
art,,老师都走了 老师走了舞蹈

节日作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 节日作文】

篇一:《Unit 1 Art综合训练教师版》




1. faith (n.) _________ (adj.) 忠实的 __________ (adv.) 2.predict (v. )____________(n.)

3.adopt (v.) ___________(adj.) __________(n.)


5.possess (v.) __________(n.)拥有,所有;____________(n.) 财产

6. evident(adj.) _________(n.) ____________(adv.) 7.prefer (v.) ______________(n.)


9. impress(v)____________(n)印象__________(adj)令人印象深刻的



11. exhibit(v)__________(n.) 12.appeal (v./n.) ____________(adj.)吸引人的

13. scholar(n)__________(n)奖学金 14.sculpture (n.) ____________(n.) 雕塑家

15. technique (n.)______________(adj.) 16.Egypt (n.)__________(adj./n.)

faithful, faithfully; prediction; adopted, adoption; religious; possession, possessions; evidence, evidently; preference; reality, realize; impression, impressive, impressionism, impressionist; believe, believable, unbelievable; exhibition; appealing; scholarship; sculptor; technical; Egyptian


1. The _________ of large amounts of ____________ does not always bring

happiness .(possess)

2.Mary had been ill for a long time and ______________ (consequent) she was behind in her work.

3. The _________maid had _______ in her master and served him __________.(faith)

4. It is _________that he has left the _________to the police. (evident)

5. I have a ___________for Picasso’s abstract paintings.(prefer)

possession, possessions; consequently; faithful, faith, faithfully; evident, evidence; preference


1. The word “honesty” is an___________(抽象的)noun.

2.What is your_________(目标) in life?

3. In our country, a___________(典型的) family may have only one child.

4. You look _____________(可笑的) in those tight jeans.

5.The expert ____________(预言) that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future

abstract; aim; typical; ridiculous; predicts


1. 巧合地 _______________ 2. 另一方面 __________________

3. 大量_________________ 4. 有吸引力;感兴趣______________

5. 充满_______________ 6.偏爱某物____________________

7. 关注__________________ 8. 从""脱离__________________

9. 渴望做某事________________ 10. 努力/尝试做某事_________________

11. 活着的;本人______________ 12. 宁愿__________________________

13. 与""同时代__________________ 14. 对""过敏_________________

by coincidence; on the other hand; a great deal; appeal to; be full of; have a preference for; concentrate on; break away from; be eager to do sth.; attempt to do sth.; in the flesh; would rather; be contemporary with; be allergic to

1. My mother ___________________many substances, such as flowers, so she can’t touch or even get close to them.

2. In computer games, I ________________The Age of the Empire.

3. Does this piece of music ___________you.

4. He ate ______________for lunch today.

5. The job wasn’t very interesting, but ____________________ it was well-paid. is allergic to; have a preference to; appeal to; a great deal; on the other hand;


1. 在过去几个月里,我们的医疗队取得了很大成功。(a great deal)

Our medical team has achieved a great deal in the last few months.

2. 他很聪明,但另一方面,他经常犯许多错误。(on the one hand,.. on the other hand ) On the one hand, he is very clever, but on the other hand, he often makes many mistakes.

3. 如果我是你,我会在房子周围种些树。(if)

If I were you, I would plant some trees around the house.

4. 令人惊奇的是,他很了解刘翔。

It is amazing that he knows Liu Xiang very well.

5. 如果你想实现目标,就要努力采取不同的方法。

If you want to achieve your aim, you should attempt to adopt different ways. 七选五{art,,老师都走了}.

71 ___When a person does a certain thing again, he is impelled(迫使) by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly; thus a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. _72__Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits, and sometimes become ruined by them.

73 ____Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and thoroughness. Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. 74___ Unfortunately older persons often form habits which ought to have been avoided.


A. There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help.

B. Whether good or not habit are, they are easy to get rid of.

C. We ought to keep from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will prove good for ourselves and others.

D. Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed.

E. It is very important for us to know why we should get used to good habits. F. These are all easily formed habits.

G. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.




1、元宵节是春节后的第一个重要节日。元宵节的习俗在全国各地不尽相同,其中赏花灯(lanterns exhibits)、猜灯谜、吃元宵等是几项最常见的民间习俗。据说,吃元宵的习俗起源于汉代,唐宋时期开始盛行。如今,元宵已成为人们的日常饮食之一,在超市一年四季都可以买到。

The Yuanxiao Festival is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. Although customs of the festival vary from region to region, the most common ones include appreciating lantern exhibits, trying to solve riddles written on lanterns, and eating yuanxiao. It is said that the custom of eating yuanxiao originated from the Han Dynasty and became popular during the Tang and Song periods. Nowadays, yuanxiao has become a food in people’s daily life, which is available in supermarkets all the year round.

2、皮影戏(shadow puppetry)是流行于中国的一门古老民间艺术。这种艺术形式产生于两千多年前,到了宋代,皮影戏已十分发达。13世纪时,皮影戏传到西亚,到了18世纪传到世界很多地方。皮影戏是世界上最早由人配音的影画艺术。过去没有电影、



Shadow puppetry is an ancient folk art popular among the Chinese people. The art form first appeared 2,000 years ago and by the Song Dynasty it had become highly developed. In the 13th century it was introduced into West Asia, and by the 18th century, it had spread to many parts of the world. Shadow puppetry is the world’s earliest movie art with the accompaniment of human voice. In the past, without film, television, or other modern entertainments, shadow puppetry was an important form of entertainment.

3、中医(traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM)历经几千年的发展,形成了一套独特的疗法和理论体系。中医认为人体由阴阳元素(the elements of yin and yang) 组成。如果人体阴阳平衡,人就不会生病。中医强调对整个身体的治疗,目的是调节整个身体的平衡。最近几十年来,中医得到西方人的认可,并日益受到西方人的关注。

With thousands of years’ development, TCM has formed a unique set of treatments and theories. TCM holds that the human body is made up of the elements of yin and yang. When there is a


balance between yin and yang in the body, the person will be free of disease. TCM emphasizes treatment of the whole body with the aim of regulating the balance of the whole body. Over the last few decades, TCM has gained recognition in the West and is attracting increasing attention from the Westerners.


Chinese martial arts, also known as kungfu, are an important part of traditional Chinese culture. People practice martial arts for a variety of purposes: self-defense, competition, entertainment, as well as mental and physical health. With the increasing international cultural exchanges, Chinese martial arts are becoming more and more popular with foreigners. Many foreigners come to China to learn Chinese kung fu.



Calligraphy, China’s special art of writing, is a unique art treasure in the world. The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of the Chinese characters. Calligraphy is not only a means of communication, but also a means of expressing a person’s inner world. It well reflects the calligrapher’s personal feelings, knowledge, personality, and so forth.


Speaking of ancient Chinese civilization in science and technology, people will naturally think of the Four Great Inventions,

namely the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing. These four inventions are symbols of ancient China’s advanced science and technology and are of great historical significance. They greatly promoted the development of politics, economy and culture in ancient China and had a tremendous influence on the process of world civilization.



Hangzhou, one of China’s six ancient capital cities, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is famous not only for its natural beauty but also for its charm of cultural traditions. Besides many poems and inscriptions by men of letters through the dynasties, it also boasts local delicacies and pretty handicrafts. Generally speaking, a two-day tour of West Lake and scenic spots around it is advisable for a tourist. As a tourist, you will find it a pleasant and culturally rewarding trip to Hangzhou.

篇三:《选修六Unit 1 Art 当堂训练教师版》

选修六Unit 1 Art


一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

The word “honesty” is an a____________ noun.

2.Which do you like better, his paintings or s______________?

3. There are many art g_____________ in New York. 4.They are to put on an e______________ of French paintings next week.

5.An a___________ country is always ready to start a war

6.His a_______ is to be a successful writer.{art,,老师都走了}.

7.You’ll soon be c____________ that she is right, though you think not now.

8.The prisoners a___________ to escape, but failed. 9.The keys are in the p________________ of the boss.

10. She was the f__________ of everyone’s attention at the party.

11. In the picture the tree is the s______________ of life while the snake stands for evil.

12. He has lost his b____________ in the God.

13. The expert p________ that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future.

14. He made a r__________ drawing of a horse. (他画了一匹栩栩如生的马)

15. I’m afraid I have never been much of a ________________(学者).

16. You look r_______________ (可笑的)in those tight jeans.

17. The professor made a ______________ speech. ( 可能引起争议的)

18. Was Johnson _________ (同时代的)with Shakespeare ?

19. Would you please let me know your p_______________ address( 固定地址 ) ?

20. Having the _________ of being honest,responsible and reliable will make other people trust you.

Keys : Uint 1 Vocabulary 一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

1.abstrcat 2.sculptures 3.galleries 4.exhibition 5.aggressive 6.aim

7.convinced 8.attempted 9.possession 10.focus 11.symbol 12.belief

13.predict 14.realistic 15.schoolar 16.rediculous 17.controversial

18.contemporary 19.permanent 20.reputation



1.When she wore the dress, Jane ___________ a princess. 2.They are _____________ urgent problems at present. 3.The thief managed to

_____________________the policeman.

4.Your explanation has _______ me _____ a clear understanding.

5.I was _________________ a magazine in the bedroom when she called me.

6.You can’t be ____________________ the house until all the papers have been signed.

7.I got up late and ___________ I was late for my plane for Beijing.

8.I have __________ CDs at home. Would you like to come and enjoy some?

9.The film star looks thinner ________________ than in the photograph.

10.We should value it , because it has cost us ____________.

11. He hurried home, ________ fear.

12.We couldn’t _____________ him _____ his mistake. 13.On one hand I valued his friendship, but ________________________ I disliked his self-pride and selfishness.

Keys: 1.felt like 2, focusing on 3.break away from 4.led to 5.looking through 6.in possession of 7.consequently 8.scores of 9.in the flesh 10.a great deal 11.full of 12.convinced…of 13.on the other hand

篇四:《人教版 高二英语选修6 Unit1 Art》


阅读这篇文章需要你在一个安静可以连上互联网的地方(方便点开链接查询) 有自己的思想、有创意的人更适合国外的思维方式。而如果语言不通的话,不仅会跟不上课程,而且还会导致生活上寸步难行。









2.确定留学法国后,文化与知识的载体—语言,法语语言能力的准备,学习法语。 (个人学习法语的一些小心得与感触)法语学习的教程与在线学习资源

武汉是法国的友好城市,教授法语的地方有武汉法语联盟alliance francaise,武汉大学WTO双学位以及一些小型的外语种培训机构。




法语学习的教程与在线学习资源,《不花钱学法语》这本书挪列了许多关于法语学习的在线资源。Alter ego是法语联盟Alliance francaise所用的教材,我个人很喜欢哒~{art,,老师都走了}.



简介 pastel系统是法国外交及欧洲事务部为电子化处理学生材料所使用的官方系统。 它可以使学生在线管理全部程序(表格查询、注册法语考试、选择面试等)。通过使用留言系统,学生可以通过Pastel系统-点击发送一个消息向法国教育服务中心提出所有想要了解的问题,中心将在48小时内做出回复。


















7.预定飞机票 air france, 携程



海外学校的申请就是要自身语言足够好,可以浏览外文网站,发email。记得有个在新欧洲实习过的学姐说过网上打多数中文有关海外院校信息都是被中介垄断的,所以申请学校尽量看法语版的信息,就是官网信息,给International 或者responsibled’admission发邮件,不懂就发邮件问哒。

篇六:《Unit 5 Art and Music 教师》

Unit 11

Art and Music Part I Warm-up Activities A Directions: Below are three of the world"s most famous artists. Match them with the corresponding works of art.

1. Michelangelo 2. Vincent Van Gogh 3. Leonardo da Vinci

A The Starry Night C The Last Supper B The Statue of David

The Starry Night: Vincent Van Gogh 2-A

The Statue of David: Michelangelo 1-B

The Last Night

: Leonardo da Vinci 3-C

B Directions: Read the following reviews of the above works. Which artistic work does each refer to? Do you agree with them?

1. Their uproar, however, is soundless. The painting is called "dumb poetry" —- a form of sign language like that used by those who cannot speak or hear.

2. even with a dark night such as this it is still possible to see light in the windows of the houses.

3. life-like it is astonishing. You feel as if he is watching

everyone around him. The size is so real and accurate. Simply amazing.

C Directions: The following are the pictures of three famous musicians. Join a partner

and talk about what you know about them.

1. Ludwig van Beethoven (December 17 1770 –March 26 1827) was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. His best known compositions include 9 symphonies, 5 concertos for piano, 32 piano sonatas, and 16 string quartets. He also composed other chamber music, choral works (including the celebrated Missa Solemnis), and songs.

2. Karen Anne Carpenter (March 2, 1950 – February 4, 1983) was an American singer and drummer. She and her brother, Richard, formed the 1970s duo Carpenters, commonly called The Carpenters. She had a contralto vocal range,[1] and her skills as a drummer earned admiration from her peers, although she is best known for her vocal performances of romantic ballads.

3. Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist and entertainer. In that decade, he became the world"s most popular entertainer thanks to a series of hit records — “Beat It,” "Billie Jean,” “Thriller” — and dazzling music videos. His music bridged races and ages and absolutely defined the video age. Jackson met his own untimely death Thursday at age 50

Useful Words and Expressions

art gallery 画廊,美术馆 country music 乡村音乐

sculpture雕像 folk music 民谣

symbolise 象征 Jazz爵士

inspiration 灵感,启发 symphony交响曲

depict 描绘 classical music 古典音乐

renaissance 文艺复兴 rock"n"roll摇滚乐

classicism 古典主义

post-Impressionism 后印象派



graphic arts 形象艺术

heavy metal 重金属音乐 swing 摇摆乐 melody 旋律 rhythm 节拍 lyrics 歌词

subtle 微妙的{art,,老师都走了}.


somber (颜色)灰暗的

representation 描绘

landscape 风景画


still life 静物

cultivate one's taste 陶冶情操

stimulate the mind 激发思维 Presley 猫王 Banjo 班卓琴 spotlight 聚光灯 hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘 soothing 慰藉的 inspire 激励 mundane 平常的 rev up (使)活跃起来 meditative 冥想的

Part II Listening

1. Word Facts

Directions: Listen to a talk about the explanations of some usually mentioned terms in painting. After listening, select correct term in the frame to fill in the blanks. Change the form when necessary. Notice that the terms provided outnumber the ones you may use in the task.

still lives with an F – L I F E S.

2) 3)

4) 5) a scene from Ovid"s Metamorphosis.

6) 7) If the picture is of a private moment, such as a woman brushing her hair, for example,

we might say that it"s an 8) If you"re not sure what message a picture is trying to tell you, you might say that it"s


A subject of a painting is the person or thing that the painting is of.

"The subject looks off into the distance, past the edges of the painting…"

Very often, we divide paintings into groups which have different kinds of subject. Here are the most common groups of paintings:

A portrait – the subject of a portrait is a person

A landscape – the subject of a landscape is a piece of land

A still life – the subject of a still life is a set of objects such as flowers or fruit. And, the plural of still life is still lives with an F – L I F E S.

A history painting – The subject of a history painting is a scene from history, or from religious or mythical stories

A genre painting – a genre painting shows a scene from everyday life, such as a market place

An abstract – abstracts do not represent the way something looks but use shape and colour in interesting ways

So that"s portraits, landscapes, still lives, history paintings, genre paintings and abstracts. When people talk about paintings, they don"t always use the word "painting". They sometimes use the word "work" as a count noun:

"It"s a really remarkable work."

or they can use the word "piece".

"This portrait is one of Rembrandt"s most famous pieces."

Canvas is the material that an oil painting is on…

"If you look closely

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