
安徽中小学教师招聘历年真题 2015安徽教师招聘真题

节日作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 节日作文】



Ⅰ. 单项选择题(共10题,每小题1分,共10分)

1. We now face an embarrassing___d___:should we stay or go?

A. circumstance B. expectation C. Enquiry D.dilemma

2. ___c___ a child and you well find that he is happy every day in whatever he does.

A. Observe B.To observe C.Observe

3. Bob’s very__a____.He does all the add jobs around the house.

A. practical B.clever C.cautious D.careless

4. This is a binding contract__c____we recommended that you review it with a lawyer.

A. Furthermore B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. careless

5. We thought that__a____we were in the area.we’d stop by and visit them.

A. Where B.since C.unless D.until

6. ——Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Beijing this morning.

——Really?She___c___the 9:00 train.It’s more comfortable and safer to travel by train.

A. Could take B.must take C.could have taken D.must have taken

7. It has long been recognized, that cultural variables influence the way children understand the world present themselves, and ______ experiences.

A. interpret B. reproduce C. create D. Explain

8. Every culture has its own body language ,and one absorbs its meaning along with __c____ language.

A. Literal B. hang C. signal D. spoken

9. Beng a boy’s book specially written for adults, __b____is Mark Twain’s most representative Work ,describing a journey doum the Mississippi undertaken by Huck and Jim.

A. Innocent Abroad B Adventures B. Adventurer of Huckleberry Finn

C. life on the Mississippi D. Then gilded Age

10. “If winter comes ,can Spring be far behind ?” is an epigrammatic line by _d_____.

A. J.Keats B. W.Wordsworth C. W. Blake D. P.Shelleyan

Ⅱ. 单项选择题(共20题,每小题1分,共20分)

Being aloud and silent reading are two different types of reading practice,Each has a function in the teaching of reading and should not be ___ by the other ,However ,We need to be aware when We should use them .When We _talk about__ teaching reading or developing reading skills,We are mostly referring to Silent reading To develop __proficient_ readers in a foreign language,silent reading activities must be given enough__attention_ and tine in class with the proper gardance from the__teacher_,Reading alound has its particular__value_ for our students who are leaning English as a foreign language _it__ can help them acquire good pronunciation and intonation ,_ familiarize __them with new works and the stress patterns of Enlish ,help_bulid up__ their Confidence in speaking the language ,Therefore,opprtunitise should be __available _for students to read aloud only after they have Conperhension Can be very___ and it Can easily destroy their self-confidence,With___ reading,it sets up a poor feading model for other sthdents as well,It is___that we first help students learn the text through___reading activities .and the with Comrehension we give our students practice by using an audie tape to ___ a good moded for practicing reading alound .With adequate ___,We may ask the students to read aloud to the whole class to _boost__ their motivation and confidence,By asking the students to read aloud,it is also a good Chance for the teacher to ge t__feedback_ on the students’Comprehension as we can notice _whether__there are wrong pauses or mispronounced words which indicate possible difficules or misunderstanding of the text.

11. A. eserided B .provided C. Explained D. replaced

12. A.work out B.run into C.talk about D.take on

13. A.proficient B.enjoyable C.considerat D.straightforward

14. A.money B.cottention C.sacifice D.burden

15. A.collage B.teacher C.heamaster D.actor

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共12题,每小题2分,共24分)


Primary education is compulsory in Britain .It begins at five in Great Britain and four in Northern Ireland .All children have to attend primary school and gloy finish their primary education at the age of 11.In addition have to many state primary schools which don’t ask their pipits to pay fees, there are also some fee paying independent primary schools. The most famous fee paying primary school are the paratory schools which admit children from 7 to 13 years old.

Primary schools are almost mixed sex and usually located close children’s home. Chlidren tend to be with the came group though the day and come teacher has responsibility for must of the work they do. But parents are strongly encouraged to help their children, particularly with reading and writing, and small amounts of homework are to all children after school

Scotland has its own qualification framework that is separate from that in England, wales and Northern Ireland. After seven years of primary education and four years of compulsory secondary education, students aged 15 to 16 may take the Scottish Certificate of Education is recognized through out the UK as the equivalent to A-levels and is usually the entry qualification for university

British universities are funded directly by central government grants. They enjoy complete academic freedom, appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degree. Admission is by selection on the basis of A-level results, school

references and an interview. Higher education in Britain is not compulsory and students would have to pay fees, but the government would give students financial help if they need the help. There are some 90 universities, including the Open University in Britain. The most famous ones are Oxford and Cambridge. There is also the Open University which is “open” to all that want to continue to study, mainly adult students.

31. The first paragraph function is___.

A. a review B. a comment C. an introduction D. an explanation

32. Students are expected to complete primary education at the age of ___.

A. 11 B. 13 C. 15 D.16

33、Which of following is TRUE?

A. It is easier for Scottish students to enter university without A-levels.

B. Central government offers fund to British universities directly.

C. Scottish Certificate of Education is partially recognized in the UK.

D. Scottish Certificate of Education is partially recognized in the UK.

34. We can learn from the last paragraph that___.

A. students with financial problem are rejected by universities.

B. Open University is available to everyone except adult students.

C. British universities have all the rights on academic affairs.

D. British government determines the appointment of university staff. B

The authors of the study,released Thursday on the seventh anniversary of the sept 11 attacks,said that despite years of government efforts to enhance disaster preparedness。schools need to do more to plan for disasters and parents need to be made a ware of the plans。 Among parents of school-age children,45 percent said they do not know the location where their children would be evacuated as part of the school’s disaster plan。“there should be an outer’y from parents to push their schools and their school districts to develop a plan that makes sense 。”said Irwin Redlener ,president of the children’s health fund 。

The federal department of homeland security has allocated billions of dollars to help state and local government set up disaster contingency plans 。but just 44% of the u。s。residents surveyed this year said they have all or some of the basic elements of a disaster preparedness plan,including food ,water,a flashlight with extra batteries and a meeting place in case of evacuation。

Parents said Thursday they were not surprised by the finding that most of them would disregard evacuation orders and pick up their children 。 Diana Enen,a mother or three said ,”as a mom,you wouldn’t be able to keep me away from picking up my children ,my first instinct would be to get them at all costs,I would literally run the entire distance to get them,I believe most parent would feel the same。”

35. what would most U。S。parents do in a disaster ?

A. they ignored orders to reunite with their children

B. they would try all they can to hinder the traffic

C. they would like to help police deal with traffic congestion

D. they blamed school for the terrible disaster preparedness pan。

36. We can learn from the second paragraph that _____________

A. Parents care little about the disaster plan

B.There is an outery to enlarge school districts

C.Schools should do more in the disaster preparedness


2014 年安徽中小学教师招聘考试小学数学真题一、选择题 1、一根 8 米长的绳子,先剪下绳子的 A、7 米 B、2 米 C、 D、0 米 2、因数 865.2 与因数 68.9 的积是(B A、5961.228 B、59612.28 C、596122.8 D、934.1 3、在五位数 213()0 的括号里填一数字,使它能同时被 2、3、5 整除,填法总数是 ( D ) A、无数个 B、2 C、3 D、4 4、把 20 克盐融入 200 克水中,盐与盐水的比为( D ) A、1:10 B、10:11 C、20:200 D、1:11 5、服装店销售某款服装,一件服装标价 280 元,若按标价的八折销售可获利 60 元,则这 件服装每件的标价比进价多( C ) A、60 元 B、80 元 C、116 元 D、224 元 6、直线 x+y+1=0 与圆 x2+y2+2x-4y=0 相交所得弦长是( B ) A、 B、 C、1 D、2 7、从正六边形的 6 个顶点中随机选择 3 个,则以它们为顶点的三角是正三角形的概率是 ) ,再剪下米 ,还剩( C )

( B ) A、 B、 C、 D、 8、《义务教育数学课程标准》提出“数感”感悟的主要对象是( D ) A、数与数量、数量关系、口算 B、数与数量、数量关系、笔算 C、数与数量、数量关系、简便运算 D、数与数量、数量关系、运算结果估计 9、《义务教育数学课程标准》提出的课程目标包括通过义务教育阶段的数学学习,学生 能养成良好的学习习惯,良好的学习习惯主要是认真勤奋、独立思考、合作交流和( C ) A、反思质疑 B、坚持真理 C、修正错误 D、严谨求实 10、《义务教育数学课程标准》提出应当注重发展学生的数感、符号意识、空间观念、几 何直观、数据分析观念、运算能力、推理能力和(C A、探究性学习 B、合作交流 C、模型思想 D、综合与实践 #p#副标题#e#二、填空题 11、在□,○,○,△,□,○,○,△,□,○,○,△,□,……中,第一个图形□和第 49 个图 形之间共有○的个数是 ______24____ 12、有三个数 a,b,c,且 a+b=7,b+c=8,a+c=9,则这三个数的积为___60___ 13、已知向量 a、b,|a|=3,|b|=6,且 a、b 的夹角为 120°,则(a+b)2= ________ 14、 _________ )15、《义务教育数学课程标准》在各个学段中安排了四个部分的课程内容“数与代数”、 “图形与几何”、“统计与概率”、“综合与实践”。其中“综合与实践”内容设置的目 的在于_________ (1)培养学生综合应用有关知识与方法解决实际问题 (2)培养学生的问题意识、应用意识和创新意识

(3)积累学生的活动经验 (4)加强学生知识与技能的熟练程度 (5)提高学生解决实际问题的能力 #p#副标题#e#三、解答题 16、“中国梦”合唱汇演中,合唱队有 30 名小演员。她们的身高情况如下表: 身高(厘米) 146 147 150 151 153 155 人数 3 3 6 6 9 3(1)求合唱队小演员的身高的众数、中位数、平均数 (2)求身高大于平均身高的演员占全体合唱演员的百分之几? 17、如图所示,将若干张完全相同的长为 20cm 的长方形纸条粘合在一起,每增加一张纸 条,其粘后的长度就增加 dcm。(1)若 d=15,有 10 个这样的纸条,求粘合后的纸带的长度 L (2)若 d=18,现需要长度 L=362cm 的纸带,则需要多少个这样的纸条? 18、若将一圆柱体木块过轴切成四块(图 1),表面积会增加 168 平方厘米,若与上下底 面平行将它切成三块(图 2),表面积会增加 113.4 平方厘米,求将它切成一个最大的圆 锥体(图 3),体积减少了多少(π=3.14)19、已知等比数列{an}的各项均为正数,a1=3, (1)求{an}的通项公式。(2)若以 a1,a2,3a3 为一个三角形的三边长,求三角形的最大内角的余弦值。 20、已知函数 (1)求函数的图像在点(-1,f(-1))处的切线方程 (2)求函数 f(x)的单调区间。 21、案例分析 《比的基本性质》公开课的教学片断: 在师生共同探索归纳总结出比的基本性质之后,某教师出示了一道练习题:把 21:28 优化

成最简单的整数比,学生们很快给出了两种解法: 方法 1: 方法 2: 教师在肯定了学生的解法后,准备教学后面的内容,忽然又位学生举起了手,教师一边继 续教学,一边若无其事地走到这位学生身旁,顺手把他举起的手轻轻地按了下去,…… 课后,教师了解到学生有新方法:这位学生把化简与最大公因数联系起来,这是教师没有想到的方法 (1)分析上述教学片断,指出教学过程中师生教学行为的可取之处 (2)对教学过程中存在的问题进行原因分析并给出教学方案 #p#副标题#e#22、教学设计 根据以下《课程》要求和素材,撰写一份侧重创新意识培养的教学过程设计(只要求写教 学过程)《义务教育数学课程标准(2011 年版)》指出,创新意识的培养室现代数学教 育的基本任务,应体现在数学教与学的过程中,学生自己发现和提出问题是创新的基础, 独立思考、学会思考是创新的核心,归纳概括得到猜想和规律并加以验证,是创新的重要 方法,创新意识的培养应从义务教育阶段做起,贯穿数学教育的始终: 素材:观察下列等式的得数: 1=12,1+3=22,1+3+5=32,1+3+5+7=42 (1)猜想: 1+3+5+7+9= (2)验证: 1+3+5+7+9+11= (3)请你将猜想到的规律用含有自然数的代数式表达出来





1.在教育部印发的《小学教师专业标准》中,要求教师掌握“所教学科的课程标准和教学知识”、“掌握小学教育教学基本理论”、“掌握小学生品行养成的特征和规律”等,这些知识属于( B )。

A.学科知识 B.教育教学知识 C.通识性知识 D.小学生发展知识

2.下列选项中,符合《安徽省中小学办学行为规范(试行)》规定的是( A )。





3.根据《中华人民共和国教师法》,下列不属于教师权利的是( D )。





4.“教育即生活,教育即生长、教育即经验的不断改造”的提出者是( D )

A.苏格拉底 B.柏拉图 C.夸美纽斯 D.杜威

5.教育在于使青年社会化——在我们每一个人之中,造成一个社会的我,这便是教育的目的,体现教育目的的观点是( C )

A.个人本位论 B.文化本位论 C.社会本位论 D.科学本位论

6.基础教育课程改革提出建立课程的三级管理体制,这三级分别是( B )

A.省、县、乡 B.国家、地方、学校

C.教育部、教育厅、教育局 D.中央、省、市县

7.以学生主体性活动和经验为中心建立起来的课程理论是 ( C )

A.要素主义课程论 B.建构主义课程论

C.儿童中心课程论 D.社会中心课程论

8.第斯多惠指出“教师本人是学校里最重要的师表,是最直观的、最有教益的模范,是学生最活生生的榜样”,这段话,体现教师劳动的 ( B )特点。

A.复杂性 B.示范性 C.长期性 D.创造性

9.为了使学生获得一点知识的亮光,教师应吸进整个光的海洋,这句话指教师应该是( A )。

A.广博的专业知识 B.崇高的专业理想 C.精湛的专业技能 D.勤勉的专业态度

10.某教师在给学生讲述改革开放成就的同时,还鼓励学生通过“我和爸爸的童年”活动,直观地了解改革开放以来社会发展变化,该教师运用了德育原则是( A )。

A.正面疏导 B.因材施教 C.长善救失 D.知行统一

11.某学校通过组织学生演课本剧,引发学生的内心价值观教育,发展学生的同情心和移情能力,该校所用的德育方法是( C )

A.说服教育法 B.榜样示范法 C.角色扮演法 D.品德评价法

12.下列各项中较准确体现了启发式教学思想的是( B )

A.各因其材 B.开而弗达 C.学不躐等 D.人不知而不愠

13.教学过程由四个阶段组成,提出问题阶段,提出假设阶段、形成概念、运用新概念 这种教学模式属于( A )

A.发现教学模式 B.掌握教学模式 C.范例教学模式 D. 非指导性教学模式

14.将大班教学,小班教学,个人独立研究三种教学形式结合起来,着力培养学生思考问题,研究问题。解决问题的教学组织形式是( B )

A.道尔顿制 B.特普朗制 C.设计教学法 D.文纳特卡制

15.课堂提问之后,教师对学生的回答予以回应,比如接受学生观点,或回头表扬,或指出回答的不当之处,这种行为能称为( D )

A. 发问 B.侯答 C. 叫答 D.理答

16.教师对学生充满了信任,关心,真诚鼓励和帮助学生取得进步,学生因此而学到正面的价值态度和行为,这种学习属于( A )

A.观察学习 B.自主学习 C.参与式学习 D.接受式学习

17.以某一群体的平均成绩为参照标准来确定被实验相对位置的评价属于(C )

A.实验定向评价 B.标准参照评价 C.常模参照评价 D.个体内差异评价

18.“小学生经常表现出的帮助,生存或求助他人,与他人合作、分享、谦让,甚至赞扬他人,使他人愉快等行为及倾向被称为( A )

A.亲社会行为 B.侵犯行为 C.反复无常行为 D.冲动行为

19.教师资格证书的适用范围上( D )

A.全县 B.全市 C.全省 D.全国

20.精力旺盛,勇敢果断,热情直率但容易感情用事、鲁莽《水浒传》中李逵是这种气质类型的代表是( B )

A.多面质 B.胆汁质 C.粘湿质 D.残角质

21.学生上课思想开小差,心不在焉,教师突然加重语气是为了引起学生的( D )

A.知觉 B.想象 C.无意注意 D.有意注意

22.下列关于错觉表述正确的是( C )

A.错觉是人们头脑中出现的幻觉 B.错觉是由主客观事物本身改变引起的

C.错觉是事物的一种不正确的知觉 D.错觉对于人们认识客观世界是有消极作用

23.我们熟悉的某位身材高大的人,不会因为他站的远,看上去矮小,就把他知觉为一位身材矮小的人,这是知觉的( C )

A.整体性 B.恒意义 C.恒常性 D.选择性

24.小学生在解答应用题时,推理的间断性不断增强,并能不断掌握正算法则,把握事物数量变化的规律性,表明小学生的思维发展具有( B )


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