
我受到老师的批评作文 我受到了批评100作文

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篇二:《作文 被老师批评》{我受到老师的批评作文}.{我受到老师的批评作文}.

[作文 被老师批评]· 今早上,我起晚了,作文 被老师批评。然后急匆匆地奔向学校。到了教室一看,老师已经来了,我说了一声报告,老师就说:你怎么迟到了?下次要早点,小学一年级作文《作文 被老师批评》。 ◆分享好文◆通过迟到这件事说明做什么事情都要早。广东惠州惠城区陈江小学一年级:蔡滋芳

篇三:《作文 当我受到批评的时候》

[作文 当我受到批评的时候]“良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行,作文 当我受到批评的时候。”想必大家都深知这个理儿。当年,商纣王刚愎自用,听不进正确意见,在上层形成反对派,杀比干,囚箕子,失去人心。还记得一代先锋楷模雷锋因吃锅巴,被炊事员批评,哼声走出门外。当我受到批评的时候,会是怎样?





长大了些,调皮捣蛋的事情渐渐少做了,可心里不知不觉中产生了逆反心理,对于批评,一度十分厌恶,讨厌父母与老师的恶脸相向,心里十分地不服气。心想:你们要我这样,我偏要那样,爱批评,就让你们批评得天花乱坠,与世无争去吧!于是,一场感情拉锯战就这样拉开了帷幕。经过长期的“战斗”,我发觉,他们的脸色越来越沉重,少了严厉,换成了连延不断地叹气,初中三年级作文《作文 当我受到批评的时候》。 ◆分享好文◆刚开始,心里暗喜得厉害,自认为已手握胜券。可最后,那冷漠的双眸及疲倦的背影让我害了怕,让我不知所措,心情低落。我后悔得留下了泪,我知道,他们是不想理我了窗外,繁星暗淡了。





Should teachers be evaluated and criticized by their students?


Nowadays, many students are not satisfied enough with the quality of education on account of their poor grades on some subjects. Thus, they attribute this consequence to the lack of ability of the teachers. Some propose that students should be given the freedom to evaluate and criticize their teachers to improve this situation, while others held another view, saying that it will be difficult for teachers to maintain the classrooms order which may cause the students show no respect on their teachers. In my opinion, I agree to the latter opinion, which is based on the following reason. First of all, it is really hard for students to make a completely objective attitude towards their teachers when they are asked to complete the evaluation task. As we all know, many teachers sometimes may prefer to punish their students in an instructive way to improve students’ study, which may lead to an unfavorable impression on their students, resulting in an adverse evaluation and undeserved negative comments on teachers. In addition, it will cause a popularity competition among teachers due to the evaluations that the students make, which definitely will cause the teachers try hard to gain favors from the students and compete for high rankings instead of being competent and responsible teachers. Secondly, the lazy and backward students may regard their poor{我受到老师的批评作文}.

academic perform as their teachers’ faults if given the right to criticize their teachers. This is obviously unfair for teachers and it may be harmful to their academic improvements. Furthermore, if teachers receive too many unfavorable comments, it will be really hard for them to focus on their academic instruction, which may make them loss the confidence and courage to teach well.

Finally, if students have the freedom to assess their teachers, they tend to behave in an intolerable way since they believe that their teachers are afraid of being revenged when it comes to students’ assessments. As a consequence, many teachers definitely will lose the leading right and even self-esteem in the classrooms.

In conclusion, giving students the right to evaluate the teachers is not a reasonable way of school management. This method is harmful for not only teachers on running the classroom but also students on improving their academic knowledge. Personally, I think schools should come up with a better measure to promote the ability of teachers in order to give the students the best excellent education.






第二,在当天的空闲时间里,我会再次认真思考别人对我的批评。认真想一想为什么我会犯这样的错误或者是什么导致了别人对我的误解。如果错误严重,是我认为自己非常需要改正的,或者是我认为自己往后需要注意的问题。我都会在一个小本子上记下来:错误、原因、改正方法。 认真看清自己的事情经过,做到举一反三,透过这样一个三角棱镜,尝试着找出自己其他的缺点。并且时时提醒自己不忘记这些错误和缺点,每一个月清点一下自己的错误,看看自己是否真的有所改进。



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