
plant,plants,,或,plant,flowers英语作文 关于plant的英语作文

初中作文 zuowen 3浏览

【 – 初中作文】


Why Are the Plant Important

It is known to all that plants are of great importance to our lives .Human beings can't live without plants .First, most of them can absorb CO2 from the air and turn it into O2.It makes our air clean and environment better .Second ,plants can bring happiness to us .Take flowers for example ,they not only make us feel relaxed but give us a sense of beauty .Third , they offer us food and provide us with the resources that we need .In conclusion, plants are our friends ,they are good to humans, all of us should take care of them.

My favourite plant

My favourite plant is rose. Firstly, it's beautiful. It has many colours: red, blue, yellow..and it smells good. Secondly, it makes me learn something important, it has spine(刺),but its flower is still beautiful, that means the bad thing also has its beauty. Besides, rose is the symbol of love.

So I like rose very much!

第二篇:《Plant systems》

Plant systems



2. 能够通过调查,知道植物对人类的贡献。



重点:认识flower leaf stem roots seeds fruit plant system等单词。




1.Let us examine a plant.

2.Do you know what each part lf the plant is used for?

can you say which parts are more important than the others?



3.The various parts of a plant carry out different jobs or functions.

They work together to form a system..

A plant system is made up of different parts of a plant working together, each doing its own job.













Where do plants get their food from?

For many years,people had thought that plants got their food from the soil.Now we know that most plants make their own food.

Most of the food is made by the leaves of most green plants in a process called photosynthesis:


The leaves use the energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide from the air and water to plant food.

Carbon dioxide + water sugar(food) + oxygen + sunlight


The leaf is like a food factory , which uses sunlight , carbon dioxide and water to make food . Oxygen is given out during photosynthesis.


Do you mean to say that plants can make food simply by standing in the sun?

Yes,but they need water and carbon dioxide as well.




Leaves of different plants have different shapes and sizes, but are usually green.

On the surfaces of each leaf, especially the underside ,are tiny openings that allow air to enter or leave.

There are tiny tubes called veins running through each leaf. These veins take food made by

the leaves to the stem . Water and minerals also go to the leaf through these veins.


对生 互生 轮生




Do you know where the water and minerals come from?



Why can`t you make your own food by standing in the sun?













“The Enormous Turnip before? ”Why was it so difficult to pull the turnip out of the soil in the story?



Look at a big tree such as the angsana or yellow flame.What keeps the tree firmly on the ground even when rain beats on it and strong winds blow on it ?{plant,plants,,或,plant,flowers英语作文}.

Can you see the roots of this tree?The roots of a plant keep it firmly fixed in the ground or in posttion.The{plant,plants,,或,plant,flowers英语作文}.

roots anchor the plant to the ground.


Plants need water to make food during photosynthesis. They also need certain minerals for growth.Where do plants get their water and minerals from?

They get it from the soil.

The roots of a plant take in or absorb water and minerals from the soil and pass them to the rest of the plant. When we want a pant to grow well, we will add water and fertilisers to the soil in which the plant grows.


直根 须根


Most plants are grown in soil.

However ,in hydroponics,the roots lf plants are immersed in water which contains minerals.


第三篇:《广州版英语五年级上册 Module 3 Plant 综合复习》

M3 Plants

一. 学科特色:


【知识考点】现在进行时 一、现在进行时的含义与构成

1.含义:表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的 2.动作标志词:now, look, listen,It’s….


3.构成:be +V-ing 如: He is reading a book. 4.V-ing 变化规则:

①一般加 ing . 如: play—-playing watch—-watching ②以不发音的e 结尾,去e 加ing. 如: take—-taking come—coming ③ 重读闭音节结尾的单词(辅+元+辅),双写末字母+ing.如:run—-running 练习

1.写出下列动词的ing 形式.

1.help_________ 2.come_________ 3.swim_________ 4.eat__________ 5.give________ 6.find_______ 7.sit ________ 8.write________


1.肯定句: 主语+be +v-ing+其它. 如: I am reading a book.

2.否定句:直接在be后加not. 主语+be +not+ v-ing+其它.如: I am not writing. 3.一般疑问句及回答: be +主语+动词ing ?

问句, 直接把be提前,肯定回答:Yes,主语 +be ; 否定回答: No,主语+be+not。 如:—–Are you drawing ?

—–Yes,I am./No, I’m not. 汉译英


____________________________________ 2.他们正在打扫教室.



________________________________________ 4.他正在睡觉.


二. 作业讲评

1、作业讲评 2、Warming Up 1)单选

1. Mrs. Read ________ the windows every day. A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans

2. Tom is a worker. He ________ in a factory. His sisters _________ in a hospital. A. work/work B. works/work C. work/works 3. Don’t talk here. Grandparents_________.

A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep 2)填空

1. Tom ______________ (go) to school every day.

2. My father always ______________ (come) back from work very late.

3. Listen! Joan _______________ (sing) in the classroom. She often ______________ (sing) there.

4. ________________ your brother _______________ (know) Japanese? 5. Where _____________ you ___________ (have) lunch every day? 6. Look! Mary is ______________ (run) to her mother.


三. 内容呈现:

1. 教学重点:学生能掌握本模块的相关单词和短语。

2. 教学难点:区分现在进行时与 一般现在时 的 用法

3. 教学内容:

(1) 课内知识:

【知识考点一】 Can


(情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语 ) 1、 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)。

Can you lift this heavy box?(体力) Mary can speak three languages.(知识) Can you skate?(技能)

2、 表示请求和允许。

—–Can I go now?

—– Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

3、 表示客观可能性(客观原因形成的能力)。

This hall can hold 500 people at least.


4、表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。 Can this be true?

This can’t be done by him. How can this be true?

【知识考点二】 let’s运用 ( let’s +动词原形 )

例如: Let’s to the flower show . 动词go在let’s后要用原形。


(1)help+ V动词原形 (2) help+ with+ N名词

【知识考点四】关于形容词:am/are/is + 形容词(中文有个“的”就是形容词) 肯定句: I ready. 否定句: I ready.

【知识考点五】will / be going to 后面跟动词原形 “将要,会” You will go to school next week.

=I am going to school next week. ( be going to +地方 表示将要去哪里){plant,plants,,或,plant,flowers英语作文}.

I am going to swim tomorrow. I will go to swim tomorrow.

You will = You’ll 你将

* must、may、can后面跟动词原形。 I must get home now. I can swim.

May I call you this evening?{plant,plants,,或,plant,flowers英语作文}.

(2) 初考题/中考题/高考题链接: 一、按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。(10分)

1. one(序数词) ________ 2. you will(缩写形式) __________ 3. go (三 单) ________

4. sheep (复数) _________

5. Feb. (完整形式) _________ 6. write (现在分词)__________ 7. child (复数) ________ 8. picture (同义词) _________ 9. for (同音词)_________ 10. close (反义词) __________

二、找出不同类的词,把它的字母编号写在相应的括号内。(10分) ( )1. A. Mary ( ) 2. A. forty ( ) 3. A. leg ( ) 4. A bun ( ) 5. A. listen

B. June B.third B.foot B. chips B. give B. turtle

C. April C. twelfth C. robot C. coke

D. March D. eighth D. hand D. toast D. eat D. monkey D. weekend D. winter D. count D. Sunflower

C. cartoon C. frog C. Friday

( ) 6. A. animals ( ) 7. A. Sunday ( ) 8. A. term

B. Monday B. summer B. never B. lily

C. autumn C. often C. tulip

( ) 9. A. seldom ( ) 10. A. banyan 三、选择正确答语。(10分)

A. When do you eat your breakfast? ( )May is playing with them. ( )My birthday is in May. ( )Because I can fly kites. ( )It’s Nov.4th ( )I eat breakfast at 7:00 ( )Yes, please.

B. Which season do you like best? C. When is your birthday?

D. Why do you like spring? E. What’s the date today?

F. Can I take some water here?

G. Does Tom usually read books? ( )No,they aren’t. H. Are they skating?

( )Yes,they do. ( )Yes, he does. ( )I like summer best.

I. Do the children plant trees in spring? J. Who’s playing with the pupils?

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