【 – 初中作文】
夏风怡人,蛙鸣阵阵, 蓝天白云,几只飞鸟留在鸟掠过。“姐姐那边,那边有桑葚,看当我在皱着眉头辛辛苦苦背 书时,妹妹欢快得像一只小马驹向我跑来。手中还拿着一个向我炫耀。“真的,此话当真?” 我一听,放下手中的书,撒起脚丫顺着妹妹跑,把她远远地甩在了后面。直到跑到尽头,我 猛地发现跑过头了。话说这条田间小路还真是崎岖啊,一路颠簸着过来,也没发现什么异常。 “姐,你可真够笨的,这儿呢!”妹妹站在一棵树旁偷笑。我顿悟,又立马折回。这课桑树 在我眼中,除了比别的数多些桑葚,好像没啥不同。“还愣着干嘛,帮我够那个黑的!”我 真受不了妹妹的指使,对她做了个鬼脸;“要摘自己摘!”哈,虽然我是“近视一族”,但 也不至于一个都看不到吧!
我一边给自己打气,果不其然,找到不少呢!渐渐的,桑 葚减少,减少远远地,瞥见一个紫黑紫黑的,无奈离我远了些。原来这地方有些草堆, 我站在上面,伸手想够到,但再往前些,就是水坑。就在踌躇之际,妙计顿生。{作文记忆中的蓝天白云}.
我先 是拽着那根有桑葚的树枝,对妹妹说道:“快,往后拽,使出吃奶的劲!”尽管不情愿写满 了她一脸,但妹妹还是照做。为了那让人垂涎的桑葚啊——两人几经周折“姐妹齐心, 其利断金。”终于成功了。正当我喜滋滋的捧在手里看时,却被妹妹眼疾手快,夺去了。这 回倒好,到轮到她对我做鬼脸了,(好吧,暂且收回刚才那句话)“你可真小气,我自己找去!” 我气呼呼地对她说。很快,我的口袋逐渐鼓起来,但个头都挺小的,像营养不良似的。满树 的桑葚最多也不过20 来个,但近接一半是红色的。
尽管之前,妹妹就提醒我红色的 不能吃,属于未熟型。可在好奇心的驱使下,摘了一个半红半黑半紫的。岂知未待咬碎,我 以迅雷不及掩耳之速吐了出来,又酸又涩。姐妹俩瞪着一棵树瞅半天,沉默良久后,妹妹忍 不住说:“我找你摘,找到两个的话,一人一个。”我寻思这不错。可惜妹妹又找了一个靠 水坑的。对此,我特地去找了一根树枝,量了量,并不宽。万一掉下去不会咋的。
我猛烈地 摇晃着桑树,还真有点晃摇钱树的感觉。但此刻,我只要桑葚。我要带给我可亲可敬的同学, 朋友、好吧还有自己。想到这儿,我决定冒一次险,还是我妹拽着我衣服向后拉。我左手拽 着树枝,右手趁机拿桑葚。不料太过用力,手中的桑葚已被捏碎。再加上妹妹毫不知情,一 个劲的往后拽,手臂上被树枝划了一道近10 厘米的伤疤,(还好不疼),摔倒了草堆上。
正在我惊魂未定时,我拍拍屁股,正想站起来,感觉不大对劲儿。悲惨的一幕终究还是发生 了,原来裤口袋的桑葚几乎都被压坏了。盛怒之下,一口气”猪八戒吃人参果“的阵势,全部消灭了阳光味道桑果汁!{作文记忆中的蓝天白云}.{作文记忆中的蓝天白云}.
On Mulberry composition: in memory of mulberry
Author: Chen Xingyu
Summer Fengyi, frogs bursts, the blue sky and white clouds, a few birds remain in the birds flew. "Sister there, there are mulberry there, see when I'm frowning hard back book, sister happy like a pony came running to me. ,stretched out his hand to reach, but to some, is a puddle. In hesitating, inspiration dunsheng.
At first I pulled the roots of mulberry branches, the sister said: "fast, pulled back, with all her strength!" Although reluctant to write full in her face, but my sister does it. For the coveted mulberry ah — two people after many setbacks "sisters together, breaking the benefits." Finally succeeded. As I held in my hand when I look happy, but sister shoukuai eye diseases, killed. This back to back, to turn to make faces at me her, (well, ,for the time being to recover just the phrase) "you can really stingy, I find myself to!" I angrily said to her. Soon, my pockets drum up gradually, but was very small, like malnutrition like. A tree full of mulberry and no more than 20 to one, but the near half is red.
Although before, sister reminded me red can not eat, belongs to the immature type. Can be driven by curiosity, picked 1.5 red half black half purple. Know not to bite, I with lightning speed spit it out, sour and astringent. The sisters to stare at a tree at the half of the day, after a long silence, my{作文记忆中的蓝天白云}.{作文记忆中的蓝天白云}.
sister could not help but say: "I find you pick, find two words, one." I thought it a good. But sister got on a puddle. In this regard, I went to find a stick, measured, not wide. If the fall do not. I shook violently mulberry, also really a little Akira Qian Shu feeling. But now, as long as I am the mulberry. I want to bring my amiable and respectful of the classmate, friend, OK still oneself. Thought here, I decided to take a risk, ,or my sister took my clothes pull back. My left hand pulled the branches, the right hand took the opportunity to take mulberry. But too hard, the hands of the mulberry have been crush. Plus sister knew nothing, a strength of pulled back, on the arm be branches made a nearly 10 cm scar, (but not hurt), fell down the hay.
I was rocky, I clap bottom,, just want to stand up, the feeling is not right. The tragic scene eventually still happen, the original pants pocket of mulberry was almost crushed. In a fit of rage, breath "pig eating ginseng fruit" of the battle, the eradication of all the taste of sunshine of mulberry juice!
2005年1月1日 星期六