
魅力泉州英语作文 介绍泉州的英语作文

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Located in the northsouth of Fujian Province,Quan Zhou is my beautiful hometown with many different culture getting together here.With an area of 11015 square km.The seaside city has a large population of 812 million.Its a ancient yet modern city.

The history of the city dates back to 3AD when the northern people settled in the area to get rid of the battle.During the Song and Yuan Dynasty,it had ever become the largest harbour in the world.And nowdays it has taken on a more brillient look in public.With the great-leap-foruard development,people there lead a better-being life blissfully.

As Quanzhou is called °the city of etythrinas±,on each side of the roads stand many etythrinas,which make the city juily and fresh.What more,there also exist many famous sights,such as Mt Qing Yuan which attact your attention.

No wonder its recognised as one of the most charming city in China.If you have a chance to come here ,I promise you will fall in love with it.

Quanzhou is one of the most exciting seaside cities with the population of more than 7 million. Located in the southeast of China, it is both ancient and modern with a long history and rich cuiture.

Quanzhou ia a time-honoured city of civilization and a famous hometown for numerous overseas Chinese. And it was an important centre for business and industry at Song Dynasty. It was also the largest port at Yuan Dynasty in east.

To be called the Museum of World Religions, there lives people from many different religion. Quanzhou have many religion buildings, including Kaiyuan Temple, which is a thousand year-old temple. The history of Kaiyuan Temple goes back in 686 in the Tang Dynasty. If you come to Kaiyuan Temple, you will feel the strong religion atmosphere. You will enjoy an special scenery there. Of couse , I believe Quanzhous beauty will attract you.

Quanzhou is a pleasant climate city. It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine . On a hot summer day ,you can go to the beach , enjoying the cool seawater. But you should listen the weather forecast, for Quanzhou is a typhoon pilosity area.

People in Quanzhou are hard-working and brave. Their hardwork and wisedom have brought great changes in Quanzhou in the recent years .Although the traffic is crowded in Quanzhou, people are still optimistic about the future of Quanzhou.

Quanzhou is a both ancient and modern city,which is located on the

southeast of Fujian Province.It has an area of about 11015 square kilometers,with a population of about 8120 thousand people.

The city called±the religious musem±contains vary religious culture.People with different religious belief,such as the Daoism,the Buddhim,have livedtogether in harmony.There also exist the truth that Quanzhou is the entrance of±the silk road of the sea±,which can date back to the Yuan Dynasty.There also lives the beautiful mountain called±Qingyuan±,from top of which we can enjoy the amazing view.The Kaiyuan Temple,the thousand-year-old temple,would make you surronnded by a rich cultural atmosphere. Another beautiful scenery,named as the western lack,can really give you a feast of eyes.

With the process of time,Great changes,absolution, have taken place in the past 20 years.As a result of the measures the government was takn,water courses are well managed.In addition,people have got rid of the problem of pollution.As we all deeply hope with the air fresher and the water cleaner,Quanzhou will become more and more attractive.

The Quanzhou City

Quanzhou lies in the southeast of China,which is part of Fujian Province .With a population of 812000,the unipue city has an area of 11015 square kilometers.

With a long and brilliant history,Quazhou is an old but famous city.What impress the world most is its transportation during the ancient time,especially the Song and Yuan Dynasties occurred the city,as it was a major harbour in the whole world then.

Having a deep cultural atmosphere,Quanzhou is sure to be a ideal place for visiting.One of its famous sights is Mt.Qingyuan,which attract a flood of tourists from all over the world.Its amazing top view and fresh air gain it a good reputation.Apart from this,Dongxi Tower,the witness of the citys long history,is worth seeing,too.If you like somewhere quiet,the Wenmiao where offent has smooth Nanyin performances will be the best choice.

As for climate in Quanzhou,it has large differences between seasons.The spring is always warm and rains so much that as if everything is just scoopped up from water.While in summer,with the highest temperature approching 35,youll feel you are in a steam box.Quanzhous autumn is always cool and sunny in most days.As for winter,the temperature is on an average of 7,however,the strong,cold and dry winds like shape knives are yelling all day around,which is enough to keep you home. With the development of economy,Quanzhou has had great changes in some ways.For instance,you can see many tall and new buildings stand in seaside zone.The level of peoples lives has been risen a lot as

well.Furthermore,citizens have pay more attentions to environmental problems,trying their best to get rid of pollution and making Quanzhou a developed as well as environmentally friendly city.

A Guide To Quanzhou

Have you ever been to Quanzhou? If not , I think it may be a big pity. Now,Ill introduce Quanzhou to you in detail.

Quanzhou lies in the southeast of Fujian province, with a population of 7.6 million. Located in seaside, Quanzhou is an important centre for business, and industry, playing a vital role in the whole province. Combining the modern with the traditional culture, Quanzhou has formed its unique culture feature. You can wander around Zhongshan Road to enjoy the traditional style of the architecture, which is called Qi Lou or walk through the wide road to feel the shock brought by the skyscraper. You can also enjoy NanYin performing while visiting Kongs Temple.

Besides, Quanzhou has plenty of famous sights, including Mt QingYuan, the temple of KaiYuan, XiHu Park, and the LaoJun Sculptures, ect. In a word, you would have an amazing view here, and feel closer with the nature. I promise you would be absolutely lost in the beautiful scenery. Thank to the good location, Quanzhou has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine. Its suitable for people to live. It has some of the best beaches, so you wouldnt miss this activities like swimming, diving, fishing, sailing and surfing.

The people in Quanzhou are a hard-working and brave people. Their hardwork and wisdom have contributed to the increasing of the economy. Peoples life has taken great changes in the past 30 years.

However, Quanzhous traffic doesnt doesnt run well. And the pollution are more and more seciously, luckily, government has taken actions to improve it. So I think Quanzhou will develop more beautiful and powerful.

Welcome to Quanzhou, you should never miss it.

Dear peter

I feel so glad that you are interested in my hometown,quanzhou. Now,let me tell you something about it.

Located in the southeast of fujian province, quanzhou is a beautiful city with an area of 11015 square km. it is a comfortable city for people







One possible version:

This is a map of my school. When you come into the school gate, you will see a tall teaching

building in the middle of the school. There are two flowerbeds on either side of the main road. On the left, there is a library building. On the right, there is an office building. A big playground is behind the teaching building. You can find a computer room next to the playground.

You can see many trees around the school. My school isn’t big but is beautiful. (80 words)

幸福是什么呢?是下雨时妈妈送来的一把伞.是难过时朋友安慰的几句话,是帮助他人后会心的一笑,还是?其实幸福很简单,幸福就在你身边。请你以“Happiness”为 题,写一篇英语短文,让我们分享你的感受。词数:80左右。 温馨提示:l、短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。 2、这些词汇也许对你有帮助:

umbrella (n. 雨伞),treasure(v. 珍惜),comfort (v.安慰),share (v.分享)



What is happiness? In my opinion, being with friends is happiness. Friends are just like sunshine. They warm my heart and light my life. When I'm happy, they laugh with me, and when I feel sad, they cry with me. If I need a hand, my friends are always right there by my side. I enjoy sharing my secrets and dealing with difficulties together with them. For these reasons, I think my friends are the source of happiness. To treasure friendship is to enjoy happiness.

(Words: 85)



Dad has been away from our city since he found a job in Guangzhou years ago. He seldom comes back home except Spring Festivals. I stay with Mom and Grandma in the countryside. They care for me a lot. When I meet something difficult, I prefer to

talk with Dad on the phone. Grandma also enjoys our chatting online. No matter where Dad is, my family is always full of happiness. How I wish next Spring Festival would come soon so that the whole family can get

相互学习是一种好态度、好习惯,它是我们共同进步的好方法。请以“Learn From Each Other”为题,写一篇英语短文,让我们分享你与他人互相学习的经历和感受。 温馨提示:1. 短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。


Learn From Each Other

I have a good friend . His name is Tom . We often learn form each other . My English was poor . I was worried about it . But Tom’s English is very good . So he help me with my English . So my English has improved a lot . But Tom’

s math was poor . So I ofen help him to work out the math problems .

We learn from each other and have fun together.

第五部分 书面表达(15分)

人人都应该会做一些家务,你会做些什么家务呢、今年暑假,你将帮家里做些什么,并谈谈做家务会带来什么益处?请你以“Help with Some House work”为题,写一篇90词左右的英语短文。






A life without a friend is a life without the sun. So everyone needs friends. If we want to have friends, we should learn how to get on well with others.

First of all, we should respect others. Everyone has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What’s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.

In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest way. I think we can get on well with others in these ways 4.读书篇-好书伴我成长

Growing up with good books

Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us cleverer and happier. What's more, it makes our work and study better.

However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or playing games on line. It takes up much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially the classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world.

As the saying goes "Books are the ladder of human progress". So let’s start reading now. And let it become a part of our life!

5.当今社会,学生遇害的事故频繁发生,因此作为学生的我们,应该学会如何自我保护。 (此篇也可以套用Safety must come first)

How to Protect Ourselves

Nowadays, a lot of accidents happen to students. What's worse, many students lose their lives in the accidents. So it's very important for us to learn to protect ourselves.


发,题目中要求“谈谈自己的感受”,要求考生应对日常生活有所体察,让考生在有限的时间里有话可说。 【备考策略】:1.写三段式 2.谋篇时能注意统一性与连贯性,能做到过渡自然 3.尽量写复合句,恰当地使用名言或谚语,使文章增添亮点 2015泉州质检满分范文

Learning Makes My Life Wonderful

Learning plays an important part in our daily life.

Last summer vacation, my parents taught me how to cook in detail. I listened to them carefully, and then I tried to do it by myself. At first, I didn’t do well in cooking, but after practice, I could make a dinner for my family. I felt so happy not only because all of them enjoyed the dishes, but also because I got a new living skill. Because of learning to cook, now I never worry about what to eat when I stay at home alone.

As the saying goes, it’s never too late to learn. So I’ll keep learning in order to make life wonderful. 点评:本文结构严谨,句式优美,前后呼应,紧扣主题,当同龄人一味埋头苦读时,或在埋怨学习很烦躁,很累人时,该考生却以异于同龄人的眼光表达自己的见解–学习做饭,并且用实际行动证明自己学习过程和亲身体验。因为学煮饭给考生带来的生活影响多多,现场的作文能够做到选词考究、过渡自然,足可见该考生平时用工之深,本文属于上等佳作。



Don’t waste any more

Food is important to us. It’s everyone’s duty to save food. But at school not everyone can realize this. Many students waste much food.

For example, some students buy more food than they need. They leave much on the plate and then pour it into the rubbish can. Some students even throw the food everywhere for fun. Our country is a developing county. In order to make China dream come true, we should save everything as well as the food in our life.

What’s more, lots of people are short of food in the world. They live a hard life and many of them, especially some children, die of hunger. We should have a good habit. Let’s take an action part together!

2.保持健康方法:(1)合理的饮食 (2)多做锻炼 (3)充足的睡眠 (4)学会放松

How to keep healthy

As we know, it’s very important to keep healthy. But how to keep healthy?

First, we should have a good diet. That’s eating more fresh fruit and vegetables, but less junk food. Second, exercise will keep us active and strong, so it’s good for us to take more exercise, such a s running, walking, ball games and so on. Third, staying up late is bad for our health. In order to have a good sleep, we had better go to bed early and get up early. At last, we ought to learn to relax ourselves by listening to music or chatting with others.

In short, to keep fit is not difficult if you care it a lot. 3.与他人友好相处(Be kind to others也可以套用此篇)

Get on well with others


First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially online. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we ought to eat healthily and safely. Besides, we shouldn’t crowd with each other when we go upstairs or downstairs. Last but not least, summer is coming, we must remember it’s dangerous to swim alone.

In short, everyone needs to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away from danger. Let’s start from today. 6.互联网

The Internet

As we know, the Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. On the Internet, we can read news at home and abroad and get as much information as we can. We often send e-mails to our family as well as to our friends. Besides, we can use the Internet to study and download useful information. We also enjoy movies and music on the Internet. Going shopping online is easy and interesting.

But not everything on the Internet is good for us students. If we spend too much time on the Internet, we won’t study well. So we must use it properly.

7.相信自己,不断努力,梦想就会实现!(此篇也可以套My Dream)

Believe in Myself

Everyone has his own dream, so do I.

I wanted to be a writer when I was very young. I dream of writing famous books which are popular with people. Some people may laugh at my dream but I believe if I keep my goal in my mind and practice reading and writing every day, my dream will come true in the future.

Maybe we can't get what we want at once. But believing in myself is the most important, it will make myself confident. Also, I must take actions and work hard for it from now on.. I am sure I will succeed at last.

8.经历了九年的学习和成长,,你对于好学生的理解是什么?你认为好学生应该具备怎样的条件和素质呢? 提示(学生需具备的素质):1.尊敬师长,礼貌待人 2.帮助他人,与同学友好相处 3.保护环境,不要踩踏草坪和乱扔垃圾 4.努力学习,学习他人的优点 【建设文明城市,作为学生的我们该怎么做也可套用】

How to Be a Good Student

Everyone likes to be a good student. So do I . But how to be a good student? Here is some advice .

First of all, we must respect our teachers and be polite to others. Second,we should help those who are in need and get on well with classmates. Third, protecting our environment is very important. We mustn’t step on the grass and throw litter around. Last but not least, study as hard as we can and try our best to learn from others who do better.

To be a good student is not so difficult. If we follow the above advice, we will do it.

9.时间都去哪儿了?这是许多成年人的感慨,也是一些中学生的烦恼,没有时间做作业,没有时间从事个人爱好….. 其实,时间就在我们的掌握之中,关键是能否合理利用。

提示(如何合理利用时间):1.学习方面:计划、听课、作业 2.爱好方面:类型、好处、时间 其它方面:交流……

How to spend our time properly

Where has our time gone? How should we spend our time properly?

As students, it is important for us to study, so we should make a plan for every day. Most of all, we should listen carefully in class. For homework, we need to make a list and work out how much time we need, and then finish them one by one. Hobbies are also important in our lives and different students have different kinds of hobbies. They can make us feel happy and confident. But we don't need to spend so much time on it. So we should achieve a balance between our study and our hobbies.

In other ways, we need time too. For example, we often spend a lot of time talking with our friends at lunchtime and watching too much TV at the weekends. If so, I'm sure we will live a happier school life.

10.生命的意义并不在于富裕, 物质上的虽然必要, 但是生活中有很多比挣钱更有价值的东西。

More to life than being rich

Money is really important to us all, and most o

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