
a10联盟2017届高三上学期联考 百校联盟2017高三联考

高中作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 高中作文】




第I卷 选择题 (共100分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. What are they doing?

A. Seeing a movie. B. Seeing a video. C. Listening to a record.

2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a duck farm. C. In a wine factory.3. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Ask the man for help. B. Make a telephone call. C. Restart the computer.4. Why does the woman want to change her seat?

A. She prefers a window seat.

B. She likes to sit with the man.

C. She wants to sit next to her friend.

5. What time is it now?

A. 9:05. B. 9:25. C. 11:45.

第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


6. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Which season is the best time to travel.

B. How Venice is different from Greek.

C. Where they will spend the holiday.

7. What is Greek famous for?

A. Its sky. B. Its culture. C. Its sea.


8. Which day would be good for the man?

A. Monday. B. Thursday. C. Sunday.

9. When will the man come?

A. At ten o’clock, Friday.

B. At eleven o’clock, Friday.

C. At ten o’clock, Saturday.


10. What does the man want to do?

A. Buy a car. B. Rent a car. C. Borrow a car.

11. Which car does the woman suggest first?

A. A white car. B. A red car. C. A blue car.

12. Which city is the man in?

A. San Francisco. B. New York. C. Florida.


13. What kind of life is the man living?

A. Healthy. B. Busy. C. Relaxing.

14. Why is the man getting fatter and fatter?

A. He always skips meals.

B. He works for long hours.

C. He always feels relaxed.

15. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Read the newspaper. B. Sit on the sofa. C. Go for a walk.

16. How will the man probably get the news after the conversation?

A. By reading a newspaper. B. By listening to the radio. C. By watching TV. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. What is Tom doing?

A. Introducing Summit Lake.

B. Giving his advice to others.

C. Introducing the hiking route.

18. What will they begin with?

A. A gentle climb in an open forest.

B. A short downhill walk to the river.

C. A short walk in the forest.

19. Where will they stay for lunch?

A. In the forest. B. Beside the river. C. At the lake.

20. How long will they relax before the return trip?

A. An hour. B. One and a half hours. C. Two hours.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


What’s On?

Trouble in Mind

Alice Childress won an Off-Broadway award in 1956 for this story of a black actress rehearsing(排练)a play with a white director who increasingly finds it impossible for the show to go on. Tanya Moodie and Joseph Marcell star in the play directed by Laurence Boswell.

8.30p.m.—10.30p.m., Theatre Royal. Box office: 01225 448844.


Inspired by the sci-fi (science fiction) novel and movie, The Man Who Fell to Earth, this musical deals with a hero, Thomas Newton. Likely to be the autumn’s hottest ticket, the score includes new songs composed by Bowie.

7.00p.m.—9.00p.m., King’s Cross theatre. Box office: 0844 871 7604.

The Gaul

On the night of 8 February 1974, a fisherman FV Gaul disappeared off the coast of Norway. For people on board, waiting for news was great suffering. Theories began to come up, including the possibility that the boat had fallen victim to cold war. Even when he was discovered, many still felt there were questions that remained unanswered. Mark Baby chdirects Janet Plater’s play. 8.00p.m.—11.00 p.m., Royal Shakespeare theatre. Box office: 01482 323638.

The Suppliant Women

It is a new version of Aeschylus’s 2,500-year-old play about a group of women seeking shelter who make the long journey to escape forced marriage. It was written by David Greigand directed by Ramin Gray. An ancient piece asks a contemporary question: when we are introuble, who will open their doors and give us a harbor?

8.30p.m.—10.00p.m., Hampstead theatre. Box office: 0131 248 4848.

21. In which theatre can the audience enjoy Joseph Marcell’ performance?

A. Hampstead theatre. B. Royal Shakespeare theatre.

C. King’s Cross theatre. D. Theatre Royal.

22. Which one will probably sell best?

A. Trouble in Mind. B. Lazarus.

C. The Gaul. D. The Suppliant Women.

23. Who directed the play about the story in Norway?

A. Bowie. B. Ramin Gray. C. Mark Babych. D. Laurence Boswell.

24. Which number should you call if you want to watch a play between 8.00p.m. and10.00p.m.?A. 0131 248 4848. B. 01482 323638. C. 01225 448844. D. 0844 871 7604. B

While the other kids seemed excited about celebrating the end-of-term party by playing games and sharing treats, Jeremy hated the very idea of the gathering.

Afraid to raise the pressure too high, I decided to contribute something that was easy to purchase on the walk to school.

Off we went the day of the party, approaching his school as if nothing was planned. I reminded him of our need to make a purchase, entered his favorite shop, and asked him to select the ripest bunch of grapes. He shot me an anxious look and insisted none of his classmates ever be able to notice he had something to bring to the party. My vision of a successful parenting method, resulting in delivering a sociable child to his school, diverted(转移)sharply from reality.

Back on route, I did my best to hide the sinking feeling of fear. How could I possibly drop him off and then walk into my own classroom to teach a successful class?

My next move was born in the heat of the moment. I said a quick goodbye at the front gate and rushed to his classroom through the emergency exit. I managed to inform his teacher about the grapes in the backpack and be out of the classroom before I could be spied by my son.

So, what happened on that June day? His teacher, a caring educator, worked wonders. My son and I still laugh about the way Mr. B started the day with an unusual question, “Does anyone have any grapes?” While Jeremy admits feeling a bit uncomfortable, the words encouraged him to takeout the fruit. Because of the support he received, he remembers that day with pride for his courage.

25. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “vision” in Paragraph 3?A. Imagination. B. Research. C. Understanding. D. Use.

26. How did the author feel when she left the shop?

A. Grateful. B. Satisfied. C. Worried. D. Regretful.

27. Why did the author hurry to her son’s classroom?

A. She went there to give her lesson.

B. She went to ask the teacher for help.

C. She was afraid of her son being punished.

D. She was invited to take part in the celebration.

28. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The teacher inspired Jeremy to share grapes.

B. Jeremy prepared for the coming party.

C. The author taught Jeremy to select goods.

D. The author helped Jeremy to become sociable.


While your pet fish may appear to be unaware of your presence, chances are that it knows you extremely well and can probably even identify you from a crowd of human faces!

To test if this was accurate, some scientists decided to study archerfish(喷水鱼). These animals don’t have a sophisticated(复杂的) brain that is necessary to recognize human faces. They began by presenting four archerfish with images of two human faces. Initially, the fish spit at both. However, they soon learned spitting water at the one selected by the researchers earned them a food treat. After that, they focused primarily on that image. The researchers then took the experiment one step further by introducing 44 other human faces to the mix.

To the researcher’s astonishment, the trained archerfish were able to recall the learned image almost 81% of the time. And this accuracy improved to 86% when the researchers made the identification even harder, by replacing the colored photos with a set of black and white images and hiding the shape of the head.

The results of the study suggest that though having tiny brains, archerfish may have developed high visual discrimination abilities. While it is contrary to the previous theory that a sophisticated brain is necessary to recognize human faces, the researchers believe they do not recognize faces by recalling complex facial information like gender and identity, but more likely by discriminating between detailed patterns. Even so, the fact that these archerfish could“ remember” those faces proves that they have an impressive memory for details that lasts much longer than the originally- thought 3 seconds!

This is not the first time researchers have realized how “smart” fish are. Previous studies have shown that fish can recognize those fish they have “socialized” with previously, and evener call complex 3D maps of their surroundings.

29. What encouraged archerfish to spit at the selected photo?

A. A reward. B. Another fish. C. The music. D. The color.

30. Why did the researchers test the fish with black and white images?

A. To help fish recognize more easily.

B. To prove fish can tell different colors.

C. To test whether fish like white or black.

D. To increase the difficulty of the identification.

31. How can archerfish recognize faces?

A. With a sophisticated brain.

B. Through a 3-second memory.

C. By distinguishing detailed patterns.

D. By recalling people’s facial information.

32. What can we infer from the text?

A. Fish are social animals.

B. The results are beyond people’s belief.

C. Fish have the ability to tell different shapes.

D. Fish are proved to be clever for the first time.


According to a study conducted in 2010, about 39% companies blocked employees access to Facebook. They think some employees spend their entire day sitting glued to Facebook, up dating and commenting, which has a negative effect on their work. However, their banning isn’t widely accepted. Some reasons are listed why employees should be allowed access to Facebook.

First, they think it’s essential to take a break after working for hours. Employees may beworking hard to find a particular solution, but cannot come up with anything. Browsing(浏览)through Facebook can help them get inspired to find solutions in a different way and be successfulat it.

Blocking access to Facebook means that the employer doesn’t trust the employees. People are dissatisfied with the company if they’re not allowed access to Facebook. In order to keep people productive, it’s essential that they are kept happy. Therefore, allowing access to Facebook means that the employees are given a certain amount of freedom and bear responsibility for their actions.

Today many companies have pages on Facebook which they use for spreading news and something about products. If Facebook pages are blocked in an office, how will employees like or share something from the company page? Employees can also interact with each other through Facebook. It creates a sense of bonding and they get along well with each other. Keeping in touch through Facebook helps in strengthening their relations.

As far as I’m concerned, whether an organization should ban Facebook depends largely onfactors like its culture, type of work, Internet policy, business goals, etc. As far as the employees are concerned, most of them will be in support of allowing access to Facebook. With the advantages, there are potential disadvantages and the organization should always give preference to the option which will work in its best interest.

33. What does the author want to say in Paragraph 3?

A. Allowing access to Facebook is helpful in building trust.

B. Employees are not happy without access to Facebook.

C. Blocking access to Facebook disables employees.

D. More freedom should be given to employees.

34. What use do many companies make of Facebook?

A. Communicating with other companies.

B. Selling their products online.

C. Promoting their reputation.

D. Strengthening employees’ relations.

35. What advice does the author give to those who ban Facebook?

A. Making Internet policy. B. Developing their culture.





第Ⅰ卷 阅读题(共70分)








A.“德”在儒家和道家眼中具有不同的内涵,儒家认为的“德”是以仁义为主要内 容的品德、德行之德。

B.庄子认为“德”既指淳朴的自然本性,又指具体事物的特殊规定性,老子基 本上也是这样看待“德”的。

C.在庄子看来,“名”是“德”的天敌,一个人若一味追名逐利,争强好胜,就会 让自己的“德”荡然流失。

D.庄子之所以重视“德”,强调“通于天地者,德也”,是因为他认为“德”无不来 源于具有普遍性的“道”。


A.在《齐物论》中,庄子讲“物固有所然,物固有所可,无物不然,无物不可”, 由此可见庄子对事物间差异的肯定。



C.站在“德”的角度看,物物皆不同,因为万物各有其本然,各有其长处,没 有哪一种事物无本然之态,无值得肯定之处。

D.若以“道”来观照世间万物,则会发现以多种多样的存在形态出现的万物其 实都是一个模式,万物的差别便不复存在。


A.有些学者认为庄子的“齐物”就是把人简单等同于物,这种观点一度存在, 或许是因为他们只看到庄子重视具体事物的特殊规定性。

B.庄子所谓“道通为一”,实质是一种“观法”,即看待世间万物不执着于对象的 不同,而注意于对象相互之间的联通性和整体性。

C.作者认为,齐物与物物不是矛盾关系,而是手段和目的的关系。只有齐物, 才能使人超然物外,做到物物而不物于物。





磨刀匠 李德霞












磨刀匠脸上一愣,停下筷子,笑笑说:“一个村里住着,咋不认识?兄弟也认识柳义?” 父亲摇摇头,咽下一口饭说:“我大儿子在县砖瓦厂上班,处了个对象,叫香香,就是你们沟里村柳义家的闺女。儿子托媒人去提亲了,可香香的父亲柳义不点头,这门亲事就定不下来呀""”







送走金先生,父亲却不敢回屋睡觉了,就搬了个凳子陪在磨刀匠身边,一直守到天大亮。 早晨,磨刀匠醒来,看见坐在身边打着盹的父亲,眼眶里闪烁起晶莹的光。母亲又特意给磨刀匠做了一碗香喷喷的鸡蛋面。磨刀匠再三推辞不过,就含着眼泪“吸溜吸溜”地 吃了下去。搁下碗,磨刀匠从口袋里掏出了五块钱,抖抖索索地递到父亲跟前。父亲一看,急了,一把挡回去说:“出门在外,谁没个难处?老哥,你这不是打我脸吗?”







磨刀匠嘿嘿一笑说:“她就是香香,你儿子的对象。香香今天来,是想认个门儿""” 父亲欢喜得直搓巴掌:“这么说,柳义答应这门亲事了""谢谢老哥!”







B.父亲招呼磨刀匠吃饭,他却“犹犹豫豫不肯上炕” 在父亲的催促下又“红了 脸” 这既表现了他感谢主人家留宿而不愿再添麻烦的心理,也显示出他对


C.从情节的发展来看,磨刀匠柳义来“我”家借宿是有意为之,他是为了女儿 的婚事,以“天色晚了,赶不回去”为由,特意来考察我们家的情况。

D.小说的情节自然绵密。如“磨刀匠又说:‘我回去跟柳义说说,这事应该能 成""’暗示了他应允了女儿的婚事;又如前文提到父亲跟磨刀匠唠大儿子


E.小说中的环境描写不多,而“乡村的夜晚静悄悄”一句却成为点睛之笔,它 不仅写出了乡村夜晚静谧安详的特点,还暗示着磨刀匠生病这一事件的发



6.关于小说的主人公,有人认为是“父亲” 也有人认为是“磨刀匠” 你认为呢?请 结合全文,谈谈你的看法。(6分)



我眼中的杨绛先生 铁凝

2007年1月29日晚,是我第一次和杨绛先生见面。在三里河南沙沟先生家中,保姆开门后,杨绛亲自迎至客厅门口。她身穿圆领黑毛衣,锈红薄羽绒背心,藏蓝色西裤,脚上是一尘不染的黑皮鞋。她一头银发整齐地拢在耳后,皮肤是近于透明的细腻、洁净,实在不像近百岁的老人。她一身的新鲜气,笑着看着我。我有点拿不准地说:“我该怎么称呼您呢?杨绛先生?杨绛奶奶?杨绛妈妈""”只听杨绛先生略带顽皮地答曰:“何不就叫杨绛姐姐?” 那一晚,杨绛先生的朴素客厅给我留下难忘印象。未经装修的水泥地面,四白落地的墙壁,靠窗一张宽大的旧书桌,桌上堆满了文稿、信函。沿墙两只罩着米色卡其布套的旧沙发,通常客人会被让在这沙发上,杨绛则坐上旁边一只更旧的软椅。我仰头看看天花板,在靠近日光灯的地方有几枚手印很是醒目。杨绛先生告诉我,那是她的手印。七十多岁时她还经常将两只凳子摞在一起,然后演杂技似的蹬到上面换灯管。那些手印就是换灯管时手扶天花板留下的。杨绛说,她是家里的修理工,并不像从前有些人认为的,是“涂脂抹粉的人” 我喜欢听杨绛先生说话,思路清晰,语气沉稳。虽然形容自己“坐在人生的边上”但情感和视野从未离开现实。她读《美国国家地理》,也看电视剧《还珠格格》,知道前两年走俏






2.5倍。这种塑料钞票( )





A.①② B.③④ C.①④ D.②③


向移动,能够正确反映这种变化的是( )

A.① B.② C.③ D.④

3.读下表,假定其他条件不变,2016年M商品的社会劳动生产率提高的比例和A企业1小时生产M商品的价值总量分别是( )

A. 20%、200元 B.25%、144元

C.25%、200元 D.20%、240元

4.9月1日是开学的日子,本来应该欢欢喜喜去学校,不少学生却犯了难。问及理由,是因为假期中,很多同学都有过出国游学的经历,开学后会三三两两聚在一起,聊出国的见闻和收获,这让没出过国的同学感到难堪、丢人。这一状况给学校和家长的启示是( )





A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④

5.随着人们的旅行需求变得更加个性、具体,当下只有旅行社才能委派导游提供服务的传统模式难以为继,海南三亚市正在试点线上线下相结合的导游自由执业模式,导游向通过网络平台或相关旅游机构预约其服务的消费者提供单项讲解或向导服务。这表明( )





A.①② B.③④ C.①④ D.②③{a10联盟2017届高三上学期联考}.

6.下图反映了我国2015年12月以来工业生产者出厂价格的变动趋势。根据图中的数据信息可以推断出( )



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