
富贵竹、蓬莱松、仙人掌、罗汉松、七叶莲、棕竹,发财树、君子兰、球兰、兰花、仙客来、柑桔、巢蕨、龙血树 罗汉松和蓬莱松风水

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【 – 节日作文】



Feng shui, plant the most the most authoritative

explanation in detail


As long as the thought of the residence of the company instead of auspicious photograph, we often make use of trees to improve. In the soil of the triangle planting trees, for example, missing Angle orientation trees to be planted in the building, or even trees to be planted on the outside of the house, also can mask evil meaning.


It just goes to show that trees reiki, how important it is to humans. But then again! Although trees of reiki is very important to us, however, are not any trees to be able to bring auspicious meaning. In private homes, for example, there are some trees can't grow, because they are with the company.


Fierce wood species


Willow, plantain, figs, cherry trees, MuLian, yucca, cucurbit flute, ju, poplar, etc. 原则上,这些树木不能种植于私宅的庭园。因为它们是凶木,不可能带来树木所具有的吉相。尤其是杨柳绝对不能种植于私人的住宅。否则,将使一家人的运势反转;也就是说,女性将以男人自居主导一切,而男性却不能发挥男人应有的机能。这就是杨柳特有的凶意。尤其是孩子将变得虚弱不堪。

In principle, these trees cannot be grown in private garden. Because they are fierce wood, could not bring trees of auspicious photograph. In particular, willow must not be grown in private homes. Otherwise, will make the family fortunes turn; That is to say, women will be acting the men dominate everything, while men can not play man proper function. This is willow peculiar fierce. Especially children will become weak. 另外在特定条件下以下一些树木回成为凶木:

Also under certain conditions some trees become fierce back wood:


Homestead narrow private homes and became fierce wood: Japanese persimmon trees, peach trees, glycine in fruit trees, barrel, dates, sweet stone willow tree, the plum tree, grapefruit tree, kumquat tree, wait a loquat tree.


Ginkgo biloba tree will grow higher than the roof:, camphor wood, Chinese fir.


Garden have these trees have to transplant them elsewhere. Some people think that cut not have? Cut them is very simple, but fierce meaning will increase more. Trees have considerable, in particular, more can't cut down.


All living creatures in this world, have attached the nimbus of the universe. Just as humans have a soul, it also have a tree in spirit. All things with each other, maintain the ecological balance. Is so, we have to try to make the tree spirit to survive, otherwise, his family also is hard to achieve happiness. Can cut down one thousand, they are forced to, you must hold a "ceremony" oninousness soul, spirit to off the tree. 即便要移种到别处也得举行奠基仪式。因为树木已经在同一个地点活了几十乃至几百年、几千年。就算只移植数公尺也必须先祈祷树木移植后不会枯萎,然后才动手移植。至于丝兰的话,如果只有一、两棵,那就把它移植到屋子的附近吧! Even want to move to somewhere else held the foundation stone laying ceremony, too. Because trees has lived in the same place dozens or even hundreds of years, thousands of years. Even if only transplant several meters must pray trees transplantation will not wither, and then began to transplant. As to yucca, if only one or two, then put it into near a house!


The willows and other trees transplanted to the temples, schools, etc. The most ideal. 能够结实的树木,如果屋子周围有一千坪以上的地皮,那就不会带来凶意。对于建地内数目过多的凶木,只要移植的屋子的境界线附近就行,不必去管什么方位。 Can strong trees, if have more than one thousand flat land around the house, it won't bring fierce. For fierce wooden building sites within the number too much, as long as the transplantation of the house is near the border line, don't mind bearing.


As for grow very high trees, pick the heart way are available, and prevent it from growing continuously. As fir grow to ten meters, the branches covered will reach the scope of 5 meters. Like this high tree might as well the qijia pruning, to limit the growth of it.


Usually, spinose or when the needle shaped like the cuckoo, roses, cactus, etc is not suitable to put in the home, otherwise it will affect the health of the family, may appear in the story family sick in turn.

适合在家中摆放的植物很多,可选择一些枝叶茂盛的植物摆在家中,颜色以青绿为上选,有花朵的亦可。品种有紫罗兰、万年青、龙骨、黄金葛等等,这些植物可使家人活力充沛,工作有魄力。但要小心照护,勿以为只要摆放了便可坐收其利,如发现有花枝枯萎时,应尽快剪除,否则工作上会阻滞重重,家人运气不顺。 Suitable for a lot of plants is put in the home, can choose a few luxuriant foliage plant in the home, the color in turquoise, for choose, there are also flowers. Varieties have violet, evergreen, keel, Huang Jinge, etc., these plants can make the family dynamic, there is energy. But be careful care, don't think that as long as put stood to its advantages, such as is found when the flowers wither, should be cut off as soon as possible, otherwise the work will be block, family bad luck.


Indoor plants and water are: feng shui theory for greening "of village, township of the trees, of people there are clothes, thin afraid cold. Too thick bitter heat. In this sense, to neutralize the Yin and Yang". Inside and outside around the house and yard YiZhong what tree? What should not be again? Geomantic learn proprietary: "the peach willow (yi ma), east west elm, south of mei jujube (yi cow), north of nai apricot". "All trees curtilage, back home fierce" "residential four side bamboo table cui into wealth" "court Lord say good bye to plant trees, of the guard of jujube wedding auspicious; court more carefree stranded heart kind of wood, long division main harm plants" graft "door in the tree, the expensive iii; curtilage elm, a ghost does not close". "Curtilage east have apricot, curtilage north lee, curtilage west have peach is wise." According to the research results show that: "the plant itself has Yin and Yang, also exist between plants based on and restrict each other, people and plants is based on…" .


People and plants also have based on relationship. Such as amaranth jin ge, banana trees, exhaled carbon dioxide at night, with people in oxygen chamber fairy; Cordate telosma release odor, make indoor people with high blood pressure and heart disease, feel uncomfortable. These plants phase grams with people. Bracketplant is filtered air, with people born, has prosperous curtilage the evil spirit action. Indoor can put more. In addition, the cactus plants? Quot; Longqing was, "" jade kirin" and so on also has a

flourishing curtilage very role. There is "rose", "thorn cuckoo", and other plants, can put in indoor "down a" and "evil". Is in geomantic go up to also have evil spirit action. 根据风水学的要求室内植物摆设充分发挥人与植物相生之要素,达到人与植物和谐。住宅内部各部位摆放植物的品种如下:

According to the requirement of the geomantic learn indoor plant decoration give full play to people with plants combination of elements, achieve harmonious human and plants. Each part of the housing internal put plant varieties are as follows:


1, the bedroom chooses of cactus, celestial being, bracketplant, roses, tulips, late king, lily, van hoof lotus, halcyon, NingXiang, moderate. Children under robinia couples and beauty, quiet, easy to sleep and rest well.


2, should pay attention to some of the sitting room, can choose variety for FuGuiZhu, penglai, cactus, podocarpus, scandent schefflera stem and leaf, bamboo brown, rich tree, clivia, orchid, orchid, sowbread, citrus, nest tree fern, dragon blood, etc., these plants geely in fengshui thing ", may everything goes well, accumulate fat.


3, study is full of elegant qi, plant should be put in the master of wenchang bits. Shanzhu, asparagus, optional FuGuiZhu, ivy, etc. These plants can strengthen people SiWeiLi, good learning, on the desk can also put a basin of leaves of grass Chang thin ning god: prevent insomnia.


4, the main dining room health, neat uniform. Plants can take yellow roses, yellow carnations, first Huang Suxin etc, is given priority to with orange, increase appetite and promote good health.


5, the balcony should be according to the matching ever-green flowers and sunshine conditions, such as jasmine, chrysanthemum, Dutch, Chinese flowering crabapple. Passion fruit, carnation, begonia, asparagus, sunflower, milan, osmanthus, crab, etc.; All kinds of flower, want to will be positive close to the sunshine, negative on the behind, daylighting is properly placed.



1、 苗木运输:

2、 地形整理

3、 乔木定位

4、 树穴开挖

5、 乔木种植回填

6、 浇水养护

7、 树体保湿与营养均衡 8、 病虫害的防治



文章主题标签: 广州园林绿化 广州园林设计 广州园林工程 广州绿化工程 广州植物租摆



● 金盏菊与月季种在一起,能有效地控制土壤线虫,使月季茁壮生长;

● 葡萄与紫罗兰种在一起,结出的葡萄香味更浓;

● 牡丹和芍药间种,能明显促进牡丹生长,使牡丹枝繁叶茂,花大色艳;

● 红瑞木与槭树、接骨木与云杉、核桃与山楂、板栗与油松可以互相促进。

● 百合和玫瑰种养或瓶插在一起,可延长花期。

● 山茶花、茶梅、红花油茶等与山茶子放在一起,可明显减少霉病。

● 朱顶红和夜来香、山茶红葱兰、石榴花和太阳花、泽绣球和月季、一串红和豌豆花种在一起,双方都有利。松树、杨树和锦鸡儿在一起,都有良好作用,

● 欧洲云杉同树莓榛、花椒都能很好地生活灰一起,当它们的根紧宻交织在一起时,更能促进生长。 ● 花期仅一天的旱金莲如与柏树放在一起,花期可延长至3天;

● 山茶花、茶梅、红花油茶等,与山苍子摆放一起,可明显减少霉污病。

● 洋葱和胡萝卜是好朋友,它们发出的气味可相互驱逐害虫;

● 大豆喜欢与蓖麻相处,蓖麻发出的气味使危害大豆的金龟子望而生畏;

● 玉米和豌豆间作,二者生长健壮,互相得益;

● 根茎叶都能散发出化学物质的莲线草与萝卜混作,在半个月内就长出了大萝卜。

● 禾本科牧草根很多,能分泌出有机酸促进团粒结构的形成,为豆科植物所利用。而豆科植物的根系不仅能够帮助土壤形成粒结构,还能制造氮肥促进禾本科牧草的生长。


● 刺槐、丁香的分泌物对临近花木生长都有抑制作用;丁香与紫罗兰不能混种;{富贵竹、蓬莱松、仙人掌、罗汉松、七叶莲、棕竹,发财树、君子兰、球兰、兰花、仙客来、柑桔、巢蕨、龙血树}.

● 稠李抑制某些植物生长;

● 核桃的叶子和根能分泌一种物质,对海棠等蔷薇属花木和多种草本花卉有抑制作用,

● 桃树周围也不宜种杉树;

● 葡萄不能与小叶榆间种;

● 榆树不能与栎树、白桦间种;

● 松树与云杉不能间种;

● 接骨木根系的分泌物抑制松树、杨树的生长;

● 各种花卉栽在果树旁,会加速花朵凋谢。

● 水仙和铃兰休想为邻,长在一起则会“同归于尽”;

● 丁香种在铃兰香的旁边,会立即萎篶。丁香的香味也会危及水仙的生命。

● 将丁香、紫罗兰、郁金香、勿忘我养在一起,彼此都会受害。

● 薄荷、月季等能分泌芳香物质的花卉,对临近花卉的生态有一定抑制作用。

● 桧柏与梨、海棠不要种在一起,以免后者患上锈病,导致落叶落果。

● 玫瑰花和木犀草在一起,前者今排挤后者,使共凋谢;而木犀草在凋谢前后又会放出一种化学物质,使玫瑰中毒死亡。

● 成熟的苹果、香蕉等,若和正开放的玫瑰、月季、水仙等放在一起,前者释放出的乙烯,会使盆花早谢,从而缩短观赏期。

● 夹竹桃的叶、皮及根部分泌出夹竹甙和胡桃醌,会伤害其他花卉。

● 绣球和茉莉、大丽菊和月季、水仙和铃兰、玫瑰和丁香种在一起,会使双方或其中一方受害。松树不能和接骨木共处,它不但能强烈抑制松树生长,还会使临近接骨木下的松子不能发芽,它不能排挤白叶钻天杨的生长。松树同白蜡械、云杉、栎树和白桦等都有对抗关系,结果是松树凋萎。柏树和橘树也不易在起生长。

● 如胡桃的根系能分泌出一种叫胡桃醌的物质,在土壤中水解氧化后,其有极大的毒性,能造成松树、苹果、马铃薯、西红柿、桦木及多种草本植物受害或致死。

● 此外,丁香、薄荷、月桂能分泌大量芳香物质,对相邻植物的生态有抑制作用,最好不要与其他盆花长时间摆放一块;桧柏的挥发性油类,含有醚和三氯四烷,会使其他花卉植物的呼吸减缓、停止生长,呈中毒现象。























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