
–美女作文 性感美女

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[典型案例1] 2003年4月28日,湖北某大学计算机系学生郭某、钟某伙同桂林某高校学生王某、曾某四个大学生,在一个深夜以喝酒、兜风为由残忍地将一名少女多次轮奸。为此他们也付出了沉重的代价,广西桂林市七星区人民法院对他们做出一审判决,以强奸罪分别判处郭某、王某、曾某、钟某有期徒刑13年、12年、12年、8年。

[典型案例2] 1999年4月,吉林省某高校一名女大学生独自去野外春游,被一男子以帮助其搬运物品为名,骗至偏僻处强奸。该女生身心受到巨大伤害。

[典型案例3] 某大学的一位女生,其男友给她的一封信被人偷去,此信中谈到了她与男友发生性关系时的情景。偷信人找到该女生要与其发生性关系,女生不允,此人则扬言:“如果你不同意,我就把信交给你的领导,那时你要受到开除的处分,永远见不得人”。在这种要挟和恐吓下,女生不敢反抗,多次受到奸污。

[典型案例4] 某大学一位女学生,在校内舞会上认识了一位本校的男同学,交往数次后,该男生给女生过生日,请她吃饭,并劝她喝酒,当女生有醉意之后,又将女生领到他的宿舍,在女生不同意但又无力反抗的情况下,将她强奸。

[典型案例5] 某大学一位女学生,在校外餐馆见到一个体商贩,该人穿着入时,花钱阔绰,外貌不俗,几句对话,便交上了朋友。从此课余经常约会,逛商场,去歌厅,该商贩为女生买过许多衣物、首饰等。一次外出郊游,该商贩将女生领到僻静处,在女生毫无思想准备的情况下,使用暴力将其强奸。

[案例解析] 案例1、2是以暴力的方式进行性侵害犯罪分子利用年轻学生缺乏社交经验、防范意识较差的条件,设计圈套进行诱骗,然后实施强奸。如果女大学生朋友在与陌生人交往过程中能够保持高度警惕,及时发现其真正目的,完全可以避免类似情况的发生。案例3是一起典型的胁迫式性侵害案件。不法分子利用女生的过失,要挟女生,进行性侵害。俗话说“身正不怕影子歪”,自己行为端正,坏人无机可乘,也就从根本上消除了胁迫式性侵害产生的条件。即使有过一定过错,也不要怕违法犯罪分子的要挟与讹诈,在思想上应筑起一道防线,注意识别坏人的诡计。相信和依靠组织,运用法律武器保护自己。案例4、5是典型的社交性性侵害,这是一种难以识别的犯罪。犯罪分子利用相互熟识,青年学生涉世不深,缺少社会交际经验,在被侵害人放松警惕的情况下,进行性侵害。社交性性侵害主体在实施侵害之前都是有计划安排的,常常利用机会或创造机会把正常社交引向性犯罪。如经常对被侵害的女性动手动脚;频繁地以性为话题,进行挑逗勾引;想方设法把被侵害人带到可以受他控制的环境(他的卧室、他的家中)或偏僻的角落,然后实施性侵害。
















[典型案例1] 某大学女学生王某的高中同学来看她,在食堂吃饭时,她的同学认识该校的一名男同学于某,吃饭时,于某提出喝点酒,王某不慎喝醉,于某以送王回宿舍为名,打车将王某带到一旅店,王某在醉酒状态下,被于某强行奸污。

[典型案例2] 2002年11月,吉林省某高校一名女研究生晚间独自在实验室做实验,被同年级一名男研究生强行猥亵,后经该女同学极力反抗,逃离实验室,并报告了学校,男研究生受到了应有的处罚。

[典型案例3] 2001年7月,某大学二年级学生萧某,和一名男教师同乘电梯时遭到该教师“露阴”侵害。

[案例解析] 案例1中,王某在交友的过程中,不深入了解对方,放松了自己的防范意识,;被于某以喝酒为名灌醉,给于某可乘之机,造成自己终身悔恨。案例2、3中,被侵害对象都是单独处于某一场所时遭遇性侵害说明她们在日常生活中警惕性不高,自身安全防范意识不强,而侵害主体也是利用这一点实施性侵害行为。



Topic 1:Graphs below provide the latest figures about the demographics of the United States,including ethnical groups and the population,based on a census that was carried out and administered by US Census Bureau in 2006.


Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

US population by race and ethnicity


The table, combined with the bar chart, provides an overview of demographics of the United States from the early last century to the present.

It can be seen in the table that the total US population is now 300 million, 1.5 times larger than 40years ago, 200 million. Hispanics and Asian Americans expanded much faster than other races. According to the census, 44.7 million Americans were Hispanic,more than five times higher than in 1966,while the Asian population is as large as 14.3 million,a ten-fold increase over the 1 966 level. By comparison, although white Americans are still in the majority, accounting for two thirds of the current US population, the growth rate was lower than the general population. Afro-Americans, who made up the second largest ethnical group in 1966 with a population of 22.3 million, dropped to number three, behind whites and Hispanics. Other ethnical groups take up the remaining 1.3 million.

In the first half of the 20th century, the US population grew at different rates, ranging from

7.5 million to 20 million a decade, the bar chart suggests. It accelerated since the middle of the last century, with adding at least 20 million to the overall population every ten years. The 1990s alone experienced a growth of more than 30 million.

To summarize, the US population continued to swell since the early last century and the greatest increases occurred to Hispanics and Asian Americans from 1966 to 2006.

Topic 2:The line chart bellow shows serious violent crime levels from 1 978 to 2000 in the US。Serious violent crimes include rape,robbery,aggravated assault and homicide.

Serious Violent Crime Levels in the US

Offence in thousand






第五步:寻找主要规律和特征。从第一年(1 978年)开始读数据,然后从第一年最高值开始读(total violent crime)。在1988年前,暴力犯罪总数和警方所记录的值处于上升状态,而其余两组数据波动;在1988年之后,犯罪受害人数和暴力犯罪总体都在下降,其余两组数据有上升,但是最后都趋于平稳。需要注意的是,对线图的描述不能太过注重个别的数据,重心应该在整体趋势上。


The multiple-line graph demonstrates trends in violent crime levels in the US during the period 1978 to 2000

In the first ten years, there were fluctuations in the total crime level,but me overall trend was upbeat.By about 1989,it rose to a record high,around 4.5 offences per thousand Americans,half the figure in 1980 (slightly over 3 offences),the lowest ever recorded during the given period.Victimizations rose and fell at a lower level between 2 and 2.5 offences over the same period,while crimes recorded by police showed a steady increase,reaching its highest in the year 1994,over 1.5 offences in a thousand.The arrest rate was the lowest,leveling off below 0.5 offences per 1,000.

From 1988 onwards, the total violent crime level declined gradually,so did victimizations reported to police.In 2000,3 out of a thousand Americans committed violent crime,while half as many victims were reported to the police.As to crimes recorded by police and arrests for violent c rime,both dropped slightly in the last five years and the figures were 1.5 and 0.5 offences

respectively in 2000.

Overall, the violent crime rate,as well as victimizations reported to police,crimes recorded and arrests for violent crime,was not subject to strong fluctuations in the final two decades of the last century, although by the end of the century,there was a trend toward lower violent crime levels.

Topic 3:The pie graphs show greenhouse gas emissions worldwide in 2002 and the forecast for 2030.The column chart shows carbon dioxide emissions around the world.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


The graphs give past and future data concerning worldwide carbon dioxide emission.

As can be seen in the two pie charts, developing countries are expected to account for a bigger share of emissions in 2030,48%,compared to 38%in 2002.In contrast,OECD countries are projected to make up a lower proportion, 43%, 9%down over the same period. Countries with transition economies are estimated to take up the remaining 9%in 2030, 1%less than in 2002.

The bar chart reveals that carbon dioxide emissions will expand to varying degrees in different sectors by 2030. Industry will continue to be the major producer of carbon dioxide, rising to more than 1 0 billion tons in 2030. Next comes the consumer sector, which is projected to more than double its emissions from less than 4 billion to 8 billion or more tons. Transportation, the third largest producer, will see a huge growth to 6 billion, triple the amount in 2002. By comparison, waste combustion and other sectors make up a much lower proportion, each producing an estimated 1 billion carbon dioxide.

To summarize, developing countries will overtake OECD countries to become the major carbon dioxide emission producer by 2030. While industry is responsible for the highest amount of carbon dioxide emissions, consumer and transportation experience the greatest increases.

Topic 4:The graphs provide information about worldwide energy consumption,the countries with oil reserves and the world oil prices from 2000 to 2025.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


The two pie charts, combined with the line chart, give an overview of three aspects of the energy market.

According to the first pie chart, the consumption of oil was the highest in 2005, accounting for 37%of the energy consumed worldwide, followed by coal and natural gas, taking up 28%and 23% separately. Nuclear power and hydro-electricity evenly contributed to the remaining 12%. Saudi Arabia and Canada are the two countries with the largest oil reserves-20%versus 14%. Four Mid-east countries, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and United Arab follow behind, each having 8 to 10%of the global reserves. Venezuela,Russia and the United States are on the list as well, but account for a smaller share, 6%, 5% and 2% respectively.

The line chart shows a wide variation in the world oil prices in the first decade of the 21st century. In 2000, oil cost a mere 33 dollars per barrel, or even less in the following three years. From 2003 onwards,the price had surged markedly and finally hit a peak of 60 dollars in about 2006. Since then,the oil price is expected to drop for three years or longer,down to 48 dollars in 2010 and remain at that level throughout the rest of the given period.

As suggested above, oil is very likely to remain as an important energy source, with more than half the global oil reserves being located in Mid-east countries. In the two decades to come,the oil price is unlikely to return to its low levels in the early 2000s.

篇三:《福建一干部强奸女初中生 受害人已生下孩子》

福建一干部强奸女初中生 受害人已生下孩子



2015-02-05 08:13:00

来源:新华网 作者:詹托荣 沈宇波 正文 我来说两句(189人参与)

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而后,记者向在校门口附近考完试准备回家的学生打听情况,有个男生对记者说:“我们学校是有个初三女生被强奸了,前几天到县医院生孩子了,听说强奸她的是个老男人。” 另一个男生说法是,那名初三的女生辍学在家,跟社会上的一些不良青年混在一起,“当时是她一个同学把她带到KTV,把她灌醉了,3个男的轮奸了她。后来还回来上学,一直坐在位置上,也不出去玩,肚子慢慢大出来,被我们年段长发现她怀孕了。”









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