
small,talk,的英语作文 51talk无忧英语

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篇一:《small talk教学设计》

外研版选修6 Module 1 Small Talk


一、 Textbook analysis教材分析

本节课是外研版选修6 Unit 1 Small Talk的Introduction与Reading部分。这两部分介绍了Small Talk的定义和如何做好Small Talk的技巧。通过本单元的学习,学生应了解英语中Small Talk的重要性以及如何做好Small Talk。

二、 Teaching goals教学目标

1. Language goals知识目标

1) Important words and phrases重点词汇和短语

certain, confidently, embassy, excited, expect, favour, form, function, imagine, journey, lack, occasion, opinion, opportunity, positive, yawn, be nervous about

2) Important sentences重点句子

You needn’t worry about situations like these if you have good social skills. Always remember… you won’t impress people…

2. Ability goals技能目标

Enable the studentys to know more about social skills.

3. Emotion goals情感目标

Help the students learn how to use the social skills in communication.

三、 Teaching important and difficult points教学重点与难点

How to use the social skills in communication.

四、 Teaching methods教学方法

Scanning, skimming, careful reading and task-based activities.

五、 Teaching aids教具

A projector.

六、 Teaching procedures教学过程

Step Ⅰ Lead-in

T: Good morning, everyone!

S: Good morning, teacher!

T: Sit down, please! For this period, let’s look at the screen first.

(Show a flash on the screen, in which two people are talking.)

A: A nice day, isn’t it?

B: Yes. The sun is bright, but not so hot.

A: Mm. It’s quite a good day for outing. But I wonder if it will continue to the weekend.

B: So do I. Weather changes so quickly.

You see, it was raining yesterday.

A: You said it. Oh, look! Here comes the


B: Yes, let’s get on.

T: Now, let’s look at some questions on the screen.

1. Where does the conversation take place?

2. What’s the topic they talk about?

3. Is the topic important or not important?

4. Is the conversation serious or informal?

Sample answers:

1. At a bus stop.

2. Weather.

3. Not important.

4. Informal and friendly.

T: As for this kind of informal and friendly conversation about unimportant topics, we call it small talk.

T: As we can see, the topic of small talk usually comes unimportant, but small talk itself is very important. It can help us to make it easy to develop new friendships, and can also “break the ice” before important meetings or other events.

But not all people are good at doing small talk. It is difficult not only for English learners, but also for native speakers of English. Because making small talk means talking about everything, that means you should have a wide vocabulary in almost every topic. You may have good vocabulary in some topics, but as for some unfamiliar topics, your words will be limited. Therefore, some social skills for making small talk appear very important for us. So, in this period, we will learn some of the social skills.


此部分一方面旨在引出Small Talk的定义,使学生明白什么是Small Talk; 另一方面让学生明白Small Talk不仅是重要的,也是不容易做的,从而引出social skills在做Small Talk中的重要性,为本节课讲social skills打下铺垫。

Step Ⅱ Structure Analysis(3ms)

T: Open your books at page 2 and scan the text, that is, read the text quickly and divide the 8 paragraghs into 4 parts. I will give you only 3 mins to do this job. We can see the structure of this passage is very clear. It has introduction parts and some

we can see the importance of first paragragh and subtitles. They usually give the main idea of a passage or a paragragh. So, we must pay attention to them when we do reading exercies and writing compositions.



Step Ⅲ Skimming(1 min)

Skim the passage and decide what kind of book it is from. Choose from the list.

1. an English teaching book

2. a business course

3. a book which tells you what to do at social events

4. a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination

Answer: 3



Step Ⅳ Detailed-reading (6ms)

Read the passage again and answer the questions in Activity 3,page 3.


1. Yes, they should prepare some topics to talk about.

2. They are not impressive.

3. Look at your watch; yawn (sigh, look away, change the subject, finish other people’s sentences).

4. To show that you are listening.{small,talk,的英语作文}.

5. People like talking about themselves.


在掌握了文章的结构之后,便应该进行详细阅读了。通过详细阅读文章并回答相关问题,学生会对文章中所讲述的social skills有所了解了,这也是本课的中心内容。

Step ⅤSkimming

Task 1: Skim the passage and find out some examples of low-risk conversation openers.


● think of a recent news story—not too serious

● think of things to tell people about your stuedies

● think of “safe” things you can ask people’s opinions about

● think of topics that you would avoid if you were talking to strangers, and avoid talking about them

Task3: Skim the passage and find out some social rules in different cultures. ● on time

● gift for a party

● colour of gift

Some others

● age, politics, religion, death, financial(salary)


本部分旨在学生在大体上了解了social skills之后,对本文所提到的social skills 进行详细的回顾和再认,使学生进一步地理解并掌握这些social skills。

Step ⅥConclusion

Summarize the social skills of doing small talk.{small,talk,的英语作文}.

1. Be prepared before doing small talk

(low-risk conversation openers)

2. Develop your listening skills{small,talk,的英语作文}.

(do’s and don’ts)

3. Learn some social rules

(different cultures different social rules)


本部分旨在对本文所讲的social skills进行提纲性总结,便于学生记住这些social skills。

Step Ⅶ Speaking

Make up a small talk with what we have learnt in this period.

You may talk about the following topics: Sports, Hobbies, Weather, Family, Media, Food,

Holidays, Home town



Step Ⅷ Homework

Try to search more social skills of other countries, and share with yours classmates tomorrow.



篇二:《选修六 Module 1 Small Talk》

选修六 Module 1 Small Talk


In addition to the killed and wounded, many were missing.

除了伤亡之外, 还有许多人失踪.

In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.

课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外, 还提供实际操作的机会.

In addition, many farmers paid attention only to exploiting the land.

此外, 很多农民只注意使用土地.

In addition, all teachers and college students must participate in at least one basic computer course.

此外, 所有教师及大学生必须学习至少一门计算机课程.

She worked hard at her lessons and as a consequence got high marks.



9. The warning failed to sink in, and he got into trouble as a consequence.

他没理解那个警告, 因此惹上了麻烦.

As a consequence, he got the first place in this grade exam.

结果, 他在本次考试中获得了年级第一名.

We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide.


We tried to discourage him from going out in the storm, but he


我们试图阻拦他不要在暴风雨中外出, 但他还是不顾一切地出去了. Certain types of people will be sensitive to specific types of ( non – ) financial rewards.


A writer must not be too sensitive to criticism.


In copying this document, be careful not to leave out any words.

抄写这个文件时, 当心不要漏掉任何字句.

The editors decied to leave out this chapter to make the book shorter.


The Chinese teacher asked her to leave out the unnecessary words and sentences.


Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girls.


They're the first thing to disappear from bathrooms, apparently.


They're the first thing to disappear from bathrooms, apparently.


Well, the first thing to know is that prices are different from school to school.

那么, 你首先要知道的是学校与学校之间的收费是有差距的.

The first thing to catch your sight is the neatly arranged desks in the middle.


I didn't need to go to the bank I borrowed some money from Mary.


You didn't need to tell him the news; it just made him sad.

你无需告诉他这一消息, 那只会使他悲哀.

You needn't have done that! I'd already called one.

你其实用不着叫! 我已叫了一辆了.

I needn't have written to him because he phoned me shortly afterwards.


You needn't have watered those rose. It's going to rain son.

你本不用给那些玫瑰浇水的. 现在马上就要下雨了.

You needn't have told him the news; he knew it already.

你不必再告诉他这个消息, 他已经知道了.

He needn't have left home so early; the train won't be here for an hour.

他本来不必这样早离开家, 因为火车一小时内不会到达.

1. And they are easy to learn. 名 / 代词(主语)+系动词+形容词(表语) + 动词不定式(主动形式表被动意义)

2. Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours. 祈使句 + and / or + 陈述句的句型

3. I have a favour to ask. 动词不定式做定语(主动形式)

复习didn’t need to do 和needn’t have done(见教材第 6 页)

The teacher demanded an explanation for his absence from class.


He was desperately eager to be back after more than a week's absence from school.


The booking office sells tickets 3 days in advance.


There is no reason that you shouldn't tell them in advance when you are going.


If you had prepared in advance, you wouldn't be in such an awkward position.

如果你事先作好准备, 也不至于那么被动.

I'll show you how to get your money back anyhow.


The door was locked; we couldn't get into the room anyhow.

门锁着, 我们不论用什么办法也进不了房间.

As I waited, I became aware of something happening in the house.

我在等待的时候, 感觉到房子里发生了什么事.

We hope that you will not hesitate to make us aware of any shortcomings which you may find in this plan.


He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the



I have tried to discourage him from biting nails.


We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide.


The present welfare system often discourage poor family from finding work and getting off welfare.


He demanded an apology from me for calling him a crook.


You should make an apology to her for your carelessness.



6. I should offer her an apology for not going to her party.


I must offer him an apology for my rudeness last night.{small,talk,的英语作文}.


The machine will not function properly if it is not kept well – oiled.


Can you imagine a college graduate being that naive and innocent?

“ 你想,一个大学毕业生会那样天真幼稚 么 ?

Can you imagine finding out that your parents are not your parents?

你能想象当你发现自己的父母不是亲生父母时的感受 吗 ?

Can you imagine finding out that your parents are not your parents?

你能想象当你发现自己的父母不是亲生父母时的感受 吗 ?

I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with any one else.


We should seize every opportunity to get close to the masses.


I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose.

对不起, 我不是存心这么做的

Children are sensitive to disapproval and adjust their behaviour






A. put out; increase B. leave out; add

C. pick out; find D. knock out; choose


A. bother B. interrupt

C. disturb D. stop

3. (2011·江苏盐城中学一测) Under no circumstance, I was warned, to give the password to someone else.

A. could I B. I could

C. I was D. was I

A. be got along with B. getting along with

C. get on with D. get along

A. know B. imagine

C. realize D. find

A. a; an B. the; the

C. 不填; the D. 不填; an

A. should have taken B. could have taken

C. needn’t have taken D. musn’t have taken

A. In addition to B. In addition

C. In terms of D. In spite of

A. presentation B. application

C. qualification D. appreciation

11. (2010·陕西卷) His first book next month is based on a true story.

A. published B. to be published

C. to publish D. being published

A. or B. and C. but D. for

A. of solving B. in solving

C. with solving D. to solve


A. arrived B. arrives

C. to arrive D. arriving

A. As a rule B. As a consequence

C. In case D. As usual

选修六 Module 2 Fantasy Literature

Foreigners take some time to adjust to our way of life.


You must adjust yourself to new conditions.


He was the only one boy awake at that time.

篇三:《【2016走向高考】高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Small Talk 巩固 外研版选修6》

【2016走向高考】高三英语一轮复习 Module 1 Small Talk 巩固 外




1.A teacher shouldn't show too much f______ to one of her students.

2.________ (某些) problems can be solved by us alone.

3.Keys are available on ________ (申请) to our headteacher.

4.I'll have another o______ to visit the exhibition next year.

5.He felt safe now, and he spoke more ________ (自信地).

6.They are usual c________ visiting our store.

7.He was c______ when he was riding the bicycle.

8.You are a ________ (成熟的) man now; you are no longer a boy.

9.Often being late for class is his greatest s______.

10.Though he is rich, he is living in a ________ (简朴的) house.

答案:1.favor 2.Certain 3.application 4.opportunity

5.confidently 6.customers 7.cautious 8.mature 9.shortcoming 10.modest Ⅱ.完成句子


________________, parents should pay attention to the emotion and character of the children.


________________, he called his boss at once.


His car broke down on the way. As a consequence, he ____________________.


After the accident, all the friends tried ______________, but in vain.

答案:1.In addition to study 2.Aware of the seriousness of the problem 3.was absent from the meeting 4.to cheer him up




(1)________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

(2)________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

(3)________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


It was once reported that Sa Beining and Zhang Ziyi fell in love.

→Sa Beining and Zhang Ziyi ________ ________ ________ have fallen in love.

→________ ________ ________, Sa Beining and Zhang Ziyi feel in love.

答案:1.(1)Although Han Xue wore sunglasses, the reporters recognized her as soon as they saw her.

(2)Although Han Xue wore sunglasses, the reporters recognized her the moment/instant/ minute they saw her.

(3)Although Han Xue wore sunglasses, the reporters recognized her immediately/directly/ instantly they saw her.

2.were once reported to;As was once reported



1.闲聊对于很多人来说并不是件很轻松的事。(make small talk)

2.首先,词汇的不足导致了一些人完全停下不说。(lack of)

3.另外,很多人可能不知道跟不同文化背景的陌生人或熟悉的人交谈时什么话题是“安全的”,这也影响了闲聊的开展。(in addition,affect)

4.为了让闲聊顺利进行,花点儿时间,把经常在闲聊中提起的共同感兴趣的话题列成清单。(make a list of)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:

Making small talk is not a very easy task for many people. First of all, the lack of vocabulary leads to some people stopping speaking completely. In addition, many people may not know what topics are “safe” to discuss with strangers or acquaintances from a different cultural background, which affects small talk. Therefore, in order to keep small talk going on smoothly, take time to make a list of common interests that are often discussed when making small talk.






内容要求: 1. 简要描述漫画内容;

2. 简要分析产生这种现象的原因;

3. 针对以上现象谈谈你自己的看法(至少两点)



2.参考词汇:口罩mask; 雾霾haze


Recently, the air quality in China has raised widespread concern. As is indicated in the picture, an old man and his grandson are taking a walk in the street with masks covering their mouths. As the haze is becoming heavier and heavier, they find it hard to see the buildings and trees around them clearly.

The picture conveyed here is that air pollution is quite severe in China. Many factors account for this phenomenon. In the first place, vehicles sending large quantities of poisonous gases are a major source of air pollution. Furthermore, factories that release a great deal of smoke are also responsible for the poor air quality. Besides, burning materials like coal or oil for homes and offices is another major contributor to air pollution.

Personally, to better the air quality, the government and the

common citizens should make joint efforts. Riding and walking are wise options for public travels. Meanwhile, effective laws are supposed to be

made to guarantee good air quality. 一、向外国朋友介绍中国春节






参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker

How time flies! Four months have passed since we saw each other last time. I can’t help but miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I’d like to tell you something about it.




Your sincerely

Liu Hua


How time flies! Four months have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot help but miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I’d like to tell you something about it.

The Spring Festival, which falls on the first day of the first lunar month, is a

traditional festival celebrated by Chinese people worldwide. A few days before the festival, the houses are cleaned and the red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts.

On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year’s hard work begin to relax and visit one and another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy

reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country.

Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

二 、李华因考试不能赴约吃晚餐,写一封致歉信【书面表达】



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