choose a correct words.

①. Blow out all the candles.

②. This is for you.

③. Wow, it’s a robot.

④. I like making robots.

师:Look at the pictures. (PPT出示习题二)

What are they saying?

P1, What is Ken saying?

生:Ken:Wow. It’s a cap. Thank you?

师:What about Jess?

生:You’re welcome.

师:P2, What is Robo saying?

生:This is for you.

师:Oh, time is up. Today’s homework. One, listen to the tape and read the dialogue. Two, write the words: blow , all , candle. Ok, goodbye everyone.

生: Goodbye.


本节课的话题语境为社会交往,赠送生日礼物的交际用语。在本节课的教学设计是由我个人初备,再由组内集体备课最终确定而得。各个环节都经过了深思熟虑,在实际的教学中体现了流程中的很多可取之处,不过还是出现了紧张的情况,导致一些缺点的暴露。 优点:

1. 教学流程顺畅,教学重点难点把我准确,根据教学内容设定的各个环节紧凑,很好的吸引了学生注意力的同时,给予了学生充分体验和交流、表达的机会和时间。

2. 课上几乎全英教学,师生交流和谐、融洽,能在学生无法理解的语句上下功夫,让学生能在良好的语言环境下学习新知、运用新知。

3. 有效结合已知内容,在机械训练和交际训练中达到新授内容与已知内容相结合,将已知融入到新知中,让学生在复现的同时更容易接纳新授内容。

4. 敢于放手,让学生从听到认,从认到读,从读到说,再转到写的过程中完全由学生通过个人理解来完成,教师真正起到了引导和辅助学生学习的作用。


1. 在听音环节中有些急于求成,没有对语音语调、重音方面做强调训练。使学生在认读和朗读的环节出现错误,且失去了语言表达情感的目的。

2. 在表达训练中,为了更好让学生表达,多数进行演示的都是主动性比较强的学生,忽略了对后进生的指导。

3. 训练环节中多是以个人表演的形式呈现,大部分学生还处于观看的状态,没有完全参与其中,训练面没有更好的拓开。

4. 最后的练习只出现了大屏幕的形式,对于四年级学生来说应该有书写的环节来解决学生写能力的训练。


1. 在听音理解,仿音朗读的环节中,多以学生的理解和模仿为主,让学生体会内容,在体会的过程中理解其语音、语调,从而学习在类似场景中使用相同句子。

2. 表达训练环节中,由于学生的水平不同,对学生的关注要停留在不同的层面,对优等生要注意拓展和已知内容的综合使用,而对于后进生也要注意本课内容的理解与接受,并至少


3. 训练方式的多样化是训练学生对所学内容进行操练的必须,只有多样的方式才能让更好的吸引学生,让学生的注意力集中在教学内容上。与此同时操练要以点带面,不仅仅将操练在个别学生中开展,还要让大多学生参与进来,适当开展小组汇报,合作汇报等方式,让更多的学生参与其中。

4. 在书面练习的环节要根据不同年级,不同学习水平的学生结合读写能力进行,也可以采用小卷和PPT演示相结合,不仅考察学生的学习成果,还验证了书面练习准确度。 评课


1. 教师的教态自然、活泼,很受学生欢迎

2. 感受到教师的驾驭课堂能力越来越强,自身素质在不断提高

3. 送生日礼物这一环节既有情趣,有能让学生充分的练习,从而突出教学重点。 建议:针对个别学生的辅导应加强。


1. 对教学中的重点句子中的重点词语和难点能逐一出示并突破,在学习词组时设计了有层次的训练,活动设计新颖。

2. 课堂上学生听说的比例大,听读、跟读、男女生读,所有学生都有机会多次重现本节课的重点句型,在朗读表演中提升英语的口语表达能力。

3. 多媒体制作使用比较精心,恰当,对课堂教学内容确实起到了辅助作用,尤其是最后部分用已经学过的句型替换训练时学生喜欢,听说的积极性就更高了。

4. 师生合作和谐融洽,日常训练和规范在本节课中看到了效果。


1. 教师的课堂感染力极强,用其饱满的热情,极富感召力的语言,以及夸张幽默的表情,让学生始终保持着良好的学习状态。

2. 孩子们专注的眼神,欢快的笑容都体现了教师的教学能让学生快乐学习,参与热情很高,发音也较为准确,体现了平时教师的教学非常扎实。

3. 本节课师生几乎是全课英语对话,交流融洽,和谐,气氛活跃,在老师创设的对话情境中自然对话,教学效果好!



1. 教师能够全英语授课,可见在平时的课堂中为学生创设了良好的英语课堂环境。

2. 在听音环节符合三听原则,听音理解,听音模仿、正音。

3. 课前准备充分,有课件,音频,对教材理解到位。

4. 在新知应用环节中为学生创设了情景并给与了充分的时间练习表达。

5. 学练结合,有5分钟课堂练习。




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It is a good house. The house has three rooms.

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小学四年级英语作文:生日 Birthday

My birthday is on Sunday. My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. I invite my friends to come to the party. At the party. They give me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens. They sing Happy Birthday to me. My mother makes a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. we sing and dance. We have a good time at the party.

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How to be a Model Student


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Our School 我们的学校

Our school is in the center city,there are six grades and thirty classes in it.the number of students is more than two thousand.we have two thousand.We have two teaching buildings,a big library ,and a large playground there many trees and nice flowers in the school.we often keep it clean and it looks neautiful.we love our school.



学校: 姓名:

要求:以“My Birthday Party”(我的生日宴会)为题写一篇作文,词数不少于60个字。并把它翻译为中文.(此文时态用一般现在时) Hello! I am Li Ling. I am 12 years old. My birthday is on June 16th。In my birthday, my parents will hold a party for me. My father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my brother, my uncle, my aunt, my friends and me are eat dinner together. Then we eat a big birthday cake,They say: happy birthday to you! I open the presents .Then we play or sing and dance. Tonight we are happy!


学校: 姓名:

要求:以“My Birthday Party”(我的生日宴会)为题写一篇作文,词数不少于60个字。并把它翻译为中文.(此文时态用现在进行时时) Today is my birthday. It's May 14. My name is Zhang Peng. th

I'm 11 years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.

My friends are coming. The boys and girls are enjoying my birthday party. They're playing games. Now, They're eating cakes. They're drinking apple juice and orange juice too. My birthday cake is very big. They say: happy birthday to Zhang Peng!

Oh, what a nice birthday party!








一. 听录音,用大写字母给下列图编号。(10分)

二. 听句子三次,选择句子中所含有的信息。(10分)

( ) 1. A. the long jump B. the high jump C. weight-lifting ( ) 2. A. volleyball B. good sport C. favourite sport ( ) 3. A. dancing B. running C. singing ( ) 4. A. slowly B. high C. fast ( ) 5. A. medal B. models C. jump ( ) 6. A. holiday photo B. birthday party C. happy birthday

( ) 7. A. 80 B. 18 C. 87 ( ) 8. A. have fun B. catching up C. catch up ( ) 9. A. listening to the radio B. play the guitar C. do some reading ( ) 10. A. badminton B. table tennis C. tennis 三. 听句子三次,判断所读内容是否符合图意,如相符,在括号里写“T”,否

则写“F”。 (10分)

四. 听句子三次,选出相应的答句,并把其字母编号写在括号内。(5分)

( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B.Run. C. Ru

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