
communication,problems作文 communication作文500

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篇一:《Communication problem》

Communication problem

Communication isthe bridge that makes people know more about each other.However,it can never be denied that there are always some communication problems between us more or less.I take it for granted that the generation gap always exists between our parents and us.

Walking in my memory lane,I can recall one thing to illustrate my point of view.In a snowy day,I selected a beautiful skirt to wear rather than warm cotton-padded clothes,which is criticized by my mother.Shesaid,warm is something,charm is something more.you want to be more charming rather than be warming.Her words completely aroused my anger.I stormed,“it’s none of your business”.I knew it really hurt her feelings.Nevertheless,I still did it.Afterthat,I thought about it and understood her,which made me very heart-struck.as the consequence of which,I daren’t face my hearts.I was unwilling to apologizing to my mother although I knew I was wrong,because of which,the generation gap between us became more and more serious. How

does generation gap come into being? The first reason is that the two generations have grown up in different ages, thus they have different attitudes toward life. Secondly, due to having little in common with each other, they are unwilling to sit down and talk face to face. Besides, as modern life is so stressful, both of them are so busy with theple should on no account neglect their communication with their parents,in which way,I believe you can achieve a great relationship with your parents.

To sum up,the great relationship results from good communication.I believe you will obtain a good relationship if you communicate enough with your parents.Best wishes to you!

篇二:《武汉大学研究生英语作业 My ideas about Intercultural Communication 作文》

My ideas about Intercultural Communication

Communication exists everywhere, no matter what you do, you just can’t avoid it. People give messages and get understand and have a exchange by languages, gestures and so on——they are all communications. People are born to communicate, though someone refuses to admit it. Culture plays an important role in communication. People from different cultures may have diverse thoughts, reactions which are influenced by their own culture profoundly.

As life changes with each passing day, people get more opportunities to communicate with foreigners, then problems appear——people can’t catch every meaning precisely from each other, so attention is forced to be paid to intercultural communication. We can infer from these days’ studies: intercultural communication occurs when people from different cultures exchange verbal and nonverbal messages. Once you chat with a person from different culture which you don’t know well, you may quickly realize that how distinct the ways of thinking, chatting, and acting you have. Maybe we can call it the “personality” of a culture, one special thing that people must carefully cope with, for unsuccessful intercultural communication usually resulted in unsuccess.

As culture shapes people’s life, words of good will from you may turn to a terrible abuse, a friendly gesture may turn to thorough contempt. To experience a comfortable intercultural communication, the following tips are to be kept in mind. First, every culture has its dignity. Don’t be too pride of your own culture, you can never get too much knowledge about a different culture. Second, irritability leads to unsmooth communication. Try to see the bright side and try to clear up a misunderstanding, irritability can solve nothing at all. Third, develop a thinking method of a different culture. As one masters a foreign{communication,problems作文}.

language and gets much information about the cultural background, thinking just like a foreigner is hard to realize, though, one can generally imitate the thinking way, which may go a long way.



Put Down Your Smartphone 拒绝成为手机「低头族」

It is often said that smartphones have made our lives easier. Thanks to these handy devices, we can take our work with us anywhere. However, this isn’t necessarily a good thing.



A recent survey found that two-thirds of officeworkers continued to work on their smartphones outside office hours. These so-called “screen slaves” are glued to their smartphones on the way home and at home. This can lead to health problems. For example, using a smartphone on the train or sofa can cause back and neck pain. What’s more, looking at a small screen for a long time can cause vision problems.


In Taiwan, there was even a man who lost the use of his index finger because he played games on his smartphone for up to six hours a day. People who use their smartphones too often also complain of headaches, increased stress, and losing sleep at night. So perhaps we need to learn to be less dependent on our smartphones, and put them down once in a while.



handy adj.便利的

The repairman takes his handy tools with him everywhere he goes. 这位修理工不论到哪里都随身携带他的便利工具。

survey n.调查研究

A survey found that there were about 900 homeless people in the city.


so-called adj.所谓的

So-called “card slaves” work just to pay off their credit card bills. 所谓的「卡奴」工作只为了要偿还卡债。

vision n.视力

Bill’s vision isn’t so good, which is why he wears contact lenses. 比尔的视力不好,那是为什么他要戴隐形眼镜的原因。

headache n.头痛

After a long day of studying, Jack had a headache.


dependent adj.依赖的{communication,problems作文}.

Most teens are dependent on their parents for money.



necessarily adv.必定;必然地

index finger n.食指{communication,problems作文}.


Can you live without a mobile phone? It is indeed difficult to live without a mobile phone as it helps us in day-to-day activities. I cannot live without a mobile phone. Today's generation uses mobile phones for chatting, surfing and playing games. They don't use the mobile phone for the real purpose. I admit that living without a mobile phone is extremely difficult but I

can live without addicting apps like Facebook, Twitter etc. The iPhone is a gadget that is encouraging to use social apps and addicting games. These gadgets though facilitate our work but are making us their slaves. For example, if a person's iPhone is not working properly, he will be filled with anger. As new technology is creating new gadgets, so are people raising new demands. They also hamper academics. Buy a mobile phone but use it for something productive.


Can you live without a mobile phone? I have heard a beautiful poetry, written by a novelist, Amy Cheung. With a little adjustment, it can vividly depict the alienation among people in reality – "The further distance in the world is not between life and death. But when I stand in front of y

ou, your eyes turn to your smartphone; don’t know that I love you."The smartphone has been gaining a great popularity, becoming a toxic【toxic有毒的】 compulsion【compulsion难以克制的欲望】. It has invaded 【invaded侵略】 our lives andoccupied all our interstitial 【interstitial空闲】time . It is so commonly seen that the smartphone addicts attend to their phone, ignoring everything. Even meeting with friends, they often pull out the phone in order to take a photo, check a message or even play with a game. Seeming connected with the whole world, they have actually fiddled the conversation and done harm to the relationship.It is high time that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish 【cherish珍爱】 the ones around us and appreciate the splendid scenery ahead of us. 范本4


Can you live without a mobile phone?

篇四:《高一英语作文:The problems with our parents》

高一英语作文:The problems with our parents

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries.

Come on, my friends, it is not a big deal and there is no need for you to be worried about it, because with proper ways you will get rid of your trouble easily. Here is my advice:

To start with, you should understand your parents. Whatever you do, they only want to take good care of you. On the other hand, you ought to know the reason that they often do that. In my opinion, the reason is that your parents want to know more about you in order to make sure you are not getting into trouble. Last but not least, you must find the ways of solving the problems. Of course, I strongly believe one of good methods is to build trust between you and your parents. At the same time, what's the most important is that you should communicate with them regularly. Only by communication, will you make your trouble gone.

Thank you!

篇五:《英语作文Modern Technology Convenience or Problem》

Modern Technology: Convenience or Problem? With the development of economy, the modern technology becomes more and more important in our daily life. It has changed our lives very much.

Actually, the modern technology brought great convenience to us. We can see it everywhere in our daily life. For example, mobile phone is very representative in those modern technology things. It becomes more and more popular in our country. In our college, every student has their own mobile phone. You can see that students use them everywhere. Mobile phone made our communication more convenient. We can keep in touch with our families and friends with them. Every week, I would give a call to my parents and get some information about my family. We can also let somebody know some emergency in time. It will save much time to us. Nowadays, playing mobile phone in the internet becomes more and more popular. We can know some information and chat with friends in it.

The modern technology brought great convenience to us. But it also brought some problems to us. We can still talk about the mobile phone. Although it made our life convenient, it has bad influence to us. Some people would be addicted to it and play it day and night. It affected our study, work and communication. Furthermore, mobile phone would produce harmful radiations and do harm to our health.

The modern technology has advantage and disadvantage. What will it take to us, convenience or problem? It depends on what we do.


Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?

The First Place I Will Show in My Hometown—the Central Avenue

My hometown is Harbin. The most interesting place which I would like to take my foreign friends to is the Central Avenue, if they come to my hometown. The reasons for this can be illustrated as below.

To begin with, as the symbol of Harbin, the Central Avenue not only has a long history, but also a famous food palace. There are a variety of delicious foods for you to choose. Just take the ice-cream brick of Ma Dieer as an example. Many of tourists to the Central Avenue sing their praises for the ice-cream brick of Ma Dieer. In addition, the brilliant historic culture of the Central Avenue can widen people’s vision and enhance their knowledge, which lays a solid foundation for the understanding of this fabulous city—Harbin.

I believe my foreign friends will enjoy themselves in the Central Avenue. Not only can they appreciate the wonderful landscape of Harbin but also taste authentic northeast food. No better place can be chosen than the Central Avenue!


The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of communication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.

As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.

To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.

It is frequently observed that many people keep looking down at their mobile phones whatever they are doing. It is true that mobile phones have brought great convenience to us as we can send short messages, check e-mails, surf the Internet, or watch videos almost anywhere. However, the overuse of mobile phones also leads to some serious problems.

The over-dependence on mobile phones can harm the relationship among friends and family. With mobile phones, people do not talk as much as before. For example, sometimes at dinner tables, instead of chatting and laughing with each other, many people choose to chat with other friends online. In other words, mobile phones help people contacting friends far away more easily at the expense of reducing the communication with those who are sitting right next to them.

In conclusion, mobile phone can be a useful tool in modern life, but overusing it damages interpersonal relationship. There is no point to lose our intimacy with friends and family to modern technology.


版本一作文要求:You should start your essay with a brief account of The impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.(120-180words){communication,problems作文}.

参考文章:The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of communication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.

As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.

To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.

版本二作文要求:You should start your essay with a brief account of The increasing use of mobile phone in people`s life and then explain the consequences of overusing it .(120-180words)

参考文章:It is frequently observed that many people keep looking down at their mobile phones whatever they are doing. It is true that mobile phones have brought great convenience to us as we can send short messages, check e-mails, surf the Internet, or watch videos almost anywhere. However, the overuse of mobile phones also leads to some serious problems.

The over-dependence on mobile phones can harm the relationship among friends and family. With mobile phones, people do not talk as much as before. For example, sometimes at dinner tables, instead of chatting and laughing with each other, many people choose to chat with other friends online. In other words,

mobile phones help people contacting friends far away more easily at the expense of reducing the communication with those who are sitting right next to them.

In conclusion, mobile phone can be a useful tool in modern life, but overusing it damages interpersonal relationship. There is no point to lose our intimacy with friends and family to modern technology.

版本三作文要求:You should start your essay with a brief account of The impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why education doesn`t simply mean learning to obtain information (120-180words)

漫画对白:Once I learn how to use google, isn't that all the education I really need?

参考作文:In the age of knowledge explosion, the Internet opens a magical portal for leaners to get access to seemingly incessant information. But is information equal to knowledge? “Once I learn how to use google, isn't that all the education I really need?” This question fully embodies the prejudiced opinion that as long as people acquire abundant information, they will get proper education.

The reason why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information is that education is not limited to the hard facts or theories students can learn from their textbooks or the Internet. It relates to a wider scope ranging from the obtainment of practical skills to the development of characters, which are hard for students to learn simply by googling. Consequently, comprehensive learning in schools that includes learning knowledge, conducting experiments and communicating with peers is what true education is.

In a word, the Internet does provide valuable information for learners, but people should be fully conscious of the essence of education and learn to tell the right from the wrong.

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